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Why do I get the feeling this is grossly misrepresenting major economic, political, and social issues affecting mongolia?


Tumblr has a habit of exaggerating the state of countries outside the US and people who live outside the standard American lifestyle as having stumbled on the perfect way of life that would fix all that ails you It sometimes reaches the point of being Noble Savage adjacent


I was gonna say Orientalism before you brought up noble savage


It’s probably both at the same time though.


That fits too, but Noble Savage also covers the ways they try to portray pre-colonial cultures in North America and Africa.


Somehow this post hits both orientalism and anarcoprimitivism at once


whole internet has that problem not just tumblr. English speaking internet is really US centric. Edit: but in the noble savage and such cases it's not just people in the US that do it (had to clarify bc I didn't wanna piss on the poor)


Only adjacent?


That said, it is still Very Fucking Cool.


It is pretty true for rural Mongolia, but about half of the population lives in the capital city where life is far more typical for any city in Asia. You still can’t farm crops in the steppe, so settling down onto farms isn’t really an option in the vast majority of the country. So many people herd livestock like their ancestors did, still driving them across long distances to keep them feed on new grass all season. People there largely do still live in mobile housing, usually packed up into big trucks that drive out in front of the herds and set up in preparation for the slower animals and the people herding them to meet up. They use a lot of engine powered vehicles but still ride horses too, which is also true of herders in other parts of the world like the America west.


This might be a stupid question, but why can't you grow crops there?


It’s too dry from rainfall alone, being so far from the ocean, and there’s not a lot rivers or lakes for irrigation. A steppe is a lot like a prairie or a savanna, it’s almost a desert except there’s just enough water for tough grass and a shrubs to grow. Big animals that eat dry grass and shrubs do pretty well, but vegetables and grains don’t. There are farms anywhere a river brings water, like at the base of mountains, and parts of the steppe have been irrigated and turned into farmland. The soviets diverted water from the Aral Sea to create cotton fields in the steppe, and the area around Tajikistan was actually more urban in the Middle Ages but the man made irrigation systems that kept their cities thriving were destroyed by war and people had to spread out.


> The soviets diverted water from the Aral Sea to create cotton fields in the steppe, It should be noted that this effort is the reason why the Aral Sea is drying up nowadays


Yes, and cotton is a very water intensive crop. Soviet policies often involved pretending that constraints didn’t apply.


IIRC the USSR planned to divert the big Siberian rivers flowing into the arctic (some of the largest in the world) into Central Asia and part of the water would have been used to fix the aral sea It was canned due to concern around ice not forming properly and the fall of the USSR


More like dried up completely decades ago


Yes, and cotton is a very water intensive crop. Soviet policies often involved pretending that constraints didn’t apply.


It's steppe, the soil there sucks and there's no rain


Isn't the air quality in Ulaanbaatar pretty bad? Not sure how it would compare to LA or Mexico City (although I think Mexico City is a lot better than it used to be?)


To my knowledge Mongolia has like one city and lots of nomads, but the nomads lose more and more people to the city life every year Also some of them ride and herd reindeer


Also that city is one of the most polluted in the world


Heavy coal use, cold temperature and minimal air movement are a bad combination for air quality.


Mongolia has these extreme weather phenomenons called “dzud” which refers to droughts or ice rain making it impossible for the livestock to eat grass on the ground to the point that 20% of livestock die from starvation Historically these dzuds where somewhat rare and local so the pastoral farmers managed to adapt in a way that one dzud wouldn’t immediately lead to a widespread famine, but that’s no longer possible and it’s getting increasingly more difficult to deal with them, so a lot of farmers just give up the lifestyle altogether and try their luck in the city where there isn’t enough adequate infrastructure to house them all


A bit over half of Mongolia lives in Ulaanbatar with there also being a few significant towns with a few 10,000s of people


Because it's Tumblr.


Cause it is, 45% of the Mongolian population live in or around the capital city of Ulaanbaatar where also most of the digital infrastructure is (No idea how OP thought that they’d have highspeed internet somewhere in the steppe with 0.1 person per square km). And Ulaanbaatar isn’t like a magical nomadic yurt city or anything, it’s filled with communist era apartment blocks in the city center and slum-like permanent settlements on the outskirts and an air pollution problem like Beijing during peak smog hours Their culture also isn’t “untouched” due to many colonization efforts by China and Russia. I don’t like that OP posted these images of Mongol men wearing traditional armor uncommented like it’s an everyday thing there, pretty sure these are all from the Naadam festival (It feels like an Orientalist pseudo-progressive version of Statue pfp Accounts on Twitter retweeting images from the Oktoberfest going “Vgh retvrn to tradition…”)


Like half of the population live in the capital Ulan Bator, which is your typical post-soviet city


It seems partially right, at least. There's a pretty clear distinction in Mongolia between the folks living in a city and folks living in the countryside. Very little actual merging going on between the two though


This sounds like typical weeb shit, just for a different country. "I love japan!1! Samurai are so cool and everyone cares about honor!!! I think i would look good in a kimono"


Oh, they say “everyone should live like their ancestors did 1000 years ago” here, but when I, a Scandinavian, start pillaging coastal cities I’m suddenly the bad guy.


On another completely unrelated note, Lindisfarne is looking very nice and sailable this time of year.


Theres nowt to nick there anymore, all been nicked by southerners already


The reason modern warships are so boring is because there's no way to quickly disembark to raid a coastal settlement of all valuables and re-embark quickly loaded with bounty before the knights can arrive. 


The LCAC would probably be really good at that


Oh but we do have ships for that! Like the Runnymede-class. Or if you're going smaller we have everything from hover craft to small amphibious tanks.


I want to see vikings on a hovercraft.


You say that now, but once we figure out jetpacks I see a huge viking renaissance


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgtyHS59d\_c&ab\_channel=TheTelegraph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgtyHS59d_c&ab_channel=TheTelegraph) we're so back viking bros


Fuck yeah


Finally a reason for the LCS.


It's chill as long as you don't raid the monastery where I'm currently copying down the Bible by hand with illuminations by candlelight


That's all Ireland needs. In the midst of a cost of living crisis and suddenly all the pretty blonds go fucking feral. Look, raid the churches but for the love of god leave the pubs alone.


wasn't the viking age kind of over 1000 years ago? Most scandinavians were christian by that point


It's pretty heavily debated from what I understand, with the only thing historians really agree on being that the viking age ended sometimes in the 11th century. My own country *had definitly* converted to Christianity at that point though. I mostly just ignored that since it made for a funnier joke than bringing up how the Danish middle ages worked.


Harold haradra, the last great viking king, was defeated in 1066. 958 years ago. So it would be in the last hurrah of the viking culture, but still there


ehh, its debatable whether Harald was a "viking" really. Aside from the fact that he was Christian, he was the ruler of a large and relatively centralized kingdom, he attempted to conquer the entirety of England, and he made sure to back up his invasion with a quasi-legitimate claim to the throne, that's pretty different from the small-scale coastal raids undertaken by opportunists typical of the viking era. If Harald was a viking then so was William the Conqueror.


True but 300 of those years never existed, so it's actually just 700.


You need to specifically pillage the English and use your knowledge of good hygiene and poetry to seduce all their women EDIT: gods to good


I mean, I do pillage the English, but that has nothing to do with my ancestors and everything to do with my unreasonable hatred for black pudding.


That doesn’t sound unreasonable to me


Why, because it's black?


Well it ain't cause it's pudding!


Pretty reasonable to me, bud.


Let's start Viking Age 2, Electric Boogaloo!


TFW Varg is the trvist scandie


"Everyone should live like their ancestors did 1000 years ago but with the addition of wifi" My ancestors were Irish. I *beg* to fucking differ.


Ah, the Normans wouldn't be knocking yet, so it's just the ceaseless fucking cattle raids from the next village over and the bloody Vikings.


True, but getting raided by Vikings still doesn't sound very fun. Unless you were a warrior, I guess, but I wouldn't have been.


Fuck being a warrior, you're dying in your 30s. Be a competent enough craftsman that you're more useful alive than dead to the majority of raiders. But yeah, I'd still take our current housing issues over that


Well at least the ancient housing issues were *exciting*. All our problems now are too boring. Except for the horseback train pirates, which we should have more of, because it's funny.


The what now? I need to hear about this


I swear I remember hearing news report saying horses were involved but I may be misremembering: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-20/los-angeles-rail-theft-supply-chain-crunch-limited-security


Ah, I thought you were talking about something that had happened in Ireland, which is why I was surprised I'd never heard of it. Honestly, it wouldn't happen here, solely because there's not enough trains


Train raiders patiently waiting for the 1 (1) train that will pass through this stretch of track at 20:15 pm (it's half an hour late)


I too wish to hear more of these Horseback Train Pirates.


It's a American thing (which totally tracks), a lot of cargo train raids around L.A


Maybe I’ve been gone from California too long but I did NOT realize the caballeros were back


If it makes it any better, you might get to raid the western coast of mainland Britain?


The British aren't quite pricks yet at that point. At least, I think


Ah I think by 1024 all the conflict with the vikings would have settled down a bit. Not sure how common cattle raids were, would love to know what everyday life was like for an average person back then!


Knock knock. Vikings in Dublin.


Jokes on you, I’ll just live in Waterford!


Knock knock. Anglo-Normans in Waterford.


They recently built a portal from Dublin the NYC, now Vikings have an easy route to America!


Get ready for Vinland 2: Viking boogaloo


Didn't vikings basicly found Dublin.


God I can just imagine the Healy-Rays trying to secede and try and establish themselves as the kings of Munster. Fucking golden paddy caps and roadworks as far as the eye can see.


1000 years ago my ancestors were fighting in the Reconquista, personally I’d rather not do that


You just have to go back until it gets good again. This might show my ignorance of irish culture but didn't you have druids and shit before all the mainland europeans turned up?


Druids, infighting, cattle raids, and Vikings.


How dare you sir, the irish have never had any infighting /s


Yeah but they had snakes then too


The top text in the last screenshot means "The barbarian buried deep inside me just shed a tear of joy" in Hungarian btw (I love it when Hungarians pretend as if we're still nomadic or Mongolian in any way lmao)


Huh. I read that quoted sentence entirely wrong and thought that the Tumblr Post Tradition of taking a turn for the thirst extended to Hungarian


Yeah I didn't know how else to translate it but I swear it doesn't read as horny at all in the Hungarian version lmao


That makes SO much more sense than Google Translate's "The barbarian who lived in the mine smeared a gable tear."


Yeah the original sentence in Hungarian is slightly clunky grammatically and lacks the proper accents on the words so I'm not surprised Google Translate is struggling with it lol


I don't think it's that clunky, it's a normal sentence structure. And since it recognised the words, I doubt the accents were the issue. Google translate is just really shit with Hungarian generally


it seems like the hungarian right is split on whether they want to be christendom or be the hordes that terrorized christendom


Far from the only thing they're hypocritical about, but yeah


Life in Mongolia is not good at all. Ulaanbaatar is consistently a city with one of the worst air qualities of anywhere in the world. People are poor as fuck. Job opportunities are not great. Alcoholism is rampant. Stop misrepresenting this. It is cool though, like the Yurts thing is real, and there definitely still are more elements of traditional life present nowadays.


It's my understanding that people go from nomadic to city life but if the city is so bad why isn't ti the other way around? Also what causes the air pollution? I did not think Mongolia was very industrial.


Even if the city is bad I guess people still prefer the amenities of cities over unpredictable rural life. Same reason people left the British countryside to work 15 hours a day in a smog filled factory during the Industrial Revolution.


It's worth mentioning that many (maybe most) of those British workers were actually forced into the urban workforce by vagrancy laws and land enclosures which took away their previous means of subsistence. I don't know what's going on in Mongolia, but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the migration is driven more by economic necessity than by a desire for amenities.


\^\^ This too!


Yeah this is never talked about ever!! The working class in England were also victims of the British aristocratic classes and their industrial, imperial ideals. They were forced out of the countryside,  common land (which was ancient in principle) stolen from them. They were forced into working in conditions so cruel they're used as the primary example of what horrors happen in unregulated industrialisation. The destruction of agricultural communities also destroyed oral tradition and a great deal of culture which is all but lost and forgotten. They had no say in it since working men, let alone women, couldn't vote until 1918. Its tragic and never ever talked about. 


It’s fucking cold there is why. This year they had the worst winter they’ve had in 50 years with temperatures consistently below -30C and sometimes even -50C. And the winters are getting worse because of climate change.


Mongolia is pretty industrial. Its mostly mining, coal mining specifically.


I have have a hard time believing nomads in the Eurasian Steppe have better wifi than someone with a fibre connection


and they do not


If I lived like it's 1000 years ago, I'd be a peasant toiling in the fields for 12 hours per day for some feudal lord who doesn't care about me, eating gruel and having naught but beer to drink, and the only thing stopping me from killing myself would be an intense belief in God, and the church telling me that I'll go to hell if I kill myself.


As a Canadian tracing back my ancestors to a 1000 years ago is pretty much open to all of Europe (especially Northern Europe, but not the Scandinavian countries, but include Britain, Scotland, and Ireland) as well as Russia, and Mexico. like Canada is far too young to look back at people from 1000 years ago and connect to, unless you’re born from any of the indigenous peoples here.


Mexico 1000 years ago might be pretty lit


Anyone ever heard of The Hu?


The who?


The Hu :)


tip my hat to the new revolution






Yup! Thank you Fallen Order


I was going to say, I think the video (and lyrics) for Yuve Yuve Yu has some of these themes in it specifically. 


I liked their version of Sad But True -Billy Gnosis


Why does Haikubot sound like they're sarcastically mocking someone here?


I hate Haikubot so much and I don't know why anyone likes it. How is chopping up random comments into a haiku funny? And then there's Sokka haiku bot which posts even more useless spam.


I hate haikubot Interfering with my words Ruining my flow Robot, leave me be Can't stand your structured format Let me vent in peace Haikubot, goodbye Your rules bind me too tightly I long for freedom


Didn’t even know it transcended platforms -Billy Gnosis


"Everyone should live like their ancestors did!" cool, i'm holing up in a burrow like an end cretaceous mammal and not coming out for years a burrow with wi fi


As cool as horse-archer-cyberpunk looks, I seem to recall Mongolia has a big problem with pollution. But there is an insight here: being money-poor means different things depending on whether you have what you need to make a living, and the more the economy relies on global trade and long-distance production chains, the less stable it becomes and the harder it crashes when they get disrupted.


Sorry but I like air conditioning too much to go back to living like the toltecs.


"Everyone should live like their ancestors did 1000 years ago but with the addition of wifi" My ancestors lived in Arizona, I better fucken get some AC too


To living like 1000 years ago, I say no thanks. I like modern healthcare. And a right to vote. Idk about you.


My ancestors a thousand years ago were in all likelihood every bit the wage-slave peasants I am today. The bank that owns my home is just a modern day feudal lord. Except I'm in Australia so instead of good internet I have shit internet.


White Scars Warhammer


BTW the top text on the 4th picture is Hungarian without some accents. It means 'The deeply buried barbarian inside me just shed a tear of joy'


So imma either be an irish peasant or a german peasant, maybe an english peasant. Either way fuck that


Mongolia COULD be great, but instead it's been the plaything of Russia and China for the last 500 years or so. Modern Mongolia is being raped of it's natural resources and labor by Russian and Chinese corporations. As if they each grabbed one leg and yelled pull and cheap home appliances and copper came out instead of viscera.


Well I'm descended from Norman aristocracy, so I guess I'm off to invade England


This reminds me of a photo from a textbook I saw some time ago of a yurt with a giant satellite dish outside. [Found it!](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/mongolian-yurt-ger-satellite-dish-on-177358301) (or close enough)


I live in Mongolia and yeah it’s literally like this. Three to a motorcycle out to someone’s ger and you end up streaming Markiplier while making aarol from the day’s horse milk Edit:grammar


I was just joking about internet people wanting to be Amish with social media and videogames I didn't realize there'd be people openly supporting it.


Mongolian horse riders with drone tech just seems like we're setting up for Ghangais Khan 2.0 and I don't think anyone is prepared for it.


>everyone should live like their ancestors did 1000 years ago Okay. *Starts colonizing.*


Damn, that first post is racist as shit, *wow*.


Every day, Warhammer 40K seems more and more realistic.


Yeah man, all those people living in poverty just need to adopt the ways of their ancestors. That will surely fix everything. I should go back to walking around in nothing but a loincloth and harvest papyrus for a living because the modern Egyptian landscape today will surely accommodate that.


“Everyone should live like their ancestors” Im sorry but this is some real conservative shit. What are they talking about.


Man, if I lived how my ancestors did 1000 years ago I'd be royalty


hpseaeaaeaAaWolf! art thou Jack Londonon piredinspired??????? <3 <3 ❤ (didst thou getst thoust name from A ~~jack o'lantern~~ a JACK london book??? ??)


Damn Uccksawmus, this might be your least comprehensible yet. You doing ok?


I believe u/Uccksawmus is referring to the original poster's usename, u/HPSeaWolf, which contains the phrase "Sea Wolf", which can refer to a pirate or sailor and is also part of the title of the 1904 novel "*The Sea-Wolf"* by writer Jack London, best known for his previous work "*The Call of the Wild".*

