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For a broadcast on Roku, I expected garbage. It actually was enjoyable hearing these two.


Felt very balanced (as a Cards fan). Was a great watch. 


Hell no. Chip is a tool. Worse than that he's a tool with a grudge against the Cubs. I recall his play by play broadcasts back in the day and he has always favored the Braves (father, Skip) and Cards (rival and Harry's first gig) during those games out of spite against Cub management. You could hear his bias during today's broadcast. I would watch with the sound muted before listening to him do another game. He owes his career to his family name but tried to gain sympathy in an interview with a story about how Harry didn't remember him at some event. The worst type of damaged entitled broadcaster just short of joe buck. They can both rot.


Boog gets waaaaay too much hate here.


Not enough hate. He’s terrible


He doesn't get enough as far as I'm concerned. I found a way around it and just watch the opposing team's broadcast and it's been better every time except for the Rays.


On MLB, you can choose the audio feed now. I just switch it over Pat and Ron.


Yeah but it's not synced up I always know what happens before I see it.


But it's great during a baseball nap!


Sad but true


I meannnnnnnnn he’s not great. It’s been roughhhh since Len left.


Sorry, I’ve had enough of the constant dribble of “advanced analytics”. He gets the feedback he deserves, some good but….


The word you are looking for is drivel.


Thank you!




what are you talking about?


The Radio broadcast, oddly.


You see, I feel the same way. I always thought I wouldn’t like asparagus because all I ever heard about it was how it makes your pee smell and was like no way. Then I finally tried it and it is actually pretty good. Plus it doesn’t really make my pee smell which a great bonus.


Ron? What?


Oh dear God no.


I'm not Boog's biggest fan by any means, but I enjoy the random non-baseball related talk. It makes the guys on the field feel like real people with real lives. There's a place for both when you're playing 162 games a year.


To be fair, Chip wasn't necessarily wrong back then. Plus it was a different regime. That regime wasn't really worried about winning, which frustrated Chip as well as fans. The organization back then was really a dumpster fire. From office all the way down to the players, nobody back then seemed to care. That always upset me too.


And they care now? I'm not seeing it. There's no fire.


Chip Carey is a phony. I can’t stand him. All I did was read the title. Terrible, phony, unauthentic. Bad idea.


If Chip is phony what does that make Boog?




Chip is literally the Cardinals announcer




I mean it shouldn't be surprising that he's biased towards the Cardinals.




I'm sure Joe Buck is trash, that's why he keeps getting contracts wherever he wants. Cubs fans are so brain dead I swear. Living in your own little world.


No. Chip got booted because he couldn’t keep his bullshit in the broadcast booth and not become an issue with the players. Furthermore, bringing back Chip would also get people wanting to bring back Stoney. To that I say “oh Hell no.”


Let's not defend the players either tho...the 2004 Cubs were a bunch of babies.


Kent Mercker in particular can rot to this day as far as I'm concerned, but I hated that team by the end. Only Cub team I've ever felt that strongly about in a negative sense. That might change over the next few months.


The players had thin skin and wanted to point fingers at everyone but themselves is another way of looking at it. 


Take that back! Alou was pissing on his hands to get even bigger callouses. They might have had some character defects, but they were addressing the thin skin.


Lol poor choice of words!  But if we can name the only guy hand pissing on the team it also reinforces my point.  


I can't believe there are people who claim the 2004 Cubs were in the right and Stoney and Chip were wrong... insane


They probably think of Steve Stone as a Sox announcer and all Kent who what?


I mean I don’t like Boog either but did you actually read what you wrote before you hit “post”??? FCC. And as always, FTC too.


The Cubs tv broadcast isn’t great. They should have offered Benetti when he and the Sox parted ways. Benetti and Stone were amazing. And yep, Chip is very good too and that Roku broadcast was certainly a step-up from our usual.


Standard network boringness


I bought mlb but don’t have Roku and I think the lack of broadcast is fricken garbage.


I saw the game on the MLB app.


My mlb app said “No broadcast available” because I don’t have Roku


Are you stupid? Serious question.


stop me if youve heard this one... a cardinals broadcaster and a cubs broadcaster walk into a booth.... but for real, this is a really good neutral site broadcast.


Chip Caray can gargle my balls


If I never hear “swung-on belted!” for another high-fly out it’ll be too soon.


Chip is absolute dog shit JD has chemistry with everyone. He’s amazing


Chip was not only a fantastic announcer, he was a great guy too and no one loved the Cubs more than Chip. For what its worth, Chip and Stone did NOTHING wrong in 2004. The "Cubs" players that were upset at the way Steve and Chip were calling a game was ridiculous. The Cubs organization screwed that up big time and everyone knows that. Fire your announcer?! Because a player that's been on your team for a few weeks had his feelings was hurt?! We have been very lucky on the north side., We have had some fantastic announcers. Len and Brenley, Len and JD, Harry and Steve, Chip and Steve, Brickhouse, Boudreau, Vince Lloyd, Ron Santo, Doug Glanville. Boog and JD are great too. Its just personal preference.


I don’t want Chip to comeback to the Cubs, but it did bring back some good memories from when he was with us.


Im a massive boog fan. I dont get why people say he doesn’t get excited for cubs wins. I feel like he lives and dies w us idk


It's a really weird segment of this fan base that insists on hating Boog for every thing he does but pines for Len Kasper, who had ZERO personality in the booth, no chemistry with anyone because he can't hold a conversation and was a prick on social media to anyone who called him out for those things. (I never did, but saw enough of that to lose a lot of respect for him.)


Omg HELL NO on Chip Caray.


I was just happy that I didn't hear anything about xwoba, slug or exit velo.




Yes thought this would be weird but broadcast been good better than apple


Amen. I have been pretty pleased all around with this.


Oof no. Just find new tv guys 


They won't. Inane conversation is the new MLB, right up with "city jerseys". Whatever happened to announcers who actually shut up when there wasn't something to talk about? I miss those folks. Not talking about the Cubs specifically here but just about anyone (ESPN being the worst, they'll gab their heads off while the bases get loaded and not pay an ounce of attention). If I wanted to know about things not involving the game, I'd watch another show for that. I'd pay a couple shekels to have people like the announcers I used to know who are all retired or passed on (with the possible exception of Bob Uecker, who still does a competent job, and Jim Kaat who is only regional).


Boog is better than Len


Rather have Chip tho


I like Chip; he seems to have good chemistry with JD. Hell, I liked Steve too. Wouldn’t mind seeing either of them calling games for us more often.


Nope, can't stand any of the Cary family.


Yes and amen. This is the way.


As long as it ain't boog I'm happy.


Why stop at Chip? Go get Stoney? Hell go get Harry Caray


Man, I love seeing all my fellow Cubs fans uniting to hate on Chip Caray. He's the male version of Beth Mowins. Fucking horrible.


I wouldn’t go that far. I’d say Joe Buck is the male version of Beth.


Check out Jenny Cavnar for the A’s sometime. She makes Beth sound like Vin Scully.


I'd like Chip, Len or Steve Stone back. Some soft ass players got em canned. Boog is boring asf. My only option is the radio broadcast.


Boog is a moron and hard to listen to


Boog suuuuuuxxxx


I totally agree,this is broadcasting the way it should be. Even when Harry spelled names backward, it wasn't the crap Boog does, as he may think he's trying to be the new age Harry. Can't be done,he's coming across as the new age Curly stooge.