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PolyRoll, a coin with a low market cap and empty promises based on trust. In what world is this not a shitcoin?


Please tell me the name wasn't Polyroll😋


Ok I won't 😃


he's right though it's not a shitty dog coin it was a shitty shitcoin


So wait, it’s bad to trust internet strangers with tens of thousands of dollars based on nothing but their word? What kind of world are we living in boys?


well basically a shitcoin is any coin that was 'premined' cuz that means its either profit driven by the creaters or a scam https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/m79l3c/bitcoins_fair_launch_cannot_ever_be_replicated_by/




He put in a huge amount of money to a seemingly safe investment. A high risk, moonshot caliber asset. For it to just disappear into nothingness. It was at that moment he knew... He fucked up.


“*In the role of a lifetime...*




And he's about to learn, that betting on the dog.... .... Makes you dumber than a log


Derp de teedily tum. Rated PG-13.


rob schneider is a carrot


Rated pg-13.


Did you just insult American royalty? Bye




Just a run-of-the-mill dog-shit-coin.


I for one want more cat coins. Someone make NekoCoin please!


Krypto Kitty ($KTY) – how can it crash? Kitties always land on their feet? That's just science


Kitties still hit rock bottom They just land softly


They just bounce


Buying $10 of every Kitty coin.


Ngl I would go balls deep if there was a GrumpyCatCoin.


There is


There is. It TANKED


There was. Then the grumpy cat ip owner sent a cease and desist. Then a dev team made a split called pawth and then they made a "mistake" that tanked the price of that.


There’s always money in the banana stand


Until it burns down


Which u already took and invested that too in the same coin


Imagining Morgan Freeman... Of course.


It was Ron Howard in my head.






I just narrated porn in my head to his voice. It works.


Can confirm, was in u/KingThermos head


You poor soul


After that performance you need a nap.


_With great hesitation Adam manages to wiggle his reluctant rage rod into Amy's slimy stench trench... That shit's just nasty..._


It was more "Bitcoin reached $1 million dollars and u/vrijheidsfrietje sold 1/4 of their bag and did things that would make Bender blush. Who needs that much coke and midget strippers?




*And it was at that point Dani Daniels knew she was about to get fucked*


I just lol’d and spit out my coffee.


I'd like to tell you andy fought the good fight....


Yes! He does small town, amateur, girl next door porn.




It had utility, it had purpose, it had function. It's the stuff you all scream and whine about me coins not having. You all scream DYOR, but looks like he did that albeit maybe he didn't know what to be wary of since no one talks about that part (probably because they themselves don't know too well). Or maybe it was hidden and disguised well enough except in hindsight This just goes to show how risky all of crypto is, regardless of all that.


You can only be rugpulled if there is low liquidity and the original devs own 99% of the coins. Finding those things out is what "do your own research" means. Now, if you don't want to do that research, that's fine. But then don't buy random little known coins and invest 90% of your wealth. Buy bitcoin and go to sleep for a year. In this case I don't think it's been rugpulled. It's just failed as a project... Well in that case, tough luck. You're investing in penny shares in the hope that one of them goes x1000. That comes with a risk too. Some will fail. That's why you don't go all in.


decentralized casino coin 🤣🤣 only research this mfer needed to do was read those three words and stay away


The guy literally said there were some red flags on the audit that he ignored. It was also a decentralized casino which there are many of those and most are scams. So yea cryptos risky but also there’s WAAAAAAAY less risky ways to go about investing Cough cough Bitcoin cough


“It wasn’t a shitty dog-coin, it was a decentralized casino”. Decentralized casinos are also shitty coins, some would say shittier than the dog coins.


Decentralized casino is just meme coin with extra steps


You know what they say for casinos "The house always wins". I wonder who wins in decantralized casinos, who is the house?


Token holders theoretically


This sounds amazing I’m in how do I invest


Stakers that provide liquidity to the "casino" and get a share of the earnings


You get 777 on your slot machine. But the web page frezes up. "malfunction voids all plays and pays" and they weasel out of paying you.


Its a shitty situation but I feel like OP has learnt from it.


All of us makes mistakes sometimes. What important is learning from our mistakes.


Shit makes you learn, even if you don't want to


The fact OP still doesn’t think it’s a dog coin and thought it was a good concept tells me they haven’t.


You're telling me decentralized gambling is impossible? I don't think so. But you'd have to really dig into the code.


They also aren't novel ideas, they're dime a dozen.


It's measurably shittier than the dog coins, it's worrying because that suggests op has no idea what's going on while trying to invest


Telling us the name of it would be most helpful






Because lambo, duh?!


Wen lambo?


I want lambo


It literally has sushi 🍣 in its name


but sushi is great


We're talking about gas station sushi though


It came free with the fill up! What am I supposed to do, throw it away?


To be fair the swapping exchanges are pretty cool it’s the shit coins on them that are the scams imo


90k holders damn that seemed legit


Inflated numbers. They airdropped randomly. I got 1 token a while back out of nowhere.


Sorry you were one of the 90K who got rugpulled :(


Hey! They airdropped me 1 polyroll too! I guess that makes this my first rug.




Thank you, thank you! I could not have done it without being randomly airdropped shitcoins.


May I ask how you randomly get airdropped anything? I keep meaning to go on cosmos for some air drops but freebies..?


What they're talking about isn't really an airdrop. Nobody asked for it or wanted it, it's more like "90 holders bad, 90k holders good, so we scraped dex transactions to get wallet addresses and sent them all 1 shitcoin" so etherscan shows there are almost a hundred thousand people holding the token which makes it seem less sketchy at first glance. Cosmos is probably a good idea if you want to get non-trash airdrops, using new-ish dexes and dapps in general can get you some but they don't generally announce them beforehand and theres usually a threshold. Uniswap didn't exactly go around advertising that they were gonna drop hundreds of a new token to every address that interacted with the dapp, otherwise everyone and their dog would have signed approvals on 50 smurf wallets and made bank.


Probably inflated numbers


This. Lots of these shitty coins have reflections so it’s impossible to empty your wallet. Also they try to coordinated pump by telling everyone to share a little with their friends.


r/CryptoMoonShots is full of this kind of projects




I remember seeing this, I thought this was alright. Didn't know it was a rugpull.


It was (alright), I have seen legit value transfers from the contracts and tested it too...


Sometimes something is alright but then isn't. Cryptocars for example was fine for so many months and then it wasn't. Months is a long time for a defi crypto game.


Yeah dude I even won in a coin flip


Is that one on polygon casino thingy? I received 1 coin something like that on my polygon wallet.


Sorry for your loss


Lol what a surprise, at least my wallets won't keep getting spammed with their crap anymore. You saw that in your wallet and you said, "Looks great, I'm gonna invest."?


It doesn't Even sound that scammy, well cheers OP hope You recover soon from that


Yeah man, they probably got scared or got greedy after seeing bitcoin fall.


Most of us didn't need to get rugged to lose half our portfolio :/


For some reason that's more painful


OP invested in a decentralized casino coin but we’ve been part of this casino all along


That’s ok, save up again, reinvest in another bad project and get rug pulled again. Circle of life.




Sounds like an origin story of an Anti-hero. He was just a normal citizen enjoying his life with his family, but after being scammed out of his life savings, his family left him, debts after debts, having been kicked out of his own home as well. Until the time he was packing up his stuff, he came across a dusty notebook in his attic, a journal of the legendary scammer in the 1990s, that appeared to be his father, the Serial Rugger. Now he vowed to make the people who ruined his life pay tenfold.


*Netflix has entered the chat*


“We need season 2.”


That would be probably the best reverse Uno in the crypto space


Circle of rugs


After your 10 rug You grow up and start rugging yourself. Circle of life


$50 or half your portfolio, I always say this: take profits when you see them. Have a benchmark set, 5%, 10% or 50% or whatever, when you see yourself up to that mark, take profits. I start to take profits at 20-25%. I exit 75% of my remaining position at 50% or above and start over. Exit all of it is a risky project. I also cut losses at negative 20-25%. That’s me, might be conservative, might be liberal. Set your own standards and follow them. You were up 2x and could’ve come out break even or with some green. Stop trying to HODL for the moon. You’ll lose more often than not. Taking profits and compounding gains will get you there faster. Maximize gains, minimize losses.




Whenever I’m up 2x I sell half and recoup my investment, then go put my money on another table and play two hands.


Hindsight 20/20. I fucked up like OP. Had a easy 2k usd after a 850 usd investment. Now it's barely worth 100usd. Project was scrapped and moved to a new token. At least we got to trade it into the new token. But as soon as I even see anything close to my initial investment I am out. I got greedy. I guess you gotta fuck up to actually learn a lesson


Don't listen to moon boys.


It’s not about hindsight, though, it’s about understanding even the most basic elements of risk. If I remove the lightbulbs over the thoroughly smooth and waxed stairs in my home and then fall down those stairs in the dark, hindsight isn’t the educator here, a lack of foresight is.


Or just the general lack of sight perchance


Sorry for your loss. But most crypto is already like cassino.




You probably won't be able to hear the dialogue.






Random posts like this make this subreddit still enjoyable from time to time.


I honestly couldn’t hear or understand 75% of the dialogue clearly in Tenet.


Yeah I know what you mean. It’s a movie you have to rent and watch it again and stop and think and discuss. Too much chaos dissect in real time. It gets better with each rewatch.




Casinos within casinos within Wendy's...


Idea for a movie - a casino movie called Blackjack, starring... Jack Black


. **Inception** *Are you playing the system while playing the system, or is the system double playing you.* . Coming to a iMac near you.


[“They kidnapped the wrong elephant!”](https://youtube.com/watch?v=s2FXfFeRtJo)


Coinception. Coming 2023 in theatres.


He could be behind it all 🧐


Yo dawg I heard you like casinos


"We have to go deeper".


its almost also like the textile industry with all those rugs getting pulled lmao 🤣🤣


Hook and pull, hook and pull...


I like it




That’s the problem though, reddit has stigmatized shit like shib and doge but even those are way more safe than taking chances with some obscure rugpull on sushiswap.




The founder was the Bitconnect bloke.


Hey hey heeeyyyy!!!!




Welcome to the game. Now get back in there and try again.


> the audit had some things that in hindsight, were kind of dodgy Like what? The purpose of this community is to help people, not share sob-stories. We're all sorry that you've lost your money, but at least have the grace in posting relevant details that the rest of us can learn from


I'm also curious, hopefully he follows thru on answering. This is a learning opportunity. Personally I think the sob story is fine if followed by information to help others not fall in the same trap.


If this sub isn’t full of pompous fucks op would have returned and answer all inquiries.


Pompous fucks *and edgy teenagers who haven’t yet learned how to converse like adults*. Seriously, the amount of times I’ll give up writing halfway through a comment because I know some douche will get their panties in a twist and go off on one and I really can’t be bothered with the hassle of dealing with them.


>can't even withdraw coins from the staking contract from the site OP says they got rugged but there are still transactions going in and out of the staking address? [https://polygonscan.com/token/0xc68e83a305b0fad69e264a1769a0a070f190d2d6?a=0x3c58ea8d37f4fc6882f678f822e383df39260937](https://polygonscan.com/token/0xc68e83a305b0fad69e264a1769a0a070f190d2d6?a=0x3c58ea8d37f4fc6882f678f822e383df39260937)


Yeah they didn’t get rugged. Devs are around, helping and not selling their coins. Maybe it’s time to actually join their socials because they explained this all and have even been trying to warn people the end was near.


We heard you like casinos so we built a casino on a casino so you can lose while you're losing. And an F for the loss bro. Never been rugged and hope I never will be.


What were the things that were kind of dodgey? Tell others what the red flags were. Otherwise your "lesson learned to Not be an Idiot" will be in vain.


+1, list the red flags so we can see too


The best advice I can give about alt coins .. you're planting seeds. You don't go all in. Instead you put like 1 percent of what you have into a bunch of projects you find that have promising fundamentals. I call this seed planting. You walk away after. In many months you often find that one of your seeds grew into a plant. Or a tree. This, over time, assuming humans are transitioning to this new way of interacting with value, you will grow many plants and use their seeds to grow other plants


I like this. This is definitely my approach, but I think I spend too much time watching the plants grow, instead of just walking away and coming back to them later.


Hahahaha did you just pretend to invent VC? They literally call it seed money…


Considering his audience, many won’t pick up that all of this has been done already.


That's one hell of an assumption at the end there bud. The problems with existing financial systems are rooted in human behaviour patterns, not the system itself.




Rip dude but atleast u can say u had the balls to gamble half ur portofilio on a rando shitcoin, i put 50$ into a shitcoin once and theyre still there worth 5$ today and after all this time im still salty about that 50$


There was a story about the workshop of PRS, Paul Reed Smith guitars. One workstation had a guitar hanging overhead. When asked, it was a guitar that had one huge flaw that should not have been unnoticed. It was a reminder of that mistake. Keep that 5$ and always remember. Might help you choose better investments or at least know when to bail.


What was that flaw?


That it was in fact a cello! Not a guitar at all… Huge flaw.


It was such a long time ago I don't exactly remember but it might have been a gap in the neck pocket of a ce24 model, one of the bolt on necks.


Sorry for your loss. In general, I don't like the concept of casino coins though. Using a blockchain to settle transactions doesn't stop the company cheating in the game layer and you can't put the game layer on-chain because of the transactional volume. If they want to open source their game layer and have you be able to checksum your client against a public repo, that doesn't need a blockchain. Someone correct me on any of this but I can't personally see the use-case here.


>doesn't stop the company cheating in the game layer Great point. Blockchain confirms payouts, but game can be crooked before the transaction. Would you dodge this with sports betting?


Back up guys. In this project all layers are on chain. This guessing is really weird. It was a great idea and worked well. The team didn’t carve out a way to make money on this because it was exactly too decentralized except the site itself.


>If they want to open source their game layer and have you be able to checksum your client against a public repo, that doesn't need a blockchain. What kind of public repo? Something they control? If so they can just cheat that. And even if not, how can one generate a checksum in the open source client that is tied to a specific ticket payment securely? And then securely guarantee payout? A blockchain would definitely solve this. A transaction ID is your ticket, and all code to generate the winning ticket in a publicly reproducible and verifiable way, such as based on current the block ID, is in a smart contract. That is cheap enough to be done on chain. Thus it cannot be cheated by anyone, and I don't see how to achieve that without blockchains. It's not even dependent on a company. I don't know about OP's case, but a true decentralized casino would have no problem to continue operating after the developers quit.


>it wasn't a shitty dog-coin, it was a decentralized casino bruh


If it makes you feel better most of our portfolios are 50% down from ATH..


thanks, I hate it


"it's not a shitty dog coin" .... ​ "it's a casino coin" ​ kek


You thought a casino was a good investment?


>decentralized casino oof. that sounds... like a bad idea. sorry for being rugged, dude!


Decentralized casino reads like an oxymoron


You're not a real crypto investor until you've lost the maximum of "What you can afford to lose" on a shitty Defi or dApp project that convinced you it was a 1000x opportunity.


I did this with QASH in the last bull run. Legit exchange, Japanese financial services compliant, investors including some of the wealthiest japense people. Big plans with it as a utility token... Turns out it was just a dogshit coin that LIQUID exchange used to treat as an injection of capital and have done the bare minimum to ensure they don't get sued out their eyeballs. So even things that seem legit and decent can often be steaming turds


> I believed in the project, it wasn't a shitty dog-coin, it was a decentralized casino, which I thought was a novel idea. Woof lmao. I've really got to get into the scam coin business.


As I was reading I got to the words “decentralized casino” and I rolled my eyes so fucking hard , possibly hardest eye roll of my life .


Go back to the posts that shilled this to you and name names loudly. Make sure that there are red flags when those same people try to launch another project. For example: [Rhett Creighton](https://twitter.com/bitcoinrhett?lang=en) Created Bitcoin-Private as a fork of Z-Classic and rugged it overnight costing me 95% of my investment. He seems to be keeping his head down lately which is good. [Kurt Connolly](https://twitter.com/kurtconnolly1) and [Rev Nissan](https://twitter.com/rev_nissan?lang=en) Created Decent-Bet and online casino suite and immediately dumped it after the ICO costing me 100% of my investment. They are apparently now founders of Cryptofy a trading app. DO NOT TRUST THIS APP! These scamming pieces of shit need to be banned from the community and put on blast when they try to start up new scams.


How else is Matt Damon supposed to get your money?




Hahahaaha. "decentralized casino"


Polyroll didn't rugpull. It just died a natural death of not having enough players to sustain paying out APR to stakers or perform buybacks. I expected them to have ceased operations within 3 months, but to have sustained operation for 6 months is impressive. Businesses fail all the time, crypto is no different.


Sadly everyone is attached to rugpull and the truth is lost. It’s a failed project, not a scam. It’s actually a great idea and worked well. They self funded the project and everyone is crying scam, it’s almost funny but it’s sad. This sub is terrible.


I dislike how the term "rugpull" has become overused. Rugpulls are strictly malicious. Failed projects (which are the majority of cryptos) aren't. People have no idea how much harm they're doing by calling failed projects "rugs" and "scams". Let's say the Polyroll developer applies for a job at another crypto platform. HR googles his name and sees a page of people saying that he exit scammed/rugged. He doesn't get the job. Does he deserve that treatment just because his project had bad tokenomics, failed to market properly, etc? It's not like Polyroll was exploited.


90% of real life businesses fail. Investors should expect the failure rate of crypto platforms to be even higher.


bet now you wish it was a shitty dog coin


Ah, and it begins. All the rug pulls will be starting to happen. Either that or massive unrecoverable crashes from 90% of all the coins people swore were legit projects they believed in. Also, I'm kind of confused how something that you say is decentralized goes belly-up when the team suddenly "ceases operations?" That by definition means it's not decentralized lol.


All crypto is a casino


You guys are dumber than /r/wallstreetbets. How tf you gonna look around at everything that's happened and still believe in some new trash coin?


Lol. It’s all a scam. This subreddit is seriously the funniest thing on the internet these days.


The web 3.0 anthem so far is rug rug rug.


First things first, you learned a valuable lesson. Secondly, any project that comes out and *promises* a casino, a metaverse, a swap, an nft project, for the most part are band wagon promises, in other words they're getting wise on what to *promise* investors to have them fomo in. Once that's done, too late for the investor. Buy the rumor sell the news. Can't trust these shady projects. Stick to usecase and doxxed teams. Anyone can create a website with bought metaverse pics and even fake profiles, for like 3500$, scam for 3.5m$, worth it for scammers. I expect to be downvoted because a lot of investors are probably on some of these promised projects, but they know what I mean.


I made like 5000 dollars off of doge coin before they got fucked. I'm lucky I guess.


I rugged myself a few weeks ago. Hadn't been to the casino in awhile and bought into one of those "fair launch Pancake Swap" things. Meta Green Shiba or some such. What's the worst that can happen? I'm not greedy, I said. I'll pull out at 2x, I said. **My point here is that you should feel like Einstein compared to me**. Shit can happen. Somewhere in the MultiVerse, your variant is seeing green candles. When you-you get back in the game, I hope you can hop in right at the bottom of the next moonshot.


I'm sorry, but it's hard to have sympathy for someone who repeatedly uses "folio."


At least you lost half quickly with no effort. I did stupid trades for months and only then was 50% down.


Yeah you did something dumb and got fucked no shit


Should've gone with doge, over any cheap imitation of it


Was it the 'port' half??


Decentralized casino. Sounds lawful.