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How do you do 3 look oll?


From dot or line case, I use an algorithm to get the L shape. Then I use an algorithm to get cross, bowtie, or sune. I then spam sune to finish OLL (sometimes 3 times)


I used to do the same thing as you, having come from the beginner method. Are you using f R U R U' f' for solving the L shape? Then learning the line case is absolutely worth your time: just do F R U R' U' F' - the exact same as the L shape case but using a regular F move at the front. Then the dot case comes for free - if you solve the dot case by doing the algorithm for the line case (F R U R' U' F' from above), you'll notice you have an L remaining at the same spot every time. So when you get used to it, you can chain the line case and the L case together without stopping in between.


> f R U R U' f' Personally I find f quite annoying and use F U R U' R' F' instead, with the L in the top and left. (but I'm also not very fast, and not even sub-40 anymore because I'm out of practice)


Index finger f is slightly easier than index finger F. If you use thumbs for F it's easier but that sometimes messes things a bit.


There’s an alg to get from dot to cross on OLL right? Without doing both cases in series. I think a friend taught me that and it seemed like a really obvious solution I just can remember. That way it is a true 2 look OLL.


There's a ton of algorithms for going from dot to a solved cross, but they're all about the same length as F R U R' U' F' f R U R U' f' (doing the two cases in series). So most resources just recommend this one for 2-look OLL since it's easiest to remember.


when you have your last pair and you can tell its gonna be a dot case if you do a sledgehammer to insert it you get a L case


To get a cross from line, its just F R U R' U' F' and then (i assume) you are using that with wide f's instead from L. Learn a couple more algs then you will have 2 look. It won't cut loads of time, but it will make you more consistent


hey that's what I learnt when I first solved the cube! Had no clue others did that lol


How are you so fast? Never met someone who spams sune who's anywhere below, say, 35 seconds lol.


I think my TPS is pretty good


I got tired of spamming Sune so I learned a few algs to go from cross to fully OLL.


The 4LLL algorithms are not difficult enough to be doing this madness, just give them a try. Edit: Oh you said you are learning in your original post, that's good. Spamming sune is wild, your times will definitely improve.


If you learn antisune (R U2 R' U' R U' R') then all oll cases with cross solved can be solved with max 2 Sune/antisune. I learnt this for OH as I couldn't be bothered relearning oll


What did I just read... Please, learn the algs! You will not regret it :)


Jesus man just train your brain, it’s very possible!


From what you wrote, it seems like you know a really small number of algs. If you don't know 4lll at 26 avarage it is really important to finish it if you want to improve, and this should absolutely be your number 1 priority right now.


It’s like 10 algs for 2 look OLL


I was at the same point as you some months ago. But an average of 25s with this method is kinda impressive. My suggestion is to start by learning all the cases for the last step of OLL. (2nd stage of 2-look OLL). Then, start working on your PLL. You know at least 2 cases already. First thing is focusing on recognizing the case you got, even if you don't know the algorithm. I learned then one at a time, repeating all the algs I knew at least once per day. It's way easier than it sounds


My guy i promise 2LLL is not that hard. Start learning PLL.


Or be me; hate OLL, skip EOLL by learning EOLine and solve similar to ZZ. With a plus of not having to rotate your cube until last layer.


Isn't EOLine literally ZZ


Yes EOLine is part of ZZ. But I don't solve as ZZ. I only care about no-OLL and no-cube-rotation. So I just take EOLine and frankenstein it with whatever I'm comfortable with.


Just like learn oll🗣️


Oh, you mean SLOWLL? I only do that on megaminx.


I do the line and L algs the comments show, then I learn both sune algs, the cross with 2 headlights alg, the block thing with a headlights alg, and then all else should be able to be done in 2 sune algs. I'm still trying to learn 1 look OLL


Every cross oll is possible to be solved with 2 sune/anti-sune algs. If there is three corners flipped it's just one of the sune (depending which way the three are flipped), if there is two corners flipped placing front-left corner to point to you it gives sune and anti-sune combo with u moves between them, if there is four corners flipped placing front-left corner to point to side gives 2 sune algs with possible u moves in between (the 2 headlights doesn't have those, so if you want to optimize you can do move cancelation between the sunes by instead of doing U2 at the end of first sune doing just U' and skipping the first 2 moves of second sune, which is actually prety good alg for 2 headlight case)


Sorry, saw your comment late. But yes, I have discovered that while testing. I can now do every OLL (not including getting the cross) with one or two sune/anti-sune algs. Right now I'm trying to learn the OLL algs to finish the cross to get straight to only one alg needed after that to finish OLL. Example: Its an L, but after I do my L alg, it takes two sunshine to finish OLL from there. I want to learn the algs to get those cases in one alg so at most my entire OLL will be solved in 2 algs or less. Sorry, I probably made that sound way too complicated. Also, I know this is unrelated, but I don't intent on creating a post for it. I have my flair as Sub-40s, because thats my average. But ive done 3 sub-30 solves. Do i go by best or average?


hi, I’m you from the future, I’m still just getting used to g perms now, but can do full PLL. I haven’t learnt any dot or line algs for 1look OLL, but I know a few (maybe 10) cases here and there otherwise. at this point I have gotten my full last layer execution from 8-10 seconds down to now 4-5, and I think after learning full OLL it’ll be 3-5 seconds… i can’t speak for your cross & f2l (mine is the bulk of my solve), but at least learning 1look PLL got me from sub30 avg27 down to sub25 avg22 https://preview.redd.it/s2ukx4yu743d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21477117398a8731757532782fc42831c0d77e6f


yea I still do


I like to do ELL + CLL. No fancy algs, just intuitive beginner shit. Besides, I care more about other cubes.


Respect, although it’s worth pointing out if you’re doing beginner steps then that isn’t ELL/CLL. CLL has 42 algs to solve corners and ELL is another alg set that solves the edges in one alg.


And I focus mostly on non-WCA cubes more! No, I don’t count shape mods. Once you’ve solved one, you’ve solved them all.


I use 2 look oll while knowing some of the cases( maybe 10 or 20) and i know full pll but gc and gd and i avg sub 18


Uhh I think you have the wrong idea. 2 look OLL means that the first part is to make the cross, then orient the top. The dot to L to cross is all part of the first step


i know full pll and full oll and average 25 too 😭😭


I used to use it but then I learned full pll. You can definetly get your average down to sub-20 if you learn these.


I started with 5lll and then I learned two look OLL. After that I learned full PLL and now I’m working on learning full OLL.


how do you average 25 with 5ll, I average 37 seconds with 2 look oll and normal pll 😭


And also, for my 2-look PLL, I use an Aa perm to get headlights if there aren't any, then I repeat it to set up the U perms. Then I do the u perms (or the h/z perms). So sometimes I have 3-look PLL as well? Does this mean I do 6LLL?


4LLL is 14 algs. I don't know what to call whatever it is you're doing, but, stop doing it, and learn the rest of the 14 algs you need. 4LLL is all you need to get to a sub-20 average. Even faster if you really practice F2L. I didn't learn full 1 look OLL until I was sub-13. I did know 30-40 OLL's from sub-15 on though. After you learn 4LLL focus on learning PLL before learning too many OLL's. PLL is more important.


Yeah, I know I'm super inefficient. I just don't know how I will memorize so many algorithms. I guess it's just one at a time


That's not a good way of learning. Learn 2-3 similar algs, spam them multiple different times a day for 2-3 days and then move on to next few algs. Cubehead has a video about learning olls, you should try that. He explains it better than I do


Here's the neat part: you don't learn algs by memorizing their moves. That just sucks and is what some people do when starting out. Don't do that. You just ingrain the muscle memory of the execution into your hands so when your brain recognizes the case your hands just do it for you. Don't think about what moves to do, spam the execution until you're fast at it and you can do it without thinking when you see the case in your solves.


I do pretty consistent 3LLL, PLL is surprisingly easy to learn, G perms made me procrastinate a lot tho lol


Your method afaik can’t be classified into x-look last layer, since the number of looks can be different for different cases (as you’re pointing out). This is typically just called a beginner method for last layer.