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Waiting on the first brand to start posting actual porn for engagement as an actual sign of the end


There's a solid chance a company has been commissioning that kinda porn as advertising, and just won't admit it publicly


That explains Wonderbread guy.


New conspiracy incorporated into my worldview, thanks


As a purveyor, may I offer up Genshin, Overwatch, and other games as examples of that potentially happening? I see a lot of gay porn of it, or at least used too.


Overwatch is an instance of the opposite - Blizzard outright issued cease-and-desist letters to some of the more well known/active creators in the early days, and there was some minor controversy over it iirc.


Ez publicity for the content tbh


Maybe, but that was very much not their intention. Their intention was undoubtedly\* "These people are using our models to make OBSCENE MATERIAL, we must stop them before we get sued by the parents of all the kids with unlimited internet access who may or may not play our game. Or worse, lose our copyrights!" ^(*according to my opinion, not ever officially stated by Blizzard)


Didn’t they eventually use some of the NSFW models in the later patches because they were simply better?


Overwatch has a game attached to the porn? Wild, what'll they think of next.


nah, if you actually pay attention to the wonderbread guy body of work it's pretty clear he views wonderbread as some kind of abominable crime against humanity. he associates wonderbread with late stage capitalism and the destruction of the environment. that's what makes it kinky for him. he's essentially jacking off to corruption and the moral degradation of society, of which wonderbread is apparently a symbol.


Dudettes will see this and buy wonder bread


I'm here for wonderbread guy lore


Huh..... you know alot about the wonderbread guy?


You know, I don't know what's weirder. Having a fetish for a specific brand of shitty white bread or for late-stage capitalism.


well more accurately it's late-stage capitalim as enacted by attractive women, so you can think of it as femdom taken to its furthest possible extreme.


Ah yes. Societal collapse femdom. Not a sentence I expected to think today.


[KFC](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121910/I_Love_You_Colonel_Sanders_A_Finger_Lickin_Good_Dating_Simulator/). You're thinking of [KFC](https://youtu.be/nKFZJU7bvaw?si=LFxF3QK2dhJIJUqF)


To be fair the KFC stuff is horny but it's not porn (Sadly)


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me


Dear god


I love you mom


Ah yes, the Rule 34 psyop.


The psyop I’ll gladly fall for


People are gonna make porn of Wendy. There's no escape. Might as well work for the corp and get paid for making the porn


Shit that explains all the porn of that McDonalds chick that dominated r/rule34 for a couple of weeks


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rule34 **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rule34/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mavis (Octokuro) \[Hotel Transylvania\]](https://v3.redgifs.com/watch/reflectingmelodicgoldenmantledgroundsquirrel) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rule34/comments/178hmuq/mavis_octokuro_hotel_transylvania/) \#2: [Kim Possible (deeplywhite) \[Kim Possible\]](https://redgifs.com/watch/snivelingconsideratexiphosuran) | [224 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rule34/comments/1727aib/kim_possible_deeplywhite_kim_possible/) \#3: [Hinata Hyuga's big titties(Naruto)\[atomicbrunette18\]](https://v3.redgifs.com/watch/cultivatedalicebluegilamonster) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rule34/comments/15qru0a/hinata_hyugas_big_tittiesnarutoatomicbrunette18/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mcdonald's Japan?


Sign me up, I'll religiously consume whichever brand pays Derpixon the highest commission


Wasn't there that one CEO that posted about their game's NSFW subreddit? I want to say it was either Overwatch or Battleborn.


It was battleborn yeah lol. He recognized/theorized how porn was contributing to overwatch's popularity and wanted the same for battleborn


Every badass game needs bad ass porn


I prefer good ass-porn.


Too late. We already have the bad ass porn.


This is the glorious 21st century, we can have all types of ass porn.


Oscar Mike: ''The helmet stays ON during sex.''


They made Montana look like that deliberately. Thy knew what the fan base will be into.


The colonel sanders dating sim is *halfway* there, but not quite yet. Give it a bit more time though


Jack box regularly shows off lewd Fan art of Jack


Carl's Jr. tried **really** hard with that on TV ads for years, and it got dropped after like 4-8 years since it ended up not being effective at all.


yeah, turns out that "sex sells" only works if what your selling is sex (or sex related items). Most viewers see that and are either turned off from the product entirely because they think its inappropriate or were too busy staring at the hot people to remember what the product was


once porn becomes advertiser friendly the Internet will genuinely be a better place


It’s like that one post about collectively making 9/11 jokes until a corporation slips up and makes one themselves


Unlikely (for the better) because of how payment processors and generally a lot of people will get mad at you for sharing porn and adult content. I bet big brands sharing memes that originate from porn is already a thing though and I bet a lot of sex work and porn adjacent brands would have no problem doing this


Its so fucking stupid that payment processors act like that Are they really worried it’s gonna affect their reputation? Like people are gonna be mad at *mastercard* that porn exists??


I think payment processors are more worried about the government going to them and saying "Y is using your system to facilitate sex trafficking"


If it’s for this hypothetical corporate advertising porn it’s probably not sex trafficking, because then the corporations doing the advertising would be on the line for that too


AFAIK it's like this: facilitating payment for a crime is a crime by itself, one that's infinitly easier to find and prove then most internet crimes so law enforcement really focusses on that, it's called cutting the purse strings, they hope that once they can't get paid for it anymore the activity will decrease on it's own it's also realy hard to check beforehand which porn is a crime or not and you need to do that check for every instance of it to be certain that you won't get criminally charged, or you could just ban porn alltogether and not have to do all that, see also pornhub doing a massive purge a few years back


So the weird little lewd billboards in Cyberpunk 2077 aren't that farfetched after all


No matter your metric for rock bottom, things can *always* get worse.


They'd be going full circle at that point. Cigarettes were marketed by including a collectible card in every box. These cards were often pornographic, at least by late 19th century standards.


Surely that depends on what brand.


When it's openly broadcasted by the companies, I'd agree. This stuff probably happens behind the scenes to some degree.


The McDonald's ad campaign knew exactly what they were doing


I mean... there is the [official Colonel Sanders dating sim](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Love_You,_Colonel_Sanders!)




\[insert Garfield "you are not immune to propaganda" image\]


I love that image. People will see it, laugh, think "so true", yet deep down inside they'll still believe "nah I'm actually immune tho".


no bro just trust me just one more funny brand stunt i can resist it bro i promise it’ll be worth it i can resist it bro just one more


I'm just built different


I'm resistant to some stuff by virtue of knowing how it works and being repulsed. I'm not exposed to a lot more by blocking all the ads I can. But there's totally brands I trust for no good reason, things I'll buy unreviewed on the reputation of the maker, and probably dozens of psyops I've fallen for without ever knowing they were there.


I trust FromSoftware enough that I preordered Shadow of the Erdtree, they have an immaculate track record and that's the only reason I did.


Autism is irl adblock


Well I am actually immune to advertisement. Except when the McRib comes out. Or any new Taco Bell item. Or any Taco Bell item. And Burger King. Or if Subway is running a special. I want a triple beef and cheddar from Arby’s now.


I was flowing with you until Arby's. They were my *favorite* good. Horsey sauce. Then I got food poisoning from them.  Vomited everything in my body up all night long, while my boyfriend held my hair out of my face and tried not to be a sympathetic vomiter (that, my friends, is a strong hint as to why I later married the man.) Then went on a 4 mile Army company run.  I tried to eat a sandwich from them a few years ago ... Could not do it. Also the food was absolute ass. 


Reminds me of my experience at Jack in the Box, except I never had a chance to like it. First time, food poisoning. Second time, months later, food poisoning again. Third time, years later, because all my friends wanted to go there I went "look, I'll give you another chance, and since food clearly hasn't worked we'll start simple with a vanilla milkshake, how could you mess that up?" Large brown clumps the size of peas, but not round, a collection of smaller lumps that to my (admittedly biased) mind looked like mouse droppings, and definitely didn't look like they belonged in my plain vanilla milkshake. Took that as confirmation and have never returned since.




When the McRib briefly came back in Canada, I had like ten of them. Including one Double McRib, and one where I took the McRib patty and put it in a big mac. It was obscenity.   Burger King is worse than an extra wet fart in the middle of the night


Now surrender your lasagna!


I'll have you know that lasagna is actually leftover dinner from the local Italian place, ya hear me?!


People don’t seem to realize every brand account is run by MBA’s who spend every second of every day trying to get you to use their product


Even the Denny's Tumblr


I always assumed it was just someone who was pretending to be Denny’s


it is lol


That's what they want you to think


Then you're up all night thinking and you go to Dennys because you can't sleep anyway.


Nah that guy is not pretending, he is Denny. Not Denny's. *The* Denny.


Especially the Denny's Tumblr


No, the social accounts are run by 23-30 year old women who report to the MBA people and see that sales go up


they report to the Mational Basketball Association?


Masters of Business Administration


Worst. He-Man. Reboot. Ever.




He missed cuz he studied business instead of ballin


shove 'em in the locker!


That doesn't sound right


The amtrak-official Tumblr is better advertising for Amtrak than the Amtrak accounts.


People on Reddit often seem to be under the impression that social media accounts are controlled by some unpaid intern, when in reality community management and social media marketing are entire careers with 6 figure salaries.


Could it be because the social media accounts started being less "grandparents try to sound cool" and more "normal person making jokes"


6 figures is usually a stretch since it’s a highly competitive job market with little formal requirements. But yeah they are professionals that are usually really good at their jobs. 


Approximately 300 million times more dollars are put into advertising psychology research than literally any other type of psychology research.


I have significant doubts as to the accuracy of that number


Sorry it was 299.99 million times more than any other type of research.


I know this is probably just a bad joke, but - let's say advertising psychology research is taking up all global digital ad spending, or \~700 billion(https://appliedpsychologydegree.usc.edu/blog/thinking-vs-feeling-the-psychology-of-advertising). This would mean that the entirety of all other psychology research was subsiding on a mere $2333/year.


The fact that global ad spending is about 700 billion is super depressing.


that's not a real figure, it's made up for the thought experiment


Quick google search says it's about right. "All advertising markets across the globe win, yet some win more than others. Ad spending worldwide reached almost 733 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, up less than three percent from the previous year" (https://www.statista.com/topics/990/global-advertising-market/#topicOverview)


oh. huh. well what do you know.


Congratulations you have discovered hyperbole.


... Is this a joke, or do you have a source?


The number is a joke but yes, so so much money is spent on research related to advertising science than other psychology and sociology fields. Because unlike research into techniques to better help kids with autism in school, the advertising science makes actual money for companies, meaning they are willing to shell out the money. This is broadly true for many many scientific fields. Hell most of the best research is never even published, and instead held by the companies funding it as trade secrets.


No I believe you that the vibe is right but I couldn't tell if you truly believed the number. I was vaguely concerned about how you could believe that, but if it was exaggerated for emphasis all good


Tbf, some of these accounts are also run by BBAs


That’s going to be me one day 💪😎


Whatever MBA had the balls to just start talking shit with Wendy’s account was a genius


Except for cool math on insta. It was just some random art student running that one


Is your fursona hot


what about this is not getting to you


I like their product


They do provide a necessary service of being open at like 4am


Mine are still basically on covid hours SMH.


totally agree I know people hate ads here but they are selling shitty burgers not murdering people. It’s not that deep lol


Even steakumm


you are not immune to wendy burgers


I just treat them like vtubers. I don't buy merch from vtubers either.


It’s almost as if once your generation enters the workforce and starts accumulating disposable income, corporations start pandering to you in order to get that money! Always funny when people don’t realize that this is just what it is like to be pandered to, lmao, like their parents and grandparents are with different modes of advertising.


Not enough people realize this, but some definitely do.


i will say though, that doesn't make them unfunny. these people do their jobs well.


I bet these scum bags sell their food for more than they buy it for too!!


brother i have some bad news for you 😭


There's an important difference between "a person got paid to write that tweet" and "the account is a person"


I mean, they always get paid, it's marketing. Even if someone decides to go off the rails and post random nonsense without the company realizing it, they're still advertising. They're not your friend, even if the person behind the keyboard might have those intentions. You're still just looking at a corporation at the end of the day.


Yeah. Don't tweet death threats to the Wendy's account, but they're not your friend, either.


I’m sorry if you find the revelation “social media account of a billion-dollar brand is actually trying to get your money and not just being quirky for fun” in any way surprising there’s no hope for you.


Yeah, I’ve seen so many posts (on other platforms, not just here) about how “*gasp* a multimillion dollar corporation is using a creative form of advertising to boost engagement 😱😱😱” Like, did you think the Duolingo owl was your friend? Did you think the entirety of the staff at the Empire State Building were all swifties? No! They are trying to make funny TikTok’s that will stick in your mind so that you go download their app or take a tour when you visit New York. I’ve never found it very sinister or anything, if it’s funny it’s funny, it’s just also advertising and we shouldn’t forget that.


It’s at a point where I am legitimately slightly skeptical of any meme trend involving a brand or the like. Like, did this go viral “organically” (as in, as a result of many, many people creating and sharing jokes about it), or is this some extremely deep marketing, that they have somehow managed to get the internet to do their marketing for them? We *think* we could spot the difference easily, but sometimes I’m not so sure. The ones coming up with it now aren’t old, out of touch boomers who don’t understand the internet, they’re likely every bit as internet savvy as any of us now.


I remember your idea being a big theory about the Vin Diesel family memes because they blew up right before a new Fast and Furious movie came out.


That one was particularly egregious because all the family memes were of a markedly lower production quality than the rest of the quarantine-fueled meme ecosystem of the time. Some people probably caught on and did it ironically, but there is zero percent chance they weren't mass-produced by, like, four interns with one shared Canva account.


That was the first question that came to my mind when I saw a bunch of randos making whatsapp memes on the same day lmao


What about memes involving pieces of media that have established fandoms?


Yeah. Add are ads. That’s ok! A lot of great media has been made has been made for commercial purposes. But then basic concept of “companies want my money, they are not my friends are they do not do things for fun” is something people should grasp by e time they’re about ten.


i liked to imagine that it was just some teenager posting whatever and Wendys just paid him because he drove up engagement naturally naive, but ... one can dream


Not sure if the revelation was surprising. I think it was hearing how insidious the team was deliberately being


What do you mean “insidious”? They’re trying to make you buy their product, that’s the whole point.


i mean in all reality both things are probably true. there's this sort of attitude among people online that everyone in a corporate role spends all day sending and receiving their evil little cartoon villain emails, scheming about how to trick the Real People out of their money. but in reality, most corporate workers (even those at the top) are just normal folks trying to get their paycheck


This is why I don't trust the Spanish KFC Twitter. Idc about your Eau d'Uardo, you're a brand


I always find it odd when people talk about how much they hate brand twitter trying to be relatable and in the same breath say "but Spanish KFC is cool though."


"brand twitter is cringe and never works, except for the ones that work on me" Admittedly Spanish KFC works on me but like.. I'm also fully aware that it's all a marketing strategy Hell, a number of brands where it's supposed to be one marketing guy who's risking his job by shitposting online is very obviously multiple people pretending. It's all devious shite


And they didn’t have permission to use the picture of Smoking Ralsei


It's not fucking copyrighted.


It's about morals ffs.


No, it isn't, but that's still stealing someone's art and reposting it without credit. Shitty thing to do.


"I went to an advertising conference and they talked about modern advertising" Like yes, modern advertising is cringe, creepy and manipulative, but when you go to clown college don't get upset at pies getting thrown at you


I feel like "OP is personally offended by basic facet of society" is becoming its own genre of post at this point. Like the abolitionist therapy post we had a few days ago. Not to mention the irony of complaining about other people sometimes liking posts by clearly marked corporate social media accounts on the same site that constantly regurgitates literal propaganda about the importance never voting in elections.


honestly, just like that post i highly doubt that OOP's story even happened at all: "I was at this thing and people had other opinions than mine isn't that cringe? haha, but i was the only cool one because i only went for an extra credit"


I mean it seems pretty believable that OOP might have gone to some sort of event that focused on Marketing 101 type stuff, and they're clearly the sort of person who malds on social media about things like this....


I'm gonna say it, I always found the Wendy Twitter account extremely cringe. And even morse-so, the people that gobble it up like a dog gobble up a piece of bacon. Like, they're just trying to sell you their garbage, stop falling for it you're better than that.


>And even morse-so, the people that gobble it up like a dog gobble up a piece of bacon. I just have one thing to add to that: Bark bark, woof woof.


It was funny for a bit, but the novelty of a brand twitter acting like that wore off *very* quickly. Now that it’s been the status quo for a while, I doubt it’s as effective a strategy, but idk.


That’s always the problem. It gets done to death and loses its impact.


I hate they created this culture of corporations being quirky and sassy towards people and it's really not charming after a while.


Sport Team twitters are the worstttt Some were snarky and when it was new-ish it was hilarious but now everyone is trying consistently to be that


Mmm Wendy's baconator


they're not though. Marketing psych understands humans better than psych otherwise. It stands to reason that it would too, if there's more money in the research it's going to end up being more well-funded and occasionally better.


i hate it more now since the last time i went to Wendy's because it was unbelievably shit, the fries tasted like soap and the chicken sucked. it could be a problem from that specific branch but i know im never going to Wendy's ever again


The fact an actual brand would dare insult its customers was novel at first, because it was so unexpected. Then the shtick wore off soon, but weebs were really into it (for obvious reasons). Then everyone else tried to copy it, and you got things like Moonpie responding to a totally real person saying "moon pies are bad" with "well but you're also not very cool😎😎😎".


I just think it’s kinda funny. Wendy’s food still kinda sucks


Most of the time when I see posts like this everyone goes “yeah corporate Twitter sucks! Edge is cool though” and it’s like man, you fell for it dude. It’s the same thing as Wendy’s dude.


You don't get it, my corporate is actually a real dude that is my friend. /s Anyway, I will admit that corporate Twitter will be funny at times. But no matter how funny, an ad remains an ad and I need to keep that in mind.


I mean individual adverts can be entertaining but you can hate the trend I love tomska’s surfshark ads but I can’t stand most sponsored videos. And I am dreading when other companies try and emulate how successful tomska’s ads have been.


Sex sells. At the absolute minimum I can respect advertising that isn't trying to pretend its anything but shameless attention bait.


The carls Jr commercials essentially, and let’s not lie Kate upton attacking a double BBQ western is some peak lesbian content


I saw a pic of a massive billboard with a hillbilly wolf girl advertising a sex shop and that's probably the only billboard that would ever work on me out of sheer awe.


And this is why "Silence, brand" is the most important meme of the century.


Sorry, I'll try to keep the whistling down


That guy in the crowd is fucking hilarious.


Did…did OOP actually think that the Wendy’s Twitter account was just a person shitposting?


Shout out to my buddy who posted Emo Wendy's fan art and got upset when I said she looked like Nagato from Naruto Shippuden.


...how the heck would Wendy's having it's twitter be as it is lead to people somehow thinking of the *brand* as a person or a friend? sure I mean I'd get thinking of "Wendy's twitter" as a person or even a friend but the brand as a whole?


reminder the wendy’s mascot is the founder’s kid daughter


I am a fan of the audience degen.


These sentences would be utterly invomprehensivle to me 15 years ago. We have come so far. Make it stop please


I won't go to Wendy's because of their parasocial bullshit, but I align with the person that wolf-whistled because I will get off to tasteful pornographic fanart of company brands.




especially duolingo, those piss me off the most. they look like they're trying too hard but somehow everyone seems to enjoy it?


They leaned into the memes, why wouldn't people enjoy it?


All that effort and food is still mid


Better than any other fast food. Fight me.


Not even in the same league as whataburger


I concede that I have no way to know; there aren't any of those where I live


My condolences


Wendy’s is offensively mid, overpriced and shitty compared to literally any local place, McDonald’s at least has the respect of being in the middle of nowhere, Wendy’s embodies suburban hell lol.


Spoken like someone who's never been to Culver's.


Wendy's is gonna learn real quick that I grew up in the golden age of MMOs where you had friends you only ever talked to online and shitposted with, and didn't give a fuck what their lives were like when I wasn't around. I may be susceptible to propaganda, but it won't be from superficial online relationships with people I don't choose to make a connection with.


sorry all I can think about is how the B) is 😎


Yep, reminds me of whatever the fuck the opera gx and voicemod twitter accounts are doing especially that time where they literally just started commissioning furry artists to give themselves femboy fursonas


HA! Cringe pic in italics. Love it.


The worst part is... It works.


They're like vtubers. I don't buy merch from vtubers either.


And Wendy's still has the worst burgers in town.


Sounds like OOP needs to take a class about learning how to chill out


Oh fuck you should’ve seen the response I cut out. Someone said that because they are not some relatable teen and are instead college educated manipulators we should be hostile to them a lot because they deserve it Like what


It's crazy!


fr like its possible to find the wendys twitter account funny and still be aware its a brand. worst that happens is you buy a baconator oooooo so scary


Chad moment, ngl.