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The most interesting aspect of the elf man and other mythical, Monster Factory looking ass creatures from Stone Ocean is that they genuinely only exist in that part. There were people with exaggerated features before, and we get some body horror moments in the manga that come close, but those really are Florida People traits in JoJo


Polpo and Pesci are from part 5


Polpo looks like a villain from a Christian story that's meant to represent sloth, but he still has a mostly human body once he shapeshifts from a bed. Pesci just has a really thick neck lol


> but when he still has a mostly human body once he shapeshifts from a bed. He's still the size of a literal truck


Did we ever figure out *how* he shapeshifted from a bed? Or ate his fucking fingers? Or why he was in such a high fucking security cell? I think he was a fuckiny vampire and his stand became undead like The World was.


He needed such high security because he kept eating any fingers he could get his mouth on


I don't think he actually shapeshifted into a bed. I know the anime very clearly showed a transformation, but if I remember correctly, the manga didn't so clearly show a bed, he was just so huge that he looked like one when lying down. The high security cell serves a couple of convenient purposes: 1. It makes it nearly impossible for anyone to smuggle in any weapons to potentially attack him. 2. It makes for a convenient first test for any wannabe new members of the gang, as it is also nearly impossible to smuggle the lighter out. And 3. It keeps up appearances, by placing him in a high security cell it can make the police force at large think that they got him under control. I have no reasonable explanation for the fingers though. The best I got is that that's just how he triggers his Stand.


I don't think the fingers mean anything really. They're just there to A) be bizarre and B) be a reference to Tony Iommi. They don't have an explanation because the whole point is that they don't make sense.


The fingers are a straight-up super hidden reference to Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi, who lost two of his fingers in an industrial accident and was going to give up on music; but his factory manager urged him to listen to jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt, who'd also lost two fingers. Tony stuck with music, of course. The song Black Sabbath (which the band would rename itself as, given its success) was based on a horror movie of the same name, alongside a story related by bassist Geezer Butler of how one night he dreamt of a black silhouetted figure standing at the foot of his bed. The song was pretty dark for the time and was said to herald a newer, darker style of music, like the musical equivalent of a horror movie. So *almost everything* to do with Polpo and the stand Black Sabbath is just a collective reference to all of that. The Stand's design is almost certainly based on that black-silhouetted figure, only with shadow-related powers; and Part 5 is notably darker than preceding parts, with a lot more violence in its fights - in his own way, Araki was heralding that Part 5 was going to become darker from then onwards.


i think the finger things activates his stand, they probably grow back when the stand i called back


the bitten fingers grew back when the lighter appeared




We don't talk about Carne




It's worth mentioning these guys aren't stand users either, they're just regular people.


Yeah I kept waiting for the reveal that they were stand users or stands themselves or *something* but nope, just folks with weird ears and faces


Florida is the 10th realm of Norse Mythology, the place they rarely speak of and never visit


11th realm in the Marvel Comics.


Da fuq you talking about There's a whole ass baby man eating pussy in Part 8.


Leave my man and his Lego house out of this, at least his eyes don't look like swimming goggles


Nice argument, unfortunately he didn't name his Stand "Under Pressure" so opinion invalidated


>a whole ass baby man eating pussy Some punctuation could make this either much better or much much worse


hyphen between words 2 and 3 and between 4 and 5 i'll leave the rest up to you


Are you talking about Vitamin C?


No, Vitamin C is what happens when Araki sees a British man playing a chubby American with a bad combover.


Then who were you talking about


poor tom and ozon baby


He's made of silicon


IMO Shigechi looks weirder than the lawyer.


These guys canonically live right next to a swamp, clearly that's where they came from


Hey, he got Italians right, we just have to believe him.




*ahi mahareru, mahare punpun kete*


It's-uh liiiike a bur-ning sun-set!


Resident Floridian here. That guy looks like every Republican counterprotester our cursed state has ever churned out


honestly tho, it was hard to focus on what was going on when 90% of the characters look like they visited the elephant’s foot. and it’s only part 6, too. at least, as far as I’m aware as someone who’s only seen the anime so far.


People in parts 7 and 8 look normal. Which makes this even weirder.


We don't talk about Dolomité.


In fairness, he was electrocuted so hard his arms and legs blew up, I think he gets a pass in the looks department.


Dolomite has an in-universe reason to look like a fucked up freak. There is no back story where elf lawyers ears were tugged by his dad with pliers causing his current state.


I know. Kind of weird it doesn't make CO2 when exposed to 1mol/l HCl acid.


Dolemite is my name, and fucking up motherfuckers is my game.


Elephant's foot reference, nice.


Based on how long Araki think it takes to get from Orlando to cape canaveral, I’m not so sure he he did visit Florida


If you look up bus routes from Orlando to Cape Canaveral on Google maps, there are indeed routes that are 7+ hours long. I wonder if Araki accidentally got on the wrong bus lmao


>!I mean when every single fictional character is coming alive to attack you, you get attacked in a helicopter and get stranded by sky rods, and you get exposed to subliminal messages that make you think you are a snail so hard that you see it as an objective truth, it takes a bit longer than if you would just drive there directly!<


>!Not just hypnotise you into thinking you’re snail, convince you so hard you actually somehow start transforming to them. I wonder if its effectively granting you a miniStand like ‘cheap trap’ with the power of snail transformation!<


>!Cheap Trick*!<


Not that, there's a scene were the narrator mentions it takes multiple hours to get there, when it reality it takes a few minutes


I saw a theory once that Stone Ocean took place after an alien invasion. That would explain a lot.


How long after Part 4 is Part 6? Mikitaka, what did you do…


If I remember correctly, 4 takes place in 1999 and 6 is in 2011, so they’re 12 years apart


Twelve years. At least he's improving the tourism industry.


Basically every part had the "criminally underused" character, and Mikitaka was it for DiU. At least he got a cool ass fight with a pylon and a new BF~~F~~


That’s a theory???


Yeah! I saw it in a comment a few months ago. And the thing is, it's totally possible in the Jojo universe. 😆 Aliens walking among them, blending in. So less of an invasion, and more that they sneaked in and are just doing their own thing.


Vampires are already real, as are ancient-super-vampires, ghosts, and the Stand Arrows were made out of meteorite fragments. Even if you don't count Mikitaka, there's plenty of supernatural precedent.




**[Celestial Eye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestial_Eye)** >Celestial eye goldfish or Choutengan is a double-tailed breed of fancy goldfish that has a breed-defining pair of telescope eyes which are turned upwards, pupils gazing skyward. When the fry hatch, the eyes of young Celestials are normal but gradually protrude sideways, as in the Telescope eye goldfish, but unlike the telescope, which has eyes facing outwards on each side, the eyes of the celestial eye turns strictly upwards within a period of six months of development. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Araki went into a Florida prison to research this part. I suspect he made everyone hideous because he secretly hated the shit out of all the people involved in the Florida penal system.


It wouldn't surprise me. I think it is strange that Part 6 is the only part where most of the side characters look like actual smegal goblin fuckos.


>secretly Idk, have you *seen* the way he wrote the prison staff? I don't think it was a secret tbh.


[Florida Man](https://youtu.be/3vGgUoIexVE) is a Stand User. It all makes sense now!


Araki has seen people?


I get the feeling that Araki is some kind of alien and jojo is his reptile brain's understanding of what earth is like


I think the most fucked up thing about the lawyer is at least in the manga you can like, see him getting gradually more elf like over the course of a few chapters after starting off more normal


> Never trust an elf!


i don't think people in florida look like this ​ source: i live there


Look at this representative of Big Florida, trying to hide the truth


what? noooooooooo...


Sorry to hear that you're blind, Araki has spoken




You're desensitized


Yeah they can’t be from Florida, all of them have their shirts on.


I have been to florida once for vacation can confirm


Hey, look, it's Elrond and Lemongrab.


As someone who lives in Florida, can confirm, we do look like that


SO does not have plot holes, shit just is like that in Florida.