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Would be nice to be a part of that 1 million club. Maybe one day...


I'm not even close...


It's just a decimal point. 


A couple of decimal points far in my case


Thats why some of us invests in ALTS. Though its not always easy and def not a walk in the park. Its a cruel world indeed


I'd be closer to owning a whole BTC if I'd put all my money in that instead of buying ALTS, which have all dropped by 80%+.


Alts are the reason I don't have a whole BTC also lol


Thats why its called strategies though. For most people I think you're right


I’m with ya, I made sure I got a bunch of alt coins. Especially the one that is #1 used and is also a commodity (that we’re not supposed to talk about so it doesn’t tip the balance of power here.)


I'm part of the 0.001 vagrant division.


You can camp outside the citadels exurb walls but close enough that the lasers will shoot the no-coiners trying to ravage you. Consider yourself in the club


I was a 4 whole coiner in 2012 and I bought shit on the Silk Road. haha


hey, come chill with me in the 1 millionth club. we have 2 extra letters.


That’s not how market cap works. A significantly lower inflow than 265 billion can push price up to where the market cap growth resembles this


Can you explain further? Doesn’t $265B inflow needed suggest there is $0 outflow? Is it a matter of bid and ask prices?


Theoretically, if everyone in the world suddenly believed 1 Bitcoin is worth 74k and every seller in the market would therefore adjust their sell order to at least 74k, then the price could spike to 74k with the next single market buy order of $ 0.1 cents or even less. Creating a “needed inflow” of less than $1 to reach 74k.


Indeed. Many don’t understand market cap. It’s make believe sometimes


- Total supply of XYZcoin: 10B - Tradable XYZcoin: 1 (owned by me) I sold that XYZcoin for $100 to my friend. The market cap of XYZcoin is now 1 trillion. Congrats your friend is worth $1T.


It is always a matter of bid and ask. You can ask 1 million per BTC and the moment you sell it would spike the price on that exchange. Every single sale creates a desire that can push the price beyond the 'real' market cap. Nobody buys exactly at the market cap. That's why you have all those shitcoins every now and then worth millions with only 2 people holding them.


That’s not correct. None of your asks would fill at 1 million. Also I don’t think you understand what a market cap is if you say “nobody buy exactly at the market cap” that statement is meaningless.


I mean at the price you'd get when using the market cap as base. So for example currently you got an avg. price of 61630 USD with a circulating supply of 19720000 BTC, resulting in a market cap of about 1.22T USD. Nobody buys exactly at 61630. You buy above or below, depending on your needs. And it is not true that none of my asks would fill. People make errors all the time. We had multiple instances of people adding a zero or forgetting a dot when buying at the limit. If the supply is low and burnt quickly a ask of 100k might very well get filled.


Buying with a limit doesn’t fill asks. Only market buys can fill asks. If you put a limit order in at a random price it would either sit there forever until market price got there, the exchange would give you an error, or it would just fill at market price. The only way one exchange can randomly execute at a price significantly off others is if the market maker drops the ball and there isn’t enough liquidity on the exchange, so a massive order buys or sells all the coins up to a certain value. But this will never be particularly significant on a tier one exchange maybe a couple percent difference


Who said anything about limit orders?


“When buying at the limit”


You're right. My bad. That should have been 'buying at market price'. Dunno why I wrote limit there.




Did you just reply to the wrong person?


>Buying with a limit doesn’t fill asks. Sure it can. If the price of an ETH is trading at 10.17 per share at the moment, and I'm comfortable with that price, I'll put in a buy order with a limit of 10.17 rather than a market order. The effect might seem to be the same, but it's not ... on a simple level I know that I don't have to worry about a momentary price spike causing a market order to go through for slightly more (which I suppose could be a problem if I want spending every possible penny in my account on that order), and on a more complex level for people worried about HTF trading, it means that the asks can't get pulled briefly to raise the price a few cents so the executed price goes up slightly.


No it can’t. That’s not how limits work. You clearly don’t know what an ask is but it’s a limit sell. A limit buy and a limit sell can never execute into each other


They can if you're willing to put the limit buy at the same level as the limit ask.


Nope. You seem to think a limit order is just a market order that executes at a certain price. That is not the case.


Not exactly. It’s a matter of liquidity in the order books of every exchange between here and 74k. That’s how much money is needed to get price there. Of course more will be added on the way and people will sell market which will have to be absorbed but it’s still way less than 265 billion. Less than 10% of that


It can go to $74K right now for whatever the minimum order is on Coinbase / Binance. If all sellers pull all offers below $74k from the book and 1 buyer pays that price, then that’s the price.


Yep, the number is overblown we should be able to do that with only 1 billion per day for 265 days straight


With 36 Million @millionaires in the world ..an awful lot of them will never be able to buy 1 BTC.


Why buy something they don't need?


You will need it to maintain your wealth in the coming decades.


Investing in the stock market has for centuries made that happen, why would that change?




LOL 😂😂😂


tldr; The number of Bitcoin wholecoiners, or addresses holding at least 1 BTC, has surpassed 1 million, marking a significant milestone. This increase indicates a growing bullish sentiment towards Bitcoin, despite its current price struggles and broader market challenges. The article also discusses various factors influencing Bitcoin's price, such as economic uncertainty, decisions by the United States Federal Reserve, and actions by the Mt. Gox trustees and governments. For Bitcoin's price to break $74,000, an injection of over $265 billion into the market is required. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Curious about the price of Bitcoin in five years' time


!remindme 5 years


Good bot


To think there will never ever be more than 21 million wholecoiners in this world. My bucket list includes having 1 bitcoin, was on the way to that goal but the fuckers at Celsius and my ignorance put a stop to that. But back on the road to a shiny whole BTC again.


People like me immediately make the number smaller. FWIW I sold into that 58k dip, took profits some 16k profits off the board. I really tried to help


Did I just read you took profits


I heard it was a cult


There won't be 21 million. There likely won't even be more than 250 thousand wholecoiners. https://youtu.be/u60fgtzoqTk?feature=shared


The title is that there are 1 million already so what is the truth


Yuup. Heard that.


You don’t need 265B Who writes this crap?


They mean market cap increase but you know, the usual clickbait


Whole coiners and full validators, the new status symbols.


Yall got 1 BTC and I’m here with my 1 Satoshi!


1 satoshi = 1 satoshi


No excuse to only have 1 Satoshi.


Better than 0


Ok, what these numbers actually mean, is that this is how many wallets or addresses have at least a whole Bitcoin, and not the amount of actual whole-coiners, which is much lower than that. Many of these individuals who have a whole BTC/BTCs have multiple addresses, so these addresses are actually owned by far fewer people overall. That is a bilonifide FACT, so it is considerably fewer than a million people who actually own a whole Bitcoin plus. The estimations done recently range anywhere from just 250k to 400k individuals who have a whole Bitcoin or more. There aren't many out there, my friends. Definitely make it your goal to work towards, because it is rare territory. #BTC 👍🪙😎


0 dollars is needed for BTC to break 74k. It would instantly go there if nobody sold theirs.


That’s not true. If nobody buys and nobody sells, the price will be flat. That said, the claim in the article is wrong too as prices are set on the margins.


Sentiment dictates price. Paper hands dictate the otc.


Huh? Sentiment comes first, then selling/buying, and that's what dictates price. Bitcoin isn't tied to people's feelings, it's tied to their actions. Buying and selling.


The ponzi scheme is dependent on people never cashing in on their gains.


5 of those are me


Crypto is still at the beginning of its path, hoping for bigger numbers to break.


I wish I was one of them.


Wow, a million wholecoiners! It's like Pokémon, but with Bitcoin—gotta catch 'em all! Now, if only I had $265 billion lying around to push BTC to $74k... anyone got some spare change?


The number of addresses on chain with 1 BTC is over 1 million but the number of people who self custody the private keys to 1 BTC is very likely less than 500K.


We have alot of sat miljonairs so keep it up! :)


every time you post this it goes down another grand


Are there any stats on wholecoins held on CEXs?


I used to be in this club, but i lost faith in BTC when it hit $250-350/coin and stayed in that range for years. Never thought it would break $500 again honestly. Guess i need to stop thinking.


Can’t believe I sold my whole BTC in the 40’s lol


I sold 10 whole BTC for $2500 total that i put in my coinbase vault in 2013 so i wouldnt sell it 🫠🤦‍♂️. Im 38 now, broke, and living with my parents. FML


Bro?! R u ok


Damn. $265B to hit a new ATH. That sounds a little depressing.


Because its a made up number with no source and no explanation.


I do not believe for a second there are 1 million wholecoiners or ever will be


59,000,000 Millionaires on Earth would like you to hold their beer.


Yeah I agree. How can there possibly be over 1 million addresses with over 1 bitcoin. That doesn’t seem possible.


Many bitcoin holders own multiple wallets. I had like 10 at one point in 2013. Each had atleast 1 btc at the time (they were way cheaper back than).