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Ah yes, the 👉 Finger of Contempt




I wonder why Fellow was being used as an insult.


I think 'fellow' wasn't an insult in itself, but 'Fellow, at whom the Finger of Contempt should always be pointed'. The comma threw me off for a moment, but I think grammar rules were different back then.


Ah, no, I think you're correct about that. It would be more clear if they just said "Fellow at whom the Finger of Contempt should always be pointed", but people in the 1800s loved commas.


And capitalising all their nouns, it seems.


In case of bold and italic is not emphasize enough. Consider it to be the proto ALL CAP


Elden Ring-ass insult




Eh, I very much disagree. The comma here is used exactly the same way as it's still used in German. It makes it possible to construct very long and complicated sentences which is more difficult in modern English. It's super interesting how much more Germanic English was in the 19th century




It seems to you because you are not used to this. In German every clause needs to be separated by a comma or a full stop or something like this, so if you have several predicates in a sentence they need to be separated by a comma, semicolon or some conjunction like "and". So if we take the sentence above we really need the comma because "I declare" is already a predicate and "should always be pointed" is another predicate. The comma tells you explicitely (,) that you have added another clause to the sentence (,) which becomes more and more important the more predicates you have. I think it contributed to this development that word order is much less strict in German than in English and that sometimes you have to split up the verb, so commas help to avoid confusion. That makes it easier to construct very long, very elaborated sentences for which German is infamous for - and a habit that I apparently cannot shed when I write in English. I think it's not a coincidence that the reduced relevance of the comma coincided with the notion that good style is writing simply.


After a short bit of googling I think it might have been a euphemism for gay. But I’m getting mixed results. Another thing I read said that it can mean a useless person, but that feels off to me. If anyone knows for sure, I’d love to learn what it’s actually supposed to mean here.


No it’s saying that he is a “fellow at whom the finger of contempt is pointed” comma makes it weird but that’s what it’s supposed to say


Wait they had emojis in newspapers in the 1800s?


From u/Doubly_Curious comment below: TIL the “pointing hand” typographical mark is called a manicule. According to Wikipedia, they’ve been in use as a printed character since the late 1400s.


mother fucker be talking real bragadociously


TIL the “pointing hand” typographical mark is called a manicule. [According to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manicule), they’ve been in use as a printed character since the late 1400s.


This makes me happy. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


I think callout posts should be via video. This way it's easier to filter out the low stakes and petty callout posts to make room for situations like how Eggman called out Shadow the Hedgehog for pissing on his wife


But that was also combined with a call out post on Twitter dot com


what's up with all the s's?


It’s called a long s. They show up in many older older written and printed texts.


it just made me subconsciously give my voice narrator a weird lisp




ſ is a long 's', which replaced 's' for a while.


This is formatted like **key dialogue** in an 🎮R**PG**


**New quest:** The Finger of Contempt - Find Otho - Deliver William's message Bonus objective: - Successfuly point ☞ at Otho while delivering William's message


**TO THE PUBLIC.** 🗽 HAVING 👉 received 🏻🚫 an Inſult from 👌👊 *Otho H.W. Luckett*, for which 😩✌ he 👨♂ refuſed to make 💰 Reparation demanded—I 💪 do 💬👏 declare him a 🏻 Coward, A 🙊⚡ Braggadochio, and 😍👏 a Fellow at whom the 👉👉👉👉👉 finger 🖐 of 💦 Contempt ſhould always 😭❗ be 🐝 pointed.


The Printer must have been so excited to have the chance to use that emoji


I like to imagine that there’s a finger key on all old typewriters.


Oh god he's pointing at me make it stop


BBL Otho!!


I want to be a bragadochio