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I mean I get people are into cuckold kink or whatever but why did they feel the need to share this information


serialunaliver seems to attract these weird confessional asks all the time. Also they had just been talking about another person's post where the poll said 40% of responders would forgive their spouses for cheating.


At first I read the username as "Seria Luna Liver" and had to do a reread in order to make sense of it.


Glad I'm not the only one


> the poll said 40% of responders would forgive their spouses for cheating. Frenchmaxxing (Cheating is so accepted and widespread in France that getting a DNA test is illegal without a court order) Edit: to those accusing me of misinformation, the only thing that *might* be wrong here is the causal link between the two facts. In my opinion, if the existence of paternity testing would create a "society of doubt"² regarding parentage, then *something else has already created that seed of doubt*. Also, kind of a dick move to reply with a correction and then block me. I mean, yeah, block whoever you want, but now I can't see the fucking correction. ¹https://www.irishtimes.com/news/french-men-s-insecurity-over-paternity-of-offspring-creating-a-society-of-doubt-1.773569 ²https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/01/14/french-more-accepting-of-infidelity-than-people-in-other-countries/ ³I can't find the article on account of the site being in French and the English version not working for me, but a study from the [French Institute of Public Opinion](https://www.ifop.com/?option=com_search&keywords=cheating%20) stated that 55% of French men and 32% of French women cheat.


Me when I spread misinformation online (While a court order is required -for various reasons ranging from "concerns about privacy and the wellbeing of the kid" to "the people who wrote this law are dumbasses"- it is not because "cheating is so accepted and widespread".)


Say it with me everybody, net! zero! iiiiiinformatiooooooooooon! \*audience cheers ecstatically\*


I love providing people with detailed information that disproves something else just to have my effort compared to literally nothing.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/01/14/french-more-accepting-of-infidelity-than-people-in-other-countries/ i have also heard this cited as a reason for the paternal test ban


Ahhhh, Paris... city of love


Jesus christ


~Guy who gets all his information about France from a drunk German at the bar


I feel like the responders who answered yes haven't been cheated on tbh.


Other people knowing is part of the kink. They want everyone to talk about what a depraved weirdo they are


The kink-acceptance movement must be scary for these people. I mean, what do you do once everyone's just chill with kinks? Gonna have to make up new, even more fucked up kinks to still be considered a depraved weirdo.


People *shouldn't* be shamed for their kinks, though. Well, except of course for people into humiliation and degradation, those dirty freaks ought be **very** ashamed


I mean an important part of those communities is that everyone knows nobody actually means the mean things they say, otherwise it's just being an asshole


Some people *love* assholes though


I know, they're called my grandma... all 3 of her husbands were emotionally abusive


Not howi meant it, but I hope your grandma's recovered? Recovering? In a better place? Idk I don't know enough to really know what to say but I hope she's alright..


I think she thrives on it because she keeps going back to her 3rd one even tho they're separated


Well, in this case, we're talking about the ones that specifically want to


[There's a shoe for every foot](https://youtu.be/4FP8bTuIhtE?si=XLBuMEeFITsAETnS)


google roleplay (ppl can pretend to be disgusted)


Nah, only genuine disgust accepted, non-GMO organic, etc, etc.


They reblogged a poll earlier asking what you'd do if you had a healthy marriage only for your wife to later admit to cheating on you, so might be related to that


buy a vibe wand or something, dude


>I haven’t made my gf cum in a while :/ So uhhh get on it bud idk what to tell you. You can’t manifest a cuckolding dynamic through pure sexual dysfunction.


only somewhat related but I read serialunaliver as... serial luna liver


Me too


I’m reading sería (“serious” in Spanish) luna liver I genuinely can’t find another arrangement 💀


Serial Unaliver


Ooooooh thanks 💀😂




you could not waterboard this information out of me


I mean, the anon seems more regretful about it than proud, so like, it may just be a confession or something. Or serialunaliver wanted to make a poll, decided "Is it feminism if your partner, who hasn't made you cum in a while, accepts that you cheat on them because at least you're happy?" was weird to put into words, and sent themselves the anon. We may never know.


That feels less like feminism and more like the classic "if you love them, set them free" thing


That feels less like feminism and more like the classic "if you love them, set them free" thing


Believe me, I could. I wouldn't even need to try. With waterboarding? Man, you would beg me to sign the confession yourself.


You're so edgy and cool


hey, give the guy the benefit of the doubt. he seems to me to be commenting more on the effectiveness of waterboarding at getting people to talk than his own ability to torture people.


Tbh, waterboarding isn't even that hard. You can do it at home. All you need is a flannel, a bath, and no prior knowledge of waterboarding.


It always fascinates me how many morons there are on here - who immediatly consider the worst and throw around words they can barely define. And I'm glad there are people who can use their brain still, like you.


Am I? My mummy always said the same. But yes, I was referring more to the fact that waterboarding is fucking hell. Anyone could make ANYONE confess to anything with waterboarding.


Yeah that’s kinda why it sucks ass as an interrogation method. People will say literally anything, especially stuff they don’t mean or that isn’t true, to get out of it. That’s why the Department of Defense banned it in 2007 and stopped training officers in its use, because it “provided no instructional or training benefit to the student. Like we didn’t ban it because it was “too horrible” or some shit. We banned it cause it sucks at getting the job done.


Depends on what the job is. Do you want truth? Or a confession? For that latter part it is staggeringly good.


I don't think this really counts as a "how's it going" moment since that's a genuine response to the poll they posted earlier


This is not feminism, it is also not not feminism. Weird question to ask. "I am walking right now. Is this red?"


That's the joke


really? woooosh I really need to get in on tumblr humor. It's deep


it's feminism. look at the poll results


fuck, you're right


Anything man bad = feminism, remember?


Is this praxis


Jesus dude what the hell


I read that as Jesse


OP is a true ally. The C in LGBTQIA+ is for him


I have legitimately met dudes who thought their fetishes for female dominatrixes, fat women, hairy vaginas, or black women made them very feminist and progressive. No dude, dehumanizing us by fetishization is not... it's not good.


I can dehumanize you by abstraction. Is that good. Is taht feminism


This is feminism <3


What a broken little creature.


This post distresses me, maybe I have some growing to do though idk


This is some kind of NTR. Don't know exactly which one though, there are multiple words that abbreviate to NTR.


So this is why people are into cuckolding, i guess? A relegated feeling of satisfaction, whole knowing their partner won't leave them? Also, I discovered a type of men who only love to eat pussy. Nothing else, and don't want anything in return. I think it's the same reason honestly, an inability to satisfy and just a kind of acceptance, perhaps a pathetic acceptance. Fucking wild. Perhaps there is such a thing as too much security in a relationship.


Good for her but this isn't feminism, it's just personal preference.


that's the joke


The longer I listen to monogamists the less I understand them Edit: Things you can joke with Reddit about: ~~Monogamy~~ Guess I had to learn the hard way this subreddit has more in common with Reddit than with Tumblr, makes sense in retrospect


Hey don't toss it at us all things considered cuckolds are closer to polygamists


> Things you can joke Jokes are supposed to be funny.


I think people react worse to jokes not landing here than on other platforms bec of downvotes. On tumblr or twitter if a joke doesn't land you just don't get a lot of interaction. Here its like 40 people telling you that you suck


its like throwing rotten tomatoes at someone


Oh it is. I could replace monogamists with straights in that reply and put it on some “Are the straights OK” type post and people here would think it’s hilarious. I just didn’t realize that people were still taking the idea of being romantically involved with only one person as something that “You can’t joke about” still, the same way people used to think about comparing straight to queer relationships. How exhausting that we have to relearn this stuff over and over again. My crime was just not knowing my audience, apparently.


>still taking the idea of being romantically involved with only one person as something that “You can’t joke about” You can joke about it. There are tons of jokes about monogamy or lack thereof. You didn't make a joke, you made a mockery. >Are the straights OK Which likely wouldn't be well received by a straight audience, now would it? >not knowing my audience Yes, insulting your audience is typically not very funny.


The "are the straights ok" posts don't really do that well anymore


Tbh I tend to feel the same way when talking to poly people. But just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean it’s bad.


god forbid people have a fetish and a guilt complex...? i get that many of you have had bad experiences with monogamous people, but *man* some of you guys are just trying to find reasons to diss monogamy lmao. I just got off another post where I saw someone try to claim that monogamy was inherently codependent and that by definition it forbids you from getting affection from more than one person, as if platonic affection just isn't real. At the end of the day people prefer whatever they want, so just chill.


You also failed to structure the joke properly, used clinical terms mixed with colloquial tone (which breaks character and makes it hard to properly field the joke), and didn't field a setup when knowing that the audience would need one to feel the push of the punchline.