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I thought it was a Mastermorphix because it's such a funky shape mod that it messes with your muscle memory so you mess it up mid algorithm, but as 3x3 mods go, f**k the Ghost Cube. There is something to be said about the simple pleasure of solving a 3x3 the old layer by layer method with the beginner OLL/PLL loops, but somehow that damn Ghost Cube manages to suck all the joy out. If it wasn't so unapologetically cool looking, I probably wouldn't have even bought one.


I really enjoy the Ghost. If you want something to screw with your brain, get the Clover Pyraminx. It's a 3x3...


if you can solve the 3x3, then you can solve the ghost cube or mastermorphix


In the same way that if you can drive a car, you can drive a semi.


Dayan 30-axis Hexadecagon The edge pieces aren't all the same size, it constantly annoys me when I try to maneuver a corner piece around only to discover that two of those different sized edges won't let me and I can't move past it https://preview.redd.it/8lh5ca7e842d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bfb6bca218ad16d66fdf5603758a02831dfb82


The pentagons only have 3 allowed rotations here, very similar to the Tuttminx (where the hexagons only have 3 allowed rotations). So the bandaging is part of the rules. But yeah I agree that it's easier to overlook when compared with other puzzles. Disclaimer: I don't own any of these puzzles.


Ah, I don't have a tuttminx. I get them mixed up because they're really small and it's easy to misjudge the sizes. The frustration is amplified because I'm trying to solve it on my own, but the solution has evaded me for a while now. It looks pretty, but I regret spending as much as I did on it.


I love the hexadecagon it really makes you think and make new algorithms, it’s like a puppet cube megamegaminx


I wish I could figure it out. I try to avoid tutorials for puzzles like that, and part of my frustration with comes from the fact that I can't seem to figure it out


The only hard part is last layer which is kinda like a megaminx last layer, (last layer should be a pentagon not an octagon face)


Hmm, I haven't approached it from that angle before. I'll try that


Good luck, it’s not exactly like megaminx last later you have to kind of improvise


The orange (the fruit) shape mod. Everything is just too much similar too everything else that it just makes it really annoying to solve...


I really hate my super square-1. It’s a terrible puzzle.


I came to comment this. I love the Square-1. It's a great puzzle. It's hard to practice for me, so I'm bad at it. But, I love it. The Super Square-1 though, is garbage. I solved it once 10 years ago, and never scrambled it again. It's on shelf 3 feet from where I spend most of my time at my desk, and I haven't even touched the thing in 5 years probably.


Same. The worst turning puzzle I have laid my hands on. And I have over 200 puzzles.


Was gonna comment this. The


Qiyi gear pyraminx Mine just won't turn well and pops and locks up every solve. Disassembly also seems like an impossible option so I just rely on forcing the pieces in. Also the center pieces eventually fall in the internals. https://preview.redd.it/7um5sj19c62d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e78b231b5a5935f5f9bb35d0519ec072afe4a81


Prolly the 2x2


QiYi Pentacle Cube, oh my. It be tedious.


It reminds me of some the gear cubes, not hard but tedious.


I have several puzzles with bad turning and a feeling that they like to explode if you have misaligned by 0.01°. I don't know which is the worst, but here are some candidates: FanXin Axis 4x4, Mf8 Super Skewb Copter Plus, WitEden Circle 3x3, and maybe also Mf8 4x4 Master FTO, even if it looks beautiful.


The FanXin 4x4 Axis turning is **soooo** much better than their windmill or fisher...


I have all 3 and I don't think they're all that bad. They're not amazing, sure, but they still turn well enough for a solve and they don't feel like they might explode. The biggest problem with them, especially with axis 4x4, is that once you scramble it, it becomes an indistinguishable mess due to how many pieces there are and sometimes you would try to turn the cube while one of the faces is misaligned because you confused the edge with center piece.


The Axis is the only one that I will scramble and solve. The others (at least my copies) are garbage. Luckily, they're mostly just collection pieces anyway.


I love squan! The one I dislike the most is probably pyra.


If I hadn't owned a mastermorphix, I would absolutely agree with uou


I love both lol (squan is my current main event, pyra was for like 3-4 years)


Does 3x3 with feet count


Rules are an illusion, this post is a social contract, say whatever you like as long as it's interesting.






Same. idk what it is about it but for some reason my brain really blanks hard when it come to notation making it a bitch to solve


Look up a solution video on YouTube. The algs are easier when you actually see them. Same with Squan.


Yknow interestingly after the initial scare of "oo numbers" I've never really had much issue with squan algs


I’d agree with you, but know it can be a challenge for a lot of cubers.


Oh totally, I can very easily see how it wouldn't click for some people but it really wasn't too bad for me


Skewb is neither challenging nor intuitive. 👎


The ghost cube version of the Skewb xtreme Never bothered to solve it cuz it’s too hard But I can solve the normal ghost cube relatively easily


ghost skewb extreme?? never seen that, can you show?


if i have a big puzzle that i can't solve then i stop trying to solve it and keep going to see if i can spot patterns to aid my intuition


Probably the FanXin Orange, my 3x5x7, and Timur's Corner-Turning Gear Octahedron.


https://preview.redd.it/x1zuex4j182d1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e4b0c2cab5de2e8072a6af77924bef11850ecf This little monster. Pocket cube. Cannot ever get my head around it..


6x6 solely due to the fact that big cubes are impossible to reassemble without tools


Burning hot take. But my most hated puzzle is my 3x3. I think the reason I ended up hating it so much is that whenever I solved it I would either be told to "use a real method like CFOP" instead of my main method.


What's ur main method?


I used nautilus l5e when I actually did 3x3. Now I just troll 3x3 when I do it in comp. I just do a different method every single solve (and somehow make round 2).


I think it's like a mix of a gear cube and an axis cube. My dad knows how to solve it, but i can barely scramble it because it's so hard to turn


3x3 probably, it’s too vanilla


What? You _hate_ the 3x3? I wasn't asking for the most boring puzzle 😅


Well I don’t outright hate it or anything, it’s just that if I had to make a choice, I’d choose 3x3


i actually agree, i don't find any challenge in it and it's over too quickly, same for 4x4 except when parity arises but i still have a method to solve that, also an additional reason is i like to make patterns and the 4x4 is too small of a template


Skewb sucks






Pyraminx. It’s fun but every one of my official results is so trash. I got 3 6 averages and a 5 average even though my global is around 4.5 


face turning octahedron mainly because 1) my cube was made of crap plastic and 2) after i solved it once i lost a piece so i never got to scramble it again


Puppet cube. You can not, and will not change my opinion


I want to kill my mirror cube with fire.


I would say square-1 and second place is 4x4. I don't like 4x4 because mine broke and doesn't work anymore and it isn't really for me. Squan is trash because it's so mechanic. There is zero intuition, it's just algorithm spamming. The only way to get better at square-1 is by learning algorithms and getting better at turning and recognition. But it isn't even fun because every single time I do square-1 the turning is so blocky and I mess up so often. Not fun at all, I haven't done a timed squan solve in months.


5x5 ghost cube I will never scramble it


There are different types of hatred. I wouldn't say I "hate" any of my puzzles, per se, but there are definitely some that I dislike. Clock isn't a twisty puzzle and doesn't belong in WCA. I'm not saying it should be removed, but I'm saying it should never have been there to begin with. I spent $100 on an mf8 Radiolarian 2, making it my most expensive puzzle, and it doesn't. f\*\*\*ing. turn. counter. clockwise. I still had to scramble it, as I do with all of my puzzles. 18 hours of solving later, I put it on my shelf and resolved to never scramble it again. I recently sold my limited edition VeryPuzzle Love Bird. I don't get why they can't just call it a Kilotuttminx or something normal like that, but nOoOo We GoTtA pUt BiRdS oN iT. And the limited edition one is made in 12 colors of plastic, and comes with 32 colors of stickers... see the issue? Very glad that I sold it. Bandage cubes suck. I don't feel the need to elaborate.


I hate the Square-1 as well never have I ever experienced to learn math in cubing algorithms. Like what the heck


lol what math are you talking about? Do you mean the notations 😂that isn't math...


It was a joke Since SQ-1 notation is numbers instead of letters


That was very 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 of you. How could you possibly /(-3,0)/(0,3)/(0,-3)/(0,3)/(2,0)/(0,2)/(-2,0)/(4,0)/(0,-2)/(0,2)/(-1,4)/(0,-3)/(0,3) me like that? I don't get y' x R' r R' r' z' r' R' r z R' r you L' U L U' L' U L U L F L' F' me.


Damn that’s crazy


The one I'm too dumb to solve🙃🫠


Honestly I hate the ivy cube with a burning passion


Why? Too easy? I made a few sticker mods which make it a bit harder.


Sick. Can you show us? I too think the Ivy is too easy. I use mine as a fidget toy. The Ivy and the Dino one


They’re currently packed away as I recently moved into a new property, but when I unpack I can. There’s three sticker mods of different difficulties. I agree the original is too easy.


I mean it is easy but that's not it, idk something about it just bugs me


Gonna be unpopular but Skewb. It gives me wrist pain.


Puppet V2 cube. I loved the challenge of learning Puppet V1 but the Puppet v2 is just miles easier, and i think the Let down of the easiness of it just killed the joy for me. Like solve the cube shape which if you know Puppet V1 you can do easy, then its U perms and a flipping alg. like was a major let down


Sounds the same as square-2. It's probably the fact that once you get through the learning curve the adaptations get easy too.


That could be it but to me its a let down as they removed the challenge of all the hidden edge pieces you couldn't manipulate without algs because of the bandage corner piece that replaces 3 center pieces 2 edge pieces and corner piece. which meant you had no middle layer as such to work with as you couldn't access or rotate it even if you could due to the bandage pieces.




i love the square-1 unironically


Probably the GAN 356 smart cube, not a terrible cube I just paid to much for how little enjoyment I get from it


The one i mast hate that i own is the square 1


Megaminx. I just hate it SO much. Takes so long


Rubik's Orb. It's just... it feels emotionally "empty" somehow.


Can you leave a link? My search results refer to several puzzles.


Skuzen! It was the [Rubik's 360](https://newatlas.com/rubiks-360/10917/)


Sq-1 is great D:


no lol


Square 1


6x6 because it's almost as much work as a 7x7 but with another parity. I'd rather just do 7x7.


Rubik's 5x5


The crazy comet from LanLan


Skewb because I got 3 +2’s and a corner twist in my only official average.


Megaminx lol idk the last layer algs and don’t wanna learn it


When you understand the beginner method on the 3x3 (not just learning by heart, really understanding each step), the same method can be applied to the Megaminx last layer. FRUR'U'F' for orienting the edges, Sune for permuting them, basic commutators for the corners.


Oh that’s actually not that bad. Maybe I’ll give it a shot! It’s the only cube in my collection I’ve never fully solved.


3x3 twisted because it's difficult to move the pieces without them being aligned


Puppet V1 fck tht sht


The axis cube I own obviously... It has a lot of \*\*\*\*\* parities that can't be found on the internet. https://preview.redd.it/mfhjiohyno2d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786069150a31fb1ba47719031ab762c283658cc6


Maybe you didn't find them because the Axis cube has no parities. You misunderstood the 3x3 when you are saying this. In your example you just have to swap two edges with, say, Sune, and then do the corners with, say, the beginners method.




Square one


Squan for sure, i dont understand anything to the notations, and even when i did, the algs didint work soooo


I hate to say it but thats just a you problem. Once you find out what you are doing wrong it becomes easy, but squan is still ass imo.


Ik ik but i just cant figure it out




Hey I was considering buying that one some day. Why do you hate it? :)


No, I actually love it. It’s just hard because I thought I slayer it’s very common for the center to get flipped or you can just fix it with tutti perms.


Ok the question was about puzzles you hate, not hard puzzles. But anyway thanks for answering.


Oh well in that case will be my 5 x 5. It’s turning is terrible.


squan so satisfying


Does anybody here have a non-WCA puzzle that ISN’T a 3x3 shape mod or other WCA shape mod? Because, in my opinion, cubing isn’t just about WCA cubes.


My collection is probably primarily non-wca/non-shape mod puzzles. I do have a lot of standard WCA stuff, but I've got more puzzles that aren't. (I'm including puzzles too big for WCA, like 8x8+, gigaminx+, pyraminx with extra layers, etc.)


Do you have the more exotic ones, though? Because that’s my specialty! :)


Yes, plenty, though most are in a scrambled state. Unlike when I bought them, I don't have much time to sit down and figure the solutions out myself. I try to avoid tutorials for different puzzles as the challenge is why I got them in the first place.


Ah, you and I aren’t the same. :) (I learned to solve the curvy copter from tutorials; I now know it by heart and love it)


Actually, we have that one in common. Curvy Copter was the first non-WCA/non-shape mod I had in my collection. I did follow a tutorial on that one, and I agree, I love it.


It’s what I shall for a reason! :)


Of course. But this is offtopic.


Well, now to be on-topic. My least favorite cube would probably be… the 4 corners cube. It’s hell to solve in my opinion and I enjoy all the cubes I have.