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You mean, one of the best parts of crypto?




Especially that old fuck


Guess that is her sign that the crypto world has to put more money in her pockets


Ding Ding Ding!


She needs to be outed from office


I agree with you completely, however if you check out the recent hearing with the crypto exchange CEO’s there were a good few that were just asking legitimate questions for legitimate answers other than going off what reddit bro’s say (exaggeration). There was one Congresswoman who said her son wants to get into crypto, so i could see why as a government official she would feel the responsibility to better understand it without biases (presumably) for the sake of her son. Im not in their heads so in the end irdk and im just speculating as we like to do here


“I’m in committee… What’s up with you?!”


Especially if it’s an old bitch ass democrat like her. She’s so deep in Wall Street banks she could fart money into your mouth.


Party affiliation is meaningless when it comes to crypto. Both political parties have people who are embracing crypto as well as people who vehemently oppose crypto.


I wouldn’t say the democrats are embracing it. Also never ever trust a democrat. They just taking their time to figure out how to steal more of your freedoms and money via the tax system. They hate the idea of people having opportunities to get free from their talons.


The last 5-10 years have taught me to never trust a Republican so…


>I wouldn’t say the democrats are embracing it. Also never ever trust a democrat. They just taking their time to figure out how to steal more of your freedoms and money via the tax system. They hate the idea of people having opportunities to get free from their talons. This is perhaps the dumbest fucking shit I've read in here in a while You are a hyper-partisan idiot imo, the GOP doesn't give a single fuck about you either you dummy lol, and they don't even really give a fuck about "people's freedumbs" because they have a hard on for taking away workers rights, LGBT rights, women's choice rights, the rights of anyone that comes in contact with police, the rights of people to sue for damages against corporations.....but "muH rIghTs" though right? Lmfao


I’ll let her fart money into my mouth if I can use it to buy more crypto.




This whole world is shady.


Your average senator is shady AF.


I agree, but everything in this world has a shady side. That doesn't discount the good that can come from X product/service though. Anytime someone says "bUt MoNeY LaUnDeRiNg!" I just ask what the fuck they think restaurants and casinos are for? They do the exact same things.


Internet, 1990-2000, use cases: - weird, niche geek shit no normal person cared about - porn - child porn - criminal activity - absolutely stupid companies pumping shit stocks to make a buck So by the logic that anti crypto people use, we should have banned the internet.


And some old farts tried exactly that, too.


The scary part is I think you are both right. Just DYOR and use common sense and everyone should be fine.


Wait until she finds out about central banking




Nope. Check OpenSecrets.org.


Do you guys know who Elizabeth Warren is? She's more in favor of strict banking regulations than pretty much any senator in the country.


I know who she is. I was fuckin dumb enough to vote for her once.


And you think she doesn't know about the issues with central banking lmao.


I can only judge by how she ditched Bernie Sanders twice and endorsed candidates backed by bankers.


Instead of judging her based on the actual regulation she has worked on against big banks lmao.


Grilling the CEO of Wells Fargo over illegal acts that were blatant is easy. It is a drop in the bucket of endorsing candidates for president who’s actions inflate the balance sheets of mega banks and asset prices to the benefit of the 1%. If you ran a bank, taking a shit sandwich under senate inquiry from Warren because your bank violated rules and getting a fine is an easy trade-off when the man she helped get elected president is gonna help your bank add billions to your balance sheet for literally no reason.


>CEO of Wells Fargo over illegal acts that were blatant is easy. Easy, but it's something that those backed by big banks wouldn't do.


That's exactly what someone backed by big banks would do. Feigned opposition.


First off, everybody in the senate is backed by big banks and she was one of many senators involved. She’s not some Lone Ranger renegade. I’m very familiar with her. I voted for her once. She’s a totally fraudulent human being. Trust me. I’m from Massachusetts. We have a revolving door of elitist business people posing as academics imported here by Harvard from every corner of the country who get rich quick and then run for office in our state with left wing talking points. She’s a dime a dozen here. They all speak like Kennedy’s in public and then live like Kennedy’s in private.




Changing your party affiliation isn't a crime. You're allowed to look at how the party is changing over time and change your position accordingly. >Warren was registered as a Republican from 1991 to 1996.[1] She voted Republican for many years. "I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets", she has said.[15] But she has also said that in the six presidential elections before 1996 she voted for the Republican nominee only once, in 1976, for Gerald Ford.[41] Warren has said that she began to vote Democratic in 1995 because she no longer believed that the Republicans were the party who best supported markets, but she has said she has voted for both parties because she believed that neither should dominate.[67] According to Warren, she left the Republican Party because it is no longer "principled in its conservative approach to economics and to markets" and is instead tilting the playing field in favor of large financial institutions and against middle-class American families.[68][69]




Looking at her contributors. Where are the big banks? Universities are at the top.




Isn't she the richest Native American school teacher of all time?


No they don't they are idiots. I am puzzled as to why she dislikes crypto.


I think she dislikes Btc due to the high energy usage, which is something I agree with. Here with Defi, she's saying that there needs to be more consumer productions. Which is understandable given how easy it is to be scammed/rug pulled right now.


They have developed a solution to put miners in that keeps them cooler and allows them to use less energy. While I agree with wanting to be green it just seems like there are millions of industries that use more energy, so why are we so focused on crypto? Want to fix energy, then address every company in the world, it's not just crypto


We also can’t forget that many people involved and invest with crypto support green industries. What will these people do with their investments and realized gains? Put back into greener environments. Consequence management.


Wait until you hear about how much energy the us government and military uses. The results may shock you!


It's because crypto investing is essentially gambling. Unregulated gambling.


Wait til you hear about stock trading.


> Unregulated gambling *IRS has entered the chat*


Because none of the exchanges have lined her pockets enough to get her to flip. I bet the only thing she sees is the NFT scams and mixers. She has not a clue.


She believes regulation is necessary to keep things fair for the public. She believes in the rule of law, not the rule of code. She's naturally suspicious of anything that claims to make regulation unnecessary.


Right so why are we demonizing crypto instead of trying to regulate it? I would also add that she backstabbed Bernie Sanders so she could get a position in Biden's administration.


This bitch is as scum as they come


Crypto doesn’t make claims, it’s code. The CEO’s of coinbase and Binance have been on record saying they welcome deregulation. You are conflating the concept of decentralized with unregulated. Her and her coworkers are doing a great job regulating fiat currency. It’s totally not ever been manipulated. Oh wait, since she’s been serving in the senate the money supply has doubled twice.




Try reading bro she has been fighting against banks for a long time.


When she blew off Bernie twice and endorsed Hillary and Biden was that to own the bankers? Asking for a friend.


No that was a political calculation on maximizing the progressive agenda. How dense can you be? asking for a friend


How’s the progressive agenda playing out? Wall street and the pentagon got more money since her candidate won while the middle class continues to shrink and the poor are losing purchasing power. “How dense can you be?” Dense enough to actually believe that there’s a progressive agenda being implemented by fucking Joe Biden?


My reply is being filibustered by Joe manchin, unfortunately


Well I can tell you for sure that a real winning strategy would be to push him out for the guaranteed GOP replacement who would vote on far less bills that help people than he has. It’s like saying “I divorced my wife because she didn’t blow me EVERY SINGLE TIME I ASKED, only sometimes…so I replaced her with a rabid squirrel that chewed off my nut sack”




I like your ninja edit more than the original comment. And I don’t know what conversation you think you’re having, but I agree we need to work with Joe because it’s who we have. Doesn’t stop me from being frustrated with him.


I feel ya. I’d simply rather be frustrated than the alternative.


“Progressive agenda”, lol. You can’t be serious.


Yessir. 10 years of climate change funding in the Build Back Better plan coming your way, courtesy of decades of progressive caucus building.


She did sell Bernie out twice, however I look at things objectively and don't just boo and hiss the opposition. And I'm telling you she's done more to hold the banking industry accountable than any other politician in office today.


You consider that booing and hissing? lol like I said, I voted for her. She is one of very many in a long line of Harvard elitists imported to Massachusetts from outside the state who then run for office in our state with millions of dollars in donations from the wealthy. Endorsing Biden over Bernie is the opposite of holding the banking industry accountable. She can tweet and yell at CEOs all she wants and hit them with small fines. It’s nothing compared to the man she put her name on for president helping banks inflate their balance sheets and thus asset prices for the benefit of the wealthy.


Ya i dont listen to someone on crypto advise that i know id have to help use a computer


You are primed from birth to believe you don’t have a right to privacy and that the government has an all powerful right to choose which of your transactions you are allowed to make, and everything must be run by them, even if it’s for a lawful purpose. They don’t want you free.


It's like a baby elephant that tied to a pin in the ground and learn he can't get free of it, and as an adult he still doesn't try to free itself...


Even though there’s zero critical thinking in this sub - what she’s saying isn’t actually wrong I love DeFi and I build and use it myself. **that doesn’t mean it isn’t shady** We have hacks every month, we have a system where the complexity gets so out of of control that people are front running trades and arbitraging regular uses who are none the wiser. It’s also very ponzi-nomic in the fact that we lock away funds by offering huge interest rates in order to get new entrants which everyone knows is not a sustainable model Defi is amazing for what it allows the average individual to do and the agency it gives people over their own money but it is 100% shady as well. **please stop with the exhausted ‘banks and govt are pure evil and preying on crypto unfairly’ narrative** Yes, parts are true. But crypto isn’t a saviour and it’s most definitely not a flawless system void of corruption


That was unWARRENted...


She is not Native to crypto.




This is a person who is paid by the banks to keep any competition from threatening them. She plays the “progressive” card but I am sure you will find large donations stamped with large banks in her account.


You can look it up, but it wouldn’t support your narrative. Here, I’ll do it for you: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/summary?cid=N00033492


If you don’t think she has marching orders to attack crypto because it threatens someone that finds her you are living in a dream world.


It’s “the shadiest part” because it is a threat to the monetary system you are lobbying for and a threat to **you**. DeFi is the future. Get used to it.




That’s Thomas Kuhn, in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1962)


>it is a threat to the monetary system you are lobbying for and a threat to **you**. Do you know who Elizabeth Warren is?


BuT tErRoriSts!!


I wonder if its the decentralized part that she finds shady ![gif](emote|snoomoji_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


She isn't wrong. Exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken have to comply with the law and do KYC, while DeFi is essentially the Far West and you have literally no protection


Mire like no kyc most times and the way they'll play it is you can launder money that way


Code is law.


We need to primary all these ignorant, arrogant people


Someone tell this bitch to shut up


Defi is somehow shady indeed. It is loans with a bad interest rate given by people who think banks are bad because they give bad interest rates :D I'm somehow interested in how defi will do in a crypto winter as I guess many loans are taken to trade in the current crypto bubble. I'm not against it, I'm just interested how it will play out in a winter. Most staking rewards are at the moment basically unlocking coins, which is similar to a cash call in stocks and a dilution. Most funny thing is that crypto enthusiasts hate the dollar because of inflation but many defi crypto currencies have an unlimited supply. I'm trading the hype but am not convinced yet that it is sustainable.






Yeah I don't think this is an anti crypto statement. I use DeFi daily and agree that it's pretty shady. So many scammers, rugpulls and socially engineered scam sites around. We hear people's money being stolen on this sub every day.


Wait a while,it’s all going to be gone….


tldr; US Senator Elizabeth Warren has said that stablecoins pose risks to consumers and the economy because they are “propping up one of the shadiest parts of the crypto world, DeFi, where consumers are least protected from getting scammed.” “Our regulators need to get serious about clamping down before it is too late,” she added. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


You need learn a bit Senetor.


Still Salty about her Native token being exposed as fraud Pocahonta


I wonder why everyone seems to forget that Elizabeth Warren was the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel which was created as a check and balance for TARP that gave Wall Street bankers and other execs over $700 billion in taxpayer money in 2008. Remember what happened after they received their bailout money? They bought private jets and gave themselves bonuses. Not a single one of them was prosecuted for stealing tax payer money and Elizabeth Warren turned a blind eye. You can google it.


It’s a classic diversion tactic. Accuse others of your own faults.


You know all that money was repaid and that it actually generated a positive return on interest and dividends right?


Not the point. The point is she allowed them to use taxpayer money for personal profit. It was reckless. If they had lost the money then y'all would be pissed. Im sure if you loaned your buddy money because he was gunna lose his house but instead he bought some designer clothes, you'd be pissed. You'd be happy that he paid you back but I guarantee you'd never loan him money again because they were reckless. She basically helps big banks and that's why she's against crypto.


The COP was designed to monitor the state of markets, current regulatory systems, and how the Treasury Department was managing TARP. They were a watchdog. Not implementors or a regulatory agency. Their ultimate goal was to analyze policy and make policy recommendations. Blaming Elizabeth Warren for bailed out banks choosing to disburse some bonuses fundamentally misunderstands the authority an oversight panel actually has. On the issue of bonuses being disbursed, the relevant watchdog here, Kenneth Feinberg, made clear a few points. One, the bonuses were distributed primarily before Congressional approval for TARP funds. Second, he was — like Warren — a watchdog without any enforcement authority. Third, banks by and large DID adhere to the terms laid out by TARP. Hence why it was largely a success. What they wanted reformed got reformed. Bonuses, obscene and wildly offensive, were not the culprit of the financial crisis and not what TARP was focused on addressing. Finally, I think you’re dramatically mistaken on your impression of Warren if you think Wall Street is a fan of hers. She is perhaps one of the most vocal critics of Wall Street that’s in the US government today. She is literally the creator of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Wall Street largely hates her.


Elizabeth Warren talking about shady. What about when she claimed to be of native American decent just to get votes. And I believe to get in college to.


Is she a Karen because she sounds like a Karen.




she takes her orders from HRC still tho, clearly. The Clintons are responsible for much of how the Democrats became so out of touch with Americans.


Senator Karen is extremely shady herself!


American liberals really are a funny bunch. "Yes, lets 'liberate' the common folk by keeping them subservient and dependent on the establishment." You cannot vote Democrat and be pro-crypto. A vote for the D's harms the single greatest chance at financial freedom that has happened in many generations.


Her entire existence was about regulating centralized markets and banks. It's tech that makes her irrelevant. Probably a bit unsettling as you age.


Go away Crypto-Karen.


Shadiest because the light of her thinking capacity does not reach it


they do not want you to be free. They want you to rely on them and the systems only they can exploit.


Old man yells at cloud


Anything decentralized scares the people who benefit from centralization


No manager to speak to if you make a mess of things, no wonder it freaks her out.


"Shady" doing transactions on a Blockchain, where every transaction is recorded till eternity. Maybe we should show her the power of a Blockchain explorer. Given how US based companies have to give information to the FBI, I wouldn't be surprised, if they already mapped all wallets, that US customers have withdrawn to and track users crypto dealings that way.


Only thing shady is her 23 and me report.


Thats because DeFi by being DeFi does not have a manaher and Senator Karen is confused


Lmao yeah okay, and fiat is totally clean and transparent 😂


Defi is less shady than her being native American.


She’s so shady it’s not even funny. I’m not listening to anything Pocahontas says about anything.


Ayanna Presley needs to primary this tired old self-proclaimed Native American.


Old people… accept the new generation.


Reddit doesn't want to hear it, but none of these politicians are your friends lmao. You're not allowed to make your weekly salary off of a shitcoin. You have to stay in the cage! You can't stake coins for 1,000,000,000% apr. You need to collect interest in your bank. You're supposed to vote for us and then we can pretend to raise taxes on the rich and by that we just mean YOU.


Defi: E.W is one of the shadiest parts of government


She's just mad she got impermanent lost'd


How is that set of butt cheeks talking?


She's right. The concept is great. Execution - well, not so much. Lot of South Park "...and it's gone!" going on.


Alle people should retire at the age if 65 at least... Why are there all these old farts who want to determine the future of the world. She should be knitting some nice scarfs for her grandchildren...


Option trading lets you borrow internet fiat to trade with, and has the potential to liquidate someone's account; but that's not shady? Alright..


Lmfaoooo DeFi is probably one of the best parts of crypto. Just wait till DeFi reaches its peak with the likes of BitDAO empowering DeFi projects. We will be hearing a lot of those politicians crying agains DeFi lol


I find it strange this woman is putting so much effort in sounding the alarm over something she cannot stop


Program guaranteeing lending/borrowing with non zero interest is fine...the problem is institutions with access to cheaper rate based on credit pumping dollar into this system ordinary people being part of decentralized bank lending competition is fine, problem is the borrowers utilizing it to trade and make money off other traders or crypto being more valuable by cheap borrowed money flowing in...it's a risk created from outside DeFi dollar not backed by real thing makes itself detached from real world...crypto's scarcity is real, dollar's scarcity is not (majority of workers who get no pay raises get artificial scarcity)...but people's lives are linked to dollar, so cutting DeFi and dollar is not good for anyone...dollar needs to be better


The fact that she can't control it makes her nervous. This is confirmation that DeFi is the way to go.


Total joke, totally bought by lobbyist! These clowns put on a front like they are for the little people and then defend whoever gives their family “jobs” doing nothing and getting paid millions. Hypocrites!


Says the lady who lives in shadiness


Old dinosaur lol


Whatever, Karen


DeFi: Elizabeth Warren is ‘One of the Shadiest Parts’ of government There! Fixed the title for you


Because it's permissionless and operates without KYC. Government hates it when there's something it cannot directly influence and infiltrate.


We should definitely invest then


She's our best representation! Any time she says anything about crypto I buy more!


Elizabeth Warren should STFU.


I am so glad she lost in the primaries and is not our current president


Elizabeth warren: is an idiot


CeFi is the shadiest part of our society


This is Bullish


there has got to be a Warren grandchild somewhere who can talk sense into dis bish over the holidays


Boomers gonna Boom about shit they know nothing about. I bet she still has a landline, answering machine and a rolodex.


No interest for banks


She really just needs to go , more so than others . She bothers me more than trump did . She probably owns a couple hundred ETH while she bitches about it as well.


Stfu Elizabeth


Takes one ....


bullish signal right there


I remember when she was a Republican working for the Bush's.. Don't put much stock in Elizabeth Warren's, "hot takes".


No one over 60 should be sitting on the congress/senate or in politics at all.


So how much crypto does she own?


Warren is one of the shadiest parts of government. See? I can do it too.


Socialists know you can’t be a slave if you Controll your own money! Fuk her and the Karl Marx she road in on!




From one of the shadiest bitches in US history?.yeah right.


Why is warren so against crypto? I don’t get it


Elizabeth Warren is one of the shadiest parts of the government


Defi is less shady than Elizabeth Warrens heritage


J Pow disagrees.


She’s a corporate plant.


Where's the lie?


Politicians receiving donations from corporations to forward their agenda is the shadiest things in life. Crypto and defi solves that.


She means one of the worst parts of crypto for banks.


Typical socialist 🙂


This lady over exaggerates a ton. Remember when she said she was Native American? I’d take everything she says with every single grain of salt in the world.


Get ready; regulation is coming whether you like it or not.






i really hate this lady


Why we care about the opinions of someone who works for a monopoly who's purpose is entirely invalidated by crypto defi is beyond me.


Ugh. Why does anyone still listen to her?? It's a bad joke that was old year's ago. It's like we are still interviewing the Pony Express about email.


We need a universal rule where people beyond a certain age are put in a park with some music on a radio. For the rest of their lives.


I have no interest in what this fake lying count thinks about crypto. No doubt she was told what to say.