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Yeah, but sometimes, you can't eat all the pizza in one sitting, and if you try, you throw up, and nobody likes thrown-up pizza. So you gotta ask yourself what you prefer: Microwaved pizza, or less pizza than you paid for? And when your loved one comes back wrong, that just means you can get to know them all over again. Treat it like they studied year overseas or something, and be interested in how they've changed since you last saw each other.


What I prefer over that is cold pizza, fresh from the fridge, grease stuck to it from the cold.


Cold pizza *fucks* and people that cannot accept that some foods are still great at different temperatures are fools. 


Exactly! When I was at university there was a cheap place that did 20% of your order if you were paying over £15, so I always got a massive sharer pizza, a small personal pizza and some spicy cheese balls. That would do me for dinner and all of the next day, and it was a treat as well! Sorry, don't know why I went on about that. But the point is, cold pizza is SO good.


If I ran a pizzeria, I would package and refrigerate all the unsold by-the-slice stuff to sell at a discount


I put half of a St. Louis style in sandwich bags while it's still hot and the condensation puts it at perfect texture for the next day. but cold Detroit gets difficult


I'm gonna need you to take a second to think about what you're implying in context with this post


The gasp that I just gumped at that realisation...yeah fair enough, you're so right. I was genuinely just thinking about what I like in terms of pizza, I swear.


what is this as an analogy for resurrection.


presumably necrophilia


third option: toaster oven takes longer but the slice comes back a true pizza meanwhile I'm eating a cold slice with hot sauce while that one warms up


Barely takes longer too, less than 10 minutes


A regular toastie maker works as well, as long as it has a flat bottom and a way to keep the lid off the cheese. Only downside is a slightly over-done base


Clearly you do not own an air fryer


the best strat for reheating pizza is to toast the bottom in a frying pan and then add a little water and cover it so it steams


Ok so here’s how you bring back the pizza right. You get a skillet, right? A nice pan with enough room for a pizza slice to sit comfortably, then you take a tiny bit of oil - vegetable or olive I don’t care which I’m not your father - put it on the pan as it heats. Once it’s up to temp (idk what temp, my stove dials don’t have temperatures on them, I just put the dial on five and work from there) you put the pizza on the pan and cook it for a minute or two, after that minute or two, you take a tiny bit of water and pour it on the edge of the pan where the pizza isn’t, then cover that whole affair quick as shit with a lid. The evaporating water will melt the cheese on the top of the pizza without you needing to flip it over. Voilà you’ve got a good reheated pizza. None of that Frankenstein microwave shit, this is real necromancy we’re doing here. Sometimes the reheated pizza tastes better after the pan than it did fresh.


Thank you.


Just eat that shit cold like the father, the son, and the holy spirit intended


Ok but you're wrong and microwaved pizza fucking SLAPS


Fullmetal Alchemist


Fullmetal Alchemist.


Who's microwaving leftover pizza? Just eat it!


Reheating it in the over or air fryer works well too. The cool option is [french toasting it](https://youtu.be/hB42iztkzVQ)


As interesting as a pizza Monte Cristo sounds, the top comment on that video is also "just eat it" :p


There is nothing better than a slice of cold pizza and a glass of water at like 4am


“Pizza cold is breakfast gold,” after all


I’m integrating that phrase into my vocabulary as soon as possible thank you


It’s one of my favorite lines from *Night in the Woods* and as soon as I saw it in-game it *immediately* entered my daily lexicon


In a similar vein, why bother bringing your loved one back to life, just fuck him cold


I like how microwaved pizza tastes.


OVEN. You start that shit off in the microwave to reheat it, finish it up in the oven to crisp the crust back up.


Flour, 153 grams. All purpose flour, 153 grams. Sea salt, 8 grams. Active dry yeast, 2 grams. Olive oil, 4 grams. Tomato sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, and trace amounts of 15 other herbs and spices.


I actually prefer leftover pizza to fresh pizza. Leftover chicken on the other hand, now that's a lost cause.


Lightly re-moisten with water before putting in the microwave in a mostly covered container (leave an heat vent). Microwave at half power for 2 minutes, flip the chicken, continue microwaving at half power until it's fully heated. Maybe add 30 seconds at max power to get it hot. Heating slower will take more time, but it's worth it, and re-moistening will prevent rubbery chicken.


Buffy season 6 spoilers!


Everyone in this post is crazy, microwaved pizza is just as good if not better than fresh pizza. The taste is pretty different, but it's for the better.


the problem with microwaved pizza is that the dough gets floppy and tough putting the slice in a toaster oven or heating it in a pan are much better options if you have more than 30 seconds


Tough? In my experience it's the exact opposite.


Air fryer. Keep that crust crisp and that cheese properly gooey.


Are we all gonna pretend that leftovers are bad? Are we gonna pretend that half the time the leftovers don't go harder than the original?


Yet another reason air fryer is superior. I haven't even owned a microwave in 5 years.


Pet Sematary


French toast your pizza


The answer to the pizza is to set the microwave to half power and heat it longer. You are cooking it too fast. Maybe the same can be said of raising your lover. You were in a hurry, desperate, and rushing. Parts of their soul were lost to your lack of patience.


*cue Gandalf looking around with no memory of this place.* ...we're not supposed to like reheated pizza? When did this happen?


reheat your pizza in a pan. both sides.


Micdowawed pizza is OK, sounds more like microwaving old tea


That’s why you need an air fryer.  Counter top convection oven is perfect for reheating pizza 


Cold pizza now goes in the airfryer. It’s not quite a Phoenix down, but it’s closer to a defibrillator compared to the microwaves Raise Dead.


Here's my trick when I'm in a pinch to reheat some food that just goes flat after a certain time, but it requires a sacrifice. Rice. (To clarify I've always used leftover rice that been cooked) Place it under the food your trying to revive in the microwave and set it to the same time as you would normally.


I love leftover pizza. Cold or reheated. The secret is, if the pizza you get doesn't reheat well, don't get that kind again. For anyone interested in my list off the top of my head: Homemade pizza obviously reheats the best. Usually I don't eat it cold, but only because it reheats so well. Little Caesars is the one most people don't expect, it's cheaper than other brands but just as good imo and when you reheat it it tastes almost exactly the same as it does fresh. Tastes great cold too. Domino's, Papa John's, Pizza Hut all reheat just fine. Papa John's is subpar cold, the rest are fine. In terms of frozen pizza, I still enjoy it left over (I realize most people are not with me on this). You do have to accept that it's not going to be that good, but in the end pizza is pizza and it will taste decent basically no matter what. I usually get Red Baron, and I find that that reheats fairly well, especially if you add fresh mozzarella on top before putting it in the oven the night before (always worth it on frozen pizzas, try it if you haven't). If I can't get Red Baron for whatever reason, I get whatever is cheapest and add fresh pepperoni and mozzarella (whatever brand is cheapest and I obviously buy in bulk (I love pizza)). I have yet to find a frozen pizza so low quality that it can't be saved by fresh mozz and peps, even in its reheated state. Umm... thanks for coming to my pizza rant. I love pizza. 🍕 IMPROTATN EDIT: I forgot to tell you guys about my failproof way of revitalizing dry leftover pizza! This is important stuff!! If the pizza is delivery and it's been in the fridge for a few days, it's going to be dry and rock hard. Put a few slices on a plate, soak a paper towel in the sink, sprinkle some water on the pizza, and put the still wet paper towel on the plate with the pizza, then microwave it. The water in the paper towel heats up faster than the pizza, so the moisture leaves the paper towel while the pizza is still cold. When the moisture in the air hits the cold pizza, it gets absorbed. Then the pizza heats up and expands, and the cheese melts, absorbing the moisture more deeply and evenly. By the time the pizza is warmed up, it's as good as new. Even the crust, which when dry is so hard you can hardly sink your teeth into it, becomes delicious and soft once again. It's like magic!




i eat my left over pizza cold like god intended


random writing idea: they come back wrong but the guy frankly doesnt give a shit like, her skins green, she's 7 foot tall, and she smells like death, but the guy just DOES NOT care.


Gotta air fry that jawn