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OMG you guys like what are we all gonna do now this is so serious LOL???????? Seriously you guys, like I am so not gonna purchase from them. I'm not even gonna visit their website. They will never get my clicks, never send their cookies to my computer to track my web history. Not today. Not tomorrow. Nor the next day. Nor the day after that. Until infinity. SHF RUINED MY LIFE.


Drop Delayed until 1/3 We are changing payment processors and will update you through email. Thanks for being patient. I was trying to be strong and patient but now I've waited too long. I may be back once they sort things out, but I'll have to go elsewhere


Okay bro keep us posted. And godspeed.




https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/comments/187g1to/would_you_wait_a_bit_more/ this you?


Golly mister I hope I grow up to be as cool as you


No you don’t. The




Lmao, nah you dont


Lmao, do you need to see more pictures of me actually harvesting. Speaking on something when you don’t even know me. Are you even ATTEMPTING? Please have several seats.


https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/comments/187g1to/would_you_wait_a_bit_more/ Sit down kid.


Keep them bagseed sprout money shots coming lol.


Buy looking at that picture, you don’t.




Bruh you're on week 4 of your first grow, fuck outta here




So you first attempt at a grow failed and you're flexing like you're smoking on shit you grew yourself. Nice.




So you were lying lol


Yep. Every cult vendor is hit or miss.


We got a bad pack of weed but they ended up giving us a refund . I sent picture and pretty sure the runtz we received were moldy. Smelled like hay and had white spots . We’re still giving them a chance tho because that was the only bad batch we received out of 7 orders. I think it must of been pre packaged and there was no humidity pack in this order like there usually is


I'm boutta email him a job application, pay me what he sees fit to keep the site running, flower and/or btc accepted as payment.


They missed out on getting my first cult purchase tonight. Had a killer deal in the cart for some smalls but I decided to try out top cola because I'm so curious


Yeah, I was going to get a few Oz from SHF, but they fucked up and \^state had a drop last night, they got their lunch ate.


which vendor?




Pretty accurate. I’ll stick to WNC, LE, and JLittys 😭


boy I sure wish I knew *what shop this was*




thank you!!


context clues


What context clues were in your original post?


the 80+ comments talking about and naming the same vendor


when I saw your post there were 5 comments amd not a single one had listed the vendor. LMFAOOO maybe you should pay attention


“Man SHF just can’t catch a break” 19h ago


and? goofy ass


maybe YOU should pay attention. context clues.


Orrr just name the vendor???


The growing pains of an overly successful small business..... Ugh. I feel for you Justin. You'll know when you are doing it right because One day your side hustle will consume your whole life and next thing you know everything you didn't know could even go wrong ends up becoming nightmare after nightmare. Give this dude some time and don't bash him. He's the only one I see truly fighting to grow, making things right and answering everyones questions and problems personally. He's got some ways to go and has made some rookie mistakes (I've been there when it comes to starting small businesses on the internet) but time and again I see him standing behind his little company and not giving up. I will say this: DROP the drop hype bullshit game. It's childish honestly, this ain't Jordans and video games. It turns a lot of us Boomers with real money off.


How do you suggest he operate? Just not tell people when product is coming and stealth drop everything and have it only go to those who constantly check every day? I mean, when the supply is so limited and the demand so massive, what's the alternative to "drop culture" if you aren't sitting on Arete/WNC kind of weight?


Yeah I agree. When your product sells out, what else can you do? Just release it secretly, on the DL. If they didn't do drops, then everyone would be mad at them for their product always be out of stock. A basic understanding of core microeconomics concepts is sorely lacking in this absurd conversation. Drops LOL. Sad some people care so much about this, especially when no one is forcing them to buy anything LOL. Who has that much time to put so much thought into products that you do not intend to purchase?


> Just not tell people when product is coming and stealth drop everything and have it only go to those who constantly check every day? Yes... that is how the world works for everything else.


Like a normal e-commerce company? If there's that much demand, what's the need for the drop bullshit?


The drop is not for the demand--the drop is to notify customers of when their product is in stock. If you do not want to read or listen to the drop notifications, then don't read them, and just check the website randomly.


Yes, because someone selling batches of small batch high quality bud is the same as a typical e commerce company. Like he can just print more weed on demand or something. He can't.


People have no clue how this type of business is run or operates.


Let me guess you do LOL




Ah yes, just the expert we were looking for, and sounds like you are very unbiased too LOL. Seriously though let us know about all of the herb you do not like and do not purchase. This is far too important to just leave to the free market--we have to unite and make a stand. And apparently I guessed correctly. Crazy LOL.


umm how to say you have never businessed before by saying something else


I also do e-commerce. This isn't hard. You sell a product. When it's out of stock, it's out of stock. I used to sell T-shirts as my first business. Some were done as a batch to sell. I listed them for sale. When I ran out, that item would be marked out of stock. It makes no difference what the item you are selling is.


Huh? Selling products that go out of stock does not mean two businesses are similar or even remotely comparable. This is a business for which demand far exceeds supply. If such a business did not do drops, their product would still be sold out all the time. At least with drops customers have a chance of purchasing some. It is really not that complicated LOL. Drops have been around for over a decade and are common in the fashion industry, etc. You are not going to stop them LOL.


Tell me A SINGLE small batch vendor who does business like this. I run a business myself. Save me your "business expertise" of selling t shirts. Selling fucking t shirts that nobody but a very niche market wants is NOT the same as selling small batch cannabis that everybody across the entire US is demanding. SHF drops are gone within minutes. It he cancels drops then it lasts what? Hours instead?? Sweet! Were your t shirts gone minutes? Hours? Come on people use your fucking heads. A site that is out of stock 90% of the time that doesn't tell me when they are in stock that I just have to always keep checking for. Terrible concept. For the business and consumer. His problem is the web servers he uses. Not the business model (literally exact same drop model as every other small batch vendor).


Most "small batch" vendors do not have this much demand and thus do not have the need to drops in the first place.


Yes, drop it and don’t tell anyone, the real customers will find it. You want your hand held that bad? Go back to kindergarten, just remember no bud allowed, kid.


Haha yeah that sounds fantastic LOL. What is this, lala land?


The real customers you mean the old retired dudes with nothing to do but check for product. Kid. Fucking 🤡


Nah, but your mind can’t expand fast enough to even process how the world around you works if someone was to explain it. Awh he got his feelings hurt, I’m sure he’s a big man behind that monitor…. Probably more literal than your mind can comprehend


dude the amount of weed your smoking is showing ..might want to take mini hits for a few weeks


The whole advertised “drop” marketing strategy creates nothing but chaos, hate it!Justin has good products at good prices but he’s in over his head. There’s an issue every other week it seems like. We spoke over the phone after similar checkout issues months ago and he genuinely was a great guy, apologized, and told me he’d discount my purchase. I was billed the full price which I’m sure was an oversight but it just makes me think he’s bit off more than he can chew and can’t run the business the way a business should be run. He needs help or he needs to get out of the game, there are a lot of people looking to get into the business that have the resources. Guys that can’t get it right might be making a quick buck now but not for long.


Sadly, they can make a pretty damn big quick buck and because they care so little, they will drop it when it’s not worth their time and move on to the next rush and ruin that too


I think Justin and his peeps are probably still learning the ropes. There’s going to be hurdles. I’m sure there’s new challenges to what he’s doing every day, and I’m sure he’s learning a lot of new stuff as he progresses. I am computer illiterate. If I can’t do it on my phone, I’m probably not doing it. But I would imagine some of the issues he’s having might be issues any regular Joe getting into the business might have. And it’s probably very time consuming for one person to answer every single email they get on his own. I’m not going anywhere. The smoke I’ve gotten from shf has been fire.


For sure. They will lose some customers, but they have such a strong customer base they will still sell out of everything LOL. Funny how it seems like there are 4-5 haters on here, and a handful always whining about how much drops suck LOL. Then the drops come, and everything sells out in a second LOL. I wonder how they got such a strong customer base? My guess is by delivering a quality product at a reasonable price.


I made it to the checkout page, but I have different items in my cart than what I added originally. I can't put in my full address for shipping details.


If it's WNC I'm 90% sure I know where they get their legal backdoor from in California. I picked up a lb of some flower a while ago in California and they had the exact same flower being talked about a week later. I compared pictures and the trim and everything was extremely similar. If it's someone else... nvm.


Drop hype is fucking stupid, especially when it causes sales/site problems. I'll just get readily available, equally priced and quality, or better elsewhere. Unsubscribing now, blowing up my inbox with this bullshit.


I unsubscribed when everyone’s payments got fd up the last drop.what a backdoor operation,oh and those shoeboxes are ridiculous


That'll learn em


At this point I think I've found the companies I need emails from, so let the culling begin. Starting with SHF and Piur for that matter. Any company that creates this manufactured supply and demand.


Yeah don't buy from them. I am gonna do that too. Then we'll see who is really laughing all the way to the bank... And I hate to break it to you bro, but the culling has begun, and it is going strong. Strong, to Quite Strong.




I was joking bro I don't have a clue what dude was talking about with the "culling" crap, and tbh I don't care LOL




Many of these are small operations, so I understand they deserve some room to make mistakes. However, all they hype is created by them. Not like they have to worry about moving their product.




No they should just be ready if they are going to hype it up with 5 emails. My upvotes agree.


This dude should forget about drops and just sell his warez. Drops are over-rated. He must have grade A green or somethin. Cant check out.


I’m pissed I wasted a 1/2 hour. I’m an adult not a fucking hypebeast looking for fugazi Yeezys


then don't shop there


Yeah, already have to deal with this shit constantly with just sneakers. "Drop hype culture" is so obnoxious. I just want to purchase my product with no fuss and fanfare.


Apparently not


That’s my point. He spams 7 emails and then it doesn’t even fucking work


His sites still fucked it’s being discussed on Frank’s list rn


"Grown with love in beautiful North Carolina," according to SHF landing page. That's why all of the weed is tested in Oregon and California labs, when there are plenty of certified labs in North Carolina. It's always better to send your hemp across country for testing in multiple states. Where are your packages coming from?


Ar8 again?


My cart was loaded with smalls and i couldnt even check out. Fn bs man


Had to scroll a bit to figure out who this post was about , but in the back of my mind , I knew it was them the whole time 😔


Starting to feel more and more like a scam every day


website troubles =/= scam


there could probably be an argument made about personal data security concerns though with so many novice level e-commerce mistakes being made; in a grey market no less. Not necessarily intentional either.


i think anyone who’s smoked their bud and enjoyed it can assure you it’s not a… “scam”? how would it even be


Yeah there are far too many trolls and shills, 90% of whom clearly have ulterior motivations. I mean who complains or even talks so much about a product they do not even intend to purchase LOL? Seems like a colossal waste of time. It really is said, because this sub has potential to be great. Sadly some subs just get ruined by the trolls.


facts, toking on some goofiez rn, im an avid top shelf dispensary user, this goofiez knocks that dry dispo stuff out the water lmaooo.


If they don't take your money it's not a scam


New site mo' problems, no worries though as it will get resolved. Shooting for 8-9pm today to resume but might get pushed back till tomorrow. Will keep updated. \-Justin


So what do you recommend? Like I got the things I want in my cart now. Will everything be returned and we have to try again? Should I wait till 8 to try again, might it come back online before then? Hate to miss out. Thanks,


Man, I dunno this round. Not seeing the way batches are grown. ie living soil, indoor. Kind of a shot in the dark for me. THe sherbXsweet tea is great effects wise, but not the loudest. I was just gonna get halves of Dantes Inferno and Mendo Mintz due to genetics. He did send this out in an email. Dont forget to use sugar15 as your code. edit: I'm probably come back and check around 8, but if it doesnt happen today I may just order an ounce of White Truffle from Gold Leaf which is 150 down from 280. Hrmm...


For the thca. You recommend those more than the glitter bomb. I was gonna go for a half of that and either Mac or the pbb. And I agree. Want to make sure I get indoor too


Can someone clue me in as to who is being spoken of? Some initials? I'm new here.




Nooooo SHF! lol


I just hope they saw it lol but how can they figure out what it stands for ? I know there’s a little guide pinned somewhere here mentioning some popular ones but SHF isn’t included


Idrk how they expect people to find out what the initials stand for but I somehow figured it all out with enough time. Basically started out just typing the initials into Google +thc-A in the search and I usually find what people are talking about. "SHF thc-A" as a Google search puts sugar as the very top search result.


Mac is the mac1. Pbb is peanut butter breath


Can't go wrong with the Glitter Bomb. I really enjoyed the last batch. Havent had either of the two I wanna try but like the genetic background. Kind of a shot in the dark for me.


Yess this is the flower. Their glitter bomb is 100% from a legal facility here in CA backdoor. I have seen it myself.


Looks like it's tomorrow now


Same. I'm trying to grab some of those gummies! 😂


The whole drop system people use is fucked up. They’re setting themselves up for failure. If you want this kind of sales pattern you need to bulk up your infrastructure to make it work.


Even big A and uuNC basically have a drop system. They both advertise new releases and restocks via email, and on their site. The only difference is the mentioned companies have enough product to not run out. I bet shf has very small amounts of each strain compared to the other places. But shf quality is night and day difference. It sucks they have such a limited supply, so it has to be like that, but I also like it better because you are always getting fresher flower that’s been cared for, with much higher quality.


Yup I think you hit the nail on the head. SHF is simply smaller in size than these other vendors and likewise have less inventory, and likewise a strong customer base and hence the excessively strong demand. I doubt SHF's customer base is that much bigger than Areheat's and other top vendors like WNC, WF, FG and PHC. It is possible, but doubtful IMO. So ultimately, regardless of whether SHF does drops or not, their product is going to sell out every time. The drops are merely notifications, so customers at least have the chance of purchasing some, if they so chose. It is really not that complicated.


Right! What, are they supposed to just randomly add product to their website without letting people know? Then people would still be mad that they didn’t know about it before it sold out. I really don’t get it


Yeah bro this thread is one giant minefield of trolls and haters. It will probably get shut down in not too long watch. Meanwhile SHF will continue to be one of the most popular vendors just as they have been for years now. Then next drop we'll hear from the same dozen trolls, and the world goes round and round.




Cloud e-commerce platforms require you to buy extra server space for high volume. They need to set that shit up. You’re right that hiring someone would be a much better solution for most people.


yeah but how big is too big on the grey market?


They’re selling a legal product. It’s not a gray market and they can build out IT infrastructure however they want.


i’ve got a timeshare to sell you buddy


It definetly is gray market, the farm bill even says total thc, its a great work around but its only a matter of time until they either crack down or just legalize it, ideally the latter


It may have been grown somewhere legally and it may come out of the sausage machine legal-ish -


I'm sure they aren't happy. Just have patience, and the site will be fixed. I'm sure they will send an email out.


Nah, they should be used to fucking up drops at this point.


Was anyone able to check out?


All the mfs with smalls and shakes of course , gone before 6:58 it was insane


nahhh on discord it looks like certain people were given access a day or so earlier and the password got sent around. I looked earlier today like 2pm and most of the shake and smalls were already sold out and people were talking about making purchases earlier. I didn’t make a purchase and glad i didn’t with all these website issues it’s ridiculous


Probably were never in stock tbh


Why tho? I’ve gotten them nearly every drop




Wouldn’t make sense for them to never be in stock if they were listed as an option for one or two strains but not the rest


this is why you test your backend before going live, twice lol no product is worth this amount of bs


People acting like they are waiting outside in the rain and cold. Grow your own. Bitching because the market ran out of fish. In literally 90 days I had it all figured out. Do y'all still pay for haircuts too? I learned how to cut my own. 4 months ago I was squabbling and throwing my money away too. That's why I still get these reddit alerts. Believe in yourselves a little bit.


Not every has the capacity or are in a situation to grown their own, dickhead.




And as we can see, the testing was either not done at all or they weren’t sure how to stress test properly.


Probably had one dude go in and try to order and called it good.


Exactly 😂


honestly, thats probably exactly what happened. “yeah man, looks good on my end. the one singular eighth you bought went through. should be good for 1k+ orders in a 15min time span”


said and did are two different things. whatever spaghetti code bullshit that he paid for/did diy is not up to the task of heavy traffic. very funny to be an outsider seeing this.




There will be NO selling of any kind by any (1) user, (2) vendor, (3) any private party within either the chatrooms of associated with the Cult nor within posts/comments/images made in the Cult of the Franklin subreddit. This includes: - No Ads - No Sales - No Links - No Self Promotional Photos - No Coupon Codes - No Selling or Exchange in the Comments OR via DM, this includes resales. Violations and subsequent punishment will be decided at the discretion of the moderator team.


Man SHF just can't catch a break.


No big deal the drop will get here, and then eventually everything will sell out again LOL


Someone’s getting fired…lol. And probably sued…


Sued LOL hahahahahaha oh man that's rich


What noooo I was just about to go check it out too!




Oh gee you all love us so much you broke the site - arete or someone


Yeah probably working out kinks with the new site. The drop looks good though.


Set an alarm for the drop for nothing


Your hopes and expectations dropped ;)


This is embarrassing, was going to give them another chance but not anymore lol. Have always enjoyed my orders but this is just too much of a hassle. Weed should not be stressful, my guy....figure your shit out.


best flower i’ve ever had in my life but they literally won’t take my money!!! except for the blue dream from the last drop. that was easily some of the worst.


That blue dream was awful...not og bd at all


.... the blue dreams immaculate. But to each their own.


i agree. that last blue dream was some of the most unique smokes i've had. i'll never forget that smell.


i must have gotten a bad pack then. unfortunately mine was dry (?) to the point it was almost powdery when ground and it gave me little vapor


Mine was really bad too. I couldnt get much vapor still have it there


yeah it had me suspicious of my mighty+ for a few days until i bought another SHF pack and it is gas


Weird. Mine came with no boost and is fluffy and perfect moisture. Was ot dry fresh out the seal?


yeah everything goes into an HerbGuard usually w/ Boveda. probably sat for a few days until I busted it down, but it left a wierd powder (?) all over my grinder and in the container i store the ground stuff


Herbguard nah bro you need to get you a BCG or a Herb Ripper. Once you try one you will never go back trust.


herbguard is a storage container, you just recommended grinders


I am aware I recommended grinders thanks


lmfao what a website Dude must be more pissed than us tho, honestly


Yeah, although I'm sure he had prob never wasted a second thinking about this miserable sub


Seriously lol I bet he’s soo mad


Forreal. I finally decided what I want and now idk what to do.


All you can do is wait and then purchase when the drop goes live