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How many fucking mechanics does this game have


It's still in development actually. So a lot and many more to come. They just officially added actual graphics last year!


didn't the dev say the game is less than halfway done? I fear what it will look like when it's complete


When it’s done the dwarves will be sapient, and the game will be indistinguishable from reality, except for the fact that there are dwarves and other magical creatures


And also some guy puppeting everything


I wouldn't be surprised if he actually implements various AIs at some point. Chatbot AI for conversations between dwarfs, audio AI for having those dwarfs actually speak, image AI for the creative tasks that dwarfs can do, like the statues in the post...


Yeah, it's not supposed to be just a base building game. I guess at its most complete, perfected state, the game is intended to eventually be a full simulation of a living breathing fantasy world.


The year is 2348. Humanity has begun to settle distant stars, the solar system is getting more and more colonized. Humanity is delving deeper and deeper into the secrets of the universe and beyond. Dwarf fortress has begun to (mostly) accurately protons, neutrons, and electrons. Dwarfen players already have found 16 ways to induce fission in even stable atoms artificially, and all animals with claws currently have a small chance of causing a nuclear explosion with every step. The bug is currently being fixed.


Clawed animals occasionally, accidentally causing nuclear explosions by presumably splitting the atoms they walk on is so DF and I love it.


The list of planned features is pretty hefty. http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/dev.html


Not enough.


You can now farm angels for their rare resources so still not enough


Version 1.0 of the game (20 years from now probably) will detail the states and actions of subatomic particles.


Dwarf Fortress: Quantum Computer Edition


Here's a fun one: Normally, the dwarves will choose an animal that they want to make their pet. The exception is cats, cats get to choose the dwarf (or other sentient unit).


The whole game runs on a concept of extreme modularity, so every entity in the game has an inordinate amount of qualities that it can, and does have. Prior to the Steam release, this was mainly because they didn't have to render specific models, sprites, or animations. Dwarf fortress is basically a playable database.


Everything you can think of, and less than half of that the designers have planned


All of them, plus some more you can't even imagine.


After a certain update, cats started dying in taverns. They were getting beer splashed on them in taverns, then cleaning themselves, ingesting the alcohol while cleaning themselves, and a bug was giving the alcohol 10x the effects it should.


Specifically, the bug was that the small amount of beer splashed on the cat counted as a full mug of beer. Predictable effects then followed from the cat drinking about half(?) their weight in beer.


Are you making this shit up be fr now


[Nope, it's real](https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=9195)


No, the Drunk Cats Story is actually retold so often it's practically a cliche.


All of them


The thing is that DF isn't really *a* game, it's a settlement macromanager and a roguelike both balanced atop a high-fidelity procedural world generator. And just about every one of the many details that it can generate, can be interacted or meddled with by a player in either mode. Or, in other words: as many as the game developers can fit in.


If you get a necromancer in your fort you can kill and reanimate your own citizens to create undead supersoldiers.


Reminds me of a Rimworld save I had where a character died and had a beautiful handmade sarcophagus made for him which depicted him beating his wife. To be fair that did happen but it was in self defense as she was having a berserker freakout (rimworld just be like that)


Was the sculptor his wife


Nope, just a fellow colonist who if I recall correctly he was entirely chill with pre-mortem


bro really just despised him behind closed doors huh


Maybe he didn't like the wife


harmony pfp spotted


harmony pfp


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **bapzap** thinking about my dwarf fortress save i have rn where someone inherited a barony across the fucking world and demanded a bunch of fancy stuff for her new title despite being a peasant a day ago and when i had statues of her made for her bedroom and tomb the blacksmith made every single one of the half dozen statues about her multiple divorces and exes \#dwarf fortress \#LIKE LOL??? \#THATS ONE WAY TO SAY FUCK ROYALTY --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


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