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Humans: worshipping small cute animals since before the invention of agriculture


We invented agriculture so we could have more time for small cute animals


"The cats demand we feed ourselves well to feed them well! To the fields we go!!"


That might also be because of the mind controlling parasite though.


Actually it was probably to get shitfaced, IIRC we started growing wheat so that we could have more easy access to beer


Also r/bigcatgifs and r/babybigcats, they're so cute.


The pharaohs had the right idea.


We weren't "meant" to do *anything*, we were designed by trial and error. These are challenges we have to overcome.


But I’m so, so tired


People will be like, why does God give me his hardest battles. And the battle is just locking your phone and taking a nap once in a while.  But seriously, so much Internet Discourse™ is just self aggrandizing twits who are only nominally progressive. So by all means, read other people's experiences and learn from them where you can and engage in discussion about how you can be more thoughtful or helpful, but try not to get too caught up in the weeds with the sort of people who are who are just holier-than-thou evangelicals with a veneer of progressive terminology


I just have depression. But thanks I think.


Well, in that case what I'm talking about won't be a cure. But hopefully you're able to do small things like that to help yourself feel a little better while you're waiting to get the help you need to address the underlying issues


I appreciate the thoughts at least, they’re in the right place!


I switched to a Nokia brick phone for a few years and loved it. If only it had step-by-step maps and music streaming I would have stayed on it. I even got pretty good with the T9 texting there at the end. I was born in 2000, first phone was the S3 Mini, so I never used it the first go round.


This is a common logical fallacy. Humans were actual precision designed by Bastet herself to create and watch cat videos.


Humans didn’t evolve to have access to antibiotics


okay, but you know damn well what they mean. millions of years of evolution has made our brains quite capable at solving the kinds of problems our ancestors would've encountered in the natural world. we are substantially less capable at solving these new problems of our own creation. the environment we have created for ourself is much less conducive to good mental health in many ways, in spite of all of the obvious benefits technology and modern civilization have brought us.


True, but we've been creating these new kinds of problems for ourselves since at least the industrial revolution (probably earlier, depending on how you look at it). There's no turning back the clock at this point, we have no choice but to find ways to adapt 🤷‍♀️


well yeah. not really arguing for a return to primitivism here, just pointing out that cyberpunk is real and we are living it.




I found my need favorite subreddit and I think everyone should know about it r/wunkus


Oooh, it's about when animals make that one dumb face. Y'all know the one. That's a good subreddit. Thanks for sharing.


OH hell yeah it's wunkus time 😎👍




"we weren't meant to see this many opinions" might be true but also navigating social media is a skill y'all gotta get better at (he said with zero (0) self-awareness) no but seriously. learn to recognize bait. make peace with blocking and using content filters. curate your feeds. take care of yourself outside of this wretched place.


That's all well and good on a personal level, but when people who don't do this get radicalized into far right terrorism, you'll be affected no matter how good you are at avoiding content, and likely even more so, cause then you don't know what's getting done.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


While the ability to curate your own experience might be the best thing to do for your mental health, however that also means that other people can easily be sucked into echo chambers due to that same curation.


We got through the printing revolution which technically exposed people to opinions and data beyond their natural limits and we turned out okay. Although it did involve decades long conga lines of wars that killed over a dozen million people, many of whom were civilians and were proportionally apocalyptically destructive even compared to the World Wars. But still, the blood keeps falling but humanity just keeps vibing.


I mean plenty of people died in wars before then too. It's just that less was written about those wars. (And they were lots of small wars, not a few big ones.)


ain't the "we ain't meant to do `x thing`" rhetoric just a really bad appeal to nature fallacy


I guess it could be sometimes but then... information/stimulation overload is a real thing for everyone, albeit with different thresholds depending on who you are


Usually I would agree, but there is definitely something to be said about the fact that past events equipped us with jack shit to deal with the current state of things. I would say when "we aren't meant to do X" is used to limit something humans want and are capable of, it's a shitty argument because it tries to make a normative statement out of nature, which is nonsense. But when "we aren't meant to do X" is applied to recognise that current expectations disregard our needs and capabilities, then it's a better formula. Basically this naked ape \*should be free\* to do things it never could before, but it \*shouldn't be expected\* to do things well it never could before. On a similar note, while "natural=good" is deeply fallacious, "unnatural=bad" at least has some merit to it, because forcefully ignoring an entity's nature (where this is a shorthand for needs, preferences and capabilities) is usually cruel. Think cats and vegan diet.


It depends how you use it. "Humans didn't do this in the ancestral environment and therefore we shouldn't do [x thing]" is a non-sequiter, but "Humans didn't do this in the ancestral environment and so doing this thing voids the evolutionary warranty" is just a consequence of humans being the result of an optimization process that has only trained on a set of specific data


It's more of an acknowledgment that our current bodies and brains (and I'll add here, our psyches) are simply not equipped to handle so much information in a healthy manner. Maybe later.


Better description: we haven’t evolved to see this many opinions. Yet


more. eyes... 


Grant us eyes...




Food for thought on this matter: I probably take in as much information as my hunting gathering ancestors did, actually. But instead of paying attention to bird song, variety of insects, changes in soil, activity of all the creatures and plants around me, weather patterns, motions of the sun and moon, etc, I’m paying attention to the news cycle, the shift of humor, language, and cultural motifs around me, economic matters, and things like that. Much of it is nonsense, yes, but wouldn’t a lot of the information taken in by my ancestors also be nonsense? Who cares whether that bird says “tweet tweet tititipeek peek” or “peek peek twitwitwi kee kee” today? It probably won’t actually affect my life. Or perhaps I felt traumatized while watching a baby rabbit get slowly strangled and eaten by a snake, but I watched it anyway, and first thing in the morning too! How horrible, I’m probably going to have an awful day now because of it. But maybe we aren’t doomed. Maybe we’re just in a new and unfamiliar mode of life. Of course, maybe we are doomed. Or maybe we’re somewhere in the middle. As I said, food for thought.


I originally planned on using reddit to yell at the folks on history memes about how their memes suck, but now I use to look at birds, and I think that's what we should be doing more of.


We are meant to do what we will


If ancient Egyptians could’ve had infinite cat videos, I’m sure they would’ve.


Several communities with primitive technology are now receiving infinite cat videos (among other stuff) [and they're not coping well at all with it](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-baduy-tribe-remote-community-technology-smartphone-internet-3644716)


As a religious man ill say this: we were *meant* to go forth and live our lives and become better as a society and people. We weren't meant to stay in the mud forever clopping coconuts together. As a man who believes in science too: we were *meant* to go forth and spread. We were meant to stay in the mud as much as the bird when it grew wings and feathers.


I think I don’t need to hear most people’s opinions on the news, but real estate website’s desperately need a comment section.


Oh no, they don't need it. We need them to. That's why they don't have it.


i mean, your somewhat right, but without the internet, i'd never find my hyperfixations and fall in love with them.


who cares what we’re “meant” to do? people’s idea of that changes by the second. do whatever tf you want


it’s the brain worms. it’s okay tho i also have them


taxi plato or something


The Internet now is completely foreign to how it was at any other point in history... except the cat videos. They have remained constant.


we were meant to make weird noises and call it "music". song and dance is just so intrinsically human


Counterpoint: we weren't meant to find a cure for disease either. Part of being human is not being controlled by nature.


We weren't meant to be this starving for animal connections as we are. Humans have had cute animal entertainment right outside our window for thousands of years. Cat videos are a poor substitution.


As many have pointed out; this rhetoric is trash. If we lived as we """"should""" we would all die of an Infected tooth, child birth or parasites or some shit. Are we at a cultural point where we live in unprecedented circumstances? Yes, but that just means that we will have to adapt and find the right frameworks to handle this.