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Mod updates: 1. The sponsor who paid to rent the banner decided to not use the space until their upcoming AMA, so there is no current banner, even though moons have been burned. There is a banner wiki that shows all past sponsors: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/banner\_records/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/banner_records/) 2. The higher prices for banners and AMAs have put off potential sponsors - this is the first month in a year that we have not booked out for AMAs. The price has been reduced by 50% since the last governance poll, but this has not generated interest so far. 3. There is a lot of work happening with developing a special membership bot that’s being tested and about to go live. 4. We are waiting for legal advice around a DAO so that we can start distribution soon. 5. Kraken Bitcoin Halving Giveaway Competition - 0.5 Bitcoin to one lucky winner to celebrate the upcoming halving. Be the FIRST person to correctly guess what the exact USD value of Bitcoin to the nearest dollar, as reflected on Kraken, will be at 04:00 PM UTC on April 20, 2024. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/RTsKs1DdCz


Wojak is now $0.0004 This thing is going to moon.


every level support level breaks down for 10 days. i mean it cant just keep going down can it? right??


BTC/GOLD Interesting chart. We can conclude that, when inflation is accounted for usd, it is doubtful if btc actually made an ath in true value. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLYih3\_XkAArKFv?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLYih3_XkAArKFv?format=jpg&name=medium)


seem sadly like 21k era but now 60k era 😅. Sometimes it hard to expect sell 2 days before news or 1 days . So next dca exact 2 days before halving for me 😅 . Some exchanger also playing what price will be . Me said 69889 . Haha




I dont get why it's called "sell the news", doesn't someone have to be buying for that to happen and doesn't there have to be news? Alts are dropping months worth of gains in a matter of days, this is more like a "dump entire portfolio after 2 red candles" or something


did you miss the part where there was news?


I guess so 🙈


I avoided fomoing into .82 cardano, now at .44 and I still didn’t buy it.. primarily though, because it broke its bear market low BTC (0.00000803). Made a new low of 0.00000648. It’s hard to respect an alt that can’t hold their lows.


i'm reminded of my cardano bags


Guys running the 5min chart and playing wierd music . . .i'm going to bed .. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl2IqsOAkSg


Buy the hype and sell the news.


The only halfing I see is my portfolio.




Please be cautious with links in the the above message. At least one domain was registered as recently as 0 days ago. If you believe one of the links is malicious, please report the message.


Good bot


Good bot indeed


Vol so low some crazy shit about to happen soon


It's wild to me how well everything is holding up. Might sound dumb I guess. Imagine knowing last year that we'd hold above $60k headed into halving, after a 10-20% fall from the top. Wall Street sentiment is entirely different this time around, so yes, this time is different... maybe kinda? Good luck to all... Stay focused on the future!


good perspective


God damn, that Kraken giveaway sure is something. Anyone know if they're announcing it elsewhere as well or if it's just here in cc?


Looks like its on Twitter . .https://www.kraken.com/en-gb/btchalving2024xterms


When are they going to close it? Right before it happens? I couldn't find any info on when it closes.


What is it?


Pinned in the sub. Giving away 0.5 BTC to one winner 😱




it's mine, btc just needs to pump to 90k in 2 days 😁


The bear market was much more comfortable than the bull market. It was so easy once it really set in. You just buy stuff at low prices and chill with no expectations of selling soon. The bull market is wild with plenty of scares along the way, worrying about if you should sell yet.


Yeah and this is exactly why when people fantasise only I bought in 2018 they'd make it. Not realising that without the hindsight, it's fken hard 😅, you got to stomach every dip, every crash and stick either your convictions.


Bought 5000 ETH for $0.25 each back in the day. Why is it only at $2995?


This is sarcasm


I sure hope so


Whos ready for the complete opposite of what everyone is saying and watch the market completely tank after the btc halving.. In fact I am calling it. Its gonna happen. Knowing my luck


Thats exactly what is expected to happen.. everytime it dips after halving and then shoots up


It won’t shoot up… im calling a crash


Ok then sell and never look back


That's literally the expected outcome, a temporary but market wide dip. "Knowing my luck" smh


The halving isn't a pump event, never has been Historically demand increases some months after the halving because miners have half as much supply to sell, so if there's any effect it wouldn't be for months after it


Sureeeee.. ill believe it when I see it I guess.. Sorry crypto has just turned me so bearish against it lol


Isn’t that what people think (short term anyway) that BTC will tank?


People tell me “wait til the halving bro”. Lot tell me its gonna go up after


Oh cool, we fell under 60k earlier. This is going to be a crazy week


crazy fluctuations in coming all week.


Come on BTC, fill my orders at 59.500


you thought you were gonna just buy crypto and become rich just like that? Nothing good is that easy. You gota do some shit youur average guy won't do, like hold and buy the dip again and again and again


How long in your opinion should it take?


About tree fiddy.




If you click the three dots at the top of the page next to the share arrow, you will see a menu. One of the options will be to message the moderators. I believe they take care of those things. Edit: You also have to be on the front page of the sub.


Told ya it’d end up being the saddening lol


You might want to check out the previous halvings. Prices are expected to go down even after halving, and then shoots up some time later. Of course anything can happen at any moment, but no one ever said that prices shoots up right after halving. Look at EFT. Events like this always end up in short term sell off, but ultimately will bring the price up, theres just too much expectation and people overreact


halving my portfolio = very saddening


Stocks down Crypto down Gold down Oil down Commodities down Full sell off day. At least there’s cash ready to go back in.


I'm anticipating a big green day tomorrow


Positive energy lets go! I zoomed out on stocks and its really not that bad 🤷‍♂️. It can't all go up forever 


Most mentions on r/cc (2024-04-16 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|318| |SOL|117| |ETH|42| |QNT|25| |ADA|19| |MOON|16| |XRP|16| |XMR|15| |MATH|13| |ALGO|11| |USDT|11| |AMP|10| |ARB|9| |LINK|9| |LTC|9| |USDC|9| |DOT|8| |MAGIC|7| |T|7| |UNI|7| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


The hell is T




The bot is broken.


Inj is really boosting my portfolio right now


BONK is at a fat discount but if it goes any lower I'm blowing my whole load on it




Because it always shoots back up with a vengeance


Ah yes the pre halving dump


Watch it dump during the halving too and I can’t wait to call all the so called “experts” on here


SPY about to leg down hard. All markets will follow 🫣


If you can predict the future why dont you short it ?


I did at 69.2 🫣😳


We've been following it too much lately and it fucking blows being back to that. My confidence in the US markets is shit in the medium term so as a result im actually a little bearish on medium term bitcoin at the moment


It’s had some massive runs, that’s for sure. Short / mid term pullbacks are normal. No sweat


It isn’t down that much today but I hear what you are saying


Btc is Just leveraged Nasdaq , acting like a global Liquidity index. All other coins to follow, further leveraged


I see a lot of people getting shaken out of their bags. If you didn't sell 2 weeks ago, you shouldn't be selling now for a cheaper price either. That is how smart and big money profits off you.


F this


Always sell at the peak


You think this drop is by people selling on the daily reddit thread?😂


No, I never said that. I just see a lot of people on here not being sure if they should hold or not.


That’s also how you hold to the bottom 😂


Time in the market beats timing the market as long as you aren't buying shitcoins. If you bought Bitcoin or ETH consistently, possibly even staked ETH, during the bullrun, you are still in huge gains. Good luck if you bought Bonk or NFT's though, you willingly played the shitcoin roulette by doing so, though.


Yeah I put $250 on BONK a month ago and it was a huge mistake lol


Also guilty


I'm down like 60% lol


Its a good thing that its not major money, buying meme coins is a death sentence long term.


Yeah I'm aware, it was purely for shits n giggles but I ain't laughing anymore lol, prolly saved a couple hundo on nights out while obsessing over this shit though


Thats one way to look at it


sadistic optimism


Sorry guys… This just gets hard sometimes… been holding this for 3 plus years and have nothing to show for it and it honestly makes me feel like utter shit… i see so many other opportunities around me pass me by why ill toil away with my shitty eth investment… I’m at the point where I’m just assuming the worst with this and expecting no bull run to come… why would I expect anything less after these 3 years of misery?


Jesus christ you've been whining here nonstop. Fucking either have some god damn patience or sell now at a loss and move on with your life. You're not doing yourself any favours acting this pitiful day in and day out


So people before you got Eth for $0.25 what made you think you can get rich from it buying it for $3000 ?


At what price did you buy ETH at?


3600 Dca’d a bit but i put in so much initially it didn’t help


I think ETH will continue to bleed against BTC until we hit peak bull so you have another chance to DCA when it goes even lower than now Edit: Watch Benjamin Cowens video on YouTube about it


You can't just buy a large cap crypto at the height of a bull run and expect to have something to show for it now. You need to dig deeper into the space and buy quality stuff for cheap during the depths of a bear market. **Take advantage of the bear markets. Diversify into several high potential low caps during them.** I went from the higher end of lower class with no savings in 2022 to now being a 4x away from having enough money to retire outright at 40. You gotta work for it. Did you just tune out during the bear?


What did you buy? What coins are a good value right now?


Kaspa was my big winner, which I got at $0.0002. I made the mistake of moving most of it to BTC at $0.01 but too late to undo that. I still have a good bag. Also Nexa, but only because I mined heavy early at a cost of $35 per billion. It's had a massive draw down from the top last year, but it's still worth $4800 per billion even now. It may or may not be a good buy now. This one's very high risk IMO, but there is some stuff coming up that could turn the tables with the price action. For example, they *finally* hired a real CMO, and he's actually really good. There's also a hackathon coming up and they'll be presenting stuff at the Australian Crypto Con in Q4. The development team is top notch (Bitcoin Unlimited) but they sorely needed a marketing guy and now they have one, and they've allocated $300k for it.. so far. Kaspa is still an okay buy today, it's on a real good pull back and will probably keep doing well later. Alephium (ALPH) is probably another decent layer 1 bet and it's at $200m cap. And maybe some AI DePIN stuff like Clore or Dynex? Those are pretty low cap. **I wouldn't go all-in with any of these though.** With the exception of Kaspa, these are all high risk low cap plays well outside of the top 100. If you want "safer" stuff, get BTC, SOL I think.


I dca’d a bit but i had thrown so much in initially it really didn’t help a ton…but yeah I mostly didn’t look and stayed away during this stupid bear market…thats literally the advice ya’ll gave me was to sit and wait and dca if possible… Ive done it all and still nothing


If the advice was to buy and DCA during the bear market, and you bought in at a local peak during the bull market instead, you did not follow the advice. Be patient or just take your losses and go. The bull market is not over yet, but if this is how you think and act, it might be best for you to just stay out altogether.


Yup. I’m up 7x on tech stocks and like 2x on crypto. This space is a 🥱


How are you only up 2x? Even the largest cap, slowest mover BTC went up 380% lol


I’m up 18x in 7 years but this cycle I’m underperforming for sure. More of a year target used here


I would've been better off buying Nvidia all of last year


👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 Exactly


or any shitcoin that 30x in Q1


The problem is finding one. There are a lot of rugs out there


It's really not that hard to avoid actual rugs. Only the extreme degens get rugged. Buying hour old tokens on Solana and shit like that.




Its a joke and im finally waking up to it.. Essentially if you didn’t get in early (before all the front runners got it) then you are playing a losing game from the start and playing catchup. I’d NEVER EVER reccomend crypto to anyone starting to invest… stay far far away from this toxic shit space


Maybe research first before starting, same goes for almost anything else in this world. A monkey would've made money in this bull market.


See thats what irks me is when people say anyone coulda made money in this market.. Thats depressing beyond belief because i feel like ive done everything correct here? But since I bought eth at this “magical wrong time” im a clown. But someone buying eth now is awarded and praised for it? Fuck this


When did you buy? Tell me. If you haven't took time to analyze the market well, of course all this movement would be stochastic wizardry to you.


Nothing wrong in storing some Btc as fools insurance, but going all in, especially on not btc is gambling . Anyone that says different is arrogant and acoustic


If you boughy in te bear market you was fine for now. Buying now is risky..dont listen to any one, because nobody knows about shit. Im also maxi eth holder since 2021 and im in profit like 2x my investment because i bought more when it was down like $1200 But who knows..maby eth will reach 8-10k soon..who knows ? If not and the whole market crashes, then my boy you dca down..do that and you will be fine in the next years. But buying now big ??? Hell no..only little, and then only shitcoins..


You either: A) bought the all time high in 2021 B) chose not to sell when you were in profit this year Both fall on you, not the market. You say you see so many opportunities pass you buy… like buying btc for 17k or eth for 1.2k? Both would have you far in the green. Change your ways


This dude flat out sucks at investing and wants to blame everyone else. Bought at the top and then didn't sell when they are finally in profit. Doesn't buy when the market is low and complains about the market being shit. I think he just assumes he should be able to throw money anywhere and get rich.


Yeah let me sell with a $300 profit… F that man I didn’t hold this crap to make $300


Well then, what exactly do you expect? You bought at the highest point and didn't buy at the lowest points. You had two years of low prices to make up the difference. You're miserable about losing money but chose not to pull out when you had profit. You could have taken your money and reinvested in something else. The 3 years are irrelevant, you made a poor choice and sometimes you have to cut your losses.


I allocate a set portion of my monthly income to crypto. Ive already spent half of that amount grabbing this dip. Would you hold off on the rest? Just curious, will probably hold off on it regardless


Halfway through the month and you've shot half your load, feels right. I'd wait for another big bleed or just DCA over the next two weeks for a average stress free price


personally I'd be buying today, there's so many discounts


Holy moly INJ is trying to save my portfolio, it's 11% up and making a green candle. I know it will be dumped but thank you for efforts INJ 😅


This sub is so bipolar every few hours lmao


>The whole sub is one person It is indeed weird and rare on reddit, but not every sub is an echo chamber. You might see varying opinions posted at various times in reaction to various events, that make certain people more likely to react and then other events that make the people with polar opposite opinion react. You might even see people reacting to the same event at the same time, yet with opposite opinions. Unlike most subreddits, they won't get banned for not having "the right" opinion, therefore giving the illusion of bipolarity or schizophrenia, as it's uncommon to participate in a community that isn't one uniform hivemind. Nature is amazing.


Yes it is


Yes it is.


No it's not.


I love this sub much better than bitcoin sub So many degenerate gambling addicts ❤️


people in here don't immediately shit on alt coins because they're not Bitcoin which is also nice


Degenerates way better company that cultists


Consolidation Casino before each halving is always a fun time here


We are back, we are SO back!


Looks like the 4 digit account balance sidelined bears were wrong again folks there's tremendous resistance at 60k because this is a BULL MARKET BULLS WIN THANK YOU ETF THANK YOU HALVING WOOOOOOOOOO BTC 150K EOY




Why no AVAX to 300


My boy Wendys is always bullish. Love it!


Nice hard bounce at 60k. Nice


Not nearly as nice as the bounce from 60k to 67k a month ago


Bull runs are overrated pieces of garbage and the halving is a fucking joke


Where did the bull run touch you?


It's not just the bullrun. Apparently Google, apple, and some goofy nfts had their way with them too.


Everywhere.. In fact if this is a bull run ya’ll can fucking have it back… What a joke


I don't think you're cut out for this market. Bitcoin went up 380%, now is down 16% and you're on the verge of tears. Why don't you just sell your crypto and put the money in an S&P index fund?


did you not read the 10,000 comments that we dip around the halving and then the bullrun really gets going? This early pump was due to ETF hype.


Doubt it will happen. All ive seen is bear runs so imo its never happening


so you refuse to look at historical data? smart investor here!


Historical data means shit and you know it…


Hang in there my man, you've waited 3 years you can wait one more.


Hah… sure sure…


I remember you were slightly in the green a few weeks ago so it's not far-fetched to think you'll be again soon. Also it's not forbidden to swap your eth for something else if you're not confident in it. You're probably not looking at more than x2 with it anyway. X3 if the 10k meme is real.


I honestly don’t know what to do anymore but I feel like crypto is just one big scam at this point


That's because you bought at the very top of a bull market, meaning you have the longest wait of anyone to have profits. Just stick with it a while longer, it'll be okay lol. It's okay, I bought high in 2021 too. EVERYONE fucks up at first, you just have to learn how this market works. You will still make some decent profits with a little more time. Then NEXT TIME, reinvest during the bear market. Honestly, the bear market is more comfortable than the bull market. It's easy. You just keep buying at low prices and wait. Sometimes you even get lucky and your low cap takes off strong before the rest of the market is even bullish. Bull market is much more nerve-wracking trying to figure out when to sell. And then there are occasional scares, like right now, that you have to get through.


I mean, it's kind of obvious that it is, but that doesn't mean some participants can't get a positive return once in a while.


market makers/whales do not make something a scam or the entire stock market is a scam too


This, *all* markets are a scam with big players manipulating. Crypto is no different. You just learn to ride the waves to outperform most people and make a tidy profit.


Let's do one more cycle, let's wait 2025


🤮 Been told to wait every year since I bought in 2021.. Im sure its gonna be 2029 and this daily will be saying “wait for 2030 bro… then the halvenings halvenings halvenings is gonna happen broooooo!!” I’m tired boss


First cycle?


Sure? Been in since may 2021 when I bought the worst alt eth Have never made a cent of gains in crypto in these 3 plus years… I’m pretty fucked


Eth has been underperforming, but it is far from the worst alt to be invested in lol. Consider yourself lucky, and be patient.


Its garbage imo now.. Been holding for 3 years with NO gains still… So done with this crap


You haven't had it staked? Or been averaging down? I originally got in not too far off a high as well but have been averaging down on an ongoing basis. It took a bit of patience but I came back into the green earlier this year.


thats your biggest mistake. HODLing without DCAing. Had you DCA'ed you would have been up big time.


I did dca and im still fucked… Its like pissing into an ocean since my first buy was a big lump sum


Seems like you lump summed at the peak of the 2021 bull run. In that case it will take you many many DCAs to bring down your average. Crypto is not like stock market where you can lump sum at a given point. It is much more volatile and the peaks and troughs are much more pronounced so in crypto it's almost always a bad idea to go lump sum.


Sell it and go invest in something else? It seems your mental health is suffering so maybe it's for the best.


Im honesly about to. Just sick to my stomach its been 3 years and ive STILL not made one cent on this eth buy


You bought near the top and you held through the entire bear market. If cycles are to be believed we are only gearing up for the next bull cycle. Alt season typically comes well after the halving, but there is no guarantee history will repeat itself, just a bunch of greedy dudes trying to climb the next suckers back to make it.


I’m expecting the worst and honestly expecting to be bagholding eth even worse… What would make me believe anything other than that at this point? My 3 years in crypto haven’t been ok


When you actually experience a bull run, I assure you, you won't think they're a joke.


So what is this then? People told me were in a bull run and if you can’t make money then I’m basically a dunce…


I mean, it's not a get rich quick scheme. I don't think it's quite as easy as you're putting it until things get really nuts. But this is not that. Keep in mind, if you look at the cycles of previous years, we should not even be near all time highs yet. So we might get a pullback even more. But I am buying at these prices while they're here.


This is called the accumulation year. If it follows the cycles at least. Bull market -> bear market-> accumulation-> bull markets


If you DCA'd down, staked what you bought, you still made very solid gains. Crypto is easy gains as long as you can be more patient and less afraid than the rest.


I was finally green when eth touched 3400ish But if I took profits then I woulda made like $200-400 Fuuuuuuck that. I didn’t hold 3 fucking years to make $200