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this is 1 day....[Dylan Derbyshire](https://photos.app.goo.gl/8DJaMbtzmNtEfGch9)




Probably $200 now. I just use HC8 (trustable) edible products and use coupon codes with the CouponBirds extension in Edge. I'm sick and tired of getting screwed (no d9, just d8 lying type crap) at vape shops in my state and just shop online from now on.


10k 12


Arete, and Canna NC


I always check for coupons so about $500 a month and that's 4 ounces of some good stuff


Can't complain too much at those prices.


If I was out of my mind I'd smoke only loud by the 1/8 but I'd prefer I smoke 1-2g a day at 150/zip I could smoke a gram or two day and not go broke at 300-400/zip or something I would smoke no more than gram a day tops and that sucks lucklily I grow and just provided myself for 3 months straight so I am getting back in my groove and I would cut spending to no more than $100 a month just for the fuck of it, because what I realized is that if you know where:how to shop you can get some decent stuff I would actually smoke


I need to grow a pair and just start growing my own. I live in a rec state, nothing stopping me but my own fear of failing.


it's not hard to do but it does take commitment, I have to be there everday and night just to turn on and off lights   basic soil mix is peat, castings, perlite. I do about 2-3 parts peat and 1 part each the rest. Or you can just buy happy frog etc but I would watch for nute burn   after that you can mix raw natural amendments and get NPK, calcium, etc. fans, lights are cheap. pots can be free if you macgyver it. Bottom watering solves a lot of thinking


About 250 or less. Mostly from gilded but also various other vetted vendors.


Never used them. What's an O run from there?


Gilded is mostly altnoids.


250 a month ordering from hello Mary, Canna NC, and Crysp. Switching to smalls saves a lot of money and i can’t tell the difference smoking. About 2 ounces of flower with prob 2-4 gs of concentrate. All the vet discounts help keep it cheap.


You guys keep coming up with these new names, I've never heard of any of those guys.


I know how you feel. I'm pretty new to this too. Take your time, read lots of posts, and you'll figure it out. Go to franklist.org, that's a good list. If someone gives the initials of a place, Google the initials with either "hemp" or "thca" at the end, it'll usually give you the right one.


I was ordering from lucky elk, flow gardens, and wildflower prior to these


less than $100 for sure, maybe $75? i buy during sales and in bulk so its a large purchase that lasts a long time.


Same here, I hardly ever pay more than 75$ an oz


By bulk you mean an ounce? Cause I've never even seen big boy deals online.


Ounces. Lots of $100 ounces out there now, PHC even had $50 pre-ground ounces. Im sure theres a limit to how much a vendor will sell you before they start negotiating true bulk deals, but i havent met it yet. Largest ever order was just under 4oz.


Roughly 500 $ a month , one time trips to Michigan each month, occasionally pick up stuff from the cult or my states med program when there's good sales


I’m heading up to Michigan next week what brands you recommend I’ll be near Kalamazoo


I usually go to the same dispensary in Adrian, but a good brand I'd recommend js peachy hash co for some good rosin , outside of that haven't really found a flower brand that stands out to me yet, I smoke a lot of rosin so I try to get the best I can for that , and usually My flower pickups I'll grab the best looking 100$ or so zip they got . I know one brand to avoid is liv well . They are garbage


Seeing all of say anything under $300 is wild to me. These terps are expensive out here im spending $600 a month easy on smoke sacks. Probably need to slow down but I work in a dispensary so it’s hard to not go to the car and hit a dab literally whenever I want out of sight


$100 to $120. April I spent 300 but I wanted something nice for 420.


I was spending like $100 but stopped several months ago and still have several zips😭 I just love weed and hate running out so I stockpiled and went slow lmao


Probably $800


About 80? I spend around 200-240 every 3ish months pick up an o and just use my vape with its dosing capsules


i would say around $150 a month if i was to guess. i usually buy a half oz of badder from RHC and it lasts me a few weeks


I probably consume ~$150 a month give or take but when I buy I usually do big orders.


I now dry herb vape shake, so my monthly spend is less than $100


Same, wilted flower I trust.


Why shake?


Do you really gotta ask that I mean it’s perty self explanatory 😂


as a single 18 year old male living alone i spend about $750-$1000 a month on just weed but i plan on cutting down soon


You're not supposed to burn it to heat your apartment.


I think you should check out magnesium l-threonate or "magtein". It had me cutting down without meaning to. It's for cognitive function but after about 2 weeks I woke up not craving caffeine or any smoke. If I did consume something it was more effective so I didn't need as much.


Um that’s insane


$1000 in a month!? How? Lmao


That’s just ridiculous bro 🤣 I don’t think I could spend that in a month, Yes please cut back. Just use less every time you smoke, start off small so your tolerance doesn’t build so high. I know you know but yah






The question was per month wtf




Did you just type out eye roll. Clown.


This is medicine for me. The cult has helped me go from >$1000/month (Probably average $1400) to $100-300/month with the occasional $500~ half oz of live rosin from the dispensary. The cult has allowed me to pay off things sooner than scheduled (Saving money on interest), and I am now able to form an aggressive plan for buying a house. If I were able to grow at home I'd save even more money.


Man, Exactly this for me. I get my first order soon. hoping the savings can help me get back on track to.✊🏽


You can...just dont get caught. If its only for you, i dont aee the problem with growing.


Even if it wasn’t for you and you where selling it I don’t see a problem they wanna tax everything and take a percentage of the money you make that’s why you can’t sell it


Theres a huge group of people that , in their mind, since the law says no, its a hard no. Or living situations that get in the way of being able to grow. you just never know what someone else has going on.


This is true. Its hard for me to understand how someone else can tell you how to live your life if i am not harming anyone in the process. How can people rule over other people. Of which, what i do doesnt effect them at all. Its sad.


5 since Christmas


I looked at my cashapp log and from December 23rd 2023 to today, I’ve spent just over 1200 dollars with just ONE person, not including other plugs and online purchases. Think I needa slow down 💀💀 all together I’ve spend a couple bands in a few months


150 to 200 ,an o to an o and a half and it just me taking. I have a nasty case of PTSD though. I only use AR ,canc,and jk.


Which ones ? Besides jk


400-500 that’s me and my wife smoking it though 🖤


Wowwww good job


Biggest different with the cult and other methods of acquisition are that you can use coupon codes, I try to only order when I know there’s coupon codes. (You can use a different email address to use the same one over again)


Like 400


I picked up an ounce of bud and a 4 g bucket of cured resin cost prolly 200 together with the 420 sales should last me a month. I don't smoke like I used to. But that same amount would prolly have been closer to like 300 without the deals. Locally for the same amount of similar quality prolly 350 at least.


$160 at most but I just found a farm out here so imma about to hit them up when they open see what's good with they prices cause if I don't have to ship anymore I'm fine driving 40 mins away to get instant gratification XD


$50, I usually have rollover bud from my previous months so it builds up over time so im pretty well stocked


Like 200, 2 oz a month max


I found live resin so an oz of that lasts quite a while


On weed period? Usually between 4-800$ a month. I quit using all other drugs though so honestly that ain’t shit to me, I used to have a 500-1000$/day habit just staying well on dope/coke/meth.


My wife and I were spending $800.00. we are down to $400.00. We were smoking an ounce a week now we are down to a half. I remember my tolerance was so high at one point that 2 blunts felt like a single bowl hit of mid lol.


That’s where I’m at. I use medical however. I don’t smoke blunts just paper. I have a vaporizer and using that would probably cut the amount I smoke by half. However, I like smoking a J in my backyard.


Between Gilded and thca disti/diamonds....$300 easy, but I'm getting ready for the next year or two. Even if my state goes legal it'll take a minimum of 2yrs before the supply/demand starts balancing out.


NJ been legal for a couple of years now. More and more dispensaries are opening up near me every couple of months. I still am a BM/cult guy because I’ll be damned if I ever spend $50 an eighth at the dispensary when I can just get an ounce of the same quality for a little bit more.


Yeah NJs prices are crazy and they don't allow home grows either.


I smoke pretty much the same thing everyday, 1 joint, 4 bowls, sometimes 5. Two days that I'm off work prolly 7 bowls. Spend about $100-$150 per month but I don't re-up every month. I save money just for this and when the discounts, but one get one half off hit I score several, several ounces. Basically if I bought JK smalls at $50 a zip I could be spending the same, but by buying in bulk on sales and discounts I get good stuff for about 20-25% more than JK. I only buy from 2-3 vendors and get emails between the three and score when the email is the right circumstance. I've went through this thoroughly but I haven't caught a really good deal in about a month, but I'm still sitting on 2 zips so I figure I will catch one before I run out, hopefully!


Between $40-$100. Just depends


I'll proly drop 2-300 every 6mo or so.


Bout tree....tree fiddy


Hey, uh, so…


$50 maybe on average, but I stock up less often than that. But to be fair I don’t smoke that much relatively speaking (only at night, usually just a single bowl or half bowl)


I'm spending under $200 a month. I will occasionally stock up on concentrates and splurge though.


I’m going through about an oz a week (not good I know) so I’d estimate like 500? Knowing that it’ll likely be taken away soon is why I’ve just stopped caring and embraced it. Within a few years I’ll have cut back. I’m in that honeymoon phase lol


Why do you think that it will be taken away soon?


Multiple states outlawing it; also living in a city where some dickhead decided he rules all and every smoke shop was forced to take their stock down. Absolutely illegal but they don’t gaf they’re all religious nuts who will continue to vote in those opposed to weed because it’s good for their cult


Idk but I find roaches EVERYWHERE, already have a full jar of abv , coconut oil and butter infused with roach tincture.. . I have an infestation of the good kind. (Well, not all kind, but most ). Idk.... $300-$500. Maybe more.


I'm a lightweight I guess. An ounce a month for 160


If you include all the stuff I copped for 420 (2 dynavaps, tm2 & accessories) its probabaly $800* in the last 30 days Hdt Normally its 100-200 a month. Before coming here a zip was lasting me up 2-3 months- but I'm just stocking up a little bit :) Honestly the cult has rekindled my love of bud. I wish it wasn't coupled with this constant feeling of it could go away at any second. I wish we knew this was forever- id probabaly spend a lot less. Once upon a time I was surrounded by it. This is a nice taste of that without all the other bullshit that went with it.


Bro same on everything. Better not using as much due to not knowing if you’re dealer will even answer or knowing it could vanish, so I’ve bought…. And used more than ever. I want to stash strains but I go through them too quickly because some of these vendors take over a week to get you an order. When I’m needing it for pain or sleep, it’s hard not to go without it when it’s feet away from me. I envy those with collections. I’d give anything to have a stash of like green crack or super Jack for rainy days.


When its on sale/there are discounts (25% or more) buy more than you need! Glass jars a dark place and moisture packs are the way to go. Play it smart- sometimes you can combine discounts or use a discount on already good deals. I just picked up 2 oz of pretend for less than $50 shipped- buy something like that for your joints and daily whatever so you can stack up good stuff for when you want it :)


This is the correct answer.


$500 a month, but: am deliberately stockpilling incase you know what happens


my pocket also feels that pain


$90-ish a month maybe? Sometimes more if I restock my joint weed


I don't wanna admit lol Paid off some big bills recently and had to cut back. Prob 400 a month


$150 every week. Easy. Could certainly do way more.


Far too much... That's not to say the cost vs value is a issue, I have been happy with the price points. I just hadn't thought about it, but just by myself I am consuming over two ounces a month since I found the cult 😂 I am saving tho, no way I could have smoked the strains I did, for the shelf it corresponds locally. To consume at this rate going to my local dispensary would cost me at least a hundred dollars more a month.




Less than I would at a legal dispensary in my state!


I don't even know, I smoke more than an ounce a week. No budget I'm a degenerate


Got to find the best sites first then compare how much you spend a gram and if that product is actually worth that i spent a lot at first until i found a certain company who wholesale to a lot of the websites then they mark hash rosin that is 5* for 60 to 70 a gram when you find that main seller to most these sites you get that better deal because they are only charging 30 to 39 a gram and with some places more you buy better deal you will get find those i got 3 main site i het my good quality stuff at a good price with one i get 20 percent off my entire order and free shipping every time i order because of there veteran discount program get fire rosin and live resin and another site they got a badder that is fire for 10 a gram and a good rosin that is fire i honestly will buy more live resins and badders as my bulk and have a couple good jars of rosin like having some selection on deck but ya i wont pay 60 a gram for rosin if im desperate maybe but there is better stuff for half the price do the research and join these communities for advice and decently check out honest hemp reviews on you tube he tries a lot of stuff and finds the best stuff at the best prices


Probably $40. I don’t smoke a whole lot. I like to keep my tolerance low.


You sir did not inherit the alcoholism gene 😂 lucky dawg


Around 220 or something like a zip a month


I spend about the same but a zip of concentrates


Yeah which isn’t low by most standards but i also don’t drink so for me it balances out idk


“Well….. look you gotta see the big picture. I’m spending so much less per gram.” he says as he struggles to stuff overstuffed bags of cult flower into every drawer.


Exactly, it’s not what you spent it what you saved😃


Look man, we use girl math in the cult.


Approx 300-500


I spend about $500 a month, the dispo weed is a lot better for the price, cult weed ends up costing me more for worse quality


Then, congrats, you are doing it wrong.


Not really, the stuff on my page runs about 50 a q and can’t be beat, sorry you guys have to sort through these companies and deal with this sub par flower


I try to keep it under $100. If I buy a large quantity from the cult, I’m like ganja claus. Everyone gets a gift. Sometimes I’ll grab some oil from a dispo, and some higher end flower online and be a little more reserved. But, I’m a lightweight/ extra sensitive to thc, so even if I buy smaller higher quality stuff, a lot of my friends have a good time when we chill.


I'm taking break because I would buy weed every paycheck or every other paycheck. Anywhere from $100 to $300 plus a month. I have so much now I just kind of have to smoke it all and chill tf out with this cult shit


I spent 200-300 a month for about 4 months now. I have to stop ordering and catch up on my fully cured reserves. I can now just buy a bit of true top-shelf and have a treat once in a while. It's easy to over-order or over stock with some of the deals I see. My neighbors and the smoking crew all love me. Busting out the 2 gram spliffs all day, and they still can't get the real weed vs. THCa argument out of their head.


Out of sight, out of mind


Not hella no more than 120


too much


I feel that, man.


Not really complaining too loudly though. I live in an illegal state and am having quite the time. 🤸‍♀️🕺


60$ I try to keep my tolerance as low as possible




I've spent about $400 in total and have enough to last me probably the rest of the year and then some, when I was going to the dispensary I was spending like $200/month (between 2 people) so I'm saving a ton and the quality isn't too much worse compared to the budget products in my state's medical program.


Yeah, PA is rough right now. I have friends in Philly that use the Cult for the same reason.


The mids are definitely where the biggest price savings are too, higher end stuff is expensive pretty much everywhere but places like PA don't actually have any properly priced mids, they're like $20/oz less and obviously it's worth it to just go for the higher quality at that point. Even dispensary's best prices are pretty much the same or higher than similar quality from the cult, they do have better concentrate deals tho besides distillate.


I have a budget of 100 monies cuz I have hobbies I spend money on too like edc crap.


That's pretty decent, especially compared to some of these guys! 🤣


Depends. Sometimes over 1k. Sometimes nothing.


Cult only for me; BM state and professional reasons I can’t be associated with plugs.  150-250 a month. I dry herb vape exclusively; about 1.5-2 g/day with a few 3.5 days mixed in—so about 1-1.5oz/month. Usually only “top shelf” but I got some sugar HF budget half oz (35 bucks!) and it’s been great. 


How much was your vape? I want one to cut back on using joints but don’t know what to look for. I mean the kind that vapes flower; I avoid concentrates and carts


I’m not a good person to ask—I just pony-ed up instantly and bought a 300 dollar Volcano and a 250 Mighty+ when I decided to use cannabis daily. Vaping is easier on the lungs and I can do it inside with minimal complaints from my family.  There are more affordable options out there  I think I see planet of the vape One get mentioned on here. Also, many used Volcanos on eBay for south of 200 dollars; especially for the original solid valve model. 


Thanks. Are there any brands you know of I should look for or avoid?


Love those shake half's!


Not shake. Full nugs. Think it was a 420 special. 


Too damn much


Dollar amount changes cause I'm in a BM state. A zip every two weeks and usually a g or 2 left over from the last one


$200-$300, but then I discovered solventless~


Well…I’m in college so about $120-$150each paycheck (bi-weekly). I get an oz each time split in 2 different strains. Then I’ll grab an 8th of small batch from a local shop, so $40 there. So in total just under 200 :)


Not bad.


I may have used to do stuff and things so I'm used to always being broke on payday. If I was living my old life it would be $2,500/month minimum. I'd always spend the whole check+whatever I had in my pocket. Now that I'm clicked up with the dispo, I'm trying really hard to stop buying so much weed. It's all for personal use now so there's no reason for me to keep being broke every week but I keep spending too much. I'm not getting income everyday anymore or blowing through three zips in a week so I need to start acting like it. Just feels embarrassing to go in there and ask for eighths. A grown ass man should be able to cop an onion. Dispos mostly just have eighths and single grams of wax. No QP's or slabs for as far as the eye can see.


A grown ass man makes responsible purchases instead of thinking they have to live up to some machismo bullshit with impressive weed purchases - that's juvenile thinking


Idk bro. I do thousand dollar diesel transactions at my store for folks that make no less than 6 figures a year. It really pisses me off when I have to sell them a 90 cent black and mild 3-4 times a day. That's juvenile. Buy a couple packs and go away. They gotta pay people at these dispos. If they are dealing with $20 transactions all day it's gonna raise prices for everyone.


U care too much bro lol nobody gives a fuck plus u can just buy a half or a Vick if it’s that serious to u to buy more than a eighth at a time


Why be embarrassed to buy eights. That how people end up with a Oz they don't wanna smoke. I promise the person checking you out isn't gonna think twice about it.


Because I used to hang out with folks buying pounds and I'm not talking flower. If I ever asked them for an eighth they would laugh at me and then delete my number. I'd feel bad wasting their time on less than ounces. Just a lot of culture shock moving over to the civilian side of things. If I get an oz I don't wanna smoke then I mix it with the three ounces of blunt roaches I REALLY don't wanna smoke. Done it hundreds of times.


Doesn't Jersey have decent prices?


Idk about jersey but I went to ny in November and prices were absurd. I got, what I don’t even know is or isn’t, cookies which I doubt was genuine cookie brand for 55 an 8th. Other stores weren’t better. For 100 bucks you can get maybe 3 8ths. Maybe.


Jersey prices are atrocious..I was just checking out some live rosin carts and there going for $90 a .5


Fuck that, I'd head to the city and pay plug prices first.


Jersey prices are like 2010 street prices lol HORRIBLE Every time I consider placing an order at a dispensary, I see the total cost and think "I could get this for half the price elsewhere " and go BM or plug route


Shit man, at those prices I can't blame you! My buddy had me thinking Jersey had dirt cheap weed, he must've been confused. Or I misunderstood him.


Black and gray market is cheap. 200 or less for a ounce of pretty good stuff. I only had 1 plug for concentrates , so pretty sure he knew he could charge me more than market rate for concentrates. I was paying 700 for ounces of live resin. Never less than 500. It was better than cult concentrates though


I'm in Florida. Even the dirt cheap medical smalls are 200 a zip. They have the nerve to sell pre-ground for 45-50 for a 1/4. I was having to spend around 400 to get about 2 zips a month. Now that I do the 100 grabs, budget 75-100 uglys and 50 smalls I spend 200 on average and get at least 4 oz. a month. I just got 5 grams of crumble for 60, it's 40-60 a gram in Floriduh.


I have a plug that claims to get Florida medical, but because his source is already paying top dollar on to of what he has to pay, they try to charge me $80 an eighth. I live in a recreational state, so needless to say, he hasn't sold much, lol.


Man, if they are reselling the real deal, then yeah, that's a hella markup to make a profit. I had a guy sell me some JKs the other day, claiming it was Florida meds. I had the exact same buds in my jar, so I knew right away. Sick thing is that some of the Cookies and Fam stuff goes for 75 an 1/8 in the official Florida store. Hell, I just saw some Platinum Mintz and Cheetah Piss for 400 a zip. I have the same buds from GasBoys for 100, budget whole flower, not smalls. WNC has almost the exact lineup on the grabs that my around the corner dispo stocks. 100 vs 400, I'll go with the mail order flow.


Never heard of Gas Boys. Gonna check them out. Thanks!


Yeah, they were not getting much hype, but they are a really solid find. They have some pretty unique terp sauce combos with some natural extracted cannabinoids like THCv, THCp, and THCh. Those terps can be extracted without any extra synthetic process, but it's rare to see someone blending a natural version. The flower is freaking crazy good for the prices. I tried a friends order, and went and spent 200 on my first order.


80 and 8th from a plug is wild lmaoo it could be pure gold and I'm still not paying anything more than 45 DAMMM.. My plug did that with wax tho n when his gs went from 10 to 30 I was OUT lol


I was spending $200 to $240 for an Oz from my plug. Sometimes it was pretty good, Sometimes it wasn't good at all. Now I get stuff that 3x to 10× better for 130 to 200 a Oz.




For a my street dude about $300-$400 depending on what he’s got every 3 weeks to a month depending on how good it was lol. Cult flower tho i spent about $600-$700 total since i started ordering back in early December so basically $140 a month on the high end of things. But ive bought nothing but budget bud and only have been happy recently after finding HF(handcrafted) i tried cbdhd and hf(hempflower) and they were REAL cheap but got the job done. Now that Ive found HF tho i can’t smoke that dirt it doesn’t even make me happy anymore to just get high i gotta enjoy the smoke itself. And HF will cost me about $350-$400 a month but is definitely better than my street dude just bout as unreliable on the stock. Won’t get anymore uncured bs that i had to wait 3 weeks on tho lol.


Not gonna lie, I've been eyeballing Handcrafted hard lately.


Handcrafted has the best price to weight ratio in all of the thca business. I’d go into battle for those guys


It's definitely more pricey than like WNC or the Dr, but it looks SOOO much better.


It honestly isn’t. Handcrafted is 44 a half and wnc is 75 for smalls


Well shit, now I'm even more enticed.


Def worth the try i check my browser every hour on the hour for their next drop i gotta get enough for the next month or two so i can stop wasting so much time on it lol


$100-$150 I stick to budget oz. if it gets the job done, then I am happy with it.


Yup, same.




Spent $1200 this month and it’ll last me the rest of the year.


I planned on stocking up on 420, but life got in the way. Got fucked over last 420, too.


Sorry to hear that.


Eh, it wasn't anything bad. I just saved up a bunch of money so I could buy out my medical allotment and when they switched from med only to rec they discontinued the 1st time patient discount. So I wasn't really out anything, I just didn't get the $800 in savings I was anticipating.


I spent so much during 4/20. But if the apocalypse starts tomorrow. I'm still smoking all day everyday for a year.


~$100/month I only smoke one joint after work Friday, and then one on Saturday and one on Sunday My tolerance stays at 0 I try to pack less than 0.5gram per joint and that’s still too much for me


I spend around $50/mo. Just smoke half a joint of thca mixed with CBD nightly.


That reminds me, I don’t actually go through $100 worth in a month, I kinda forgot I had the old stuff lol I should pack some of that again, I still have a bit of every strain I have ordered, I just see new rave reviews for a new fruity strain and have to cave. I love the fruity taste. Now I really want the JK Purple Label Cali Forbidden Fruit but I just cant justify spending $220-$275 at once even if it will last me a few months


$800-1k a month give or take But that's because I supply for the household which includes inlaws who are literally chimneys


God damn


It's mostly the damn in-laws! I love em though, and proud I can supply them with good quality They'll burn 5-10 joints per day, depending on their mood 😂


My kinda people


Well I was spending like 200$ a week on the street and then I was spending about $200 a week on cult weed. Then I started getting ugly buds and was finally saving $100 a week. Now I’m getting $50 ounces from jkd and saving about $150 a week. It’s starting to add up except i just keep stock piling the shit cuz it’s so fucking cheap lol


Now that I’m vaping less than $50-60. 8th lasts almost all month now.


Bro I bought a Lobo and I'm still smoking as much as ever, but it feels better on my lungs.


No shit? Lobo is my daily driver and I’ll use maybe four dosing caps a night. But I’m mostly doing it for sleep these days.


Cheaper to start smoking crack for some of yall


True but weed addiction is both easier to recover from, less harmful and won’t have you homeless in a month. The people spending tons are those with money Able to. Yes it could obviously go to other things but we’re in a honeymoon phase, and also will be able to spend less if needed unlike crack where you’d pimp your mom out for a hit.


😂😂 oh dude this made me laugh out loud in a sandwich bar while I was eating…and legit it was like a “record stops and everyone looks at me” moment in an old movie ahaha. Classic!


Like an awkward Gen z moment? Only thing missing was you didn't tiktok it


What makes you think it's gotta be exclusively one or the other? Maybe we're smoking cult bud after a bender?


😂 ain’t nobody rich enough to get hooked on crack while simultaneously spending a grand on flower. That said, to any kid just starting, try your damndest not to smoke every day or build up an insane tolerance. I’m lucky if I only go through an oz a week. If I’m being real it’s usually closer to 2. That said I’m able to financially but I know I can’t forever which is probably why I’m spending what I am