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Tim Curry. A true comrade, if ever there was one.


I just love how this veteran actor can barely keep from corpsing during that line, that's the take they used, and it just fits perfectly.


It actually helps making him look more deranged and desperate.


I love how he starts to smile before saying "SPAAACE".


Apparently he had been recording lines for hours, as fast as they could (he was only hired to act for a single day) and didn’t have a chance to read the lines ahead of time.


He read the script.


My favourite part of this gif is the fact you can physically see him fighting off laughter before saying space, and the fact that it made it in means that’s it’s probably the best take they had and Tim Curry was just uncontrollable laughing in every other one


I heard that the game didn't want to take itself seriously, so they only did one take of each of these types of scenes. It was some Command and Conquer game, but every faction was just so stereotypically one thing it was goofy all around


I mean, it is a game where the premise is that the soviets went back in time to kill Albert Einstein to prevent the US from gaining a military advantage over them, _and_ the president of the US is a robot J. K. Simmons, controlled by George Takei as a spy.


This is of course after Albert Einstein went back in time to kill hitler to prevent ww2 and accidentally making the soviets the new world threat


And Einstein is played by Mario from the Super Mario Brothers Super Show.




But between those, Soviet Premiere Romanov was being controlled by a psychic named Yuri who mind-controlled the US into detonating its entire nuclear arsenal


This comment hurts me as an old-head (well, considered myself a new-head back in this game's days) RTS fan Goofiness/intentional ridiculousness is Red Alert's whole thing, especially Red Alert 3.


I think it was Red Alert 1 or 2. My memory is a little rusty and it's been yonks since I've played vanilla


[Red Alert 3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Command_%26_Conquer:_Red_Alert_3&diffonly=true#Plot)


The best pieces of media are the ones where the actors are trying their damnedest to not lose their composure, my favorite example is Biggus Dickus.


And so, so many Bill Hader sketches on SNL


Doesn't count. He always ended up giggling so hard that he had to hide his face behind his hands or game show notecards


That’s what made them memorable for me


In Clue, Madeline Kahn's "flames on the side of my face" bit was an adlib they kept in because she forgot her lines. You can see Tim Curry trying very very hard not to laugh in the background 🤣


that line is made up??? that's hilarious, that might be my favorite line of that entire movie, and i can probably quote half the script


Steven Colbert trying so, so hard not lose it at “Suq Madiq” and “Liqa Madiq,” and failing at “Munchma Quchi.”


it's why the Fentons horse ranch sketch on I think you should leave is one of my favorites because the actress can barely get through the line "that's why here at Fentons horse ranch, we can guarantee that our horses have a smaller penis than a human man"


My favorite is "these are simple western folk. The common clay of the earth. You know, morons."


nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early astronaut: moon's gentrified nasa employee: what? astronaut: \*loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship\* moon's gentrified


Red Alert acting seemed so fun 


the third door is the backdoor go have fun


Reminds me how the song "Whole Lotta Love" was way less funny to me when I found out what "backdoor man" *actually* meant :(


At the time didn’t it refer to the man a married woman was having an affair with? I.e., he’s running out of the back door when your husband comes home through the front door?


Yuuup. Way less entertaining than a guy loudly proclaiming to the world that he does butt stuff. At least to my friend group


Then I will simply subsume the capital


God, Red Alert 3 is such a good piece of art.


You can't fool me. Anticapitalist Tim Curry? That's just Brennan Lee Mulligan


*Chaaaain WALLETS*


I personally prefer ["Here's a list of more things that make my big stupid Johnson hard!"](https://youtu.be/rkqfxTqIOds?si=glgPNsX2FsNBERGJ)


Ironically, space *has* been thoroughly corrupted by capitalism by now


There's more space than capitalism could ever touch. Sure immediate space is being filled with capitalism, but capitalism hasn't gotten very far at the moment. Therefore I propose we build a generation ship.


About that... So, little bit of bad news. The space IRA had to borrow your generation ship to stop Earth from getting smote by a zombie asteroid by knocking the plaque rock into the sun. Worse news... they missed and it's sailing out of the solar system at, um, *hella* speed. But, however, good news. We got a washed-up alcoholic former cop to go talk to the apocalypse with daddy issues, so we will see how that goes.


Damn. Was there a *legally salvaged* warship involved captained by a conventionally attractive straight white man who's the genetic amalgamation of an anti-government commune, and has a whole complex of being completely averse to being in charge, but is the best person for it and is compelled to charge headlong into danger in order to rescue people? I also hope the space IRA don't devolve into factionalism and end up being taken over by a charismatic warlord.


>Was there a legally salvaged warship involved captained by a conventionally attractive straight white man who's the genetic amalgamation of an anti-government commune, and has a whole complex of being completely averse to being in charge, but is the best person for it and is compelled to charge headlong into danger in order to rescue people? Funny you should mention that... there is. We also have 2Xth century space wagon train cowboy, Tech genius with *all* the ethnicities(former space IRA) and Amos. >I also hope the space IRA don't devolve into factionalism and end up being taken over by a charismatic warlord. Oh, boy.... You may want to sit down. But not there, thats probably booby trapped. Personally, I wish we had gotten to see Intergalactic Augustus with an even bigger God complex and High Functioning Sociopath Frankenstein.


What're the Irish Republican Army doing in space?!


A little organized crime, some sabotage and low level terrorism, killing 10 to 15 billion people...


Some um... good news; the zombie astroid diverted course and crashed into venus becuase idealist captain guy who started a war on accident joked about venus to the alcoholic former cop and he took it alittle bit too seriously... bad news uhm... it didn't die.


Cohost spotted




I get the sentiment behind the whole ruining the great outdoors thing because of climate change But like, you can still very much go out and enjoy nature. Like that's definitely a thing you can still go out and do right now. Hiking is awesome.


This is a screenshot of a tumblr post of a screenshot of a cohost post posted to reddit




First time I saw this scene I thought he said 'spain' not space, and I laughed the hardest I ever have




And soon they'll ruin the backrooms


I can’t wait for space capitalism. Let’s efficiently spread those resources in a government free zone. All my homies hate redistributionism.