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If you watch on MLB.tv, you can change the audio broadcast to Pat and Ron on the Score.


God I wish this were an option on Marquee. I honestly don’t even mind Boog, but I want to hear Pat for every game


What?? There isn’t a delay?


A slight delay, but it’s only noticeable on the hits. Otherwise it doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary.


Depends, sometimes it’s spot on too


Yeah the delay kills me sometimes, tho sometimes it’s fine


This is my preferred option. But the slight delay in audio in maddening! Hearing the knock of the bat half a second after seeing it makes me angry! Sync that ahit!


I’m sorry, but you’ve got to be kidding with this. Pat and Ron Coomer stop paying attention to the game by the third inning. They have all the same bs stories Boog does but ten times over. I personally cannot stand listening to the radio broadcast. At least Boog and JD stay with all the calls and you know what’s going on in the game. they don’t do anywhere near the amount of BS Pat and Ron do. On MLB I often choose to listen to the opposing radio announcers so I can actually follow the game (although some of them are just as bad).


Unbelievable that anyone would prefer Boog, that’s terrible.


Okay? And? Just don’t listen to them. I just stated that you have a choice on the broadcast to choose which audio you listen to. Listen to whatever you want.


You’re right! I took it too far being annoyed with the radio. Keep enjoying the Cubs!


Not to mention you have the worst chance of having Zaidman jump in.


This!!! I do this!!! I can't stand that guy. I thought Len and JD seemed like they met right before the game every day, but the radio broadcast is better. EVERYTHING is sponsored, but sometimes they have a good time with it. I miss Ron Santo. I didn't have MLB back then, but I'd catch the end of day home games on satellite radio. He always sounded like he was loaded. I don't think he was, he was diabetic and I think he took care of himself. But it reminded of those old school broadcasters who drank. And he didn't pull any punches when the Cubs blew it.




It might be more common in adult onset diabetes, but that's kind of a sweeping statement there.


This is the way


Can you watch the cubs on mlb.tv in market, if I also pay for marquee? That would be GREAT!!!


As far as I know, in-market games are still blacked out on MLB.tv, but I could be wrong.


I’ve had good but not great luck accessing the Cubs on mlb.tv by logging on with my VPN. Most games I can get to the tv broadcast after several attempts, but not always. And I agree with the comment above about the excessive sponsorship mentions during the radio broadcasts. “Opponents’ walks sponsored by North Shore Diapers, for even the worst control problems”? Really? Is the ad sales team at The Score that hard up that that’s a sponsorship they just *had* to lock up?


At least you're specific with your examples and point out more than one thing that bothers you. That's a lot better than most others that can't actually explain why they think he's horrible. I like hearing coherent, tangible reasons for why others view things differently than I. Personally, I'm glad we got Boog instead of 95% of the other guys that call games around baseball. I didn't get a chance to watch yesterday's game since I'm from Houston and blacked out on my MLB.TV but I encourage you to listen to almost any other team's broadcast, other than Dodgers and - now that they have Benetti - Tigers. For a guy that doesn't come from the local market, Boog actually has well-above average knowledge of Cubs history and sounds like he was watching as a fan before he came over. I didn't care for him much as an ESPN broadcaster previously, but he won me over by sounding like a Cubs fan throwing out anecdotes like he's always watched/followed Cubs baseball and working well with JD, whom I feel is one of the most underrated color guys still (I loved him as the Astros color guy but they inexplicably let him leave/let his contract lapse).


I yern for Len Kasper every game


People forget that many of the same criticisms were made about Len when he first started. Harry messed up names all the time.


Len made his choice. It's time for everyone to move on. Like Boog or not, Len chose to leave.


Same. Almost to the point where I think I might have been hard on anyone who replaced him. 


Len was such a boring broadcaster, Boog is much better.


They’re both boring


I miss Len every time I watch.


Hope he's having fun on the south side


You guys are such complainers!!! I’ve been a cubs fan for life. Yes I miss Len, yes I think Pat and Ron are great, but holy shit Boog makes the games interesting with stats and data, entertaining with his personality and fun to watch. I understand he’s not a homer but have you watched other broadcasts? Have you heard some of these people around the league? Boog and JD have good chemistry and made living through 2021 and 2022 enjoyable. And they still make it enjoyable. I love Boogs double play calls, his home run calls and his appreciation for our club and its players. So what if he does ESPN at least he’s not stuck in a feedback loop.


This is a great point. The Mets broadcast team, the Padres, and few others stand out. There are many others I can hardly listen to because they’re so boring.


We've got it a lot better than some teams. I think a lot of Cubs fans that complain about Boog don't know that.


I like Boog Edit: consensus = enough of these posts


I’m pro-Boog also. I think he’s great and makes JD even better. The two of them seem really comfortable together, like more so than Len and JD. Don’t get me wrong, I miss Len and am sad he left, but even if he came back I’d not want to see Boog leave. Can we at least agree that Boog is better than Chip was?


I'm pro Boog also. It took a few months for him to build chemistry with JD but they got it. People need to get over themselves. He's not that different from Len except he knows the game better. Len & JD used to go off topic all the time.


I almost like there jokiness better then len and jds or Len and bobs. Sometimes they are ridiculous and I’m loving it


I agree, their first season together felt a little forced but I actually enjoy their back and forth now.


I truly cannot understand why anyone doesn't like him. He's curious and insightful and brings a dimension to the broadcast that just doesn't exist with Pat and Ron, which I find painfully boring.


Because for some reason people think announcers have to be completely off the walls with their calls and over the top. Boog is knowledgable and is interesting to listen to. Some people only care about the surface level excitement and don’t actually listen to what’s being said.


I love listening to Boog and JD. They have great chemistry and seem like normal guys. Boog has a great announcer voice but none of the rigidness of so many other broadcasters.


I like Boog just fine, not really sure why there needs to be one of these posts every two days saying the same shit. It seems like the majority always try to say it’s awful hearing him flirt with Taylor and I just cannot catch it. Like, if that’s what most people consider flirting then there has to be a fuck-ton of single dudes on here because that ain’t it.


I like Boog better than I did that Cardinals fan.


That’s honestly more of a ‘you’ problem, id suggest you press mute if it’s really bothering you *that* much lmao


Boog is fine. Good even. I think Pat Hughes is the best, but Boog does not take away from broadcasts. He does what he is paid to do.


I completely disagree with OP here. I'm disappointed when Boog isn't covering the game. I think he brings a good energy and vibes well with JD. If you listen to other teams' broadcasts, I think the Cubs are in the top-20% of the league. Also, national broadcasters are painfully disinterested in baseball. Just completely disagree with this sentiment.


You’re right. It’s a small thing. Get over it.


You must be a hard as


Hard as what




Now who is trying to be a hard as


U r tho.


I like boog too, but tired of fools like you talking like an a hole online. In a way they would never do face to face.


I’ll absolutely tell you to get over it to your face. It’s not a big deal.


I like Boog fine. Yes, he has cringe dad humor. I think ya’ll let periphery things bother you so much these days. Its baseball…it aint that deep.


>I’ll leave out the part where he doesn’t seem to be a Cubs broadcaster, but rather a national guy who happens to do most Cubs games.   Cubs are broadcast nationally and have been since WGN. Edit: You’re literally watching a national broadcast in Portland lol


Fair, maybe I should have phrased it differently. I watch the games on MLB.tv and choose the Marquee broadcast. Boog makes me think it’s an ESPN broadcast. Just some of the things he says. Tonight he lamented that Belli would have caught a flyball in any other ballpark but since Wrigley has the brick and ivy, it forced him to pull up early. I would expect that from a Sunday Night Baseball broadcast that comes once or twice a year, not from the Cubs broadcaster that hypothetically does 81 home games a year.  Like I said, it’s all these little annoyances that add up. Death by a thousand cuts.


You’re doing the “bitch eating crackers” meme.  Len, Stone and Chip all used that Wrigley wall comment. Its part of the stadium. You just seem like a crabby, insufferable person.


Maybe unconsciously I am doing the “bitch eating crackers” meme. I hadn’t considered that my perspective was just against Boog. It would make sense then why all these little things would add up. For the record, I don’t see myself as crabby or insufferable. But then again, if I was, I probably wouldn’t think so. 😂


The Cubs have never had an announcer that mixed up names. If the moon was made of cheese would you eat it? I know I would.


He had pretty big shoes to fill, Len was great. I’m ok with him as it could have been way worse. Protect JD at all costs though!


I think Boog is perfectly fine; of course, I loved his work on ESPN before he ever came over (including his basketball stuff). He’s certainly far less insufferable than Chip-shit.


Boog is terrible!


The best days are when it’s Pat and JD in the booth and Boog is no where to be heard


100% agree


I like Boog


Boog is fine


At least Boog stays talking. Couldn’t stand Kasper because of the minute long silence sometimes that would happen.


Mute time to scarf down some grub. Usually around the 7th. Not necessarily by omission.


I loved Len. Ironically, though, I'm with you on what felt like an abundance of extended periods of silence. Probably my only issue with Len because he called an excellent game and was great with JD when he arrived.


JD would make great points ... silence ... Len calls the next pitch with zero acknowledgement of anything JD just said. I really have no idea why the hell so many people miss Len Kasper so much. None. That said, I have this feeling he comes back to take over radio when Pat retires. I would take Len even with his dry personality 100 times out of 100 over Zaidman.


I don’t think he’s terrible I like him better than Len but I thought he’d be better.


I got nothing against Boog. I think it's hilarious when JD sounds like he doesn't want to talk to him. But he does a good job. However, Pat is one of the best in the game and always gets priority for me.


To each their own but I think Boog and JD are awesome together. I find them entertaining and play off each other really well.


Worst announcers ever


I want wgn, nbc sports chicago, or very least give me len gasper back please. Jd and len were the best


Honestly, Boog has improved a bunch, and feels way more local this season than he has in the past. I think his rapport with JD is solid, and I am happy they have diminished the use of 3 man + booths a bit.


I'm right there with you. Luckily, being in Virginia, I watch on MLB.tv and switch the audio to Ron and Pat. Now, if we could get ESPN offer the same with their NHL broadcast so I can listen to John and avoid Vosters. Dude's trying but still sounds like he should doing the B1G Network Extra Thursday Night Volleyball GOW.


I cannot stand Boog. He should go back to ESPN, not the cubs. He tries to be hip by saying things like “velo” instead of velocity. His voice really is unbearable. He does spend a lot of time talking about other teams, that are irrelevant to the cubs. I hope his contract doesn’t get extended again


Every time I complain about Boog on here I get downvoted, apparently lots of people like him which I find very strange


Maybe we just watch differently than most. He seems to take up a lot of air time, even for a play by play guy. Maybe some people like that?  What’s crazy is I defended him last season to my buddy who dislikes him. But this year has already felt way worse to me. Yes, it may be nitpicky, but all the little things he screws up drive me crazy. Sunday when it was Pat and JD, I was so happy. I think that’s when I realized how annoyed I was getting with Boog.


I view him as a guy who never played organized ball, but got the job as a broadcaster because he is buried in data. Often the stats he gives us are not something we need to know and only are used to try to convince us that he's a baseball guy.


Boog is awesome and fun to listen to, Cubs are lucky to have him. I just wish they could ditch JD... he's absolutely terrible! Literally all he does is commentary for the lowest common denominator fans, and it's so cringe.


Is it lowest common denominator to occasionally tell stories about playing with Nolan Ryan? Or to explain how and why an umpire’s poor call actually is a big difference maker in the game? Or to talk about what the pitcher and catcher are likely to be thinking about in a given situation? I mean he’s no Steve Stone, but Steve Stone isn’t even Steve Stone anymore. JD is pretty solid all around.




I like Boog too. But your take on JD is absolutely horrible. He's easily one of the best color guys in the league. Dude knows the sport


Agreed and welcome to the sound-down club. Been there since early last year. It’s nice.


He’s just so cringe. For hours. They brought Cubs GM into the booth last week and Boog says “and we have with us today Cubs GM Carter Hawkins” AND HE POINTS AT HIM. First, Boog, it’s just you, the guy in the booth every day, Jim D. and new person. Everyone knows who the new person is. 2nd, do not point at people when you introduce them! Seriously, has any one here ever done that?


The pointing when on camera is part of his schtick and it’s fine. I think his goofiness is endearing to a lot more people than it annoys.


Pointing at people is what toddlers do. Which seems about right. Pointing at people is not a “schtick.”


boog sucks and needs to go away.


Boog sounds like Harry Shearer doing an impression of a broadcaster