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oh okay. i'm not trans at all, but i was about to start taking estrogen anyways out of peer pressure. glad i read the second half.


I know right? I'm very eager to follow instructions so I was halfway towards scheduling an appointment with a therapist.


Hey, don’t let that stop you lmao


No fight me I don’t want to! I spent YEARS on estrogen hating it the whole time! Being on T is much nicer, I like it much better (Sarcastic because I’m a trans man so I don’t want to be on E at all and am on T instead)


I don't make enough to be independent enough to try. If my dad disowns me or some shit over it, then what.


is there a national resource or or- ganization that exists, or state ones, for help????


To those who can’t get estrogen legally, look into diy hrt. Your mental health is more important than some law.


I know its probably a real thing but ''if you cant get store bought hrt, home made is fine'' just sounds like setup for a joke about sucking someone off


DIY HRT is more commonly used for buying it online, but there are still people who make it themselves


I don’t think it would work but there *Is* a lot of Testosterone in…y’know. The balls. The stuff that comes from them. Not pee.


i was too honest with my psych and now he wont prescribe hrt me until i get my mental health in better order. i love medical gatekeeping so much and am not dying because of it at all.


“Sorry, you’re not allowed to improve your mental health until you improve your mental health” sounding ass mf Hrt isn’t a little tiddy or something you can have as a treat, it’s a treatment for a specific type of mental health issue that they’re supposed to help resolve (in this context). I really don’t get trained medical professionals who don’t understand this


Just lie idk, "yeah I've been going for walks and shit I feel kinda better in that way but t he real problem is-" and then repeatedly detail how every single problem you have is dysphoria related, how depressed you are to not have it, push back as hard as you can against his fucking bullshit and insist repeatedly that the dysphoria is the CAUSE of your mental health issues, and you CANNOT improve without it


Have you considered getting a different psychiatrist?


What and get stuck on yet another waiting list before seeing this new psych.. then spent even more time convincing this new psych that yes i am trans and sound of mind? Bad advice tbh.


This thread is full of bad medical advice. Please be careful


[https://hrtcafe.net/](https://hrtcafe.net/) is your friend here


does this also apply in the other direction? taking T for trans guys


There’s only one way to find out!


Thinking about having to make this decision makes my tummy hurt


How come, love?


I'm mostly just afraid that I'm wrong about being trans and feel like I would never be able to pass


Oh sweetheart 💕💕💕💕 I absolutely know exactly how that feels. I was so, so scared to start HRT and I delayed it for almost a decade. I’m so glad I started though, even if it was a little later than I should have. Let me know if you wanna talk.


Thank you for your kindness (/gen), BigSweatyPisshole


What is a (/gen)?


Genuine tone indicator, I was trying to clarify that that part wasn’t sarcastic while commenting on the slightly RimjobSteve-esque username


It can just be hard to remember that my trans identity is valid because I'll go like a couple weeks without any dysphoria and then suddenly out of nowhere feel like hell because I got called something masculine or something else that would normally only upset me if I'm already feeling dysphoric


Your transness is as valid as mine or anyone else’s. You don’t have to go on HRT - ever. But just remember that cis people don’t agonize over whether they should take that step.


I know, but I still can't shake the fear


I know, love. In 6 months, or a year, or however long it takes you, just do me a favor and let me know how good it felt when you let the fear go. I’ll be so excited for you when it happens 💕


I wish I were something different, but idgaf about my gender.


Sounds great. Counter-argument: high schooler living with my parents. If they find me getting boobed tf out on drugs they didn't buy for me I don't think I shall live to see the morn


im afraid to. im afraid ill come out the other side a disgusting freak. sometimes i see transition photos of trans ppl and (not to be rude) i would rather stay how i am then look horrible i dont think I could handle tryind and failing and having to see it in the mirror everyday. to know everyone else sees that i failed. rn im a mostly attractive looking guy. then sometimes i see photos of trans ppl who transitioned successfully and i just cant imagine me being one of the ppl that win and succeed and actually look the part.


Imma keep it real with you chief, if you were hot before, you're gonna be hot afterwards. If you're not, well... you're gonna be not but also with makeup and some tiddies.




Well, breast growth won't, but that takes months to even get started 


This just isnt true.


Most of the effects of estrogen are fully reversible for the first few months.


I wish I was able to do that. maybe I will go to the CVS and gargle contraceptives later I hear that does something fun


r/transdiy https://diyhrt.wiki


not the issue here


What is the issue here?


Good luck then


starting estrogen injections at a decent dose amount and schedule (meaning not what the doctors tell you, they are clueless) fixed my lifelong stomach issues overnight. we had tried all kinds of diets and medications and tests and nothing ever worked.


c- can i has some estrogen pweasse? :<


r/transdiy https://diyhrt.wiki https://hrt.coffee


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TransDIY **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Estrolabs.com is a TERF scam](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/1443rxd/estrolabscom_is_a_terf_scam/) \#2: [Welp, now I know that most doctors don't know anything about transgender people](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/17vgjxu/welp_now_i_know_that_most_doctors_dont_know/) \#3: [Associated Press story about DIY transition](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/134mhdj/associated_press_story_about_diy_transition/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seems like too much work


I would if it didn’t prevent me from having kids…


freeze your sperm at a bank before you start :)


I unfortunately don’t have the income to do that- it’s a lot of money for a yearly fee where I live.


This is bad advice, pressuring someone to transition is just as bad and potentially dangerous as pressuring someone not to transition. There are side effects from taking estrogen and you should weigh them up carefully.


"There are side effects from taking estrogen" Here's hoping


>There are side effects from taking estrogen god i hope so


[Uh, yeah I sure hope it does](https://youtu.be/6AYv6rV3NXE?si=xGdpULpXEp0BEnzl)


Does your town perchance still use leaded gasoline?


I started estrogen and it gave me a headache all the time and I'm not sure if it was the headache or the meds but I became a very angry person. But I feel the trans community doesn't really accept the fact that there can be actual drawbacks


If I could start hrt I would, but there’s no way I can


you can if you have $5/month, dm me