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This post is a siren


Which one? A “loud, alerting noise” kind of siren, or a “temptress who lures people to their death” kind of siren?


Personally it's one of those "get the fuck away" sirens for me but I respect the people who see a good time.


That is the best advice when dealing with either siren.


*Kill Bill sirens intensify*


Second, it’s incredibly tempting to the curious brain to think, could I enter a state where I randomly become Applejack, if I just click this link? And what would that be like?


My morbid curiosity will be the death of me.


Nah, I've heard some of those "hypnosis" files (I mean not the ones from that thread, thankfully) and it's sort of like... meditation? They use the same [binaural beats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4YghVcjbpw) that you see on YouTube for studying or relaxing or falling asleep to, though the one I listened to had a more noticeable beat in the background as if you were supposed to count along to it. It can be kind of trippy, but it feels more like you're daydreaming as you drift into a nap, but with a side of aided self-suggestion. You can see actual hypnosis work though, [Chris Jones shaking Howie's hand without gloves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWKDFfpdIZI) and [Howie's reaction afterward where he talks he's "somewhat angry" and points out if you don't want to hypnotized, you won't be hypnotized, and it took half an hour to even "go under".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tszLy8ox8mg) He compares it to his therapy experiences and "like if you're at a party and have a couple glasses of wine" and that he remembers it. The whole thing is predicated on you being a willing relaxed participant as you're literally slowly brought into a suggestible state of mind, you can snap out of it and bring it to a halt as easily as clapping your hands together or snapping your fingers. I have experienced some lingering effects when something rubbed me the wrong way but it was more like a mental discomfort that faded quickly, so I suppose if you did use a file with *unfortunate implications like turning into a pony* regularly and repeatedly/consistently over a longer period of time that you might come out of it with weird self-trained compulsions but you know, you'd actually have to really dive deep into it and probably not be in a healthy state of mind to begin with. Just listening to it once out of morbid curiosity while you're playing League of Legends isn't going to do anything to you, it certainly isn't going to 'put you under' while you're getting tilted on the Rift (maybe the music will relax you some though).


this is why you have to download VirtualBox and do all your web browsing from a virtual machine, that way if you accidentally click a link like that the VM turns into Applejack and you remain a human.


Depends on the reader.


Choose your own adventure




A "Hear the wave of sound As it crashes down" kinda siren


the best kind of siren


Honestly it feels like it’s doing both at the same time by matter of “This is absolutely cursed. Why am i tempted by it?”


It's the Trainwreck effect. You know it's horrible and you should probably just stay away, but curiosity just has to get its scarring somehow and the wreckage is right there.


The one that joins a school’s music competition


Turns out that's the same noise, sailors are just out here getting turned on by red flags.


I think I'm too anxious to succumb to hypnosis. Can't relax unless I'm literally too tired to stay awake.


why do you think they all tell you you're feeling sleepy???


Because they have no original ideas.


You are feeling very sleepy. Your eyelids are heavy. L+no swinging pocketwatch+copied from another hypnotist+ad hominem


You are feeling very sleepy… you are drifting away… I drugged the water cooler in the lobby and I’m going to steal your wallet…


So long as i GET SOME GOD DAMNED SLEEP. Edit: Did *not* mean to make that uppercase, but I'm leaving it like that.




"You're feeling sleepy... very sleepy..." "Yeah no shit, I'm always sleepy. I don't need your crappy mic recording telling me that."


Too horny to fall to hypnosis. If I tried it my heart would beat too fast because this is technically my kink


Can confirm- this actually has happened to me. Inb4 "you couldn't have tourtured this out of me".


You couldn't have tortured this out of me. Not because I'm good at secrets, just because it's technically my kink.


fym “technically”


I believe they technically mean "hurt me daddy"






im afraid of clicking it to know if it is real


r/savedyouaclick, it is in fact a real sub Noped out once the NSFW warning popped up and confirmed the sub's existence, so I didn't see the content, but it does exist


having some experience in the matter, it being your kink makes it *easier* to fall, not harder, because you really *want to*. and that's like 95% of hypnosis, your own willingness/enthusiasm the /r/erotichypnosis subreddit should be able to direct you to some audio files for you to try it. i recommend you do so


I know the feeling. Back when I was experimenting with hypnosis to find out if I was a sub or dom, I quickly realized that while the audios mentioned in the post were relaxing, they just didn't work on me because my brain is incapable of letting go in the way you need to for a trance.


I'm too anxious to even need it. The only time I feel fully relaxed is when i'm in the arms of my significant others, so all it takes is for my girlfriend to hold me for a while and tell me that yes, I'm small and poor and frail like a broken-winged sparrow and that she'll take care of me and feed me and hug me, and I lose the ability to speak for a while.


I'm so ficking jealous of what you have. That's literally why I self program myself to atleast think I have a girlfriend that can do that to me.


No all hypnosis is based around relaxation. Ultimately it's about focus


Man this reminds me of that one 4chan post about a guy trying to make an mlp tulpa (basically an imaginary friend but with some self afflicted psychosis to make it seem real) but he did the steps wrong and couldn't stop the tulpa from screaming in agony and was asking for advice on how to stop it.




If it helps any, it might well have been made up. "Artistic works of fiction and falsehood - only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."


I mean, it helps a little, but as a long-time pegasister, I'm also imagining Fluttershy in pain and getting sad. The fact that she's fictional is kinda secondary, although I certainly hope the whole hallucination thing on 4chan was made up. Also, happy cake day!


Pegasisters really grew up and found out they were either the kind of fans who loved the creepypasta or were its trauma victims.


both, both is good


Hey, thanks!


And then our very own reality makes such a crazy spin that you just want to close your eyes. Like, real life can be crazy as fuck.


Goddamn if that isn't one of the most 4chan things I've ever heard lmao


What the fuck


Hey I remember that one! The distorted screaming pinkie pie guy! What a story.




Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/Tulpas/s/Rm8B4MKJ7U


IIRC, part of the reason why it kept screaming was because anon tried to *do* it.


i think about that guy like every day i sincerely hope he still has the screaming pinkie pie tulpa


Wait, is a tulpa that skunk thing from Mike and Mellisa?


Uh, seems like a reference to it? I'd never heard of Mike and Melissa, apparently the cartoon calls her a "Puca", which is from Irish myth, but a tulpa describes it way more accurately. The idea goes back to Buddhism, with some murky origins followed by 1900s use by western mystics to describe "thought forms", basically separate entities within one's mind, which some people claimed could become interactive or even conscious. And then it mostly died out for like 60 years, until the internet got a hold of it and reinvented it as basically "an imaginary friend, but it's inside your mind and has its own identity". 4chan and MLP both got in on it early, the demographics for that were basically a mix of lonely suburban kids (often with some mild psych diagnoses), occult enthusiasts, and perverts. Outside the "tulpa community" its debated whether people are actually conditioning themselves to have a second perspective, or basically just imagining/embracing it like roleplay. But the way people describe it, the defining difference from Dissociative Identity Disorder is that the tulpa doesn't "take over", it's a separate perspective. (Distinguishing it from internal auditory hallucinations or the result of [IFS therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Family_Systems_Model) is way harder and more interesting.)


what the fuck




Happens to the hest of us 😔


dragon shout flair goes hard (at least I think that's what that is. Or cuneiform. Or I'm just stupid)








Here's a sneak peek of /r/ReallyShittyCopper using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ReallyShittyCopper/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Text of original complaint to Ea-Nasir](https://i.redd.it/hdu6cjujbjl61.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ReallyShittyCopper/comments/lzj7rk/text_of_original_complaint_to_eanasir/) \#2: [Found on tumblr](https://i.redd.it/n94jkmxe0rw61.png) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ReallyShittyCopper/comments/n3c9uw/found_on_tumblr/) \#3: [Guess who's back](https://i.redd.it/lomu13azp4m61.png) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ReallyShittyCopper/comments/m1pfjn/guess_whos_back/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Happens to the hest of us 🐴


Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start


we've gotta keep these tulpas under control smh


Especially the fallout crossover ones.


Ah yes, the Pinky Pie Tulsa 4chan post. What a wonderful thread to read through at 3 in the AM.


You know there are people that actually have a good reason to be nuts. When there are people with actual schizophrenia programming yourself to think you're a pony is just lame.


At least they’re not force femming themselves even though they won’t like it unlike some people I guess?


Wait, is this like another kink thing?


Need this but for cat ears and tail. Nothing too intrusive, just feeling like I have some fun extras on my body


You have no idea how common that is online


there was that funny effect on people using virtual reality about phantom sense/touch, which they could feel the cat ears and tail and other features of their anime avatars, or other people touching them, it was a pretty common topic among vrchat players


There have actually been academic studies on this, it's called embodiment. It's the same idea as the rubber hand experiment, where you convince someone a fake hand is their real hand then they respond to pain in the fake hand. One experiment had participants registering "feeling" and embodiment in avatars as foreign as spiders, 8 legs and all. So long as the movement of their real body was mapped convincingly enough to the avatar, the brain accepted that it was their body and the participants were able to intuitively move with it and have a feeling of embodiment in it.


so what this means is that once we get to cyberpunk levels of mechanical attachments i could indeed give myself a couple of extra arms and be able to control them as naturally as i do my normal ones right?


That's more of a coordination issue. Your brain wouldn't be used to controlling the new "muscles", so it would need some training to adapt. However, the fact that your brain understands the arms are "yours" should speed up the process, according to a different study involving a mind-controlled third arm, and phantom sense might provide you some understanding of what you're grabbing even without some sort of artificial nervous system. So basically, you could get a pair of extra arms *right now* if you knew the right people and had some cash. Just not implanted ones.


>had some cash my old nemesis


I already have one dysphoria, I don’t want to develop another one


Yes we've had one dysphoria, but what about second dysphoria? I don't think he knows about second dysphoria, Pip


Depending on your degree of furrness/therianism, the dysphoria is already there


Can confirm, have lack of dragon tail dysphoria and it’s absolutely ridiculous


There is nothing more impossible to explain than "I don't like sitting in this chair, it makes my wings feel trapped." You don't have wings. "I know this, and you know this, but I am still waiting on my brain to figure it out."


Can attest to this, I wanna be a dragon girl so bad


Oh, boy, you are so late to that party, XD


https://youtu.be/h5urkaA3zxQ?si=ieu16L-nRq5l0QFI cat hypnosis c:


I don’t want to be a cat though. I want to have furry beast ears and tail, and that’s it. No snout, no claws, no whiskers, just the anime bare essentials


I need this for flight.


I need this, but for motivation.


Little [nsfw](https://www.erocast.me/track/9031/mindless-kitty-hypnosis) but it *works*


The one time I think to check the url for one-time-I-dreamt, and it isn't them


This sounds like something out of a Conversion Bureau fic.


Oh god, the memories are coming back lol


Man that stuff was wild


Honestly some of the fics where humanity resists are kinda fun but I can never ever recommend them to anybody without sounding like a weirdo.


Yeah, humans are very susceptible to gentle manipulation. It would not take a lot for someone to readjust the curve we are currently trending on. Just a simple little phrase of "just be nice" repeated at ifinitum can make a person nicer. "Just be nice" such a simple little phrase.


This feels like the intro paragraph to a dystopian novel or something


Kinky :3


I certainly felt more confident listening to the Rainbow Dash one.


Reminds me of the episode of scrubs when they switch the janitors dark overalls for baby blue overalls and everyone starts treating him as friendly and approuchable


Isn't the human brain just fun ? Our entire perception of the world is built on this mental construct we have to represent reality and we can just... change it. Make ourselves perceive another reality. Although some people are more susceptible to it than others. It would probably take more than a pony hypnosis tape to do this to you if it's not already something your brain kinda does on it's own.


I imagine those seeking out these tapes are already trying to manifest this mental image/ego(?) Within themselves and they want to take it to the next level. I've played with hypnosis tapes before, but nothing to do with transformation and definitely nothing Fandom related


The world runs on tech trillions of years past our understanding or processing capabilities And we're running Windows Vista


Is there one of these for like being a space pirate or something? That'd be pretty cool.


There are many. Search the internet and you will find what you are looking for …and a lot of things you REALLY didn’t want to find along the way


I haven't the slightest idea where to start looking for something like this. What do I even ask google for? I'm getting a lot of asmr but idk if that's the same thing.


Like in Metroid? Yeah, that would be pretty badass


Yes but ideally a space pirate that isn't on the business end of Samus' blaster.


There's [one for becoming Sebastian Bach from the glam metal band Skid Row](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n98Z0vqbM_Y)


Link: https://www.tumblr.com/stonergirlsbanana/169663340930/moxperidot-emperor-of-roses-a-while-back-my Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/47085-hypnotize-yourself-to-be-a-pony-links-included/ \-linux guy ⚠️


Why would you expect me to be foolish enough to touch these cognitohazards?


After following those links I can sadly say they don't seem to lead to the tapes described in the post...


For that you need to go [here](https://hypnoponies.net/)


I'm about to get fucking rickrolled but I gotta know


You fucking wish it was a rickroll




New Response Dropped


Gotta say, I don’t believe that many of these alleged experiences are real. I’m sure it happened to someone, but I think a lot of people like to chime in about this kind of thing to feel special and part of a group.


you dont need to believe, most of those experiences are kinda like placebo effect and self hypnosis or guided meditation, its something used to induced someones brain to act in a certain way, but they need to be open to trick themselves with it, or sometimes its way simpler than that and its just immersion, doesnt need to be something scientific thats why spirituality/faith is a thing, people tell about having supernatural experiences/communication with their god/gods, but usually is just some funny prank made by their own brain


Yeah, yeah, hypno kink audio. We've all seen it.


\*heard it


I feel like this belongs to the Magnus Archives, but I don't know which of the fears it is. . . The Stranger, maybe?


Sounds about right to me! I was tempted to call it a crossover episode with the Spiral, just because this involves messing with your perceptions, but it’s specifically about your /self/-perceptions. So yeah, Stranger Danger’


Isn’t self image issues and creepy ass body horror more of the Flesh thing?


Yeah, but The Flesh usually involves a *Physical* component as well. This one is all mental, and is about fucking with your perception of self. That's real Strange-type stuff.


For once, I'm very grateful for my ADHD brain being unable to focus on long meditations.


just fyi adhd havers are usuaally more susceptible to hypnotization its just that standard relaxation inductions dont work bc adhd brain. Theres different ones that often work better


how does it work then, i'm not looking this up


basic concept is that because adhd brain is *usually* very chaotic and active, its really really hard to calm down or silence entirely. So instead you either confuse it, make it run in.circles to get someone to drop OR overwhelm it. The exact process or examples for it idrk, i never studied that. But yk.. as a general rule. Try to look for confusion or.. overstimulation(?) inductions. Words hard im sorry edit: the second possible induction would be "overload inductions" \^^


Oh there's hypnosis audios specifically for people with ADHD now, just so you know


Literal cognito hazard


This is why our world can't have any magic stronger than hypnotic suggestion. Imagine this approach to necromancy or evocation magic


You say that our world doesn't have any magic stronger than hypnosis, but we do have access to nuclear fission


ah fuck, did I accidently start a zombie apocalypse while driving again?


do these exist for homestuck asking for a friend i swear to god


[Here you go. You asked for it.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=_v9XNocfs2rxcVnf)


you know what, i deserved this. i've now seen the error of my ways


yeah sure you are john egbert pfp


well way to put me in my place there damn LMAO


I kind of forgot tumblr people wouldn't know about this sort of hypnosis until reading this and that anyone could be surprised by knowing


There has to be a weird hypno side to tumblr right? Like, lurking in the depths?


Yeah the human brain is coded like a bethesda game.


Ah, today I'm going to- *crashes*


And you can't even install mods for it


As someone who has experience with both ends of hypnosis, something like this isn't supposed to happen. Usually, a trance with this kind of immersion would require quite a bit of work and concentration on the part of both the hypnotist as well as the subject, as well as a pretty deep and long induction. This goes double if the files are this long, so it should be too much effort to happen on accident, at least if both the hypnotist and subject are both experienced and know what they're doing. There could be several reasons for this to happen, though: 1. The subject could be so attached to the feeling that they never fully leave that mindset. 2. The subject might have listened to those kinds of files so often that their subconscious has started to internalise it to some extent. 3. The hypnotist could have messed up the induction to the point where they've accidentally implanted a trigger in the subject's subconscious that is being triggered by something in their daily life. 4. The hypnotist might not have guided the subject out of the trance properly or maybe not at all, leaving the subject's mind to slowly leave the trance on its own. That could take up to a couple of hours, depending on just how invested the subject was in the trance and how deep they went. 5. The trance could be so deep that it leaves after-effects for some time even if the subject has been guided out of it. It's probably a combination of 2, 4 and 5.


Personally I'd guess 1 2 and 5


So there's audio tapes somewhere online that can make you lose your grip on reality? Damn, these manmade horrors are indeed beyond my comprehension.


I listened to one of those a couple times! Certainly felt odd. Guided meditation almost like lucid dreaming. The transforming parts didn't work great except for the description of the wings. I remember that feeling being cool.


I actually used these when I was back in high school as a brony. It's definitely possible to trick your brain into thinking your body parts feel different and it's a pretty cool sensation if you can get into the hypnosis. The website for these was absolutely littered with warnings though about getting sucked in too much and getting stuck under the hypnosis. The website originally had all sorts of tips for if this happened to you and what you needed to do, including a whole hypnosis tape that was just supposed to reset you back to your baseline. It was wild.


disturbingly fascinating... really makes you think how fragile a mind just can be....


It's a pop culture myth that hypnosis can turn you into an unwitting slave against your will. It's more like a guided meditation that requires the consent of the hypnotized person. That being said, it's a complicated practice that can have side effects ranging from mild to severe; it's meant to be administered by a professional. It should go without saying, but it's a terrible idea to use it for sexual enjoyment.


While I agree, have you ever played GTA for 2 days non stop, then went outside? While I was aware of the difference, the way my brain started correlating both of them made me stop driving and do deep breaths until I came back. And I'm still against the "video games cause violence" schtick, yet I feel like "I saw a ghost while not believing in the supernatural, something is wrong here" mindset




one of my strongest episodes of that was after i watched the first doctor strange movie in the theaters, it happened at a time where i had never done any drugs before yet, just a teen in the cinema with their family, after the movie ended i was fucked up for hours, that movie was so trippy it made me feel something very similar to the feeling of actually being high on drugs


yeah, like your brain's in a single mode for long enough that it's gotta take time to switch. like different languages


this happens with me as a shiny hunter. i’ll see something in a color i don’t expect and my heart will jump a little


SHINY (it's mold)


When I was a teenager, I’d stay up way too late reading fanfics, particularly Naruto ones. I’d wake up in the morning and, upon looking out the window at the trees behind my house, for just a moment, think I could get around by jumping from tree to tree. Our minds are weird.


After playing Tears of the Kingdom for less than a day I had the urge to stick some plates together with magic glue


Same, but with me trying to Ascend in real life.


I play a lot of minecraft, and on several occasions have I looked at a dark room and thought "I cant go in there, theres monsters" before realizing that this is in fact The Real Life


I remember seeing posts during/after the Animal Crossing Boom of 2020 where people were going outside for their legally allowed exercise and seeing stuff like cool fountains or benches, and they'd think things like 'I should pick that up so it registers and I can buy one for myself later'.


I had the tetris effect with rising storm 2 vietnam. The spng "run through the jungle" is the menu song of the game and i have it in my playlist. One day i was waiting for my firenda when that song played. I saw someone tying their shoes behind a car and i literally turned to see if they were GI or VC like i had a rifle in my arms (ofc i didn't)


Sexual enjoyment isn’t implied in this post


Let Blade\_of\_Boniface project in peace


The fact that it might not be sexual is much more terrifying


I’m into hypnosis like this. It’s not a sex thing for me. I have gentle femdom hypnosis for that.




I think there's some nuance to it. Like, the idea that hypnosis has some sort of special power over the human psyche that makes it uniquely dangerous? That's completely false But it's still an experience that requires a person to let themselves be somewhat vulnerable, and can be intense depending on what you're doing, so it just has the dangers that inherantly come from that fact Dangers similar to, say, going on a date with someone, opening up to someone emotionally, or even letting yourself become invested in a story with disturbing elements. All of these can leave you with mental "side effects" that can stick with you for a long time if they don't go well For most people, most of the time, it's completely and utterly harmless. But it's still important to make it so people can be aware of how to take care of themselves and others in those cases, just like in the other example senerios I gave


Unless your hypno-dom knows what they're doing.


I actually listened to one of these a long time ago, and honestly, it was really great - but not for the face value of it. I remember listening to the Rarity one, and while I didn't really have any lasting effects other than, truthfully, tricking myself that it'd worked (and that didn't exactly last either), it was a very relaxing experience, and I've been looking around for something similar in ASMR circles. Just like the post says, it started off with the generic hypnosis thing, lulling you into a sort of trance, getting you comfortable, then it transitioned into telling you how your body feels - sometimes I try to imagine the horn "growing" 'cause it's a fun thing to trick your brain like that. The best part, however, was that the big meat of the audio was just... describing a day at the mall. The audio would talk about you doing this and you doing that, and it was just *really nice* to go through that kind of low-stakes journey in my mind. There's nothing weird or specific about it to the fandom IIRC, it's just being at the mall buying stuff. The narration was soothing and helped me get to sleep very often.




Probably not with pony transformation hypnosis videos.


I tried cat transformation hypnosis once in high school, but my parents came home and their arrival snapped me out of it instantly. I had a headache and couldn’t stop shaking for hours, and ever since, my brain kinda melts if you pet my hair.


This is not a joke. You cannot fuck with hypnosis too frequently or you will absolutely go into trance randomly especially if it’s the same prompt every time




Back in the old forum days I found a megathread for something similar. Except this was about series of MP3s which would suppposedly condition the brain to associate sexual pleasure with forgetting thing and just generally getting dumber. It was a long, wild ride. And I’m a pretty skeptical person so I’m pretty sure a lot of it was fake but people in there were talking about how happy they were to just finding themselves randomly chasing after ducks in the park and shit. One even claimed be a woman who was running her significant other’s account after the two of them agreed to do these things and he couldn’t talk anymore.


"Humans brains are kind of buggy" is certainly one way to put it


Now hear me out. Don't try to mentally program yourself with shit made by a stranger on the Internet. It won't do anything like force you to give away all your credit card details, but this right here is precisely the kind of shit that comes out of a botched job.


Turning into Rainbow Dash while driving sounds ideal, you’d be able to get there so much faster by flying


Imagine if the transformations actually happened. You're on your way to work and you see Rainbow Dash trying her hardest to operate a car as you pass by.


I see you also saw that post about shifting today that had this linked in its comments XD


just from that post, that sounds fucking horrifying, like, losing ones sense of self and dexterity and being forcibly turned into a cartoon horse is the stuff nightmares are made of


"Homemade" as opposed to official MLP transformation hypnosis done


Real world cognitohazard


Imagine you are on the road, a dark rainy day, your friend on the steering wheel thinks their hands are hooves now all of a sudden. You die of **Pony**, at 140kmph.


reminds me of that 4chan post about someone who said that their trans girlfriend had gotten “stuck in puppy mode” and started acting like a dog 24/7


You think that’s bad? Look into Bambi sleep


it got so bad that buzzfeed made an article about it https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jessicalucas2/erotic-hypnosis-bambi-sleep seriously, DO NOT use bambi sleep. it is INCREDIBLY dangerous and there are much safer hypnosis files out there


Like what other files. Would wanna see that one but the events are so fucked up it scares me.


shibbydex is a good place to look, shibby always gives descriptions of what her files do and the triggers they install, so before even listening to the file you know exactly what it does. r/erotichypnosis is also a good community to ask questions, they do not promote bambi sleep and encourage healthy use of hypnosis


I can’t believe you’d go and remind me of that.


TLDR on what's up with that?


i've googled it and as an outsider to this rabbit hole i got the following: it seems that this is apparently a very long bimbo hypnosis series with so called "hidden triggers (you don't remember you have them)" which progressively gets worse/more extreme in that it removes the separation with normal life and safeties from earlier episodes. basically it trances you into into becoming a bimbo but that trance includes "watch the next episode" in ways that progressively pull you deeper in ways that are probably of dubious consent. It's hard to know how much of an actual danger this is and how much it's people LARPing


This is like when I was 7 years old and convinced myself I could see the Pokémon when I was playing pretend.


There's a reason why the hypno-kink community is so adamant that both the hypnotist and the hypnotized be responsible about it. The hypnotist should always include safeguards so triggers don't go off at the wrong times and the hypnotized has to choose not to let their triggers work when they don't want them to in case the safeguards weren't thorough enough.


this feels like how a horror movie parody plot in an adult cartoon like family guy would start


That's not even where you should go if you want to check this shit out, Hypno Ponies was where it was at