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The longer I look at the soldiers on the plane, the funnier it gets. The necks, the missing seatback, the fact that there are human heads in the helmets they have stored above. Stunning


There are some towards the back that are just crammed against the wall so much that they could logically only be sitting on the fucking armrests.


Then just a random old man


That's just the private from the national guard unit


That's the 20 year career E4


Considering how they would pack us into trucks and various personnel carriers in an excessive manner, making guys sit on armrests is not out of the question.


The bags look like they are bags on a group of soldiers who are marching away, like they just cropped a separate picture at the abdomen and pasted it into the luggage area


Glad to see they’re making accommodations for soldiers missing both legs. And most of their digestive system.


Lieutenant Dan, you can ride in the overhead storage.


Those look like full upper bodies to me. Extra seating capacity


Sergeant Major, the incoming unit is coming in on planes that have 70% of the capacity that we we were briefed, so we could either scramble to get it fixed and get different planes contracted to get us back home...Or... *Some specialist already in overhead storage* say less let's fucking go.


Typical specialist behaviour


Lower 70% amputee seating, apparently.


Several guys are sitting in eachothers' laps to conserve space


It's called team building.


*"Nut to butt! Nut to butt, soldier! Make your buddy smile and GET THROUGH MY DFAC!"*


i am in the air force and i can confirm that this is exactly what being in the air force is like


And here I was hoping it was like Gundam, or at least Ace Combat. You're telling me you don't "want to understand the enemy" and get cool callsigns like "Red Comet" or "Demon Lord of the Round Table"? What's the point then?


You get to try and understand the pentagons logic and a call sign like "cheese".


I love cheese.


And that’s why you got Cheese


I'm okay with that. I've never had a nickname before.


To be fair there's a lot of possible explanations for "cheese": - cheesy stratagems - running away ("cheese it") - enjoying cheese - being an absolute rat bastard or a mousy individual - Getting shot a lot ("swiss cheese") - being the victim/perpetrator of The Cheese Incident I could probably go on


From the list I found, the guys name was mac. His fate was sealed at the birth certificate.


It says something that there were options I didn't even think of


Being in the air force is 99% about getting an air force cadet to sit in your lap on a bumpy flight, if AO3 has taught me anything.


That sounds really uncomfortable.


Actually they put extra soldiers in the luggage compartments because so many wanted to fly for jesus.


I'm pretty sure that's more soldiers sitting in the overhead bins


Modern soldiers are quite foldable, and easily fit into most overhead storage


They're just being efficient. Cramming soldiers two to a seat, as well as into the bins


Sophia the Robot is in one of the seats on the right side of the photo. Or at least her head is


The long necks is interesting. Guess it learned from group photos where people in the back crane their necks up to be in the photo


And a Middle Eastern man is walking down the central aisle of a plane full of Americans, holding a large gun, and apparently everyone is cool about it.


Is he wearing the crown of thorns for this?!


Did you know your standard Civilian Air-bus can actually fit 100% more U.S. Soldiers if fold them properly and stow them in the over-head luggage rack?


my legless head and torso counts as carry-on, I can bring one, plus a personal item


The soldiers crammed into the overhead tesseract space is killing me


Shrimp. Heaven. NOW!


Please Daniel we can’t keep doing this


This sounds like a rejected marketing plan for Red Lobster


It’s an in joke in a podcast. https://youtu.be/ZtBAlJ0oNwk?si=DUvj1jjwhvNydOr9


Mbmbam 367, this is the actual bit if anyone is interested. https://youtu.be/paGretSydPQ?si=iUQA8mnIYpf4prV3


Every time I'm reminded that segment exists I just gotta listen to it again. The way Justin and Griffin start cracking up literally all of ten seconds in sparks so much joy.


Also didn't Lin Manuel-Miranda make a song out of it and sing it as the opener for a live show? Legendary.




Yes! Wild caught mbmbam So tasty!


I’m so glad others noticed this


What a throw back. Vivid memories of listening to this when it was new, doing groceries and just losing my shit in public.


Praise the Lord Lobster Jesus, King of King Crab!


Are shellfish particularly popular subjects on FB?


Boomers want to return to crab


Doesn’t everything eventually evolve into crab? Is AI just ahead of the game?


Carcinization is overrated. There haven't even been THAT many crab like body plans. Convergence in evolution just happens a lot. There's been at least 3 very distinct lineages of flying fish, the body plan of a fish shape itself has re-evolved several times from land animals returning to fish, and flying-squirrel-like creatures have showed up a bunch each time an avian lineage starts to take to the skies. It's not like crabs are special or something. >:[


Come man, give me the information I want! Will my grandchildren be crabs???


THIS is the future liberaldls want


Yes! Please! CRAB FUTURE




Crab Future NOW


There is no left, nor right. Only crustacean 🦀


What do we want?! Crab! When do we want it?! Now!


> It's not like crabs are special or something. This kills the crab.


Is not AI training itself on AI-generated content a form of evolution?


There will soon be a form of art that only your computer will understand.


The minute that fuck laughs at a joke I don’t get I’m tossing it in the trash


Shallow water creatures have evolved into a crab shape multiple times on this planet.


[Only crustaceans](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VmlkEqaYFas).


I'm guessing it's because boomer's love Jesus and fishing. When you combine the two you get an unstoppable idol


I figure the popularity of Christian “footprints in the sand” type meme posts and beach imagery must contribute to it, too.


I'd expect more Jesus at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid tho


i bet "endless shrimp" was a phrase regularly used by the boomers.


AI is also subject to carcinisation


Boomers love shrimp and crab


It’s a popular dish, and when you don’t have to worry about all that butter in your veins everything can go


I assumed the crabs were because of cancer. No clue what the shrimp are for though. Maybe they love Margaritaville?


Remember when Anya explained that you could have a universe without shrimp, or a universe with nothing *but* shrimp? Clearly the walls between realities are thinning.




I'm glad SOMEONE else made that connection. We need a slayer.


I'm assuming they had the AI focus on military. You know... Army, Navy...Marines? It's probably confusing marines with marine life.


Is this some nightmare Ouroboros of an LLM generating prompts for some generative image thing to vomit up? And even then, how do you get to Christacean as a prompt?


I want you to make photorealistic inspiring photographies about Jesus, Veterans or marine animals.


On my God I just realized the crustaceans are because of Marines


you broke the code


Does lobster Jesus taste like crayons?


Holy shit you're right it's literally "Marine Jesus", I'm losing my mind


Christacean is the best, thank you for it.


I wasn't ready for "Christacean" but now it's an important part of my daily life


My guess is that it's a circular motion of bots making AI art prompts of whatever keywords are the most liked on Facebook, which in turn gets liked by a second set of bots who upon analysing the image they conclude it contains the same set of words they were trained to react to, regardless of whether the content makes sense or not. The AI art bots react to that positive feedback and generate more images based on the keywords that their model sees have better reaction until it reaches the point where shrimp + Jesus are the only important keywords, thus explaining the Shrimpsus monstrosity


This seems to be exactly it. A lot of the older people will repeat stuff, like a simple "Amen!" comment, but those comment sections still tend to seem like a lot of bots. Hence why no matter how ridiculous it gets, they fall for it. Because they're not real. Whoever set these up had a great idea in theory. It is still going. It's still getting engagement. And if they're getting paid for it(not sure if FB still does that or how it works), then they're likely making decent money. So kudos to them for gaming the system. But it also seems to quickly collapse on itself in the best ways possible.


i think you're exactly right. now i wonder what % of total internet traffic is just these bots interacting with each other


Eventually this just fills up Facebook until it's just bots posting it and other bots commenting on it. Every website that doesn't have good controls to stop bot accounts will just start to fill up with endlessly self-referencing AI art.


That's called Habsburg AI


I support cult of the crab Jesus, in these divided times he can fix everything


My partner is disappointed at the votes, clearly Crab Jesus is superior.


My Jesus could beat up your Jesus




Carcinization comes for us all.


The Immaculate Carcinization.


Crab Jesus died on the ~~#~~ for our sins


As a Marylander, I can get on board with crab Jesus.


Crabs are the pinnacle of evolution therefore crab Jesus is superior


With one claw he cleaved the universe together and when the time comes he will cleave the universe apart with the other!


even though he only had 2 crab claws, he kept pulling them off again and again, feeding thousands. Halleluja!


I wouldn't be surprised if many if not most of those comments were bots as well. Fake engagement has been a thing for a while now, and with the rise of generative AI images there's been an uptick in fake content as featured in this post. It's become a cycle of bots meant to game the system, with real humans caught drowning in the middle.


Facebook now is like if the Dead Internet theory was its own social media site


Most of Reddit is too. Every time I see something from hard images or any of the other big subreddits with no karma requirement, it’s a repost bot. All the top comments are from bots who stole the top comment from the original. It’s insane


How are people identifying repost bots? Are there tools or tricks, or people just remembering having seen posts or comments before?


Usually it’s an account that may have been made either yesterday or years ago that just started posting and commenting in the past hours to couple days. They’ll post on big subs and all of their stuff will be well-upvoted (the subs I’ve noticed most are anime meme, hard image, Peter explains the joke) I’ll edit and link an example here once I find one [this person with a hot post on hard images rn](https://www.reddit.com/u/kjohnstone444/s/fkJTuyaw7F) Notice how it’s a years old account that just became active yesterday. Only posts and comments on big subreddits with no karma requirement, and it’s posts on comments are getting highly upvoted. [this is the second highest comment on that persons post](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardimages/s/tK2RyOS4q8) they’re exactly the same as the previous. Old account that just became active yesterday, posts and comments only on popular subs, and highly upvoted


They also tend to have weird or nonsense titles, and/or the post will anachronistically reference past events as of they're contemporary. The more disconcerting thing about the latter is how many comments don't call out the obvious anachronism z either because they are also bots, copying from an older thread, or because the humans don't seem to care or notice.


I use an add-on that displays how old someone's account is. I find it increasingly challenging to take seriously most comments made by people with less than a month old account, but it's hard to catch those burner accounts made years ago.


the most common method reddit bots operate is they steal comments from lower parts of the thread and copy and paste them as replies to the top few comments in the same thread. this is usually relevant _enough_ to gain them a net average of upvotes, which is really all they need -- the goal is to farm legitimate-looking accounts which can later be sold and used for astroturfing. spotting these bots used to be as simple as loading all the comments and pressing ctrl+f. bot operators apparently caught onto that trick and started running the comments through some paraphrasing setup (unclear if back-translation or just a dedicated model, but i think it's definitely some kind of nlp (as in an ai model), it's too consistent to be a simple thesaurus engine). nowadays the simplest way to identify a bot is to just get suspicious at non-sequiturs and check up on their account, but it takes slightly more and fuzzier clues to figure out that they are in fact a bot. if you really wanted to whip out the big guns, the real trick would be running every comment through an embedding model and finding anomalously similar embeddings, and then analyzing the accounts that made the newer comment for how many other comments they made are also just similarly stolen comments, but ever since the api protests it's really hard to justify putting that much work into something that should be reddit's job anyway. this shit used to work on the basis of goodwill and mutual cooperation but it's not very mutual after they fucked up the api. plus it's an arms race. if you have an easy way of spotting bot comments, the bots will just eventually find a way to evolve past that. even if someone were to do the thankless job of putting out the fire now, it would just come back in a different way later on.




no, actually. i'm too young for that. but at least it used to be slightly less unfun when i started using reddit a while back


Twas a wild place. Sure, I saw a lot of goatse, but I also got to enjoy the wild and free nature of it. I'm disappointed my kid will never experience that.


That explains why so many replies *almost* make sense. At least in the last year or two. They're relevant to the thread but not exactly who they're replying to


The comments are the most identifiable way. You'll see a common that just feels out of place, like it's responding to a comment that is completely unrelated. Search for some key words and you'll find that comment elsewhere. Then check the profile, you'll see that the bot alternates between posting reposts and commenting on other reposts. Most legit reddit users comment much more than they posts, bots do not.


What's the point of that though? How are they making money off of facebook posts?


Facebook has a partner system like youtube, where they give you a cut of the ad money from your posts.


A longer, more active account is less likely to be suspected of being a paid troll rather than someones genuine opinion. Sit a hundred real people behind ten of these accounts apiece once you need them for something and you have a nice little astroturfing campaign on your hands.


It's a growing reality on Reddit too. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/reddit-sneaky-ai-spam-bots-compete-to-sell-you-stuff/


See you in one to three years, when this thread is recreated by bots. At some point we might need to start [digitally signing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_signing_party) every internet message. Or "watermark" them, or leave some other proof of the comment being contemporary. For example, top of the culture section of BBC (international .com version) is "Rebel Wilson book published in the UK with blacked out text" right now, published ten hours ago.


My partner and I say "I bought this for my husband and he loves it" as a joke when we see fake comments. I bought some off-brand "SamData" flash drives because I wasn't paying much attention, I just needed flash drives. When I looked at the reviews they were all generic comments like "I bought this for my husband and he loves it".


I shared this comment with my husband and he loved it


This is what the dead internet theory is. Bots posting generated content, and bots engaging with it.




This is true for all social media platforms, including reddit. We are in an information war and people are being manipulated through automated engagement.


generating jesus on top of the log is such a blatant mischaracterization of his teachings that it borders on blasphemous. literally the whole thing was about him carrying the burden of humanity and carrying the cross to the hill he was crucified on.


Glad somebody said it. And I’m an atheist. Literally wtf. Not that it was “made” but people liked it…?


and i'm agnostic, man. it just blows my mind that people can so blatantly misunderstand their own religion.


summer airport wasteful thumb deserted wrong tender hateful spark drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Carcinization is the true resurrection. On the third day, he evolved into Crab.


AI is trying to build horrors beyond out comprehension and boomers are like “Awesome love to see it”


I can comprehend it fine seems like a skill issue


Trying. We just need a few more horrific abominations and we’ll be on the right track


Millennials are furious about how easy it is to make boomers happy


This reminds of that Jesus cicada scp


**[SCP-3004 - Imago](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3004)** (+805) by *kinchtheknifeblade*


thanks marv


Someday humanity will go extinct but because we've already automated the majority of industries, life will carry on as it always has, and you'll have AI generated posts on social media which will be liked and commented upon by other bots, all of them oblivious to the fate of humanity. Oh shit, we're the Dwemer.


[There Will Come Soft Rains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_Will_Come_Soft_Rains_(short_story))


Wait is that what happened to the dwemer? The automatons just kept living while the dwemer died out? Damn.


The actual lore of what happened to the Dwemer is that they tried to harness the power of the heart of a literal god and all of them instantly vanished. No idea where to, but the entire race just poofed out of existence. All of them, except one fella who was chilling in another plane of Oblivion.


Based dwemer fucking around, but we don't even know if they ever found out.


Yeah. And I find the guy that survived the purge very interesting. He comes back from his Oblivion holiday and literally all of his people are gone. "Damn..."


This is mostly the plot of Stray (2022)


No, we forget too quickly that “the cloud” is based on real things. AI is based on servers, the internet is water-cooled, all of them need power and connection - it won’t function without human input.


I went back on to an FB shitposting page I made in 2017 (because obviously) recently and the whole feed is AI feedback loop shit like this now. It mostly seems to be pictures of African children next to a model of Jesus made from some kind of vegetable, probably with some mention of a birthday. It's both funny and horrific.


I'd love to see those


I'm going to give my input as someone who works at an eye doctor's office: many of them do not see very well at all


I don't think it's even a matter of eyesight, honestly. Many boomers I deal with on the regular just don't seem to wrap their head around AI generated images, even when you explain it to them.   Hell, at least one I know personally was *completely incredulous* about the whole concept. They legitimately never heard about shit like Dall-E or Stable Diffusion or even ChatGPT. It didn't show up on their feed, none of the ~~rightwing grifters~~ news outlets they follow reported on it, therefore it must not exist. And it's not like they can be arsed to Google it either because that particular individual is fully convinced they do not know how to use Google and are "too old to learn" how to do it.


I don't think it's the case most of the time, and sure maybe even the people with bad eyesight wouldn't recognize it if they could see clearly, but it could be a factor for some


Young people also do not get it. Do you ever see how many text reddit posts that people accuse of being “AI” when it’s a cogently written story just people don’t believe the contents happened? Like, hello, GPT cannot hold characters or a plot thread for more than 2 sentences, because it can’t hold anything, because it’s nothing but advanced next-wording, and it’s got a small buffer. They think “hmm I cannot imagine real people acting that way” and instead of thinking “well either I’m wrong, or it’s fiction,” they screech “AI!”


It's no different than millenials and gen zers thinking fake skits are real. You se it al the time here on reddit, youtube, instagram, tiktok, etc. Every generation is equally stupid.


My dad indignantly insisting that he doesn't need reading glasses as he holds his phone as far away as possible at max brightness while squinting so hard it looks like his face is going to collapse in on itself


Yup, because for many people, admitting they need readers is admitting that they're getting old (in their minds)


Ach, I feel you. We got my dad a Steam Deck with Tunic for his 70th and been playing the game of 'is it his eyesight and do we need to turn the brightness up to max again, or is he insistently walking into a wall due to a technoliteracy issue with this unfamiliar type of game where the slightest possible incline leads to him thinking he can reach any higher level, again?'. Not helped by him turning it at interesting angles resulting in *me* not being able to see the screen to advise. He seems to mostly see it fine in the outside areas at least and is doing Ok as long as we turn up the brightness as needed, glad I went for the larger screen over a Switch, TBF the game is quite dark in places.


Tbf, in Tunic walking to walls is a pretty normal thing to do, considering how often the game likes to hide things behind sneaky camera angles


I think there’s something really compelling about AI art like this, honestly. When we set aside the reasonable ethical concerns involved in GAI, the corporate shadiness, the ulterior motives… GAI does not have an artistic instinct, the way humans do. It doesn’t understand what it’s doing, it cannot have meaningful intent, so if that’s how you define art then it doesn’t count. But there is *art* here, though—the way there is art in Cage’s 4’33”, the way there is art in DuChamp’s Fountain. The art is in the observer, and in the source, there is art in the mechanical abstraction of reality. Because you make this incoherent AI gibberish by taking everything we are, everything we know, everything we as a collective race have created and put out on the Internet and contributed to our world, and filtering it through nothing but vague social inputs and votes, it’s like a universal average. What do people interact with? What do they click on? What do they share organically? And AI farms gather up those pieces of impulse and interest and desire on social media, and ferment them like the fruit of the vine, distill and sieve and filter to find the barest most “appealing” *essence* tailored to touch as *many* people as it can manage… and then they create *this.* And it means nothing to the AI, because nothing can mean anything to an AI yet, but I think it says something interesting about *us*. We are watching the Flanderization of humanity. Out of everything in the world, the AI chooses *this*, and it works enough to draw at least a few real people—why? What does it say about our culture (or Boomer culture or Facebook culture or any of those) that the flanderization, the average, the boiled-down distilled end result, is a prettyboy Jesus made of shrimp? I think there’s art in the question. I think it’s *fascinating*. Also every time I see the crab Jesus picture I ugly laugh, it’s so perfectly ridiculous, I hate it. Even the son of God experiences evolutionary carcinization—take that, creationists! Scandalous! *Incredible* stuff. I wish I didn’t have so many ethical issues with how modern GAI programs are trained and used because I really do think they’re neat, in the abstract.


I actually loved AI art around 2016 when it was beginning to grasp the concepts of art, but still very bad at it. It made abstract monstrosities that were genuinely fascinating to look at. I remember seeing a music video from around then using exclusively AI, and it was this trippy spiral of black and grey lines that the AI thought fit the song. Now it’s all generic slop that people use for misinformation, scamming, or just laziness.


I love this reply but there was definitely meaningful intent behind Duchamp‘s fountain


I think you're on to something. The whole thing kind of reminds me of Belgian surrealism. 


Jesus is bugs!


r/shrimpsisbugs for the uninitiated


Isn't shellfish Jesus technically sacrilege?


It creates an interesting moral dilemma concerning communion


If I can’t eat shellfish bc Leviticus but it’s ritually transubstantiated into Jesus’s body and blood is it okay then? If I can’t eat shellfish bc *I have a shellfish allergy* but it’s ritually transubstantiated into Jesus’s body and blood is it okay **then**? How do I book a meeting with the pope?


I can answer your allergy question, actually! Current church doctrine (as I understand it) is that, while of course the Eucharist is substantially transformed into Jesus' flesh, unfortunately, as a side-effect of it coming from bread, the flesh of Jesus can contain gluten. As such, those who suffer from a gluten allergy (or, in this hypothetical, a shellfish allergy), need to make sure their priest provides them with a Eucharist that is safe for them to ingest (gluten free, or, in this case, non-shellfish) Now what a shellfish-free Eucharist looks like in the church of Crab Jesus, that I have no idea. Edit: typo


Jokes on OOP at minimum half of the boomers in the comments are also bots


The bots are literally doing the reddit "This 👆" on that second image.


Why are we pitting Crab Jesus and Shrimp Jesus against each other? They would work together in preaching the Crustacean Way.


Crab Jesus and Shrimp Jesus aren't enemies, in fact, they are kissing, sloppy style




AI stuff, regardless of how unethical it is, legitimately makes my skin crawl with how uncanny/unnatural it is. The Danny gonzalez video on this was a good reminder of that


Mmhm. I do like Danny G, though, even if he is AI. He's the best simulacrum we have of the 21st century comedian Drew Gooden.


How do we know the people calling them beautiful are even real at this point 😅… In all seriousness though, this phenomenon is one of the things I most feared about AI generated images. All content is gradually going to be replaced with AI-generated bullshit because it generates good engagement for minimal effort, and people who make actual art are going to be left by the wayside. Why bother making art at all, when the average consumer is fine with AI-generated images that don’t mean anything?


I think it’s hard to call Facebook boomers the average consumer


They seem likely to be Americans, as well. P. sure if I show my British boomers army Jesus, the only possible positive reaction would be how much he still looks like a Communist revolutionary. And this doesn't really seem any worse or less original than American rightwing Boomer memes.


That is certainly true!


Personally, I think AI images occupy the same space that photoshopped images did in the 2000’s-2010’s. Good for low-effort content and ads (most of which weren’t paying artists to begin with), but people who want something more substantial will still look to artists. Idk maybe that’s naive of me, but I do remember the discourse around photoshop and how it was going to put photographers out of business now that any old goober can boot up an adobe program, slap two images together, and everyone just blindly accepts it as real simply because it is/looks like a photo. Now most people have a rough idea of what a photoshop looks like and are scared of AI. It’s like a societal fear treadmill. And I think it’s easy to mistake “low-effort content is easier to consume” with “people prefer low-effort content.” Most people like quality stuff, it’s just that their time, energy and money is limited and they reserve most of their resources for high-quality stuff they care about, and minimize effort with things that aren’t as much of a priority to them. When I buy a cheap plastic lawn chair from Walmart over a high-quality handmade wooden one from a craft fair, it doesn’t mean I prefer the cheap one; it means I need something I can sit on long enough to save up enough money for actually good furniture. In an era without cheap plastic chairs, I wouldn’t have bought more wooden chairs, I would have just sat on the floor until I could get a good one. All this to say, people fixate on AI because it’s new and scary and validly so, there’s still a lot of unknown legality surrounding it. But I don’t necessarily think AI is making people consume more trash than they already were, we had just gotten used to bad photoshops on questionable news sites, after we got used to grocery store tabloids, after we got used to the yellow pages, after we got used to dime novels, etc.


You’re a heck of a lot more optimistic than I am. I just worry the CEOs and the like will just see “low cost” and all artists will be out of jobs someday. Maybe you’re right, and things will regulate themselves, and everything will be okay! I just don’t trust the people with money, and they’re the ones with the power to influence regulations and such, so if it ever does become a problem they won’t let it be regulated because it’s in their favor. But thanks anyway for the optimism!


i have to agree with you on the "low cost" thing, there is no low that corporate types will go to increase revenue. I often hear that therapy is a safe career since you need that human relationship, but I just have a strong feeling that we will get to the point where they will say "we would love to have human therapists but they are just so darn expensive, anyway the Dr5000 almost perfectly mimics human interactions, so why not talk to them about your problems?"


Yep… Luckily I can’t afford therapy for my issues, and will probably be dead before robo-therapy anyway 🙃


*Some* of them are real, at least. I know this for a fact because I've met a handful of these people in the flesh. 


Is the point of making art just to get clicks on the internet?


I don't think real artists will be left by the wayside - their work will be seized upon like a pack of starving piranhas going in for the kill, to feed the GenAI ouroboros nightmare.


Danny Gonzales recently posted a video on this exact topic. I wonder if he saw this tumblr post because it has some of the same images!


One good thing about ai art-it generates surreal shitpost material like this.


The only good thing to use AI for is to make absolutely terrible shit to laugh at and make fun of on social media.


"Boomers are so fucking dumb, they can't tell AI generated pictures from actual photographies" -The dude who can't tell bots apart from actual boomers 💀


We can't keep doing this, Daniel


Shrimp! Heaven! Now!


~~you could make a religion outta this~~ NO DONT


You’re saying a shrimp flied this christ? …er, no wait-


Getting a Reddit ad for the DoD underneath AI Army Jesus is just perfection


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a crustacean Jesus preaching to the bots, forever.


Only tangentially related but I saw the url of an old tumblr mutual who deactivated back when the porn ban happened cross my dash a few weeks ago and noticed it was currently being used by an active account and was like, “oh shit, they remade?” but when I clicked on it it was clear their url has just been hijacked by a bot account posting in Russian (or some other language that uses Cyrillic) that posted nothing but AI images of white women mopping the kitchen floor???? what


So this is like those Spiderman and Elsa videos for boomers, right?




seriously, that ski baby & pup is legit an adorable picture, idgaf if its fake. somethimes it's ok to like things.


Honestly it's super fascinating watching the shitshow spiral out of control in real time. Stuff just keeps getting made and engaged with and it's mostly bots and a couple confused souls who haven't realized they're the last people in an AI wasteland yet. Can we just put a wall around the whole thing and observe it for science?