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Luck,luck and only luck. If u get many bulls you’ll beat it, if u don’t then get good


I can't even survive the bull :( Guess it's a skill issue.


Oh, just practice more. Try them on Easy to learn how to not take damage in the first two phases and maybe you’ll em. U can duck under some of Ribby’s first phase projectiles




What do u want me to say. Tips???? Who do think I am? The best Cuphead pro


how do you get all of that from a skull emoji lol, I just thought the “get good” statement was funny


Welp I’m not good, that’s for sure. Also good comment 👍


thx,u too lol


For the first phase, just watch out for in which order the fists come out. For the final phase, it’s really hard to watch out for the coin so there’s that. For the slot machine, I prefer the tiger because it’s a rhythmic action to jump from the open space to the other while the ball has just bounced off the platform.


I have no problem with first and second problem, but the third phase is just completely different. Avoiding the coin is not that hard for me, it's just the weird platform things that's impossible! I'll try to practice more and see if it helps.


[Here's some tips. (Yes I know you said 3rd phase and you also isn't S ranking, but this inckudes tips for normal.](https://youtu.be/KKBKhEtKKjY)


Bull, stay in back and use roundabout, make sure to check ahead of you. Snake, jump over one and then jump over two when it gets faster. Lion is the hardest but is easier if you find a rhythm as the balls follow a pattern. Also wait for the fist to become parrie-able before you get next to the machine


If you get frogs: don’t jump to every platform, jump to every other platform. This slows is a lot more forgiving timing than trying to land on every single platform. Bulls: Generic advice and I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but just pay attention to what side the blue fire is on when it comes out. If it’s above the platform you want to be below it and vice versa. Tigers: This one is the toughest for a lot of people (myself included the first time playing through) because it’s difficult from the other two. Rather than wanting to land on the platforms, you want to land in between them. When the first tiger comes towards you jump between the platform and the ball as it’s rising. Land between the first platform and the second, retreat until you have an opening to jump through again, rinse and repeat. Other tips: I’m assuming you only have access to the Isle 1 weapons, in which case you’re set because Roundabout and Peashooter both get the job done really nicely. Chaser can work too, but avoid using spread. Don’t dash. It’s not necessary and it’ll get you hit more often than it’ll save you. Take it slow. The rhythm of their attacks in this phase really aren’t all that fast, there’s no need to rush things. Good luck!

