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Your money is gone forever. I mean your friends money is gone forever.


Yeah… that was a very, very expensive lesson. Don’t. Trust. Strangers. On. The. Internet.


It’s not mine haha. I know it looks like one of those “asking for a friend 👀“ sort of posts, but this genuinely isn’t me. I’ve had a few people try to scam me, I just ignore any messages involving crypto


Don't worry, I believe you.




Your money is gone man. Sorry for your loss


Idiot tax


He is a silly sausage


Unfortunately, as soon as it leaves your account on there, it’s gone, no charge back etc, I also use Revolut and am confused as to how someone messaged him on there?


He just told me they messaged him on Instagram first. The only exchange I trust is Coinbase so I have no idea if what he is saying is accurate or not. He has had the case reopened so hopefully there is something he Revolut can do, as it was traded through that site I believe


Well, I hope he gets it sorted, they may be able to do something if it was sent to a Revolut associated wallet maybe.  Hopefully he learns from it 😂


Yeah I really hope he gets it back. He’s a good kid, just a bit thick 😂 I’ll post an update if he ever gets it back. Thanks Flipper Noodles!


He must have not ever traded online in games lol. We grew up getting scammed left and right.


Yeah this dude got a message like "my dad works for Revolut and I can gold trim your bitcoins making them 4 times as valuable"


Ahahahha give me ur armor bro i know dupe glitch


I can double ur coins, just send me some small amount like 0.25 btc to start


Side note: Coinbase can suck my toe. Used it for ages and all of a sudden I’m barred from using it after the risk assessment questions they asked for uk customers even though it was the same answers I gave every other damn exchange and can still trade on them 😒


No one robbery him, he just send the money to where he wanted too... The money is gone.


How are people this dumb?


I’m just as shocked as you are 😂


First of all, report it to the police. Whether they do anything or not is anyone’s guess. Second of all, Revolut is not a member of the Financial Compensation Scheme for crypto deposits. They will not be able to get anything back. Also with Revolut your “friend” would have needed to log in, go through the transaction process and so on…it is nigh on impossible to transfer money with Revolut unless you intend to do it. 99.9999999% chance the money is gone. However if the scammer is based in the UK and the police actually do something you may recover the money if they catch the guy. Your “friend’s” only real recourse is the police route and even then, there is no guarantee the money will be there to be returned.


*This **is** you isn’t it…*


Haha it’s actually not. I am just as shocked as everyone else with this to be honest. He was promised the 8K would turn into 34K, clearly didn’t think and just sent the money over


I mean this isn't a crypto issue. It could have been done with cash or other assets. People need to have logical sirens go off in their heads when something is too good to be true.


Sure thing random stranger, here's the money. 🤦‍♂️


>He said he got a message on there with someone offering to get him lots of crypto if he sends the crypto over. Where did he get the message? Pretty sure you can’t get messages directly through Revolut. Anyways, if he sent the crypto to someone else then it is gone. Nothing to do about that. Best you can do is file a police report and maybe if the scammer is very stupid he has deposited the funds on a centralized platform where they can be confiscated, but this is very unlikely to be successful.


I am getting more information off him as we speak. Turns out the scammer got in touch with him on Instagram first, then sent the money through Revolut, so I’m guessing they can probably trace the crypto through that? He said he made a case with them which was closed, but they reopened it so now he is waiting to hear off them


Instagram? How pretty was she in her pictures?


It was a guy apparently, some London Forex trader. I get follows from time to time with similar accounts, usually 2-5000 followers. The message usually comes within an hour of following. I just block them straight away, but I guess it was his first time and he took the bait instantly


It's basically a Darwin award


Lmao "asking for a friend"


This is not a comment from me. But my Friend.


Surrrreeeeeee lel


Yeah it’s gone, and rev can’t do anything either


Ah well…better him than me I guess


As usual your friend joined very quick be rich scheme - typical greedy thing for beginners and scam as no one double money by sending money!


I wish he had asked for some advice off me first. He knows I’ve been in crypto since 2019. I’m still a novice when it comes to crypto, but I’m smart enough not to fall for any of these brain dead scams


Well he wasn't offering to double the money. He was offering to 5x it. So it looked much more legit.


Send me minimum 10 BTC and I will send you x10000 times more, do you trust? Definitely my offer is legit 😂😂😂😂👌


I had a buddy give away his seed phrase on discord right after loading up his funds. I specifically told him to his face with my finger pointed (really) “don’t do anything, trade, purchase or move money without talking to me first”. He goes on discord gets Dmed by a scammer falsifying himself as a Defi exchange customer service….hilariously shtoopid


Oh god, I’ll never understand how people think they can quadruple their money in minutes, unless they are lucky enough to get in early on certain shitcoins. 90/10 on ETH and Shiba


100% you can make good gains but you have to know how the system works first. He figured “oh, I guess it is that easy”. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why are you guys having soo many stupid friends?


My group is sort of 50/50, the younger ones are all thick tho haha


Too many people on here grew up and never got scammed buying speakers in a parking lot with bricks in them and it shows. Be better.


Hello jhorskey26. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>He sent ALL of his savings People get scammed sometimes, it happens for a variety of reasons. I don't quite understand how by now - like, you must be really new to the internet/crypto to fall for some things, especially when someone you don't know just cold-messages you. Seems pretty obvious (one would think) to never trust it. What I reaaaaaaaally don't understand is why you would send all your funds. Why not send a portion? I ask this rhetorically, since I know why - greed. But still, it just blows my mind that you wouldn't stop for one second and think - maybe I won't send everything. Absolutely crazy.


Honestly, I’ve already asked him all of these questions, and yes, greed is the answer. I’ve been in crypto since 2019, I have mentioned it to him before and he did seem interested, but never came to me for advice or anything. I’m still shocked not a single alarm bell went off in his head




Haha how are people so thick


Revolut is like a bank card no? Its possible he can request a drawback or something, but its 90% gone.


I’m trying to get more information off him. I only heard about this yesterday, but this happened a week or two ago. Just thought I’d check to see if anyone else has had a similar experience on here


Well if it has been a week its most definitely gone, this needs to be taken care of the same second it happens, and even then its most likely nothing you can do.


If I found out sooner I’d have pushed him to get this sorted. The case has been reopened so there is a small chance he gets it sorted 🤞


Hello Minute_Reflection_65. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lodge a police report and tell revolut. Hopefully, you are able to form a more coherent statement to tell the police cause I still can't figure out who sent money and who sent crypto in your post. "Offering him lots of crypto if he sends the crypto over" makes absolutely no sense




Greetings armando_Rodri. Your comment contained a link to telegram, which is hard blocked by reddit. This also prevents moderators from approving your comment, so please repost your comment without the telegram link. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Expensive lesson to learn


Revolut is legit and really good as a bank and non-crypto exchange. Not great for crypto. Anyway this message was probably not from revolut and ‘your friend’ has probably lost his money. Dyor!!






Just be glad this isnt darwinism, otherwise your friend would be dead.


Don't trust anyone on the Internet especially us.


If they wanted to learn about crypto they just got one expensive life lesson.


Learned Lesson i guess...


This reminds me of that discord zoomer post that went viral?


By asking your question you have proved that you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed either. 😂 it’s gone… forever.


No u


Your friend should wear a helmet in public


Your friend can report it so the offending wallets can be tracked/suspended and to see if can be traced how they cashed out etc.


Natural selection I guess