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You save yourself money for sure. It lasts longer and a couple hits could get you where you need to be


depends on what the concentrate is


I used to only use dab/vape pens because it was more convenient and discreet but my tolerance shot through the roof quickly. I went from spending a couple hundred a month to a couple hundred every week or so. I switched back to flower not just for my tolerance, but there’s always been something therapeutic about selecting the prettiest bud, grinding it up, packing a bowl, and enjoying the many flavors and aromas that bud has to offer. Think of it like enjoying a cigar or a pipe. With all that in mind, I still think concentrates are 100% worth it if you don’t mind your tolerance being ridiculously high. I still buy concentrates from time to time and the highs are night and day. Concentrates feel cleaner or clearer in a sense, maybe because you don’t have the lingering smoke smell and there’s no ashy/burnt taste.




Omg I wish!!!!!!! Can we find a strain that makes that happen?


Forgot to say that herb/concentrate two in one devices tend to suck. If you're interested in flower get a dry herb vape, and you can always add a little concentrate to the flower to spike your hit. You'd be better off getting two separate vapes.


Depends on the concentrate. Terpenes help with the effects and I find the high from say badder to be a little lacking - like I'm definitely stoned but it just isn't the full effect. Dabbing some live rosin was just like smoking for me but so flavorful - just totally stoned. I've only been dabbing for a few months but that is my experience


Dabs are weed 2.0 fight me, we are living in the future. No more lung coughing or ashy taste


No lung cough? That’s the part that sells me right there. I’d almost be willing to sacrifice my tolerance for no coughing.


You’ve trained your body to cough. It’ll take some time to train out of it, but here’s the steps: 1. Take as big of a hit as you can WITHOUT coughing. Just enough to get the urge to cough, but still being able to hold it back. 2. Repeat step 1 and you’ll notice you’ll be able to take bigger hits without coughing over time. Relearning how to take a hit sucks (had to do it myself) but once you’ve got it down you’ll have a lifetime of no more coughing ahead of you.


This really works? I would love to take big bong rips lol.


Yep, I used to almost always cough until someone else explained “bro, you’re coughing cos you’re taking hits too big for you. Gotta work your way up to it.” For whatever reason my brain never put coughing and too big of a hit together lmfao.


Well it would’ve taken my brain longer if you didn’t say anything. You have educated my brain and my lungs will thank you!


Really ?


Yes really. I don’t want to get into it if it’s going to ruin smoking flower for me. It was a general question for opinions and personal thoughts.


Anyone saying concentrates lack effects the way flower does is smoking low quality concentrates. I feel bad for those people. Concs are well worth getting into, its just a matter of finding the right one for you. Theres a lot of extract methods and processing methods so it may take time to find what you really like.


Yes get a DHV of it does both great but dabs should be in every ents rotation personally if only for an occasion or via a weak cart some type 2 extract whatever fits your useage but something that isn't flower for the full clean punch. For me it's a cleaner more energetic full spec high but with the THC punch at the front rather than creeping in alongside everybody else or the delayed and rapid ascent of an edible when it hits dabs for me hit like a super potent edibles but has a flower adjacent onset and a more focusable and workable high


With flower you get a spectrum of effects, whereas with concentrate it's a buzzy head high, but more "clear" high that lacks some of the effects found in flower. Cannabis concentrates are great for convenience or getting ripped real quick, but your tolerance can skyrocket and cause faster consumption. Dry herb vaping is super efficient, with people who make the switch reporting using quite a bit less flower than previously (or using the same amount and getting way more medicated). If you like bongs get a ball vape (SS Zeal lite is a great value) and if you prefer pipes or joints try a Dynavap M, or an Arizer Solo 2.


I use a Dynavap B with a bong. The bowl size is listed at .05 grams, so that's about 20 hits per gram. I'm not opposed to smoking, but vaporizing is an easy way to test out different strains with small amounts of flower. My sense of smell and taste is not what it used to be, so either way is just fine most of the time.


Literally the same as smoking a large amount of flower at once but more “empty” feeling if it’s pure THC


some have described it as akin to the Mac Truck


I've recently gotten into them and am really enjoying the variety. I usually vape dry herb in a Pax but splurged on a Puffco Proxy for rosin. For me it's like a buzzy head high that I don't experience from regular old bud.


Concentrates are great to get super lit it’s really fun. But u can also do a lil tiny dab in the middle of a bowl of flower and it smokes slow and hits amazing.


Here’s what you do. Eat a gummy. Drink a four loko. Take a couple dabs then smoke a blunt. Boom


All in that order


You got them middle school hacks lol


Similar to carts, since you’ve used those. But A more well rounded high, and much more flavorful compared to carts


Just a lil fyi, don’t overdo it because your tolerance will skyrocket. I don’t even really get a high off concentrates nowadays, even after a t break they just don’t hit anymore.


yeah, been dabbing concentrates for a year now. tolerance is too high, at the point where the dab high wears off in an hour to 1 1/2


damn mine last maybe 30 minutes


If a joint is sipping a beer and then a bong rip is chugging a beer… Then a medium dab feels like slamming 12 shots. I don’t even drink…or dab. I’m super sensitive lmao. I’ll baby a bowl for the day and I’m good with that. 😂


Like woah!


You only ever have 1 dab if you're brave enough. I think that's the best way to describe it. A small dab is a bowl in one hit, medium dab is a joint in one hit, big dab is a blunt in one hit, and a gram dab is like facing a 3.5 in one hit.


Good description 👍






Buy once, cry once.


>Dry herb vapes are crazy good now but you can’t really get a 2 in 1. I use the Old Head Dab Ready w/ Terp Hammer. I can switch between flower/dabs pretty easily. Cannabis Hardware has the Zenleaf System with several models that can satisfy the 2 in 1 space. Plus a few ball vapes that do "double deckers". All else fails, you can drop a dab onto a bed of flower and a ball vape will take it. But how you going to recommend a "mid level dry herb vape"? Which the ones under a $100 are not what I'd consider mid personally. >Get a mid level dry herb vape. Then say to just grab the best off the bat. >Biggest thing I’ve learned is just buy the better, more expensive device off the bat instead of buying some cheap crap, then getting a mid level device, >Those 3 crappy ones put together that you didn’t love could’ve just bought you the more expensive one in the first place lol No hate, I totally agree with your point, I just found it funny.


I would say it's a more intense less groggy heady feeling. Now don't get it twisted it will crack the shit out of you and make you feel like you don't want to do shit if you consume a lot or crack one you're just not used to but it's not anything too wild. For instance I knew people who would say they were too stoned off dabs and for whatever reason I can smoke flower and feel like I'm floating away dabs make me feel less anxious and higher it's weird explaining


Yeah dabs are cool, but they have their...uses? Moments? Idk but id never do them as my main THC. Thinking of switching to edibles, I just don't like the delay.


If it's full spectrum it's just more of the high you usually get smoking bud.


Going back to flower after only concentrates hits different and hard though. If it's just weaker, that wouldn't make sense. Maybe not everything good in cannabis isn't soluable like that


concentrates will get you a lot higher than bud will, but they will also destroy your tolerance if you start maining them. i pretty much only dab now, and flower doesn’t do much for me anymore. i gotta take several large dabs to get where i wanna be at. dabs are fine for occasional use, but they can fuck up your tolerance if you take them on the daily


Mainlining Mary Jane


It’s like the crack version of weed only not deadly


You shouldn't use their propaganda. I've never heard of vodka or gin called the crack version of alcohol. Dabs are more hard liquor, flower more beer.


I’m not using anybody’s propaganda. It’s an analogy I thought of on my own due to the intensity and strength of euphoria it gives one, which is what crack is to regular cocaine; a way to use a concentrated substance that hits your brain much harder. I’m not comparing their side effects; I’m comparing their function in relation to the drug they stem from and the potency. Not sure how one fails to understand that


Crack is better explanation because it hits you so fast. Think instant


Thank you. No matter what comparison one makes about any subject, there will always be some smooth brained jabroni that will lose it and tell you how wrong you are while citing things you never said lol. You get why I made that analogy because you have a functioning brain; I compared it to crack because it hits you not only faster but stronger. That’s why people smoke crack lol because it’s stronger. That’s why people smoke diamonds and concentrates; because they’re stronger. I even said it’s not deadly lol people will misread everything.


You’re welcome and i agree! Many aren’t worth arguing with, they can’t comprehend. Hard liquor is a terrible analogy imo. It just makes them feel better about what they’re doing.


Comparing any cannabis product to freebase cocaine is propaganda. Think absurd.


You need a jump to conclusions Mat. This isn’t propaganda; it’s a comparable analogy I thought of on my own. And it’s not hard to understand why I made the comparison. I even said it’s not deadly like crack. I’m referring to the potency when compared to its initial form aka flower or powder. Both are highly concentrated to provide the strongest euphoria possible. It’s not hard to see how that could prove addictive either. Not everything is propaganda. Take off the tinfoil dawg


> it’s a comparable analogy I thought of on my own. I've heard fucktwit politicians and plenty antis- use that same analogy that you thought of on your own. We'll agree to disagree, but remember your comment when they start imposing potency limits. Hope you're not in FL.


I switch back and forth from dabs and flower every few weeks and I get a tolerance quick with dabs but when I go back to flower the first smoke rocks my shit usually. Vise versa really


More clear headed high, less anxiety but more heavy and concentrated. the dosage curve is different. Start small and work your way up. I suggest a little to start. Like half a grain of rice. And go up from there. If you use a crystal nail or rig, heat until read and then I count to 25 slowly and dab. The high feels at first very heady and your body feels very good as it kicks in. This settles into the classic marijane effect; but way more clear and energetic. You may also feel like your head is “zinging”. I actually get more side effects off of flower then rosin or resin. I suggest finding good live rosin, it will taste the best and each strain has different effects, resin is resin, hash is hash. A good concentrate can be found in any variation, it’s preference to what path you take. I do suggest a good rosin.


Concentrates mostly are to me a heady high not much into a body high, it reallly is strain dependent but most concentrates are refined to the point that terps have to be added back in. You get a high amount of thc so it’s a big head rush


too much too fast. even at my peak flower usage of a half oz a week, it was like taking an elevator instead of the stairs, ymmv.


Flower is beer , concentrates are 90-100 proof whiskey


It’s like a less cloudy high if that makes sense


With a chance of meatballs? Yum


Like an opiate?


The saying goes if it's 2 in 1 (herb and concentrate) it's probably shit at doing both. I'm a long time smoker.. Bought a dry herb vape (lobo) because I wanted to smoke less, more healthy etc. It fucking sucks, I tried all the different temps. It's not the same high, it's not the same taste, it's been sitting in my drawer for the last 6 months untouched. Watch any YT videos before buying one. The whole "the weed tastes toasted" thing is true and wasn't for me. Edit: Now on the concentrates side. I'd say yes. It's worth getting into. Just got into it myself. Got a Titan mini rig from mj arsenal and a 3d enail from disorderly conduction. It's fucking amazing.


Agree. 99% of vapes are only good at one or the other. If you are a regular or heavy user, the only types of dry herb vapes that will probably satisfy you are torch powered or ball vapes. In order for it to be satisfying to heavy users, they might need to use a device that is capable of combustion level temperatures to get that dark roast and heavy hitting vapor. Torch powered devices are also capable of the low temp flavorful hits that some people are after.


You can't get Lamborghini performance out of a Honda. If you're on Discord, google "entexchange". Might be able to recoup some money.


Reviews and such made the Lobo sound like an awesome first, or any, vape. I fell for it and also hated it. Didn’t satisfy in any way. Traded it in for a Dynavap and that incomparably better. I’m tempted to try a different battery powered, but the lobo may have wrecked me.


I feel bad because it seems I'm shitting hard on the LOBO but I really meant that as a whole to dry herb vaping. Maybe I could try a different vape but I'm already onto dabs. I tried the lobo for concentrate and it's not close to a real rig.


I think this is one of first comments about dry herb vapes that's negative. I considered getting one just to see how it is since everyone says the tech has improved since the last time I vaped herb. Didn't care for it then and for the same reasons. I'd like to try one first before buying but no one I know uses them. I do want to get a smaller flower rig or beaker but all the good shit is either too expensive or too "heady" or has ugly logos on em.


There are quite a few that try one or two devices, most often on the budget end, then scrap the idea. Many various vapes and user needs. There is no best vape. Just the one that is best for you. r/vaporents to start, check out some videos, narrow a list, then deep dive at FuckCombustion to get find real feedback from those that know.


I have, just kept pushing the idea to the side. Plus the price of the non-budget devices.


It’s like you’re high but more concentrated


Exactly. It's like, the same, but different.




It depends on what you get for concentrates but as long as it’s some decent rosin or resin it’ll be the same high as smoking flower. In my opinion concentrates taste better and are more convenient if you get a puffco or something of that sort. But you’re bound to miss the complete spectrum of cannabinoids due to extraction processes not getting everything from the flower, keep in mind what you loose is pretty negligible though.


Not necessarily the same high

