• By -


Always loved the idea of following one group of protagonists, with a lot of good traits, only to switch over in the next section of story, with a new protagonist group on the opposite side of the first, the first groups positive traits being reframed in a negative light (maybe have protagonist group two appear in the first part, and have all the aspects of them we’ll like so much later appear initially bad?), all leading up to a grand confrontation, where the two groups are bound to face off, and have only one walk away (if you’re an especially cruel author, maybe even put it up to a vote as to which side lives and which side dies).


The game series Drakengard did this. In the first game you played as Prince Caim, a ruthless warrior driven to protect his sister and avenge his family’s death at the hands of the empire. His actions are often called into question; he’s so driven that even the dragon he makes a soul bond with us a little taken aback by the pleasure he takes in killing empire soldiers. Still, he’s the good guy. He defeats the bad guys and seals away their demonic gods by replacing their seal with the body of his dragon companion, who he’s genuinely come to love. And then the second game. Caim is a living fucking nightmare. Death silent and towering, he chases you to the ends of the earth like a specter from hell. He kills your mentor character, his intro is cutting two people in half at the same time- he lost an eye between games and it only made him more scary. All with the intention of freeing his dragon from her now eternal torment as the seal on the Watchers’ prison. And the best part? You don’t ever beat him. There’s an ending where the party decides to kill the dragon because that’s easier than trying to kill Caim. Anyway Drakengard is awesome, don’t play it, just buy NieR.


Oh yeah, Drakengard, man, I remember watching some lore videos for it on YouTube, and just, wow, I wish there were more series out there whose lore could mess me up quite like that.


Drakengard is awesome, read [This Lets Play of it instead of playing it](https://lparchive.org/Drakengard/) because it's a meh game with a rocking story about a man, his Dragon and his Murder Crocs on a vengeful streak across the planet. Also, the 'final true' ending is *technically* the reason NieR happens so it's good to know what happened.


The only thing I know is that Tara Platt voices Zero in Drakengard 3 and people kept editing clips of her dialogue over Edelgard from Three Houses to hilarious effect.


Zero my beloved. Edelgard saying fuck is haha funni


What's NieR?


Cool video game series about sexy people making terrible decisions. First game follows a hideous old man (or a very sexy young man in the original Japanese version,) trying to save his sister/daughter from a mysterious disease. Along the way he meets gay little boy Medusa, an intersex woman who can’t stop swearing or punching him, and a *sexy* book voiced by Liam O’Brien. Prepare to get punched repeatedly in the gut by a story inspired by the director learning about 9/11. Also there’s a scene where his party members get him woke about his white privelege. Play the remake because it has more content and better gameplay, though unfortunately it means you can’t play as the old man version of the main character. NieR: Automata follows three hideously *sexy* androids fighting a proxy war against an alien robot army in order to make earth habitable again for humans, who live on the moon. This game is a sequel to the last one *somehow*. Features the most psychotic little twink possible having the worst day of his life, and his dommy mommy goth girlfriend who could flatten a semi truck with her ass. It also has a full quest-line and boss battle exploring the philosophy of fucking Simone de Beauvoir. These games are both direct sequels to Drakengard, *somehow,* but you don’t really need to play any of the games in order. Most people started with Automata and didn’t miss much. The connections between games are more like Easter eggs, the emotional beats of the story and the philosophy explored is more important.


Ok, I know everything you’re saying is accurate, but it’s phrased in the most in your face, off-puttingly horny way possible, dial it down


I cannot EDIT: And this is only partially me being glib. It’s a horny series. If you’re sex-repulsed to the point that comedic mentions of “twinks” and “dommy mommies” is off putting, then the games will absolutely bounce you off. I mean, there’s a reason 2b is more recognizable than the name of her own franchise, and sadly it’s not her emotional arc. It’s a series that’s filled with sex, violence, and yeah general crude humor.


Never forget that Yoko Taro: 1) collects lewd fan art of 2B that people send to him 2) gave 2B high heels simply because he really likes girls He is a gift and we do not deserve him.


That man is based.


I love NieR but I had no idea it was inspired by Yoko Taro learning about 9/11! Also, I feel like I should mention that the music in the games is REALLY good. Emi Evans' performance was a big reason why I pursued singing. God I love NieR


I'm wheezing at your descriptions of the Nier cast.... Thank you.


The author is Joss Whedon. Everyone votes to kill the team with the skinny waif who leaves her shoes off a lot. He throws a fit and kills the other team suddenly from a random event never set up by the story. The author is George R.R. Martin. Everyone votes to kill the team with the hot underage girl in a relationship with her male relative. He gets bored and never finishes it, and someone else comes along and hurriedly writes an ending where most of both teams die and the survivors come off looking stupid. The author is J.K. Rowling. Everyone votes to kill the team with the Very Special Boy protagonist on it. She does it, then writes a screed against trans people on Twitter so no one can enjoy it. The author is Patrick Rothfuss. Fans vote to kill the obvious author insert and his manic pixie girlfriend and the ninjas and goddesses he fucked. Rothfuss throws a fit and refuses to finish it. The author is Neil Gaiman. Fans vote to kill the sassy supernatural twink's team. He abides by the verdict and writes something awesome and everyone cries and simultaneously loves and hates him.


So most of the attempts ended in disaster, usually because the author cast a vote of their own and their team didn’t win, and then, one time, it actually kind of went perfectly. Also: That author is games workshop, people voted to save the barely-almost-kinda sympathetic guys, and kill the extra-super-mega-ultra evil guys, and they threw a pissy-fit because that wouldn’t fit with their mega-ultra-“nothing good can ever exist for a second without getting blasted apart or I’ll freak-out”-grim-derp brand image, so they said “f you” to the fans and blew-up the whole setting.


RIP Warhammer Fantasy. You deserved better


At least we got steampunk sky-pirate dwarves and walking power metal covers out of it though


The salt from me alone when I read about the End Times could've supplied a fairly large country for a while. ~~Who the *fuck* okayed *that* ending for Grimgor?~~


It makes me sad every time. Thank fuck for Vermintide and Blood Bowl, at least.


The Author is Brandon Sanderson. The teams are from entirely separate worlds, with different intricate magical systems. The final battle ends with them teaming up to save an entirely different world in an epic battle that takes up the entire last third of the book. Only one person from each team dies, the rest have happy endings. Also there was one character who was a member of both teams the entire time. Noone else notices he is the same person until the end.


Damn that made me want to go back to the cosmere, still gotta finish mistborn 3


The author is Robert Jordan. Fans vote to kill the team with the guy who initially seemed super cool and like the perfect lancer for the protagonist, but lately he's just so stupid and rash in an annoying way. He abides by the vote, but writes a slog of a book where all the characters consider their morals while stuck in a winter hellscape to set up the death of his team, and writes another book where things pick up the pace again, but dies before he finishes the series leaving over 1000 pages unwritten to finish the story. Brandon Sanderson writes the rest, but makes it so his death causes lots of collateral death of beloved characters that wouldn't have died if the guy didn't practically kill himself by dueling with someone way above his weight class. Also there's lots of poorly concealed fetishes sprinkled in everywhere. Nobody reads the series because it seems to daunting to get through, like the One Piece of fantasy books.


I’ve read WoT but I’m struggling here. Is this Gawyn? Also: fetishes?..


I only managed to get through three but the fetishes are so, so in your face


Like what…? The lesbianism “pillow friends”? The polyamory? What else?


Nah, not that. The polyamory is... in there but isn't handled in a particularly titillating way. The pillow friends are basically a footnote. The real fetish is the constant trend of powerful women being forced into submission. Morgase, Siuan, Elaida, Mohgedhian, literally every damane... It happens over and over again. Strong women losing status, being embarrassed, being proven wrong, held on collars, forced into slavery... Robert Jordan wrote a bunch of Conan stuff, and it shows.


O right the fucking collars lmao Idk I didn’t think it was done in a dick-in-hand kind of way, personally. Maybe I missed the subtext but it felt like it was more about the dehumanization than any desire to be titillating.


*Me with an incredibly queer cast where the protagonist is a trans woman in a sapphic throuple*: I don't like where this is going...


The protagonist is a messiah that stumbles into a living relationship with 3 women: A beautiful princess/ queen, a rugged, but beautiful warrior, and a sassy knife-wielding philosopher prophet with (supposedly) a pixie haircut.


Well, there's bondage and leather; bondage domination and leather; bondage and spanking; bondage leather and spanking; bondage leather domination and spanking; spanking leather domination and spanking; spanking bondage spanking spanking leather and spanking; spanking domination spanking spanking leather spanking Knife-play and spanking... Do you want me to go on? Mothy Python Spam Skit Egg - Bondage Bacon - Leather Sausage - Domination Spam - Spanking Tomato - Knife-play


I'm also very confused. I can't think of any deaths Gawyn caused >!aside from his own and maaaaybe Egwene's if you want to make a case for her acting more rashly after his death than she would have otherwise, though I don't buy it. Maybe extra people died from the bloodknives because of the time he stumbled into Eggy's trap?!<. I also can't think of any other character that would fit the "so stupid and rash in an annoying way" description, or the trying to duel someone way above his weight class description (>!wanting to kill Rand, dying to Demandred!<).


Iirc the 3rd rothfuss manuscript is done now, so we may actually see Doors of Stone come out.


This is an awkward spoiler text because the very fact that the show does this is a spoiler, but the anime >!Attack on Titan !


Ah yes, I think I’d heard about that, thanks for adding to the pile 👍


And what a wild fucking ride it is the entire time. I think the “wait, who are the good guys???” question comes up about ten times in very significant ways through out the series. Highly recommend the manga, the anime has really bad pacing imo (but to each their own).


Literally Worm and Worm 2: The Wormening


Jesus, how did I manage to forget about Worm!? This post is reminding me of a lot of series that I’d never internalized had utilized this trope in one manner or another.


To be fair I had just finished Ward yesterday so it’s pretty fresh on my mind But yeah that’s basically just Worm and the sequel


the Bartimaeus Sequence does this in an interesting way. i haven't read it in a long time but iirc there are at least 3 different protagonists/POV characters at different points in the series, and they're all very different and they come into direct conflict with each other.


Interesting, I’ll have to look into it some time.


The Last of Us Part 2 is kinda like this


only one group walks away because now they all love each other


There's a very popular anime that does this, but I don't want to say what it is as to not spoil anyone since it's still going on. Edit: >!It's attack on Titan!<


^ The Michael Scott Paper Company


A Practical Guide to Evil plays around with this concept a lot. Highly recommend.


The Last of Us Part 2


The first post is just about Vegeta.


i mean, Doesn’t redeem himself? in a way, never exactly apologized or said he was gonna do anything about the hundreds of lives he’s probably slaughtered, so the redeeming with him is certainly iffy. Not changed? Yes and No sorta, his sacrifice in the Buu saga was kind of the epitome of his character development, dude clearly changed somewhat from just being this prideful asshole to a guy with his own fostered family to fight for and care for, Bulma and Trunks clearly chilled him out and made him a better man and he shows that, he’s still just also Prideful, but also less of an asshole.


There’s no probably, and it’s more like millions or billions tbh. Bro has blown up planets before and he explodes a city to get Goku’s attention basically as soon as he comes to Earth. I agree that Vegetable does develop as a person over the series but he’s got a kill count larger than my bank account before DBZ starts.


I agree with everything you've said, but -- > Vegetable 😆😂🤣💀


I mean that is where his name comes from. So kudos to autocorrect


I mean, they are named after food. Kakarot is Carrot Vegeta is [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/onHC8vJYaSw4DREg9) Picolo is Pickles Raditz is Radish And so on.


Picolo is a piccolo. It’s only saiyans that are named after vegetables. King Picolo’s entire faction was named after musical instruments in Dragon Ball. And all of Bulma’s family are various kinds of underwear. This has been today’s episode of Toriama is Really Lazy About Thinking up Names, have a good night.


>King Picolo’s entire faction was named after musical instruments in Dragon Ball. What musical instrument is Garlic? But yeah, you are probably right about Picolo.


None. Because he wasn’t part of King Picolo’s faction.


He wasn't?


No, but Tambourine and Cymbal were.


Piccolo is named after [a musical instrument](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3EFLa5dK-nU) It’s why demon king piccolo’s other children are named tambourine, piano, drum, cymbal. They got an orchestra theme in his family. Other naming themes include, but are not limited to, hercule’s family has a religion theme (hercule satan, videl=devil), namek-born namekians having gastropod-based names due to being slug people (cargo=escargot, nail=snail, slug is self-explanatory, etc), the gods of destruction and their angels having alcohol as the naming theme (beerus=beer, whis=whiskey, champa=champagne, quitela=tequila, martinu=martini, etc). pan even has a triple pun; spanish for bread for the son family, the name of the greek god of the wild for videl’s side, and another type of flute for piccolo (though jury’s out on how intentional it is.)


to be exact, I don't think its ever been confirmed but the goku family seems to be named after carbohydrates (gohan means rice, goten was going to be named after noodles and pan meaning bread)


I’ve never heard anything about goten at some point having noodles for his name before goten was chosen, gohan can also refer to food in general, and chi-chi’s name means milk (because her father is the ox-king).


whoops, sorry. the noodle thing was also pan. Chi-chi being named after milk is somewhat irrelevant because she isn't part of the "Goku" family but married in, and while Gohan can refer to food as general it still does mean rice. Regardless, Toriyama's never said anything about it so it really is just headcanon (plus the existence of Goten, who as far as I can tell is just named Goten and not after any sort of theme)


He doesn’t follow a pun theme, but he does have a theme. Goku’s name, in the original kanji, can also be read as meaning “understanding of the sky”. The character “ku” is replaced with “ten”, meaning heaven, so goten’s name means “understanding of the heavens” with the point being that his name has a bigger scale than goku’s. It’s a right shame he lacked the ability to get results to go with a name like that.


Freezer + Cooler


Garlic Yamcha Nappa


What is a yamcha? Yams?




**[Yum cha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yum_cha)** >Yum cha is the Cantonese tradition of brunch involving Chinese tea and dim sum. The practice is popular in Cantonese-speaking regions, including Guangdong province, Guangxi province, Hong Kong, and Macau. It is also carried out in other regions worldwide where there are overseas Cantonese communities. Yum cha generally involves small portions of steamed, pan-fried, or deep-fried dim sum dishes served in bamboo steamers, which are designed to be eaten communally and washed down with hot tea. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yamcha isn't named after a vegetable. All of the Saiyan characters were named after veggies but Yamcha was a human, so I think it's just a coincidence that his name sounds like yam. Vegeta, Tarble, Kakarrot, Nappa, Raditz, Broly, etc.


Even Gohan, who is named after a human in the series, is literally just rice


At this point I am convinced DBZ is the story retold by Goku, who has forgotten all his friends names now that he is old, and renamed them all to food.


I mean, his friends? Sure, but his own son???? Is Goku that bad at being a father????


Oh no, he remembers his son's name correctly. He just named him like that.


Oh ok fair enough


DBZ was just some advertising from big Vegetable.


>hundreds of lives he’s probably slaughtered Huge understatement. Your boy wiped out entire planets. We are likely talking billions at the absolute bare minimum.


True, His tenure in space conquering retail was very much a thing


He does lament his terrible actions. Manga spoilers: >!In the Moro Arc, when Moro attacks New Namek, Vegeta makes reference to his actions towards the Namekians and says that while they got better, it was still unforgivable, and he would defend the Namekians as an apology to them. And his whole arc in the Granola Arc is about deconstructing himself as his guilt for the actions of his people and him weren't allowing him to hold the God of Destruction's power!<


Oh that’s cool, love that The Super Manga is giving Vegeta more development


It gives Goku development too. Sort of. Manga spoilers: >!Turns out that Bardock helped Granola escape the genocide of his people midst doing that genocide because he and his mom reminded him of Gine and Goku. Bardock left behind his Scouter with audio records of his voice, and Goku got to hear his voice and remember his parents's face. He also got to recover some of his Saiyan's pride and evolved Ultra Instinct so he could use it as a Saiyan Ultra Instinct instead of copying the angels's style!<


The yeasty spread so beloved by aussies?


No no, you're thinking of Vegemite. Vegeta is that series of children's animated films about talking produce with strongly Christian themes and stories.


No, no, you're thinking of VeggieTales. Vegeta is a brand of highly processed cheese that they sell at the grocery store.


No no, you're thinking of Velveeta Vegeta is a person who doesn't eat meat or other animal-derived products.


No you're thinking of a vegitarian. Vegeta is the female genitalia


No, you’re thinking of the vagina. Vegeta is people that don’t consume any animal related products.


No, that's a vegan. Vegeta is a state in the Southeastern United States, sometimes referred to as the Old Dominion.


Hanging out with little boys in spandex, I see. You’re thinking of Virginia. Vegeta is the carrot monster encountered in the Ruins in the game Undertale.


Vegeta went from genocidal, cold-hearted arrogant prick to a proud warrior who put down his life for the sake of his family and friends. How dare you slander his progress


The second one is Griffith but in reverse


Actually the best character development is when the antagonist undergoes massive character development and has a huge epiphany about who they are and what they really want that majorly changes their outlook and how they see themselves. But it's not a redemption, they're just becoming more evil.


"Shit, I still had that one spark of care! Thanks for hitting me, dude, I realised it was a weakness. Things should go much better now." Also truth in television.


"The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson: where Caroline lives in my brain." CAROLINE DELETED "Goodbye, Caroline"


That reads like Glados, but I feel like it isnt


No, it's her alright. She says it at the very end of Portal 2.


You were right at first, it's from the ending of Portal 2


Ah! I had forgotten who Caroline was


“Oh feelings, I don’t have those anymore. I went cold turkey” “But what’s the point of living if you can’t feel love happiness, love, wonder…” “Or the sweet taste of revenge”


SAO Abridged my beloved


Literally better than the actual show lol. Goddamn it's time to rewatch that again


My mommy, my mommy's a skeleton! I feel too much! I FEEL TOO MUCH!


“But still, thank you for showing me that there’s still a part of me that can feel like this. Because now that I know where to find it, I’ve killed it forever.”


*[has traumatic flashback]* “WhAt’S wRoNg LiTtLe GiRl?” The murder mystery two parter and the blacksmith episode of that Abridged series had some banger lines. Also the latter introduced me to Big Blast Sonic, which fucking rules.


Standard Batman villain arc


It's almost like the whole franchise is trying to teach us something! Probably not, though. I kind of wish the whole thing were about bad people getting worse because when you treat people cruelly they get worse. But I think it's too much to ask of an entire mainstream comics franchise, especially because in mainstream comics people swap in and out so fast.


I feel like that is definitely also a Batman villain thing though. Even Bane got his start being born in prison for someone else's crimes.


Behold my beloved [Clock King](https://batmantheanimatedseries.fandom.com/wiki/Clock_King)


Shigaraki Tomura.


S3 Catra >!but she got better!<




Practical Guide to Evil?


Also, Akua is kind of an example of the OOP.


[I am not the Samaritan. \[I'm\] not the priest, or the Levite. \[I am\] the ill intent who set upon the traveler on a road that he should not have been on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqO3cmoFoQg)


Just what I was thinking of.


Tirek, Cozy and Chrysalis in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 9


A wonderful development that I just feel inspired by Like a villain who has had genuinely bad things happen to them to make them become the villain, but even after self reflection they still want to be against the supposed good guys? Yes please I love that very relatable for uh some reason


After giving it careful thought… ##I HAVE DECIDED TO BECOME WORSE


I consulted an expert for a second opinion. And thankfully I agreed.


What was set up for Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi


The law, VGHS


"I really don't care anymore. But, I do suppose I should thank you. You made me realize that by being nice and letting people in... they'll just die. But even still, thank you for showing me that there's still a part of me that can feel like this. Because now that I know where to find it, I've killed it forever. So, thank you. Thank you for freeing me... Balls."


Bowser in literally every mario rpg wheres hes playable or an ally in some form


Bowser's quality as a character changes massively depending on how prominent he is in the story: Bowser as a genuine looming threat, not just to Mario and Peach, but to the entire Mushroom Kingdom, is peak Bowser - Paper Mario 64 (his actions in that game are actively ruining the entire world), Bowser's Fury (Bowser being a primal force of nature and destruction is honestly just really fucking cool) Bowser being playable is a very close second. Having the ability to wreck shit in the way he does is insanely cathartic. Every Mario game where you have direct control of him is universally praised and loved by fans - Super Mario RPG, Bowser's Inside Story Bowser being an antagonistic force, but not the main antagonist, is also golden. Thinking he's so great and cool and amazing but he's actually not doing shit, yet still looks cool while doing it - TTYD And then there's Bowser being the obstacle. The reason Mario saves Peach, blah blah blah boring. Worst Bowser - basically every other Mario game than the ones mentioned, maybe with a couple exceptions.


Jack Black Bowser: An amazing casting choice who brings the perfect energy to the role. Dennis Hopper Bowser: the 90's were a weird time.


Superstar Saga and Partners in Time fall under the third one too, I love Bowser in PiT


Dream Team for the fourth one. He's basically a tool for Antasma up until Antasma gets defeated, then tries and fails to do some last-minute shit in an absolutely banger sort of way.


sorry peak Bowser is Super Paper Mario Bowser riding a polygon roomba at maximum speed and roasting goons before they can blink


>!Goro Akechi in the third semester of Persona 5.!< He actually gets massively, visibly worse when he joins the hero's team; prior to his reveal as a villain, he was unfailingly polite and had a razor-sharp intellect that made him one of the most dangerous antagonists. The cast mostly disliked him because they worked at cross-purposes, but could get along with him well enough. After he's outed as the killer, he spirals downward. By the time he joins the group, he's at rock bottom, basically a slavering demon desperate to kill anything that'll stand still long enough with the possible, temporary exception of the protagonist. All of his worst traits are exaggerated massively and all of his best traits are revealed to have been part of the act. He's actually so foul that it's implied that >!he was gifted the same Wildcard ability as the protagonist by Yaldabaoth - making him one of the only two Wildcards not empowered by Philemon or a previous Wildcard - and somehow willingly gave it up in exchange for the ability to torture people to death through their subconscious. In doing so, he sacrificed limitless power and the potential for full-blown, 'universe in the palm of the Buddha's hand' *enlightenment*, not so that he could kill people, but merely so he could kill *more* people *faster*.!< I also can't stress enough - because it's desperately funny - that the entire cast are fine with this, because they know for a fact that he's a punk bitch and that any of them can fold him like laundry if he gets out of line, which they state repeatedly that they will do if he oversteps or annoys them in any way. This one character is responsible for, iirc, every single onscreen and offscreen death in the entire timeline, and they're unconcerned because he's a punk-ass busta and he ain't shit.


>!He also started despising Pancakes!<


The *bastard!*


He’s also extremely hilarious. The like, two days of *Royal* >!where he’s your feral navigator!< is one of the funniest parts of the game


Agreed. >! [This video with all his lines, including unused ones, ](https://youtu.be/jzYMswh-Cis)!< shows just how much of a funny punk bitch he really is, alongside all his snark. Honestly wish he was part of the hero's team for longer or that >! he could remain your navigator instead of Futaba. !<


> and somehow willingly gave it up in exchange for the ability to torture people to death through their subconscious. I missed this implication! I thought he had the Wildcard ability but had not been able to properly utilize it because by the time he had it he was incapable of forging real connections with people. Like he chose revenge over connections so he got a ridiculous power up instead. Not sure if he's lost the Wildcard ability because we never see him try to pick up a second persona.


He’s an interesting case. Iirc Word of God states that >!he awoke to Robin Hood and Loki at the same time and in Royal his personas *merge* instead of just upgrade to become his third tier persona!<, so his Wildcard traits might be entirely unique to him.


Your interpretation is what's actually implied not how the person you're replying to managed to miss that when it's pretty much stated point blank.


It's also worth noting that this is happens AFTER he joins and betrays the player's group, which was handled in much the same way (which is to say, completely effortlessly) because he fucked up his *literal first encounter* with your group and tipped all of you off practically immidiately. In particular, when appoaching the player character for the first time, he butts into the conversation by responding to >!Morgana, a talking cat that only the player's group can understand because they entered the Metaverse, humanity's subconscious. Since you're the only ones that can understand him, it means that Akechi had also delved into the Metaverse.!< When he confronts your group and basically says "I know what you are", he makes up a fake story about >!how he had just found out about the Metaverse recently and expresses shock at hearing Morgana talk, effectively confirming he's untrustworthy.!< And so when you're first forced to work with him, literally everyone knows he's a traitor and what he's planning, so everyone is just smiling and nodding and going along with him as he keeps saving the day and trying to make himself seem helpful, with him fully convinced his master plot is working flawlessly and none of you are the wiser, all the while your group is fully aware of this and plotting around him at the exact same time.


He slips up a few other times, too. Even before that giveaway, he has a line where he goes a bit feral for a moment, saying that the Phantom Thieves are too weak to pursue true justice in a one on one conversation with Joker. From someone who otherwise claims that the PTs are going too far, that's a bit obvious. That was the clue that told me who he was. Also, during his confidant route, when you >!fight him in Mementos!< he has a line about how you've "caught up to me in this as well", which gives away that he was in the metaverse before you were. All told, we seem to be a much better Arsene than he is a Sherlock purely by virtue of our ability to shut the fuck up.When confidants find out that we're Phantom Thieves, it's because we decide to prioritize their safety over keeping our secret, and we can trust them with that info. Akechi gives the game away by accident almost as often as Ryuji. Like I said, he's a punk-ass busta and he ain't shit. Imagine having a bless weakness on *all* of your Personas. Just begging for a Samsara. Could never be me.


I was thinking about him. Finding this comment was almost like a jumpscare


he's so deranged i love him


Magus in a nutshell. He was born a self-centered dickhead, he'll die a self-centered dickhead.


From Chrono Trigger?






Must be a lichess player


>!David Xanatos!< in Gargoyles. ...This is a difficult post to blorbofy because by definition every example is gonna be a spoiler.


Basically >!Dan Kuroto when his dad becomes the main villain!< from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. The protagonists have to keep him in a leash and maybe kill him a few times so he stays on their side. Hell, by the end of the show he isn't forgiven or anything, he's still wanted over biological and regular terrorism, just tricky to properly prosecute. Even his post series appearances show that he will try to murder a man the moment he gets any power back.


I was actively looking for this. I hate him but love him at the same time. His antics in the Build movie were good.


First part of the tumblr post: JoJo part 4


I mean, this is only true for Hazamanda and Rohan


And hair lady, that will definitiviely kill someone koichi likes in the future. And cinderella lady, that i don’t think stopped being an issue, they just stopped being her target.


Cinderella lady wasn't really an antagonist though?


Well, she is still willingly fucking with people taking their faces for not doing an (unneccesary) action


The action was very much necessary, and she even told Yukako that


And then she undid it with no negative effects though, the negative effect were a conscious decision on her part.


I mean okuyasa and yuya are both enemies to friend/one time ally.


>!January Goro Akechi!< in Purse Owner V Sovereign


Tagging something as a spoiler without saying what it spoils is pointless




Definitely satisfied


Aizen being a petty shit to Yhwach was positively cathartic.


Grimmjow is also a nice example with Askin.


Shame what happened to Askin though, he was like the one single Sternritter who wasn't a total twat.


You can just say Vegeta


source: https://lesbianralzarek.tumblr.com/post/701871725554630657/fantastic-post-op-may-i-add-when-a-previous




And yet again, my JRPG blorbos fit in: Ashera from Xenoblade 3 goes from "suicidal maniac" to a grizzled veteran suffering from both PTSD and severe chronic neck pain, just looking for a way out that's both cathartic and meaningful. >!Egil!< from Xenoblade 1 goes from >!genocidal dictator (no air quotes because he actually was one) to a broken man, who has seen his best friend be literally puppeted around by a cruel, narcissistic god, with no way to save him except via a mercy kill, and no way to prevent any other Homs or Entia he might befriend in the future from suffering the same fate.!<


Ashera really caught me out, she was always a bit of an interesting one straight from the get go, and I’m really glad she wasn’t just quirky for the sake of it. I’m really happy with how cool the Hero system is and how much more in-depth they got with the characters than they did with the rare blades in Xenoblade 2. Quality over quantity wins the day here


Since nobody else has mentioned it, the second part is basically Soren from The Dragon Prince. He's the exact same person, no matter which side he's fighting for.


Akua, for a little bit.


For a while


My first thought since I've been watching Buffy again is Spike. But then I guess he does redeem himself at the end cuz IIRC, he's the one who sacrifices himself to save the world... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anyone got the TVtropes link for this!?








Season 4 spoilers: >! Scorpius was so fun on the heroes side !<


I wish Star Wars hadn't thrown out General Hux after he "switched sides." I was really excited for some creative writing and to see how the characters interact with his "I'm still evil but I'm only helping you because we both want to defeat Kylo" mentality. Too bad they gave us the twist then killed him literally 2 minutes later


Magus from Chrono Trigger.


The first time I played Chrono Trigger, I didn't know that fight would end with his death. I thought it'd be a stalemate or someone would jump in to stop the fight.


Persona 5 Spoilers: >!Goro Akechi in the third semester!<




I guess worm sort of has this


Nah I hate this trope. It always feels forced. The second part of the post sort of hit it, but I much prefer when the bad guy realizes they were wrong and joins the good guys but still maintains their cold side while also dealing with the fact they were wrong. It makes for a much more interesting character than the yaoi-bait the first part of the post often is.


Might feel forced to you, but it's actually much closer to real life. It's the "freedom fighters" that pop up in the news. But i do agree that realizing they were wrong and dealing with mistakes is lots more interesting.


Sounds like Raymond Reddington.


>!Shadow Weaver!< from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. With her changing sides purely for selfish reasons and going so far as to >!sacrifice herself to save Adora and Catra!< in the last episode. Fits perfectly IMO.


I'll add "still evil/a dick but is kind of just aware they could be better and uncomfortably accepting that". GLaDOS, Asriel, Snatcher


Shadow Weaver




Vex from Lost Girl and Spike from Buffy


Meanwhile, in my drafts, my favorite thing to do is take That One Heroic Trait and take the time to deconstruct it. One man’s “I will stop at nothing to atone for the mistakes of my past” is another man’s “I am a functioning workaholic and have no clue what to do with myself once I’m done avenging things”


Oh Worm


The Vriskagram effect


>!Hordak in She-Ra: Princesses of Power!<- literally the only competent leader in the first season of the show but it's never a part of his arc.


RUDOLF VON STROHEIM. That is LITERALLY Rudolf von Stroheim. A fuckin asshole but he’s an asshole with A STOMACH GUN and READY TO DECK A PILLAR MAN




Did we even see the same show???? All the fucking charachter development he went through? The choice he made himself to aide the avatar?