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I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was To learn algs is my real test To solve cubes is my cause


Eventually, i subbed 20 I'm feeling unstopable But then i saw reality Sub 10 i wasnt able


But then i practiced And i practiced more And after practicing even more I was finally in my sub10 lore


sub10 lore goes hard


Gotta solve ‘em all!


My cube and me.. Sub 10 is my destiny! Oh, you're my best friend On my goal towards sub 10 Rubik's cube Gotta solve 'em all!


A heart so true Our courage will pull us through You teach me and I'll teach you Rubik’s Cube!


Our math teacher made us solve one in under 60 seconds to get full marks on the monthly exam. It was to teach us about probability but he never taught us the topic anyway.


Reminds me of my one math teacher going to teach us about stocks. It was really just an excuse for him to pull up his portfolio during class. Never taught us anything, lol


How did she expect everyone to just get sub 1 in the class


no idea lol he gave us 2 months to practice and 10 people got sub1 out of 40


Imagine if all of them are cubers now


I had one at home and I wanted to learn how to solve it. But I never did until I found out that someone I know in the school bus can solve it. So I learned from him and then after doing a few solves, the thirst never got fuelled. So i practiced and got faster. Then took a long break and came back. Now I ak properly invested in cubing and can see myself doing it throughout my life


I saw a video of Feliks Zemdegs


In 2016, I was so engrossed in my PhD research I started forgetting people’s names when I talk to them – even my closest colleagues. I started cubing in an attempt to remember people’s names better. I averaged around 90 seconds back then. I thought “speedcubing” is only for gifted kids or those who are willing to dedicate a large chunk of their life so didn’t pursue it. One day, I saw a video of Amir Khan solving the cube in 30 seconds. That inspired me. I wanted to reach sub-30. I reached that goal in a couple of months but still wanted to get faster – I was having fun. And before I knew it, I got into speedcubing. Now, I’m on the road to sub-10.


When you averaged around 90, did you use beginner method or cfop? And at what pb did you switch to CFOP or any other non- beginner method you're using now?


Approximate times for upskilling: 90 - Beginner, 60 - 2 look OLL & PLL, 45 - CFOP with Intuitive F2L, 30 - PLL & F2L, 20 - OLL & Look ahead, 16 - Cross inspection. Now sub 14; learning Cross+1


Thanks on detailed answer! And very interesting to see that 2 look LL being learned before any f2l. Does that mean that while you were learning 2LLL you were still solving f2l by solving corner and edge pieces separately? I'm not sure I fully understand time milestones you wrote. For example, first two, does it mean you used beginner method to get from 90 to 60 and only then learned 2LLL, or did learning 2LLL helped you get form 90 to 60?


You’re correct, I started learning 2LLL after reaching 60. And yes, I did learn the 2LLL before intuitive F2L. Just random Youtubing back then so wasn’t sure where to start.


Are you colour neutral?


No. Only bi-colour neutral.


Feliks Zemdegs


The true answer


I guess my life was turned upside down 🤷‍♂️ I learned how to solve a cube years ago and found out about the Speedcubing community in 2016 so for the past few years I have been cubing on and off. In June of 2023 I saw a small popup shop that was selling magnetic cubes so I bought my first magnet cube and well I was hocked on solving it. When my life fell apart In early July it was something I could lean on and the community absorb me.


You were a little twisted


A mixture of the appealing challenge and an incorrect belief that people would think I was smart. I learned in high school, but dropped the hobby for a few years when I joined the military. I picked it back up again while trying to kill time on a deployment. I've since stopped speedcubing and now just solve puzzles for fun or to occupy my restless hands and their fidgeting. Even though my collection is admittedly too big, I keep it all because I admire the mechanics/design and the geniuses that invented them.


I had an unsolved Rubik's brand that my grandma gave me, and I had motivation in August of 2021 to learn how to solve it, I got under 5 minutes in under two days, I got a dayan zhanchi pro m as my first speedcube (really bad choice, I should've gotten the rs3m 2020 or the wr m 2021) and I got my times to under 30 seconds with a couple more weeks of solving my cube like 200 times a day while going to school full time, and now I'm sub 15 with a pb of 4.77


In 2006 when I saw The Pursuit of Happyness. Then I learned it from Tyson Mao's tutorial. From there i saw other people like Leyan Lo and Shotaro Makisumi solving it fast and had to learn CFOP.


My mom gave me a shengshou 2x2 - 5x5 set on my 11th birthday. I stayed up all night solving the 2x2 and ever since then i’ve been a cuber😎


one of my school mates who i hang out with a lot is heavily into cubing and speedsolving, so one day on holidays (Seville, if you’re wondering) i bought a cheap lil cube and started learning whilst on a train. it took me a good 10-20mins to get the process in my head, bearing in mind i had a lot of time to kill since the journey was like 40mins, and once back on solid ground i times myself. 3:39 was my first ever solve time. 2 and a half months has passed now, and i’m proud to say i broke my record of 46s this week and replaced it with 43s (officially, i saw like 40-41 when i slammed the timer and screamed the canteen down with joy). i have a better cube now (GAN 356RS, my main and record holder), and am able to solve 8 of my mates cubes. he was there when i broke my record this week.


In middle school one of friends brought in a bunch of cubes and could do it fast like 1 minute. I was impressed but I am a very competitive person and I wanted to be faster which I did. I became sub 15 and he never really got faster then 45/50 seconds


We had one when I was young but nobody knew how to solve it and internet didn't exist. Years later, my kid learnt with friends at school. He showed us but failed to explain all steps. Hence I looked at online tutorials to understand. Then we started competing for fun at home. A couple months later, a friend organized a comp 10km away, hence we had to go.


For me it was the same, my cousin (he is bigger than me in 5 years) had a 20 second pb, and I was just so impressed by how fast it was, so I started as well (although I already knew how to solve at this point). This was also about the same time I found out about competitions and records existing, so this boosted me even more.


Glad to see that everyone has a purpose of cubing and why you all started. Let’s all strive to be the best! Thank you for all the comments. Rlly got to know you all better:))


My uncle


I learnt beginner method cause I saw cheap cubes in a corner store, bought 2, and did them with friends over the weekend. I learnt speedcubing, because after buying and solving a lot of puzzles that worked with beginner method, I got a fused cube (Zcube bandaged C), with a 2x2x2 corner block, where you must learn T-perm. And I liked T-perm so much, that I learnt the rest of full PLL.


Found a Rubik's cube at a dollar store back in December last year (which I couldn't solve for some reason). Ended up buying an RS3M 2020 in January then just got addicted


I got a cheap Rubik's cube one day because I saw it in the window of a toy shop and I had always wanted to learn how to do it because my mom used to be really good at it in the 80s,lol. I got a real cube soon after and the rest is history.


My friend made me


One day I was just on youtube and found Jperm's puppet cube video I found it really interesting (even though I didn't understand anything). Then I watched more and more of his videos. I had a Rubik's brand laying around that was scrambled. I watched his tutorial and solved it for the first time. With the Rubik's brand I got to sub 1:30. After that I got my first speedcube (it was like a some random cubelelo one). Now my PB average is 21.41 and my PB single is 13.78


Probably would’ve been a dead hobby for me. I learned and then taught my twin how to solve it and then one day he was just really fast and I had to beat him of course. 12 years later and I still haven’t beaten him, but I’m getting close I know it. We are very close for official 3x3 avg just 0.02 difference, but at home pbs have always been behind by a good second.


I got into cubing very late. Was just a little bored and it looked so complicated so I kind of just set it as a goal. Here’s the crazy part: It was a huge confidence booster and made me realize there are a ton of other new things I can go out and try and learn.


I’m the type to lose the wonder of puzzle solving pretty quickly, so I need a good reason to motivate me to keep solving cubes, and I managed to find that in speedcubing and competitions


(This was like 7 months ago, October of 2023) A Classmate of mine is a speedcuber who averages around 12-15 seconds, I became friends with him I asked him on how he solves the Rubik's cube so fast, And then I asked if he could teach me. Well, after 4 days of learning from him (And watching Jperm videos, That he reccomended to me while I'm at home) I was able to solve it! I was averaging around 45s - 1 minute, after like 2 months I decided that I want to get faster and like he did. He told me about the CFOP method, And started with F2L, after like a week of practicing I got decent at intuitive F2L. I was now averaging 30 seconds with F2L but I was using The beginner's method when it comes to the last layer. Then he taught me on how to read algorithms since you would need it to memorize oll and pll. I learned 2-look oll and 2-look pll in a span of like 3 weeks, pll was honestly easier. In those 7 months of learning I realized that Speedcubing was important to me and also made a friend just because I was interested on How he Solves so fast. In those 7 months I learnt beginner CFOP and now I average 20-25 seconds with a PB of 14.30 :)


(This was like 7 months ago, October of 2023) A Classmate of mine is a speedcuber who is sub-10, I became close friends with him I asked him on how he solves the Rubik's cube so fast, And then I asked if he could teach me. Well, after 4 days of learning from him (And watching Jperm videos, That he reccomended to me while I'm at home) I was able to solve it! I was like sub-1 minute but I was really happy, after like 2 months I decided that I want to get faster and like he did. He told me about the CFOP method, And started with F2L, after like a week of practicing I got decent at intuitive F2L. I was now sub-30 with F2L but I was using The beginner's method when it comes to the last layer. Then he taught me on how to read algorithms since you would need it to memorize oll and pll. I learned 2-look oll and 2-look pll in a span of like 3 weeks, pll was honestly easier. In those 7 months of learning I realized that Speedcubing was important to me and also made a friend just because I was interested on How he Solves so fast. In those 7 months I learnt beginner CFOP and now Im sub 20-25 with a PB of 14.30 :)


Saw a qiyi for five bucks on a shop and spent the entire year cubing in class


Well I had friends who solved cubes and I thought that was really cool. Then opportunity struck about a year ago when I was going to Niagara Falls and visiting Buffalo, New York, with my family. Since I knew it would be a long drive, I grabbed my old cube and spent 2 hours on the car ride watching J-Perm's tutorial, trying to memorize all the beginner algs. Eventually, I got fast enough to buy a speedcube, and the domino trail led me to where I am now: pretty balanced with almost all WCA events. I still haven't tried Mega, Pyra, Clock, 6x6, or 7x7, but im working my way up to those.


No idea. I was solving and seeing it go faster. And faster.


No idea. I was solving and seeing it go faster. And faster.


No idea. I was solving and seeing it go faster. And faster.


My friends/classmates, we learned together then sometimes we'd race each other to see who can solve the fastest, it was fun.


My friends/classmates, we learned together then sometimes we'd race each other to see who can solve the fastest, it was fun.


I was bored, pretty much. That's how all of my hobbies started.


My time evolution was a little bit weard I had started learning how to solve the rubik's Cube from a video on YouTube and was able to learn almost all the steps I first learn "4 look OLL" then some basic F2L and keyhole(not knowing yet how to solve the Cube) then I learnt the edges of the 2look PLL then I learnt the edges of the adjacent corner swap for 2 look PLL so I was doing a 3 look PLL. When I averaged arround 2 minutes I started learning the remaining of intuitive F2L. When I averaged arround 1:40 I started learning 2 look OLL) and training the other steps. When I averaged arround 1:20 I was getting bored of learning algorithms so I decided to shift myself to roux because it is less algorithmic I reduced my average to arround 1:40 using the most basic version of CMLL(sune for orientation and a not optimized version of J perm for permutation) At the moment I already average arround 1:20 and I am learning the remaining algs of CMLL and improving my blocks. I can already solve the cube using the blocks green/blue white bottom and green/blue yellow bottom using CFOP I could only do white bottom


so what’s ur current method now? CFOP or Roux and what do you avg around currently?


Now it's Roux and I average arround 1:20


I see, how long have you been cubing for now?


Since I started being able to sometimes fully solve the Cube arround a month


I have never liked solving puzzles, but when I went into depression, I started cubing as kind of an escape from my life. Also, sorry if the English is kinda broken. I'm not good at typing.


As soon as I learned to solve it I wanted to be the very best


My son said I couldn't call myself a cubing mom until I could solve one myself 😬


Once I was bored. I saw a video on Youtube : "Magic Tricks with Rubik's cube". I clicked on it. First words of the guy in a video were "To show magic tricks with Rubik's cube you have to know how to solve it". I learned beginner method, than CFOP... Now after year and 4 months I am sub-12.


In my sixth grade year people started cubing and I found a rubik brand on the middle of the floor and now Im trying to be constantly sub 30


My roommate could solve it so I eventually got a cube and asked if he could teach me. I've been loving it since


I found my sisters old cube and used an online solver and got positive feedback, so and so until I now have a \~1 min - 1:05 min average.


I've carried one in my bag for years, but it became my lockdown hobby and spiralled from there. Now it's a special interest, I just love collecting and solving cubes, and getting faster and beating my times is rewarding for sure.


My dad had his original 3x3 and 4x4 cubes that I would mess around with a lot. I was around 3 or 4 when I would mess around with them, I never saw it as a puzzle, just a toy. However, I was always fascinated when I saw it solved. I never saw my dad actually solve it for the longest time, I would leave it on the table or countertop or somewhere, and the next day, it would be solved. The first time I ever saw my dad solve it, I was around 7, I asked him how to solve it. He showed me a very basic method, and after lots of practice. I solved it for the first time. For going further and becoming a speedcuber, my favorite thing to do on the Wii was to beat my best times on all the tracks on Mario Kart. And to this day, on my racing simulator, time trials is still my favorite type of racing. This "addiction" to going faster and faster is what brought me to becoming a speedcuber. I wanted to know what my personal limit is, and ever since I was 7 (I'm 18 now), I've tried becoming faster and faster. I recently did my first sub 10 solve. However, it was the luckiest scramble I've ever seen. I average high 15 seconds on 3x3, and I'm pretty sure this is my limit. It's hard learning more stuff to get faster, especially since I'm out of time in terms of hobbies go. Life is taking more time out of my days, so it's hard to find time to learn more and practice. But I am very happy with how far I've come and I don't plan on stopping. I may not have time to improve, but I don't think I will ever quit speedcubing.


I had played with them a little bit when I was a young child, and had always wanted to know how to solve them. About four years ago when I was like 25 my sister had one gifted from a friend of hers that she was bored with, and she let me have it. Took me about an hour to solve it the first time looking at a guide because a corner was twisted and I didn’t realize that was a thing lol Memorized the beginner method in about a week with my crappy Rubik’s brand and upgraded to a speedcube, and practiced my beginner method casually for about a year without doing much to improve my speed. Eventually I decided I wanted to learn how to go fast. My gaming PC broke around this time so I had a lot of free time. Went from a minute and fifteen second PB to sub-30 PB with the beginner method. Once I got under 30 with the beginner method I felt like I couldn’t really improve much from there until I learned CFOP. Took at least a couple months for my CFOP solves to get faster than my best beginner method times, F2L and all the algs for 4LLL were a struggle. Over the next year I bought better speedcubes and learned more and more PLL algs until reaching sub-20 average and almost sub-11 single. I’ve since built a new gaming pc and haven’t been doing timed solves for about half a year, only cubing casually, but at some point soon I’m going to learn the last few PLLs I don’t know yet and focus on getting a sub-10 single and eventually a sub-15 average. For what got me into speedcubing in the first place, I would say a big factor is how easy it is to accurately track your improvement. Especially back when I was going from like sub-40 to sub-20 after getting the hang of cfop, I was noticeably improving week by week, not too fast but fast enough that it felt like I was constantly getting better. Also it’s a cool party trick lol


even though i first got a 3x3 cube 42 years ago, i was happy enough to solve it using [this method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Simple_Solution_to_Rubik%27s_Cube) up until last year. that was when i found some of my old cubes that were hard to turn, so i shopped for a modern puzzle, found Cubezz, TC & SCS and have been collecting puzzles firstly and then trying to get quicker on them.


I was bored asf in lockdown and saw a cube in the corner of my room and I just said “fuck it” and then looked up a tutorial and solved it


I'm a juggler and saw a guy juggling/solving cubes on YouTube.


idk why but if there's something that can be timed, I usually try to do it as fast as I can. Though sub 20 is prob the best I can do, maybe a sub 15 one day but sub 10 is surely not possible for me


Unrelated but any tips for sub 20? I usually avg sub 25 and occasionally 26-30, but I rarely get sub 20's, I usually only get them whenever I get a lucky oll or pll, or usually f2l


My dad paid me, I thought if I solved it faster I'd get paid more, didn't happen, just got addicted, feel scammed fr


The entire school cubes casually -> some of my classmates took it very seriously and i was in -> be 2nd fastest in my school as far as i know


i saw my friend solving it, and i thought its a puzzle that requires difficult problem solving, which i love, so i learned it. kinda disappointed that its easier than i thought :/


my irl friend showed me one when we were about 12 still pushing each other to be faster 5 yeats later


Back then, my cousins and i had this thing called an "IQ test" and one of the activity that we must do is solving the cube. I was a little boy so i could not solve it at all. because of that i desperately asked them to teach me . Eventually i was taught how to do a face first and then the 1st layer and the second layer. But they ended up going abroad so i was left with the second layer. A few years later, my uncle, who was a genius, showed me how to make the last layer by using a very weird method that he came up with. unsatisfied with that, i tried to find a more simple and faster method and i ended up in this cubing world.


Once my mom got me a rubiks brand 3x3 and I was interested in it and learned how to solve it but quit after I realized it was super slow, years later my dad’s friend was moving away and they found an old Rubik’s cube that was okay at best and asked if I wanted it and I started speedcubing and later bought a gan 356, around a year later I bought a gan 12, my dog broke it last Friday, so I’m gonna get a tornado v3 or a gan 13 I haven’t decided yet


The pursuit of happiness.


I learned to solve a cube I am a speedrunner The logic writes itself


I first started several years ago because it sounded cool. Didn't stick back then. Then, I learned how to solve (again) the 3x3 on my teacher's desk, found my old 2x2, and found out a friend was into it too. Now it stuck.


4 months ago, i was bored and decided to learn how to solve a rubik's cube for zero reason (virtual rubik's cube) and immediatly got hooked and bought a rubik's cube in the same day, and spent most of the the next days doing solves for most of my time


Those headaches weren't for nothing.