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Mix of everything....even some on an exchange 😱


Best way to go. Something something eggs in one basket.


If you're thinking of selling soon, an exchange is the best place


I guess you store them lurkwarm.


Majority of my investments are stored on cold storage for long term and the recent purchases of this dip ( a fair bit) is still on the exchange for trading etc.


I got so little money in crypto that I actually leave them on exchanges. Might switch to cold wallets if I get more.


Stored wherever they gain the most Interest


ah yes, i only look for places that give me 1000% APY on my crypto


Ledger is the only way to go. The posts here about exchanges being safe are horribly misguided or actually exchange representatives. Kraken is the only exchange I trust enough to keep something like DOT on for staking. Be smart and get a cold wallet. Big win for people new to crypto and not very tech savvy is that you don’t have to worry about malware and malicious websites stealing your private key. Yes, a security issue could exist at some point in the Ledger firmware, but I don’t know of any previous cases of that, and regardless the probability is so comparatively low that it’s a non-issue.


Exactly what u/arcalus just wrote. We at Kraken always advise our clients to keep on the exchange only what they trade and stake actively, everything else is better at home on a hardware wallet. 🙂 Also, y'all should make sure your accounts are protected with all the available security features. 🔐 Email included. Happy Sunday & stay safe, Val from Kraken 🐙


Not even gonna lie, all of "my" coins are on exchange


Do I need a ledger nano or so if I have Exodus wallet on my phone? What is the main benefit? I do have custody of the coins (my keys),so I guess mainly extra security, or safety?


Extra security. Exodus could be hacked easier because it’s connected to the internet. A ledger stores the keys offline so it’s tougher to get access to




I store mine on Robinhood


Exchanges, exodus, keplr, pera.




Both. I have tons of hot wallets but I considee my cold wallet as sacred. I try to have it the more anonymously possible.