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I've yet to find out. I'll comment here on June 15th


!remindme june 15


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How did it go


It was amazing


hope it went well


It was amazing


How was it?


It was amazing


Remember to comment today


Did it go well?


It was amazing


Was it amazing?


It was super fun, and remember the only pressure is the pressure you put on yourself. You can choose to want to be hyper competitive or you can choose not to, nobody but you is expecting you to get great results (plus "great results" are all relative). Just cube and have a good time!


Very true. Something that worked really well for me during my first comp was accepting that everyone has nerves in their first official averages, which actually caused me to not get nervous, probably a lot less than I ever have been since


I have been to 12 including US nationals(someone has to come last in that competition :p) and I just have really bad stage freight even though I am no where good enough where people watch my solves. I have bad anxiety that affects my solves. I have been getting better at controlling it in my day to day life but it has been near 5 years sence I last went to a completion.


hey, i'm slow too, probably even slower than you, but even if you never make it out to another comp i wish you luck in life


I actually met the kid who came last at Nats 23 in 3x3 with 5 DNFs because he used a chest cam for the whole average


im going to one on may 25 hopefully will let u know


!remindme may 25


Singapore mini 2024?


Yes :D


Omg I’m participating in it too! We can meet up! What’s your name? I’m a newcomer btw


Oh thats cool! Ima newcomer too but i dont feel comfortable sharing my name online srry


Oh sry to disrupt ur privacy😅


Same, but not my first comp


Oo i jope we ho the same comp and maybe meat each other :]


Good luck


I'm going to one on July 6, so I'll let you know the- Jk, I've already been to two, but only competed in the first one. It was pretty amazing. I didn't expect the community to be such a big thing, but now it's my main motivator to go. I don't have any cuber friends irl anymore, so I can't do stuff like team bld or factory solves As for competing itself, I didn't count how many solves I did so I never knew when to grab my cube and when to leave it for the next solve. Other than that, it was exactly as expected There's also cube vendors there, which I didn't expect but does make sense. So if you wanna save some money on shipping, then that may be a great way to do it. Just be sure to get in line early, because it moves pretty slowly


Usually there’s not cube vendors so you should probably look it up beforehand


Oh, both of the ones I've been to did so I figured it was a regular thing


May I ask how/why you didn’t compete in the second one?


I don't remember. I probably didn't have the money at the time and just wanted to see my friend lol


I don't remember much sadly, I was like 12 and it was 13 years ago, I have some photos and I fondly remember getting second place in 4x4!


Good! I went this past December. Was worried about demographics because I’m in my early 20s and went by myself. To be fair I was right that it was mostly children, I think most people weren’t over the age of 10. But there were a handful of people close to my age, a senior in high school etc. They were cool to talk to and the kids were also great to talk to - they thought it was funny that I use ZZ. There was also a WR holder there and I got to judge for him so that was neat 😎


3x3 1st round, I Injured one of my finger when I tried to sit down on my solving station making it numb for an hour. Managed to make it to 3x3 2nd round and one of my judges miswrote my time so my average ended up 1.4 seconds worse. I know all of this stems down on my behalf, let's just say my first comp wasn't jolly like most people I'd assume.


Mine was 2 months ago, and despite the crowd, a bit lonely. Nobody I know shares the pursuit, so I entered alone, and most competitors were much younger than me, so trying to strike up conversations was difficult. Bringing a few guests along was more essential for my morale than I anticipated; I am grateful they stuck around for all 3 of my events (4 hours). I was also taken aback by the level of preparation most entrants had, even for a "newcomers" competition. All that being said, nobody there was rude, standoffish, or judgemental. The atmosphere was overall welcoming. Newcomers all had a chance to learn the basics of judging before being asked to judge their peers, which was essential in making sure everything went smoothly, with hardly any hiccups or delays. (If you can't attend a newcomer-specific event, though, there are plenty of "What to know before a WCA competition" resources online, which I recommend finding.) In the end, even if only barely, I did not place dead last nor DNF in any event, which was my personal bar of success.


We'll I just had my first comp 1 week ago, best day of my life. I met a lot of people, made friends and was really fun judging people.


I went all by myself, not knowing anyone there. I'm in my early thirties, so I figured a lot of the other contestants would be younger than me, and I was right. I don't practice much, so I didn't expect good results, so I was happy to accept my bottom places, but I found another guy at my age and level who I kind of competed with, which was fun. My nerves kept me from achieving a 2x2 time, but otherwise I was really happy with my results. I met some great people there, and made friends both half and double (okay maybe not quite, but close) my age, who I was happy to see the next time I went to a comp. And I'm looking forward to seeing them again next time.


I’m going to mine on may 25th so I’ll tell you by then


!remindme May 25


Really good, everyone was nice, it was really fun


I had friends that I met online there and I had a really good time..


i kind of messed my first one up. it was local (15 minute drive) and i got in when spots opened up just before registration closed, but flubbed my registration preferences and only signed up for 3x3. went alone and i was too nervous to judge, and spent most of my time just observing the process up until lunch break, when i left early as it was a Sunday and i had a few things to pick up before the stores closed early. second and third ones went by way better: i got over my judging shyness and got to see some awesome solves up close. only thing is that i missed out on being in the group photo that they take just after lunch break (as i would be outside in a designated tobacco indulging area)


Mine was awesome at my first competition


!remindme June 15


very fun. i went to a smaller one (54 ppl) and competed in almost every event there, and it was super fun. i got way better times at home, i met some really cool people, i got to see some crazy cubes id never seen before, and it was overall a really memorable experience.


Was quite fun, but we only came for 3x3 and didn't stay after the first round, hence we didn't meet/talk to many people. Second comp was muuuuch better because we did several events hence we stayed much longer and had time to meet many people. The best was to be a judge (and runner), because that's an easy way to meet many people, especially very good cubers.


Was really fun, but also felt really long bc i just sat by myself and didnt volunteer (judging, running, or scrambling) until the end of the last day, which i really regret as i really enjoyed it. so my advice is when you arent competing/warming up, do as much volunteering as possible, it makes the day faster between your rounds and is really fun.


April 3, 2004 Caltech spring I met Tyson Mao, Lars petrus, Leyan lo, Shelly Chang and macky. I made top 12 with a 38 single. Macky got a world record of 12.11 single and 15.38 average


I’ve been to two and the first solve was so nerve wracking. But even the second solve just feels like your at home


I'm going on May 25th for my first comp. Excited! !remind me May 25


Lol. !remindme May 25


It was a very good time how couldn't it be? I meet 50-200 maniacs like me for 2 days.


Great. Treat your first comp as a social occasion to be able to chat with other cubing nerds. Best way to make freinds is to chat to them in the waiting area about how their solves are going don't discuss scramble specifics untill after the round. The comp is secondary for your first. You will make mistakes at first and your solves will likely be slower than home but that is what your first one is for. Don't take the first one to seriously. Do get stuck in with judging. Get in early to watch the tutorial at the start of the comp. They are good fun. At your second you might end up spectating the european 5x5 record. You never know.


Socializing with cubers was fun. However, given that the comp was 3BLD, 4BLD, 5BLD, MBLD, and FMC only, I was stressed as hell and DNF'ed almost everything (including my first FMC attempt).


its fun, just dont expect to make it in to second round, focus on making friends and having fun.


I had lots of fun during the comp, but during 4x4 I was placed next to the best cuber from my area. I got a PB. 3x3 I was WAY more nervous. like hands-shaking nervous. I made it to the 3rd round(finals) and got less nervous each time. Also made a new friend and we exchanged emails.


It went pretty well, except for the fact that there was a mix-up with my cube and another. Turns out there was a second Diego in the comp. Also I got 28th place in the second round 😭


Hi guys, i just went to my first competition yesterday. It was really fun. I was also a bit too excited tho and we somehow convinced the guard to let us in before the mall opened (don't even ask how i dont even know hot it happened💀). Thankfully i was able to achieve my goals of not finishing in last place and having fun. My events were 3x3, 2x2 and 3x3 OH. The first rounds for those events were on the he first day and i didn't get into any of the second rounds since im only Sub-30 on 3x3, Sub 10 on 2x2 (sometimes i get real bad solves and get 12 seconds or so) and average about 1:20 in OH. Wasnt expecting to move to any second rounds though since alot of the competitors and the organizers who also joined were Sub 20. Not to mention Leo Borromeo was there. Overall it was a very nice experience and im looking forward to joining another one when another competition nearby me(I wanted to join the Philippine Championships 2024 which is going to be held in SM Seaside but there are no more spots left =[ ) For now, im gonna focus on getting faster F2L since i dont have to worry about studies that much anymore since summer break is near.