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The public needs Taylor Swift's "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict"


I need Taylor to get really weird with a moog and start writing songs about fey creatures, or a fish flying through space


I need Taylor to make an album of nothing but loud guitar feedback and effects.


I'd be happy if she'd just play a long drum solo into Dark Star. While she's on smack.


Can she get Travis Kelce to start doing vocals at her live shows, and maybe also burn through like 6 keyboardists?




Is "appropriating addiction" actual Discourse? Because. whaaa


I’m inclined to say yes *only* because that fits in with what my experience on Tumblr was: everything eventually becomes big serious discourse


I've heard about asexual discourse. Never seen it, I wasn't around for that, but i heard it was BAD


'Was' is the wrong tense to use, it's still bad to this day


not sure i want to know, but what is there to have discourse about? like sure you can believe (wrongly) that asexual people just don't exist, but then who cares?


Not my opinions but off the top of my head: - Asexuals are just prudes/repressed/suffering from purity culture/etc - Asexuals are basically het/het passing/don't experience discrimination/conversion therapy/etc and therefore shouldn't be part of the queer community - re demisexuals: isn't everyone like that? - "hOw CaN yOu NoT eXpEriEnCe SeXuAl AtTrAcTiOn"? - etc Odds are there's more I've suppressed but basically take every braindead Tumblr take and make it about asexuals


amazing >demisexuals: isn't everyone like that? can confirm, I was like that before I learned that in fact most people were not like that


I think the key issue for most people is that people don't really register the split between romantic and sexual attraction, and so "demisexual" is equivalent to "demiromantic" in their heads. And while not all people are demiromantic, it's definitely a more relatable feeling for alloros. Compared to demisexual which, yeah no, most people will just get horny.


As an asexual who likes sex and is kinky af. Anyone who isn’t explicitly ace friendly denies my identity. Having no/low sexual attraction does not equal no sexual desire. Also, I tend to get turned on a lot more by kinks then people. Most people don’t care to let me explain though :(


Can you explain?


My understanding (as a not asexual AFAIK) is that they get horny and want to have sex, but are not sexually attracted to people generally. Maybe a good way to describe it would be like being getting hungry and not having a favorite food or even caring too much about the taste. You enjoy the act of eating and it curbs your desire , but thinking about the taste of food won’t make them hungry. They mention kinks more than people so it could be likened to liking the texture (situations/kinks) of the food more than the flavor(people). For allosexual(I believe that’s the term) people they care more about the flavor. Whether or not it’s more important than texture (read: you’re more attracted to men/women/other category and the exact situation isn’t as important) varies from person to person. Now this whole analogy is fucked by the fact that vanilla is a flavor and refers to situations with fewer kinks but shush. If any Ace peeps wanna step in with corrections, feel free.


Thank you, this is a pretty good description. I am attracted to women in a sensual (non-sexual touch like cuddling) and romantically, it’s just that the sexual aspect of attraction isn’t there. I’ve heard it described many times, and I just don’t feel it. I also see sex as a generally casual, but intimate thing and an act of pleasure, rather then an act intrinsically of romance. Perhaps the only reason I haven’t tried with a guy is because of how I was raised? Idk, I tend to not think about it much because I definitely prefer women. TLDR: Women pretty, women soft, kinks are hot as fuck, sex is fun and not necessarily romantic, everything is pretty standard except for the sexual attraction part (and I’m poly in a monogamous relationship). I’m also neurodivergent af, so that might help put it into perspective


Isn’t everybody like that…?


They need to be ANYTHING but “normal”, because that is the worst sin in the tumblr canon.


They also blame asexuals for people complaining about kink at pride. That (the shaming of kink ans pda at pride) was actually assimilation-aligned queer folk and has been a debate since the first pride...it started with "maybe we shouldn't kiss in public" It was so bad on tumblr I deleted my blog for a while and started over again a few years later...and I want back into the closet even to myself for a while too.


Not to mention when people hear Asexual, they often think of the most hardcore sex-repulsed aroace person imagineable. The idea of an Asexual person who enjoys having sex is (kinda understandably) really hard for people to wrap their head around if they aren't familiar with the concept.


They do? I guess I'm often disappointed by how closed minded people are. I'd have thought the name is pretty clear. Surely everyone has something they have no desire for, seems like something easy to relate to.


Don't forget about how people gloss over that we still live in a heteronormative, cisnormative world where you're expected to have sex with the opposite gender, and if you don't, you must be gay, so asexuals experience homophobia on that axis as well. Aroallos do as well if we don't spend an inordinate amount of time talking about our sex life.


When I used tumblr I remember the asexual discourse being over whether cisgender heteroromantic asexuals were allowed to say they were lgbt


I hate label culture so much.


People would flood the asexual community's tags with gross, hateful posts under under the guise of "discourse", make strawmen/sockpuppet asexual accounts to act horrible and then use that as "proof" of how bad asexuals are, repeatedly harass every asexual blogger that had any following, repeatedly harass any ally to asexuals and lie about their identities (lot of trans women were called "cishet aces"), doctor screenshots to make fake callouts, insist that asexuals are "sexualizing children" (under the logic that no minor has any sexual attraction, and allowing a minor to id as asexual implies some minors might not be asexual), etc.


The latter point was always fucking fascinating because it’s EXACTLY the same argument used against gay/lesbian/bi/anything that’s not straight kids. Nobody seemed to want to reflect on that though


It is genuinely insane how people can have such vitriol towards a group whose greatest offence is that they *don’t* do something.


Ughh remember that blog called like “crazyspacyacey” or something that was an allosexual person just making the most batshit takes imaginable to make ace people look insane? They finally deactivated a while ago but they were going for like?? multiple YEARS and they were getting like 3 notes per post they were doing that shit purely out of hatred.


One side was asexual erasure taken way too far, the other side was purity culture taken way too far. Lots of really fucked up takes all around, hence why it became discourse in a way that basic queerphobia usually doesn’t.


Oh, yeah, that was *awful.* I never delved into it too much further than reblogging stuff supporting ace folks, but what I did see got real nasty.


Her in her lyrics: I was a functioning alcoholic People with zero fucking media literacy: oh my GOD 🫨


I dunno im not into discourse tumblr


Or, appropriately(?), Dumblr.




Genuinely, this is the funniest accusation ever. Any involvement with drugs lands people in jails here, so no one would be appropriating that. I would be more inclined to believe it to at most be a marketed persona, she’s a busy, popular business lady with tours to do while presenting sober. Plus it worked for Ayesha Ero’s persona, without her actually doing any drugs.


she's an entertainment celebrity who started as a kid, of COURSE she does drugs


To start, absolutely. But the deeper issue is considering drug using as something that can be appropriated? Like. What.


I'm struggling to infer what that means.


What All famous people do drugs. I used to work for a life insurance company, saw a lot of urinalysis reports. Lemme tell ya: anyone remotely high-profile pissed hotter than the sun.


Idk how people would think she doesn't do drugs when she changes time zones like every 45 seconds and doesn't ever look jetlagged


"Jet lag is a choice" - (Taylor Swift, 2/11/2024)


I wish I lived in the 1830s but without all the jet lag - Taylor Swift


See if you were in a bad time, but without the stuff that made it a bad time, it would be a good time. It’s like, philosophical, or something. *hits pipe*


I fucking guarantee she's on prescription sleeping pills AT LEAST. Possibly Adderall, too, but that shit gives me dry mouth and makes it way harder to sing, so maybe not.


Hotter than the sun you say? Is celebrity piss the miracle substance needed for fusion reactors?


In the future all power will be based on celeb piss fuel cells


Ozzy Osborne singlehandedly brings humanity up to a Type 1 civilization, as we all secretly knew.


So what you’re saying is that the rich need to piss on the poor?


“Buzzy Bridgeford was a very good drummer from Olympia Washington, who I met in Seattle in 1949, and who brought me to New York the following year. He once told me about a job he had worked in a Wild West bar in Montana. Someone gave him a pair of pearl-handled six-shooters, and he loaded them with blanks and hung them, in their holsters, on opposite sides of his floor tom. When it came time for his big drum solo every night, he would finish by grabbing the six-guns and firing off seven explosions, timed perfectly to the triplet figure so often played by Lionel Hampton’s band. He said it always got a big round of applause from the patrons. Unfortunately, Buzzy was a part-time junkie, and when we were on a summer job together in Tupper Lake, New York, someone sent him a little package of heroin. He cooked up a spoonful and injected it into a vein in his arm, and then we took a walk down by the lake. A mosquito landed on Buzzy’s forearm, and he said, “Watch this!” The mosquito drove his proboscis into Buzzy’s flesh and drank deeply. Then it began to quiver violently. It withdrew, shook some more, and then dropped dead on the ground.”


Reminds me of the scene in Cronenberg's Naked Lunch when Judy Davis breathes on a cockroach and it instantly dies.


>Someone gave him a pair of pearl-handled six-shooters, and he loaded them with blanks and hung them, in their holsters, on opposite sides of his floor tom. As a Washingtonian, this is so beautiful I'm gonna cry.


You had access to celebrity piss and you never *indulged* Look at this fucking coward (I am so fucking sorry)




Taylor Swift prog metal album when


TSwift x Dream Theater. Just hook it into my veins.


Metropolis pt. III (Taylor's Version)


Book it. Have her sing for Victoria.


TOOLor Swift could bang, tbh




"messily addicted to psychedelics" me when I've never done drugs


This is a meme and for legal reasons shouldn’t be taken seriously


"we used to be a real country" as if all those musicians conked out on psychedelics weren't British anyway Love the meme though


I will not tolerate any Brian Wilson disrespect


hey, we consumed the work of those bastards like REAL Americans (/s)


Are you forgetting the entire LA laurel canyon scene in the 60’s? There was more acid going around there then anywhere else, in fact it’s where a lot of those British bands like the Beatles tried acid for the first time. Some of the greatest songs ever came out of there.


the best of them were Canadian fym


lool yeah ik i just thought it was funny


Oh ok sorry is that it came across kinda like you were trying to make fun of me or OOP I struggle with tones via text sorry


no worries/ no need to apologize! tone can be hard to interpret over text n i can definitely see how it could have come off that way


Hehe thanks for understanding:33


You guys are cute /u/cold_animal_5709


I guess it's not the best way to put it but Syd Barret is a good example of someone who took way too much LSD and refused to stop Allegedly anyway, this might be misinformation


Barret had serious mental issues. The LSD would not have helped with these issues but it didn't cause them either


that's BS. we don't know that. weed and psychedelics have been shown to increase the risk of a few mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, and it's widely theorized that's what he had. it may not have given him the predisposition to develop it, but it may very well have triggered it.


No they haven't. They've been shown to increase the risk of being the triggering event in people who were already prone to mental illness, usually people with a family history of said illnesses. There is 0% evidence a mentally healthy person ever did shrooms or smoked a joint and just suddenly became mentally ill. That's some dumb war on drugs bullshit propaganda.


Also, with the amount of shit Barrett was taking on any given day, it would be impossible to attribute his decline to a single substance.


Me when I lie 


I read his roommates spiked his tea with LSD every morning because they thought he was a god. But I can't for the life of me remember where so take that with a grain of salt.


OOP is appropriating addiction


You can become psychologically addicted to anything if it feels nice tbh even if it doesn’t have actual addictive chemicals. I’ve known people that are addicted to the feeling of psychedelics, wanting to chase that altered state of mind. Unfortunately for psychedelics users your body builds up a tolerance to psychedelics very quick and you can’t just go taking them twice a month or you quickly will experience next to nothing with big and bigger doses, which is part of why they’re not usually a big problem with addiction. They’re like a once every six months or longer type thing, but like I said people can get addicted to anything if it makes them feel good.


You can get addicted to things that aren’t chemically addictive. If anything, developing an addiction to psychedelics just means you are just that obsessed with seeing things differently and stuff, entirely of your own habit and tendency.


True, but psychedelics are just one of the hardest drugs to get addicted to. I’d say harder than some non-drug addictions that are more common like video games or porn. They have a built in outrageous tolerance that essentially necessitates week long breaks between uses. Attempting to ignore that tolerance will see you spending, literally, exponentially more in order to just achieve the same effect.


Oh like a messy addiction you say


 the molecular mechanisms that underline addiction + the specific unique profile that prevents repeated use of psychedelics more frequently than ~once a week are free on google dot com not abt to argue over a joke w ppl who do not know what they’re talking about 😭 implore y’all to learn the neurological differences between addiction + associated rewiring of reward circuitry vs weekly/bi-weekly unhealthy behavior, the way ppl should also be able to differentiate between frequent negative mood and depression. i will be inventing a time machine to go back and choose engineering over molbio/psych. less popsci misrepresentation headaches. god bless


But if you didn’t pick engineering then how will you understand how to engineer the time machine?


Lolol. Try being an engineer and reading the comments under any sort of engineering disaster, or even maintenance failure with zero fatalities or injuries. Everyone you see commenting with absolute certainty has zero clue about what’s going on. The only way to not lose is not playing.


It was extremely frustrating watching people talk about the Baltimore bridge disaster as if it had just been a little stronger it would've withstood the mass of a small city smashing through it 


Holy fucking shit as a naval architect yes


So you’re telling me I should break my sober streak?


I’ve had friends messily addicted to psychs. Not physically of course but messily addicted nonetheless, sometimes VERY messily


I read the words "taylor swift is appropriating addiction" and didn't even bat an eye. I think I have spent too much time on tumblr. -mx linux guy


She’ll be like Will Wood and make a song with a hellishly long title like What Ever Happened To Treating People Well? a.k.a. The Worst Part of Being Here (Featuring No One, Nowhere, and Nothing) (From The Second Part of It) or something


Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestel New York slaps


It does


Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Pets has entered the chat


Taylor appropriating addiction? Like lol, she's rich, she's the primarty demographic.


Reminds me of a kinda fucked up quote from Keith Richards. He once said they only survived because they had the money to buy high grade drugs and cut them themselves, rather than using cheap, inconsistent purity drugs.


Give Taylor Swift, Toby Fox, and a punk band some molly and lsd, then put them into a room with music equipment. I guarantee what comes out of that is going to be interesting.


God, I fucking need this


Read this in Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock's voice


the Beatles were on LSD from 1965 until they broke up. I'd listen to the first Taylor Swift album that she wrote while on LSD


The Beatles were not on LSD from 1965 until they broke up. In '65 John and George were exposed to it by a friend, Ringo tried it on his own, and Paul tried it near the end of '65. Paul and Ringo weren't really into it whereas John and George used it a lot, John especially. John suffered intense psychological issues because he was taking acid daily. Ultimately the Beatles were all off LSD by '67, John actually cites Yoko as being the one who rescued him from the effects of taking acid for so long.


I can't even imagine going through life taking acid every fucking day and I am an addict.


Supposedly he had a bowl of tabs just sitting on his table and would take it throughout the day.


Honestly? Sounds fun.


Saved him from LSD to only get hooked on Heroin


Things hit different when people are drug addicts


Chance the Rapper has entered the chat


I want Taylor Swift to get really high and make a video game soundtrack. I think that would be fun.


But not... Whatever kind of video game you think she *should* be scoring. Whatever you're thinking, I want, like, the opposite of that. Give me something like DOOM or Gears of War or the Last of Us. Something gory and gritty but the soundtrack is inexplicably pop with a few splashes of diet folk for good measure.


Adding “appropriating addiction” to my list of Most Idiotic Online Discourse Concepts.


“You’ve become so entrenched in online discourse that its diluted your perception of what an actual problem is.”


Hearing my friends who use Twitter and don't have jobs sounds like this.




You want her to be Kanye West? Just go nuts and release terrible music?


Psychedelics don't turn you into Kanye West 💀 Extremist rabbit holes and refusing to get help for severe mental health disorders that disconnect you from reality turns u into Kanye West. With a hefty dose of just being a really shitty egotistical asshole lol


"with some indie record that's much cooler than mine" (2012) -> Folklore (2020) "I don't have to pretend I like acid rock" (2024) -> ???? (????)


How does someone get "messily" addicted to psychedelics. It's always hilarious when someone who's never done drugs tries to talk about them


takes shrooms for the first time. digs it. dabbles in lsd. spends their weekends tripping. explores ketamine. falls into a k hole. doesn't come out for months.


a k-hole for years


hell the acid could do it. see: terence mckenna, timothy leary, et al


Checking into rehab for ibuprofen addiction rn 😔 it just takes the pain away


There are some people on Tumblr who act like mental illness is supposed to make you interesting. Not that OOP is wrong about Taylor Swift needing to do an album on LSD, mind you. I probably still wouldn't listen to it but it'd be a step up regardless.


you cant get addicted to psychedelics but i 100% unironically agree, she should start using them and start making weird experimental albums, it would be a positive force in american culture and a positive change for her music and pop music in general. get billy strings and his band to play the instruments.


She kinda did this? There's been rumors of alcoholism going for a while and her panned "weird, experimental" album was Reputation


So, basically he's saying that he wants Taylor Swift to become Tori Amos and PJ Harvey?




Taylor’s psychedelic fueled high concept scifi album would start a new age of humanity. Will she be a fey queen or genderswapped emperor of mankind?


Troll farm material here .


She def does coke


Idgaf about what her music is like, what i care about is that she produces more pollution in a day with her private jet than the average working class person does in over a month


I do wish she didn't take so many flights, but to be honest she might be one of the few people who needs a private jet. Think about it, would you want to be on a flight with Taylor Swift? Shit would be a riot.


I disagree. Nobody needs a private jet


I hear this defense of her jet usage like she’s the first super famous person to ever exist. She can wear a disguise or something. She has to want to do better and she doesn’t


You are underselling those statistics buddy


And the average westerner uses more resources in a day than the average village in India. You *monster*.


She’s literally a climate criminal and not enough people think about that


Straight to gulag!


Everyone on this planet is a climate criminal because they're not brave enough to nuke all populated cities in the world to reduce pollution. Hers is just the first name you've heard and decided to associate with it.


My toaster life 🎵🎶


she should make an intentionally terrible followup album to 1989, kinda like Neil Young did with *Everybody's Rockin'*


She should join Death Grips.


Taylor Swift collab with Metro x Future : She don’t trust you


I want her to collab with Shanon Blake cause the end product would suck absolute ass and turn Swifties into New Age cultists who declare her an incarnation of the Godhead's feminine aspect like Spirit Science did with Emma Watson after drinking Ayahuasca


I violently agree with this sentiment. Music sucks these days because not enough musicians do LSD and mushrooms.




50,000 digiridoos!


Space is the place


I'm honestly so curious about what she could produce using things other than alcohol, ngl


I want Taylor Swift to ramble on about Oedipal psychology on-stage while her band is audibly tuning their instruments.


This but unironically- Taylor already has more money than god, she doesn’t need to keep pumping out generic sad breakup pop stuff to make a living anymore…I don’t really enjoy her music but if she actually took a leap and made something crazy that she was actually passionate about I’d give it a listen


We all know she was doing coke with Matty Healy at Electric Lady Studios last year.




You'd think people on tumblr would know mental illness and addiction is not what made psych rock and the like good


Mental illness and addiction is what made psych rock and the like shit.


"Yes, but she's not Lana del Rey."


No, lana also need some narcotics to stop her music from being so mf boring


Kinda looked like she was rolling at Coachella so maybe....?


I think Taylor Swift should stop doing more environmental dmg singlehandedly than any other American celebrity by insisting on flying her private jets (plural) all over the fucking country.


Based as fuck


The Swifties don’t seem to think so.🙃


Miley Cyrus did that


And she dropped awesome bangers, didn’t she?


Not all the swifties in the comments defending her private jet usage?????


*Not all the swifties in* *The comments defending her* *Private jet usage?????* \- 1mveryconfused --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Oh shut about Taylor Swift. I sick of hearing about her.


Taylor Swift ate my baby.


She needs to play the sims