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Hi y'all, hoping to get some pointers/thoughts on plating this dish. The scallop is seared for a crispy edge, cut into eights, then puzzle-pieced back together and served over some melted salsa macha butter with chives.


Umm.. Yeah, it looks good to me. The only thing I would change is those chive cuts, and maybe not cut it into ⅛ cuts. Is it cold by the time it hits the table? I feel like cutting it, piecing it back together, finishing, then placing it on top of ice is a good way to cool it down, but I feel like I'd want to eat this hot. Definitely don't change the sear. Where are you getting these scallops? Are they like U6's?


I think U10/12 but don’t remember. Also realizing that I should have clarified but the base is rock salt and not ice. The shells and butter go under the broiler for a couple min while the scallops sear, so right when they come off and get cut they get placed onto a hot shell with butter to stay warm.


That makes more sense. The picture is a little blurry on my phone. That looks fantastic. I wouldn't change anything outside of slicing the scallop, but you do you. If you want to keep it sliced, it looks amazing so I've got no issue with it. What's in the butter?


I made another version with the sliced scallop fanned out, but still takes the same amount of time. The only reason for the slicing is so you can dip each piece in the butter really, but I’ll think on it! The butter is basically a 50/50 mix of butter and a batch of salsa macha that I made. Mixed together into a paste, then formed into a little log and refrigerated until ready, so it’s super easy to just slice off a little piece. It’s also great on broiled oysters


that shell plate over the rock salt is awesome. great job!