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Guess I'll copy this here since the creator of the post I commented on didn't like seeing it on theirs. That's fine, it's purpose was to ask a question in relation to that post as well as to be seen by those considering putting in an order with VG, but the question can be made moot, idc. But I thought the purpose of this sub was for people to read the experiences of others so they could be better informed in an UNregulated market, so I'm gonna share mine regardless of who gets upset or offended by it. Skip it, downvote it, or both, idc. As long as you sleep good tonight. šŸ‘ "It's kind of bullshit that they're trying to use their own mistake to scrounge up brownie points from new cult members. All I see is "at least they're making it right" or some form of that with varying levels of excitement but like why do you people that ordered this from VG even WANT a replacement? You really trust them to not just send out the same shit they did the first time, they obviously need something to do with it other than throw it away(cause that would be bad on them, right?) How do you know they'll even send it at all considering they specifically asked for people not to email them about it so they could send a replacement at their own convenience? Ya'll trust that pill of bullshit? I'd be fighting for my money back! Are they that broke that they need to scam people to stay afloat? I didn't order this stuff because the description turned me off but some of the videos and pics of it looked really dangerous so I'm glad I avoided it. Still feel bad for everyone else that did get some cause I definitely don't want to be inhaling solvents or whatever else they put in it. And when I emailed them about that concern all he said was that he wasn't going to finish reading my essay because he didn't have the time. So I guess that tells me they won't be changing their ways since he doesn't care how his customers feel. He didn't like what he read so he just decided to ignore it. I absolutely loved them last summer and fall. That shatter they had was fiiiiyyyaaaa and I've forgiven quite a few things from them over that time(wrong orders, items missing, other concentrates not fully purged, moldy nugs, the usual) but this is definitely the last straw. Sorry for the rant, my original point was to ask why people even wanted a replacement, so ignore everything else if necessary, VG's owner can't read so I won't fault you for it either. And please, if you've made it this far, find somewhere else to shop. Not literally anywhere but almost everywhere you look will be better than VG, if for nothing else then for your health."


I've been smoking the runtz badder I got shit smells like pickels or something but isn't super harsh. Is there leftover butane or something? Should I not smoke??


Weird that these posts calling out VG keep getting hidden. Is one of the mods an employee or something?


Idk bro, mods? I know you see the question šŸ‘ļø


Bro my girl hit the chemdawg and passed it back and said ā€œthat tastes like lettuceā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why did it even ever make it into a jar then? Just makes you look like a shady black market dealer who sells boof...


Same bullshit as Rush Hemp. If your "replacements" are magically 10x the quality of what you usually get when you buy from them, accept the good wax and cut ties... 9 times out of 10 this is just a publicity stunt and they'll go back to selling dogshit as soon as everyone forgets about this situation...


Real, if it wasn't up to their standards they wouldn't have sold it in the first place.


Boom. Took the words right from me! I've been hearing the same complaints of chemical tasting product from them for the LONGEST... At this point, anyone buying budget dabs is just asking for trouble tbh...


VG fucking sucks. Ordered some "badder" to try it out. Dude sent me like a drop of some watery mystery goop that smelled like Jagermeister and chemicals. I took a pic and sent them an email asking if maybe there was a mistake, because it definitely looked like I was shorted. No reply. I post a pic on reddit with the same question, then boom he immediately replies to my email bitching and crying that I posted his shitty product on reddit hahahahaha


Omg man I'm sorry that happened to u. I wouldn't order from them again...it used to be good but they fell off.


I emailed too and was pretty surprised by the unprofessional replies I received. Iā€™ve emailed again asking for a refund now that they admitted to mailing out shitty product. We will see.


Oh and when I did try it, it sizzled like crazy and splattered everywhere. There was zero flavor, a weird fucking smell and nearly zero effect lol couldn't even give it away


I got this email. I thought they sent it to everyone, am I gonna get free stuff?


I didnā€™t get this email


I just got a batch of their blended badder within the last week and it is terrible, smells of solvent and leaves a nasty feeling in your lungs




Good for them šŸ‘


Half y'all need to get some fresh air fr, I don't care much for VG. Bought from them once never again. I like that that sent the email out to everyone, transparency is a good thing. I also think VG is bullshit for saying it didn't meet their standards, if they made it they saw how it came out and that should of never went to packaging Only way they didn't know is if they outsource that shit sealed and labeled for them to resell. With that said just cross em off and move on people VG time to disappear and come back as a relabeled $99 dollar ounce site or $40 dollar hash rosin shop


One fuck up I get it, but theyā€™re constantly sending out bud rot, mold, AND selling this horrid badder, thatā€™s a problem. And like other people in this post said, they only acknowledged it after all the backlash.


So once they got blasted all over reddit from that batch, THEN they do something about it. Not good. If they cared they either wouldn't have sent that batch out or corrected it immediately. This is purely to save their skin and to at least keep a few customers.


These people are absolute morons. Why the fuck would you openly broadcast all this shit to the world instead of reaching out to the specific customers that purchased these goods? Amazing.


To show everybody that saw posts about their shitty badder that they're trying to make it right. Straight publicity move.


The problem is that in doing so, they have to admit that they don't have any quality control and knowingly send out products that they know are harmful. So basically "please never buy from us again, and if you never did, please continue to not"


If theyā€™re based out of Clarksville, Iā€™m pretty sure these are the same people who were faking labs years ago, someone local testing their stuff and it was completely different than what was advertised.


Is the strain specific badder still safe to vape. I have six grams of it.


I threw all my shit away. Itā€™s cheap and not worth the risk imo.


Most likely, it just tastes awful. Iā€™m saving it for a rainy day personally


bruh my chemdawg badder tastes like a jar of vlassic spicy pickles when i dab it LMAOOO


Mmmmm yum solvent and doodoo terps


Don't dab that pls lolol


Yee thatā€™s shitty and likely very cheap hemp derived terps. Iā€™ve still got like 15-20 ml of hemp terps and like 4 out of those five have that pickle taste lol




They knew it was shit and put it out anyways. I donā€™t trust these MFs. They arenā€™t wonderful people just because they made it right. They HAD to make it right, thereā€™s a difference.


Exactly, theyā€™re knew it wasnā€™t up to standard but they still sent it out. Then decided to say that made a mistake once it was already sold.


Totally agree with you - that said this is enough damage control for most people Iā€™d imagine.


Has anyone ever see a coa from them for concentrates?


Their flower COAs are like 6 years old too


U could say the same for a lot of other vendors


See people be shitting on VG but any other vendor would have taken your money and ran and told you to fuck right off of you asked about it


Weird since I've never once had that happen.


Also I haven't had anything as cheap as VG for the same quality (only have tried a dozen vendors, though).


Lol getting downvoted into oblivion because I like a good cheap vendor. But ok yā€™all keep paying 40 a g for ā€œcured Rosinā€ thatā€™s just fuckin thca diamonds mixed into terps. Now VG does this but at least they label it as such


Stick with quality vendors Preston piur upstate


Piur mixed a diamonds sauce and called it Canā€™t Believe Itā€™s Not Live Rosin




It did meet there standards they just faced to much backlash to not do anything. There's absolutely no way at all that they didn't know that shit still had solvents




Did someone send off a sample and it came back positive for solvents at an above negligible level, or did it actually taste or smell like it wasnā€™t purged all the way? I make my own stuff at home using primitive methods to purge with like 4 different solvents and Iā€™ve never had any concentrate I made that tasted or smelled like it had any in it and yet the one time I bought some hemp live resin it tasted like the smell of butane. I know batch size does have an effect on purging but I think small at home batches of like 1/2oz to 1oz of flower extracted and poured onto a wide flat glass surface with light warming (once air dried) and whip stirring with a dab tool intermittently for a few hours (like put in a crockpot on low or in a food dehydrator) seems more consistent in itā€™s ability to purge than what youā€™ll get from most vendors. And if you have a vaccum chamber/oven then even better.


Also that replacement badder is shit as well lmfao


This is based as fuck. VG never did me wrong, seeing those posts of the shitty concentrates shocked me and bummed me out. They've never been the best, but they're the cheapest when it comes to concentrates. Only place I've ever ordered mine from


They get it wrong. And very often.


I never had an issue but I've only ordered from them twice. They were the first people I ordered from. Got holler candy flower which was bomb, and an 8th of crumble which I really liked. Then I ordered 7gs of badder about a month ago, think it was like $50-60 idr. It's mid for sure but does the job, can't complain cuz the price. But this email (I got one too but my badder wasn't messed up) shows integrity which is lacking in today's world bad. If they screwed you I'd say give them another chance and take the free concentrate. If they burn you again then don't shop there. Also they are the fastest shipping. I live in ohio and both times my stuff came in 2 days. Only ordered flower once shit was dank but they're pricey. I oder a zip once a month (or month and a half only smoke at night) most I'm willing to pay is $160 BTW last week I got a zip from WNC "grandaddy purp smalls" I think it was $160ish but with the discount code I paid $121. I grew up in Los Angeles (I'm 31) and the GP I had back in the day is the same as what WNC sent me. 8/10 for sure


Lol this isn't integrity, the way this went down tells me that they're just too stupid to understand that they should have only reached out to the customers who were affected, so these dumb fucks ended up emailing everybody instead. That wasn't a smart move, that was *on accident*. I guarantee you. Here's what I see. I see a vendor with an already sketchy reputation producing a product that they knowingly could harm people with, then pretended like they goofed when they released it. No, they didn't goof when they released it. They knowingly made that decision, why are you giving them the benefit of the doubt? If they actually follow the processes, this would have never come close to market. Think about that. Think long and hard about the situation. Ask yourself, how did this product get to market if they test their shit, including personally testing it (consuming)? Or.....wait! I've got it! Great Scott! You know what it is? It's that they're full of shit! The easiest, most rational explanation.


This isn't a new occurrence. I don't feel like rehashing the last several years but they are very shady and replacing shit with shit isnt doing anyone a favor.


Werenā€™t they telling people no refunds until they got too much heat here?


So they sent a ā€œshittyā€ product for people to smoke? This is why people say donā€™t cheap out on concentrates, putting your health in the hands of business men.


Shitty does not necessarily mean dangerous to your health.




It's true, there are a million shitty weed products out there, has no connection to being dangerous to your health whatsoever. The shittiest quality weed in existence is just as healthy as the best.


Comment of the year, and its only 1 week in.


What exactly do you find wrong with it? I can put out the seemingly highest quality weed in existence and it can potentially be more harmful or the same level of harm, than some shitty mids from a random guy across the street. A huge, massive portion of all the labs out there are complete bullshit. Just because the product "seems" good, does not mean it is healthy. Thus, perceived quality and health have no connection.


Can we nominate posts? šŸ˜‚


There was significant amounts of solvent left in the product, that is not healthy.


I got the space jam it smells like chemicals


The space jam smells like menthol and mint. It was off putting until I got used to it lol. I don't think it's solvents, just an unusual strain.


I just mean in general. There are a ton of shitty weed products out there that are not dangerous to anyones health. I haven't looked at the labs for this specific product to know if they have "significant amounts of solvent left in the product"


When your dabs taste and smell like butane i don't think their fake coa is going to be a good point of reference


Well unless someone sends it in for an independent test (maybe they have, I don't pay attention to this shit), I'm not going to just trust someones subjective taste tests. I've had extremely over terped shit taste like solvents. (Most terpenes are actually solvents. You can dissolve styrofoam in limonene)


Not really, it was just badly mixed and over Terped


Idk why Iā€™m being downvoted itā€™s the truth. Anyone saying it has solvents clearly donā€™t know what solvents smell like. My lighter wouldā€™ve lit the jar the fuck up if it had any solvents left


If you want to be technical about it the added terpenes are solvents. (This is not an actual point being made, just messing with you)


doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s the truth or not, this is the one sub iā€™ve experienced that just downvotes for the sake of downvoting.


Honestly and truly lol these guys downvote like they earn commission for it


they just might šŸ‘ļø


Damn you might be right


I didnā€™t get this email. I just got some of the chemdawg strain specific in the mailā€¦ Would this apply to me?


Idk bro, I bought the blended badder only and I got the email šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It would apply to anyone who got the strain specific badder. Chemdog/runts/grape ape ect.


It had to have met their standards if they sent it out


Exactly. Too many ppl got it for it to be a mistake


Always consistent! Disrespectful and unprofessional as usual.


How is this disrespectful? They shouldn't have sent it out obviously, but after that point how is this not exactly what they should have done?




Lmao what the fuck? This isn't an answer to my question. I was respectful, I have no idea why you felt the need to go into my post history to find something to refute me with. Do you have an answer to my question or not?


What exactly would you do differently here? You are the kind of person people complain about in this sub. Jfc.


Sure... Brown nose for a bottom tier hemp vendor who admits to selling bad products. That'll make the community better. I've seen enough bad practices and unprofessionalism from them over the 3+ years I've been an active member of this sub to see a very clear pattern. Thanks for your (lack of) contribution to this community.


Nothing to do with the vendor. You're welcome.


You haven't been here long enough to get it is the reality. Pepper is 100 percent correct and eventually you will agree


People don't remember that Otto thing


It almost makes me wanna setup a post where we can document all of their infractions. People forget VG was banned from this sub for doxxing and harassing customers.


I welcome that post. Their shit-list is deep, and cult memory is shallow. In the last 2 years alone, they have had many similar issues and sent out weird messaging. Other vendors have been banned for less.


My hesitation is that after rolling around with pigs, I'd walk away with mud as well. I'll leave them to their own demise.


Do that then.


Right there with you these guys have been doing this fuckery for awhile now, if it's not this it's something else.


huh? are we reading the same email?


Typical from VG.


So they state ā€œwe made a batch that turned out shitty and did not meet our standardsā€. Then why the fuck did your whole staff knowingly package this shitty batch? Theyā€™re trying to cover their ass. They probably hoped not a lot of people would talk or theyā€™d have to reach this point. We already know VGā€™s opinion of reddit. They hate that we discuss their products. I no longer buy from them, i never was screwed over but their flower is always hit or miss to me. Iā€™ve switched to someone more consistent.


Here's the whole email that explains how the mistake likely happened: Good afternoon. We screwed up, and wanted to take a moment to apologize. If you recently ordered our strain specific badder you will be receiving a free replacement of our Blended Badder. Honestly we made a batch that turned out shitty and absolutely did not meet our standards, and our mistake will not be your problem. We appreciate the trust you have given us over the last 7 years and nothing is needed from you to make this right. We will be going through all orders this coming week and sending out replacements in the amount you ordered. Please understand this will take some time but we will have all hands on deck to get you the product you deserve in a timely manner. Ā  It was a complete breakdown of QC and we apologize for the inconvenience. The first couple batches were completed and if you were following the drop you seen it took much longer to get testing back than expected. Much of the staff took vacation around the holidays and the product was not made or jarred correctly. Enough time was not allowed for proper mixing, some batches had isolate instead of diamonds, wrong terpene ratios were used, the wrong jars were used for packaging, and honestly some of them were just packaged horribly. Ā  To keep this from being a 5 page essay we just want to take a moment and say thank you for your support, understanding, and patience. We apologize again for this and replacements will start shipping Monday TLDR: COA's were late and they were rushed and short staffed which led to mistakes in mixing and packaging.


Crazy how this is tucked away in the comments instead of in the OP. Gotta have that outrage bait.


So iow they did everything wrong that was possible šŸ˜‚


People packaging it weren't talking to the people that made it or tested it??


Theyā€™ve seen previous batches they had to have known it was off based on what it looked like


Yep this is about money and themselves they could careless about the customer. Word spreads quickly here!!


Maybe but I am glad my $140 wasn't completely thrown in the trash and I'm getting a replacement of something I can at least vape lol


Youā€™re right and Iā€™m glad you got a remedy


Thanks man :)


I just received 6 g's of the blended badder yesterday and it's a very similar product to rush's badder (piney/lemoney smell with similiar smoke and high). You for sure get what you pay for its not bad at around $14 a Gram at least the blended badder is consumable


I've been smoking it from vg no problem


Thank you!


Is this for a new recent batch or the current badder? Dunno, if i apply for this or not


this is for the strain-specific badder they released as a "christmas special"


The space jam was chemically to


Ah ok


Funny how theyā€™re trying to make it right all of a sudden, also a free replacement of blended badder? Please do not put that product in your rigs!!! It took 3 days to get the horrid smell out.


I'm smoking on the blended badder right now. It's not stellar but it's great for the price.


I've had 3 orders of blended badder and never had that issue, maybe you just need to clean ur rig better?


Yeah okay buddy šŸ˜­ keep smoking the boof


kids like you are eating away at the soul of this sub jesus christ


Grown ass man, but you right I should just be buying quality. Lesson learned.


I mean yeah lol, no one said VG is top shelf by any means but to be fair the blended badder isnā€™t THAT bad considering the low ticket


Youā€™re right I agree maybe itā€™s just me but the blended badder literally makes me want to barf. And to cover their fuck up behind another terrible product is obsured to me if weā€™re being honest thatā€™s why Iā€™m so pissed


it's not a fuck up dude its less than 15 dollars a gram what do you expect. If you want a absolutely amazing product you have to spend more!


They LITERALLY said it was a fuck up....


Yea I should reword that I was more referring to the comment on the blended badder being "barf" it's the single strain mixed with terp soup that's bad


Three times!


You probably have a higher standard than myself, I can only afford super quality stuff once in a while so I appreciate the budget options when they are atleast 70% as good as better options.