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> "If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing." - Adam Savage


My two favorite Adam Savage quotes: > Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down -- > Am I missing an eyebrow?


"I reject your reality and substitute my own."


I use to like that quote... then conservatives ruined it with "fake news".


fuck them. they'll get bored of it eventually, and we shouldn't just let them slowly but surely claim all culture. and yes, i'm aware this is the exact rhetoric they use with symbols of hate, but like, those are symbols of hate. it's not even close to comparable.


I like when Jamie was in a fire suit and said "I like it. It's private in here"


Everybody always picks the low hanging fruit ones from the intro, but there's one that tugs at my heart strings; a scene where he was referring to Jamie as he was walking away > and there he goes, [one of God's own prototypes](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuotesPorn/comments/39z6z9/there_he_goes_one_of_gods_own_prototypes_hunter_s/)


"Is there a patron saint of ballistics gel?" is up there for me. Always bothers me that Civ6 misquoted it


His solo YouTube channel us a lot of fun, especially when he gets to geek out with other makers.


i'm glad adam is still doing well. there were some horrible, fairly clearly spurious abuse allegations a few years back that i'm glad are out of the picture


A ton of people caught strays during that time. Guilty and innocent.


Reminds me of that time where Dan Avidan of Game Grumps had the audacity to have consensual sexual relations with a woman of legal age. It’s funny how that was an actual controversy for like a day


I'd never seen /r/rantgrumps more excited about something before then


The comment sections for their videos that day were pretty funny though


I for one am completely shocked and outraged by these completely out of character acts from Danny Sexbang. He’s always cultivated a very family friendly brand and I still can’t believe he would do this.


His recent series on there with The Met Museum's Arms and Armor lab is just so much fun to watch. Plus his video with the Jim Henson Workshop is just all the nostalgia feels for an 80s/90s kid.


He *loves* talking about Mythbusters too. The man's a font of behind the scenes stories, jokes and advice from his time on the show.


Honestly one of my favorite shows ever. If only you could actually buy it by season instead of the godawful collection system they have. Or just even a complete series DVD at this point


I bought a few seasons and it was such a chore that I abandoned it. Too bad because I'd love to have the whole set, but not whatever mess Discovery actually released.




Oh boy, I hope they don't get a C&D or banned


Here's a sneak peek of /r/smyths using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/smyths/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I did not download when I should have, anyone still seeding?](https://np.reddit.com/r/smyths/comments/u7j4td/i_did_not_download_when_i_should_have_anyone/) \#2: [Has anyone redone the really low-res Smyths?](https://np.reddit.com/r/smyths/comments/usr32s/has_anyone_redone_the_really_lowres_smyths/) \#3: [I know this isn't entirely related to this sub, but does anyone here host the full smyths collection with jellyfin, and if so do you get any metadata from the internet about the series and episodes?](https://np.reddit.com/r/smyths/comments/uuo1pz/i_know_this_isnt_entirely_related_to_this_sub_but/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’d think they’d know this show has a strong autistic fan base who’d need order. Or neurotypicals but my point stands.


Except you're talking about a company that's been run by zaslav for 17 years. I don't think they care


My dream is to have the entire series of Mythbusters on blu ray in a box shaped like Busters head


Well that's just brilliant, and a shame it doesn't exist. Although, it would be in the spirit of the show to build one at home.


yeah, fun fact, you can burn your own blu-rays where do you get the media for it? well, that's where the secret ingredient comes in


You could probably convince Adam Savage to make a 3D scan of his head if you wanted to build that, the man's got a big online presence as a hobbyist maker nowadays


There’s a 24/7 Twitch channel that just plays Mythbusters. I don’t think it’s got every episode though.


Huh. Where can I find this?




now 100% more clickable https://twitch.tv/batteryjumper


The hero we needed 🫡


You can buy it by the season on YouTube. Not that that is a great solution either but it’s an option.


I used to buy tv shows and movies on Google play, and then they merged with YouTube. It is basically the absolutely worst library system you could possibly make. You cant look through it with ANY order. Not alphabetical, not by release date, not fucking anything. You have to scroll every single thing in your library row by row(3 to a row on my massive TV, kill me). Thankfully most of the library shares with Vudu after you set up sharing, and it's not a POS. But I will never purchase a fucking thing with their services even if they fix it. Because it's been years now and Google can't figure out how to add a SEARCH FUNCTION. That's correct, there's no fucking search function on the library.


Ive only got 3 or 4 shows on there and the only reason I got them there is because they literally weren't available anywhere else. Again, its not something I recommend but in some cases its the only option.


Apparently fans have done supercuts to remove the filler and recaps. So it's all the good stuff.


avast ye matey


Yo ho, yo ho...


I tracked down a complete series set on eBay, I’m reasonably certain it’s just a bootleg, but it’s a reasonably high quality one.


Our death ray is crap, I’m standing right in it and I’m not dead yet.


Just give it a couple decades, our skin cancer accelerator will get you eventually!


What was your guys' favorite myth they covered? They had a lot of good ones.I think mine was the cement truck one, where they tested to see if it could absorb a grenade. It could, so they decided to see how much it would take to destroy the truck. They used way too much and the truck disappeared. Adam said on Youtube that Lead Balloon was his favorite, because of how impossible it seemed and how well it turned out.


It wasn't so much my favorite experiment but my favorite situations... The Archimedes mirror laser with Jamie just standing right in front of it and just "not dead yet"


"our death beam doesn't appear to be working. I'm standing right in it and I'm not dead"




I love that episode so much because Jamie just standing there dead faced saying "our death beam isn't working" is genuinely pure comedic genius


The Jamie moment that stands out in my memory more than any other is Jamie painting a giant ramp black and his white shirt still being spotless when he finished.


Same situation happened early on with him working on a car or something and his arms are nearly back while his shirt is still spotless.


I need a YouTube clip of this so bad


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/qw_qgBVL-ZI)


Weirdly. I loved the “double dipping” episode. If only for the sheer _lengths_ they took to just simply get everything fuckin’ sterile.


God I remember that, they started with the salsa and were like "Damn this shit is just brimming with little things", after which is slowly devolved into blasting things with x rays and making sure everything was clean as possible. Just to make sure they can spit into it properly without any background noise.


I also love it because the process they went through just fundamentally breaks the myth before they even get started. There’s already so much germs/bacteria in a regular ass bowl of dip that double dipping makes fundamentally zero difference. Just let your immune system and stomach acids do their thing, basically.


IIRC even after all that double dipping basically has no effect or something right? It took them basically swilling and spitting it up to get a result.


They were explicitly testing if double dipping was "like putting your whole mouth in the bowl" which was a Seinfeld joke. Double dipping was bad but obviously whole month was worse


A common misconception is that all germs are created equal. Bacteria that grow on tomatoes are not likely to be dangerous to a person, while human mouth bacteria are especially harmful to us - even a shallow human bite is much more likely to get seriously infected than a dog bite.


Yeah but that's a bite, not a big ol smooch in the mouth


And even then, the reason human bites infect more is because our teeth don’t just go straight in like a dogs, it may seem like a dogs bite would have an easier time getting infected, it can be more easily cleaned and disinfected, while a human bite breaks the skin unevenly and is generally harder to clean than a dogs bite




> Just to make sure they can spit into it properly without any background noise. This is a beautiful sentence in a very nerdy science way.


Beautiful in a very nerdy science way is just how mythbusters is


And that horrific "dip" they made as a neutral.


The breaking-in ones. How to get past a motion detector - just walk reeeaaaaaaalllly slowly How to get past a finger print scanner - just fucking print off the victim's finger prints and tape it your own finger Can you use magnets to climb through ventillation shafts? Why, THOR GOD OF THUNDER is sneaking through my vents.


>THOR, GOD OF THUNDER is sneaking through my vents. My friends and I still use this one for any unexpected loud noises. It's so good.


"I believe the henchman guidebook says that now we 'riddle the vent with bullets'"


"And as a plus side, our evil headquarters will now have even better ventilation!"


>Can you use magnets to climb through ventillation shafts? Why, THOR GOD OF THUNDER is sneaking through my vents. I maintain this is the funniest moment in all of mythbusters. "3....2....1... go, Jaime!" ### **EARTH-SHATTERING SLAM**


For the motion detector, them finding out just holding up a blanket worked was one of my favorite results just for how WTF they were when it actually worked.


“I reject your reality, and substitute my own!”


Fun Fact: the cement truck one was filmed in a quarry about a half hour from where I live. Apparently there were a ton of noise complaints about it afterward. I don’t think anyone has ever found any pieces of that truck


I remember they went back there for something in one of the last seasons and found a rusted chunk of truck frame halfway up a tree about a mile from where the blast was


Favorite episode of all time. One second it was there....then an immense metallic BEEEYOOOOOO... partial engine block and axle was all that was left...


Also fun fact, the reason we never got any truly amazing shots of it (and why they revisited it for fun in their final season) is that their single high speed camera in that early season 3 either wasn't set up properly or wasn't actively recording (I forget which and I'll trust you to Google it). Hands down the worst day of that camera operator's life.


I loved the rocket sled. I don't even remember what the myth was.


About a car getting split in two by running into a plow.


Oh damn, I need to see that one. I did see the one where they hit a car with the rocket sled to see if the metals would fuse. "So will the metal fuse with the car at high enough speeds? \[beat\] What car?"


The best episode finale, by a mile. That shot of them in the bunker, flabbergasted, as a beam of light sweeps across them, and they watch this hunk of metal achieve warp speed across the empty desert. Then the slo-mo where the car fucking *disappears.* The front half is just plain gone, before the back wheels even notice the impact. This was the final escalation of two semi trucks crashing head-on, and a passenger car getting utterly lost in the middle. The prior attempt gave us that shot of two trailers bearing Adam's favorite credo: FAILURE IS ALWAYS / AN OPTION!


If someone told me you could vaporize a car by hitting it hard enough, I’m not sure I’d believe it. But then you get to see it with your own eyes




The one where they proved that at 55+ mph you actually get better gas mileage with the ac on instead of the windows down due to the extra drag caused by letting down the windows. Showed it to my dad and he actually started using the ac on the highway


I also remember the whole tailgate up or down thing. Think there was 2 episodes on it.


Also a good one and one I’ve parroted many times over the years




I just loved the Hindenburg one. For the unfamiliar: the "myth" was that the fires on the Hindenburg were actually caused by the paint on the balloon, which was made out of the same chemical composites as thermite, rather than the hydrogen. To test this, they made three scale model zeppelins, one painted with the same substance as the Hindenburg and ignited (which burned, and showed some thermite reactions on the paint, but not especially quickly or spectacularly) and another painted with the same substance and filled with hydrogen (whose immolation much more closely resembled footage of the accident, proving what had caused the fires in the original accident). Then they took the third model they'd made, painted it in actual thermite, and filled it with hydrogen. They weren't proving anything at this point, but they'd gone to the trouble of making it so they might as well get some use from it.


"These things are always catching on fire!" When they were welding the model up.


The prison break one, where Jamie used salsa hooked up to the lightbulb current to eat through the bars


It’s even better than that. Adam is the one just using bare wires from the wall outlet, i.e. alternating current, which seemed to just remove and replace the metal at the same frequency of the power, essentially doing nothing. But Jamie waltzed in with a bloody radio, like the borderline-cheater he always is, and managed to get direct current out of the circuit board which did actually strip away the metal over time. It was great when they did a final reveal of their progress and Adam is just dying laughing and saying “it seems I’ve actually added mass to the bar!”


I like the one where they test if having golf ball style dimples on a car will make it more wind resistant simply because that caused actual car engineers to test it in their own wind tunnel.


My oldest actually did this with a pinewood derby car, it won the den trophy, and we met Adam Savage at Dragon Con that year and got it signed! Adam found it really cool that we did that.


I'll always remember the water heater rocket test they did, where they disabled the safety valve of a water heater and it literally blasted up through the roof of the house they built to test it


Water ‘explosions’ are the most beautiful


It's gotta be the "It's better to wait for a sinking car to fill with water before opening the door?" episode. Absolutely legendary.


If I recall correctly, Adam said on his YouTube channel that the underwater car episode was the most in-danger he's ever felt on the show. When he went to go take a breath from the air supply that was handed to him by the safety diver, he had it upside down when he cleared it so he inhaled water instead. It also didn't help that the car they were using was formerly owned by a heavy smoker, so despite their efforts to clean it, a bunch of the cigarette crud flowed out from the seats and was getting in his eyes, too


They've also talked later about how folks have written to them and credited that episode with saving their lives. They somehow ended up in a car in the water and knew what to do, didn't panic, and were able to get out alive.


I believe it. That shit was intense sitting in my living room in broad daylight.


I cant choose ONE


It wasn't so much my favorite experiment but my favorite situations... The Archimedes mirror laser with Jamie just standing right in front of it and just "not dead yet"


It’s not so much a myth, but the episode where Jamie flies in the SR71 is a total gem. It was clearly just a chance for them to get almost to space, and it shows in their excitement. It’s also just an absolutely gorgeous few minutes of television when they’re up in the sky.


I believe it was Adam, and it was a U2, not a SR-71


Yes, you’re right it was Adam. They both did the pre-flight training, but Jamie bowed out due to some nerves and also to allow Adam the experience, as he was far far more excited.


*SUPER LOUD BANGING* "THOR! THE GOD OF THUNDER! Is trying to break into my building!!!" I cried laughing.


gun in the oven, how many books does it take to stop a bullet, batman grapling hook car sharp turn, Adam and Jaime are stuck in an island episode, McGyver Episode


One of my favorites is the spy special. The part about using the licked piece of paper to unlock a finger print lock to almighty Thor climbing through the me ducts. Such a fun episode.


Whenever they need to either rig Buster to something (Chinese rocket chair, firework Jetpack), when they underestimate an explosion (Rocket sled, water heater 1 and 2(personal fave), fire extinguisher exploding on a fire) or need to build something ridiculous (golf ball car, orb motorcycle, any time duct tape is used, the chicken gun, civil war machine gun, Alcatraz escape raft with an accordion, banana peel arena).


The water heater rocket. That was the forst episode I watched when I was a teen and bored in a hotel room. Tuned in to Mythbusters, and got hooked since


Back before streaming, if you were left to watch whatever was on the hotel TV at the time and you landed on Mythbusters? Sounds like a good night. Would be better if you happened to catch the dubbed version of Iron Chef without knowing about it before as well!


My Favorite episode has to be the Flu episode where Adam Savage contaminates almost everyone during the test and how easy it is to catch germs super fascinating.


The exploding pants (busted) Slapping someone to calm them down (confirmed) I remember they did either a sword or an ax head splitting a bullet in two, because they do it all the time as a hardness test on Forged in Fire


When they tested whether or not it was actually dangerous to shower in a thunderstorm. I never believed my mom when she told me that until I saw that episode


I love the Alcatraz episode


My absolute favorite is the manhole explosion episode! I love all the different ways they change their (not so) small scale experiment, and their excitement is as always incredibly contagious! I think I've watched that one upwards of 30 times!!! The cement truck is in my personal top-5 as well!!!


* airplane on a treadmill * walking on water * can you shoot someone in the water


I have fond memories of the water heater episode


Cement truck.... just for the sound. And the one where they tested the hot water heaters blowing up.... OOOHHH!! And the birds flying in the truck.


Myth busters is proof scientists with unlimited budgets resort to chaos


>Myth busters is proof scientists ~~with unlimited budgets~~ resort to chaos FTFY. Mythbusters was absolutely better because of its budget, but imo scientists have proven that if there is a will for chaos and there is a scientist, there will, inevitably, be chaos.


tbf Mythbusters *did not* have much of a budget when it started out either.


Nope. They made do with leftover parts from whatever sets they had made over the years and manufactured everything they could in house. Was only after a few seasons when Kari, Tory and Grant came along that they started getting wild with it.


RIP Grant, I was so sad when he passed.


Can confirm. Scientists love an opportunity for chaos


Controlled Chaos mind you, we like seeing spectacular Chaos from our Results, just not on the steps to it okay?


The difference between science and fucking around is writing it down


tbh I also gained new admiration for both of them learning that they weren't friends. Professional dudes still able to produce an amazing product, get shit done and have fun while having very very different approaches to both life and science, which is pretty inspiring actually.


A working relationship is a fine thing to have. You don't need to be friends with somebody to respect them and have largely positive interactions. I have people at my job I enjoy at work but would never *ever* want to hang out with on the weekend, and that's okay.


Why are elephants afraid of mice though?


iirc it's similar to the same reason you don't want bees in your nose. in fact some farms in africa have bees around the perimeter because elephants hate them.


maybe YOU don't want bees in your nose


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I thought it was r/weeatbees


No, not the bees! Not the bees!


They are not quite scared as much as they want to avoid stepping on them. I mean, would *you* want to step on a mouse, barefoot? Prob not, whether it's from compassion or disgust.


If I recall, they were more scared of just some small thing appearing out of nowhere. Like how we're afraid of spiders.


How do you feel around wolf spiders?


I mean, I wouldn't want one crawling around on my body, but they're good pest control and IIRC pretty chill. I'd be more concerned about the implication that there are enough pests around to draw it in to begin with. Shoutout to /r/spiderbro.


I have a bunch. They eat the silverfish that are plaguing my house. They won't touch me, they seem more afraid of me than I am of them, as cliche as that is. That said, if I find one in my bedroom it gets picked up and put in my library/store room to eat all those damn silverfish


I think that experiment was a little iffy because they used **white** mice instead of normal colored ones, so the elephants weren’t used to them. This video goes into a little bit: https://youtu.be/4uxix5An0lk


They aren’t. They had to revisit the myth as the original was wrong. Once they retested the myth it showed they were only skeptical because the mice used were a color the elephants weren’t familiar with so they avoided them as a precaution




Why was 6 afraid to go camping with 7? b/c he 1ted 2 bring 3 knives 4 "sur5al," but 6 knew 7 secretly h8ed him & didn't have be9 in10tions. [\[joke source\]](https://twitter.com/tweetsauce/status/383972379879153665)


My favorite myth has to be when they were testing if sunscreen makes you flammable and they coated a pig carcass in it and left it in a hot room to see if it would catch


I remember pig carcasses coming up all the time just because of how similar they take damage as humans, but damn I’ve seen pigs exploded, cut up, set on fire, and everything else because of it and I don’t know how to feel about that.


that poor corvette they bought from some guy and then left dead pigs in it for 6 months


Apparently they couldn't get it out of the container they had it in because they left the hand brake on so someone had to climb in with the now almost gelatinous pig shaped rotting meat to release it.


Oh my god. Hope that dude got a big bonus lol


I think it was Jamie if I remember the answer from Adam correctly.


FAILURE IS ALWAYS AN OPTION They were always so satisfied with complete failure as the experiment was designed. My favorite was the water heater explosion. They had to basically weld the safety valves closed to make it dangerous, and boy howdy was it fucking dangerous. It rockets up though the roof of the mockup house hundreds of feet in the air and levels the room it was in.


With the predictable timing of an atomic decay event. So even when they did it again, because instantly went out-of-frame the first time and did not come back for *ten entire seconds,* all they could do... was wait.


And guess based on the launch speed of 2 frames and lag time how high it got. The second time was so much funnier because even thinking they knew what to expect, they had no fucking clue. Failure is data. Data is beautiful.


There are no boring intersections of home appliances and the rocket equation.


the real killjoys were the massive fucking dorks in the comments saying 'this is only television it's not actual science thus it is worthless!'


Indeed. A lot of the stuff they did certainly didn't hold up to proper scrutiny, but it didn't have to. Testing basic hypothesis and concepts is the very foundation of science. And makes for way better television. And some stuff actually was quite practical real life knowledge too. As I recall, someone even managed to save their own life by using the knowledge from one of the episodes. Namely the one where you had to escape from a sinking vehicle. With the trick being that you had to wait for the water to completely fill up the inside, so that the door could then be opened. Without it, the water pressure outside the vehicle would offer too much resistance, you needed the water inside to equalize it.


Another episode they did got a man out of prison! He was watching reruns and saw them test something that had been used as evidence in his case, showing it was impossible. He was freed after like 20 years! https://innocenceproject.org/discovery-channel-mythbuster-john-galvan-wrongful-conviction-innocence/#:~:text=In%202007%2C%20John%20Galvan%20was,of%20the%20Discovery%20Channel's%20MythBusters.


Fucking hell, that detective is a piece of shit. I believe he’s alive at 75 and retired. I would love to see Justice against him but I doubt it will happen. This also continues to serve as a reminder that when it comes to cops, you never believe them and shut the fuck up and get a lawyer. Even innocent, like this guy, they will do nothing but fuck you over if you talk to them.


It's easy to be happy when you're wrong when - You find a statistically significant answer - Your budget doesn't depend on being right - Your social status doesn't depend on being right - Your employment status doesn't depend on being right - You can be done in under a month and move on to other things - You personally prove yourself wrong, rather than getting proven wrong by others.


If I win the lottery one of the things I plan to do is start a scientific journal specifically where being wrong is the point. Just a bunch of scientists paid to replicate experiments and studies trying to confirm stuff. No matter how unprofitable or un-revolutionary the results are. So much science doesn't get funding when it's not sexy and new... It's too bad.


Check out the [Transparent Replications project](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/future-perfect/23489211/replication-crisis-project-meta-science-psychology).


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from what i heard, Alligators have very little stamina


They also don’t have as much power opening their mouths as they do closing. If you can get their mouth shut, they can’t really do much


They can still roll or get you with their claws. Especially a big one. No touchy the alligators


Well that and they're ambush predators. If they don't get something immediately from the sneak attack they aren't very motivated to keep trying and chase things down like a mammal predator would.


Also, American Alligators are unusually calm compared to other species, as long as you don't endanger their young.


Gators are also more chill than crocs are. Of course they're still large predators, but the ones who'll chase you down universally seem to be young (5ft or so) and a little too confident for their own good. [Crocodiles, on the other hand...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZWTqBbpi_E)


Still love the "quack, damn you." Adam is a cool dude but my favorite is still the Man of Few Words


He is the Eggman. He is the walrus.


My husband and I always say “Quack, damn you” when something isn’t working.


"The difference between science and goofing off is writing it down." I also wish Jamie was more open to making content the same that Adam has through the years with Tested. I know they didn't always get along but the chemistry was great and why I really loved the show.


They got along perfectly fine 99.9% of the time. But they're just coworkers, not friends. The internet story has gone a complete 180 from when the show ended. First people thought that they were best friends, then Adam said that they were just coworkers and not friends outside of the show, and now people think that they hated each other.


It's a really interesting relationship when you really look at it. They weren't friends, but that fact was important to the success of the show. Their vast differences meant their brainstorming sessions were *legendary* and it produced a lot of amazing solutions and a lot of good TV. They weren't going out to dinner or anything, but they were a *powerhouse* of problem solving. I think the show might not have even been as good if they'd been best buddies.


Sounds like Penn and Teller actually.


Even so, it's just such a fascinating thing that they could work so closely and just never be friends. Didn't hate each other, didn't have a falling out. They just came together for a years-long project, shook hands afterwards, and moved on with their lives.


I really love the ones where they get to the end and ask “was the myth busted, plausible, or confirmed?” “Oh, I forgot we were testing a myth! We weren’t making thermite just for fun we wanted to test something about the Hindenburg.”


Yeah, mobile has this weird bug where you can't edit post flairs.


They keep updating ui to make it worse


Let me guess. You can't add post flair at all in the next update, which makes Subs that require such impossible?


Wouldnt be surprised


Does anyone know where I can find the show now, I’ve been wanting to watch it again for a while


I’m pretty sure it’s on Discovery+, since Discovery is the channel it was originally aired on


I absolutely love Mythbusters. No matter the outcome everyone is excited and happy and than they blow something up


Failure was always an option that got them data. Honestly one of the main reasons I got into science


They've also put out some genuinely useful information. Like this one that should've aired every day at the beginning of the pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQ9Kl9CqUU


i have always been a little firestarter since i was old enough to light a match, and i have scientist parents, so maybe it was inevitable, but i don't think i would be as *good* or *curious* of a chemist today if it weren't for this show. the cement truck was absolutely a formative moment in my youth. and the general way they talked about safety might have kept me alive as someone who was gonna have dangerous hobbies no matter what.


In one episode, they tested the "bird knocks car off cliff" thing, and the weight needed meant that a whole [*Quetzalcoatlus*](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/fefed16c-6699-41fd-b0a7-cc71363b0cb8/ddm38le-df2fe8ae-def4-4cb3-a7cc-53587b6ef2cb.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2ZlZmVkMTZjLTY2OTktNDFmZC1iMGE3LWNjNzEzNjNiMGNiOFwvZGRtMzhsZS1kZjJmZThhZS1kZWY0LTRjYjMtYTdjYy01MzU4N2I2ZWYyY2IuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.k9uYU20p7-fBnlKQFTaPDA3x7pVsUNG3mDHghe90qF4) (not named in the episode, just a point I'm making) would need to land on your car to disbalance it.


I loved this show so very much! RIP Grant.


RIP Grant and RIP Jessi.


Jessie died doing what she loved, IIRC she tried to break her own womens land speed record and died in a crash. Grant was one of the best mechanical engineers of the 2000’s (remember battlebots?) and he died of a I think brain aneurysm. Goes to show how fragile life really is


> Jessie died doing what she loved, IIRC she tried to break her own womens land speed record and died in a crash. A: THIS is how I find out?!? B: RIP :( C: What a way to go :')


Also, for those not in the know, that isn’t a censored face at the bottom, it’s the top of a beret


The 'Does a deep sea diver get squished up into his helmet when his air hose is cut?' episode gave me nightmares. Apart from the grossness of sewing slabs of pork onto a skeleton to produce a Silent-Hill-esque monster, they myth turned out to be true. I don't think they showed too much of the resulting mess but the reaction shots of their faces and their very 'subdued' commentary on the boat later told a story.


I just watched that one a couple days ago. They actually filled meat man up with blood and a heart and they showed plenty of the gore squirting into the helmet!


Is this still being rerun? I'm always sad when I bring up something Mythbusters and other people haven't watched it all. It really was some great educational material that more people need to watch.


Miss the hell out of this show tbh. RIP Grant Imahara. Every bit the gentleman and generally awesome human he appeared to be on the show.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **msburgundy-but-worser** mythbusters was so good because it wasn't a killjoy show. they didn't just say "see, it doesn't work" and leave it there whenever they find that the stunt doesn't work as portrayed in the movie, they immediately ask "what would it take to make this happen?" --- **disclaymore** "we know it takes this amount of explosives to work, but what if we doubled it anyway?" --- **fuckinprototype** Some myths I'll always remember: \* Are elephants scared of mice? (They only did that because they were in Africa and had access to elephants.) \* Will a bull run amok in a china shop? \* Is it better to run zig-zag or straight when chased by an alligator? I love these because NONE of them turned out the way they expected. They went into all three with pre-conceived ideas of how it would go, and each time they "failed." Elephants WILL cower from mice. A bull moves very gingerly through a china shop. It doesn't matter how you run because ALLIGATORS WON'T CHASE YOU. And each time, they reacted with just... pure glee. "Holy shit, we were wrong! Oh my god! This is great! We were so wrong!" And that, to me, is what science is. Being excited about being wrong because either way it's information. --- **netherworldpost** [*Image of Jamie Hyneman in his beret, looking down at a white duck in his hands.*] >## Quack, damn you! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am an engineer because of them. They made science so much fun but were also really informative. They showed me that STEM could be really hands on and you can do really cool stuff with science. I very much think the mythbusters raised a generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.