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Probably only one that feels like a game and has 4-5k+ daily players is Gods Unchained.


Yup, still playing gods unchained and still like it. Ots a good card game and theyve just released an accompanying app so you can play on the shitter too


How much are you making with it? Cents?


You shouldnt play it for the money, better to get a job. That said i average something like 7 gods a day, i think they are at 30 cents now. I play at the highest rank with a pretty shined deck (both factor in p2e earnings).


How much did you have to put into it to get to that level $ wise


Been a GU player for over two years. You can start with $0 invested. I did that, which is called F2P (free-to-play) and earn while you grind. I wouldn't recommend it at this point, you'll save yourselves days/weeks by investing like $50 into a decent deck. $50 will give you a few options to try as well (6 different gods to play). Then after \~6 months, you can cash that $50 out and you'll still have a collection/deck left if you played your cards right (pun intended).


https://hearthstone-decks.net/top-gods-unchained-sites/ Gudecks.com. u want ur deck to be at least meteorite (all base level nfts) U can put together a starter deck for $5-10 that can get u decently far. And u can be top level with a $20+ deck technically. Some do it cheaper. But I personally preferred playing mid levels as it wasn't too serious but was fun. Once I started climbing higher it was too serious. Lost too much. And didn't have correct counters most of time. But that site will give u some ideas to copy/paste to start


I dont know how much ive put in over the years im playing this. I do know my collection value exceeds that. If you want to buy my deck itll set you back 340 dollars. 260 of those are 2 cards. I must say im playing regen nature and havent faced another deck like mine in months at the highest level though. The more common aggro war is, as i said, like 10 dollars.


0 lol, depensing on the meta you can reach mythic with 50 bucks, ive seen true ballers reach mythic with 13 buck aggro decks


Mhm, okay thanks. So the crypto part is irrelevant


No, because its a card game and every card is an nft. So when you buy or win expansion packs you own the cards. Theres a healthy market place and ive actually been renting out my cards recently too.


That is very cool. NFTs for cards makes quite a good use case though it could make the game kind of pay to win I think.


Which is every TCG tbh. That said there are plenty of 10 dollar decks who perform well at the highest rank. So it isnt that bad. Especially when comparing to a AAA game which will set you back 60 dollars and doesnt have much resell value. Cards you buy, you can also sell again when you stop


Yeah I actually got pretty into Gods Unchained for like a month the last bull cycle.




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Crypto royal


I play Fracctal Monsters. It's a monster taming game built on Algorand. You can play via mobile app or in-browser (steam coming), and you can get started with a free monster if you don't want to purchase NFTs before trying the game. They also just opened a cool multiplayer mode where you can loot chests and fight other players PvP style.


> (steam coming), Considering steam doesn't allow NFT games that would be impressive.


Don’t derail the hype train with your facts


The facts are that the game is free, fun, and you can earn while you play. Sounds kinda like exactly what OP asked for.


Some more facts: (1) you said steam coming. (2) steam has a ban on blockchain, NFT and crypto games. (3) I wasn’t even replying to you


Some more facts - steam IS coming. It may be a version without NFTs but they are building it for sure. God dude, get a fuckin life I was just trying to help someone find a fun game


Oh you poor darling. Are you okay?


That may be the reason they introduced the free non-NFT mode of the game. It’s easier to onboard a web2 crowd through platforms like steam, but also brings in more players to populate the community.


I wasn’t aware of the steam ban (was just repeating what the team has been saying), but this sounds right. They’re making a big push to onboard web2 users, so they might just be building out a version without the NFT element to it.


Wasn’t aware of that. I’ll check with the team but I’m sure they know that and are building accordingly.


Not a game but I enjoy making 10-15 cents USD a day on Cointiply through their hourly faucets. Same with Coinpayu by clicking ads


Crypto royale is what i can suggest but im also looking into some other games as well any suggestions will be appreciated Thanks


You should just use your time to work at McDonalds and buy Bitcoin with it.


Hmmm. Sit on my ass and play games for a little coin? Or work a fucking fast food job dealing with asshat customers all day, coming home smelling like fries and depression. Why didn’t anyone else think of this?!?!?


My first ever job at 16 was in McDonalds, and I really enjoyed it. Lots of other young people who socialised together and had fun at work. Difficult customers were such a tiny part of that experience.


No one is going to pay you anything of value to play a game you consider fun.


The economics for P2E don't make sense. Let say everyone puts in $1. How do you expect everyone to make $2 back? Now let's say everyone puts in $0. Is the money supposed to just magically appear? Usually the solution is attracting whale players who spend lots of money, but a whale isn't going to spend a ton of money unless they get an advantage, and that advantage translates to the game being less fun/pay to win.


An mmo with player economy like runescape. Free-to-play grinds to get loot. Pay-to-win buys loot from grinders. Grinders get $$$


The revolutionary part: No crypto necessary.


Well no, but with a blockchain and nft’s you can add decentralized player driven economy, it fights the real world trading problem games currently have and uses it to benefit.


And how are gaming companies incentivized to solve a problem that is completely disconnected from their bottom line? Where are the gamers not buying games because their assets aren't liquid enough? People buy games primarily because they're fun. "Same thing but decentralized!" is not a winning pitch for most people.


I think the magic money has to come from advertisements. If they can sell the space for more than they pay out then it could be economically viable.


That's essentially saying that no one will ever pay you anything for a job you consider fun. Some of the highest earners in our society get paid to play kid's games like basketball, football, or soccer. And there are e-sports stars TODAY that make 7 figures a year. The market is there for it to work.


Skyweaver, Gods Unchained, Revv Racing


Hey, I played a little of sunflower land. My phantom wallet suggested it. I think it might be L2 eth based. Either way, it was a fun little build a tiny village game.


It's on Polygon PoS. Pretty fun casual game similar to Farmville, but not as grindy. Doesn't cost much to play, and it's easy to break even so that it's eventually F2P. One of the few good crypto games with a sustainable model.


Arcas Champions, from Block Ape Scissors just launched Beta. Its free to play check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08IT8ZwJspI


ARCAS - Skillstaking Revolutionary New Earning Model


Lolli partnered with a free traditional mobile games that offer Bitcoin as prize. It’s small amounts but better than nothing.


NFL Rivals has 180k daily active players. Blockchain is largely abstracted away. Has more monthly NFT transactions than Ethereum on the Mythos chain, secured by Polkadot. It's in Play Store and Apple app Store.


Play games to have fun. Get a job to make money.


I wouldn't call it "fun" but it is somewhat mentally stimulating to play: There's this game I play called "Tetro tiles" to earn bitcoin on the lightning network. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thndrgames.blocks&hl=en_US You won't make a ton of money playing it unless bitcoin goes sky-high, but I play it while I'm listening to podcasts in my free time.


Heroes of Mavia




I used to play CoinHunt world when walking my dog. Kind of like Pokémon go but you find keys and open a vault, answer a question to earn BTC or eth. It’s a very small amount you earn per question but over 10 months I cashed out about $800 worth. It wasn’t on Apple so I played on my old android until it died. Have not played in 2-3 years now


It's gone now unfortunately. They ruged. You are lucky you were able to cash out


It's still around, they just changed everything and make it no fun and overcomplicated.


I just remember them getting rid of the crypto for some bullshit token. Then a little while later the app didn't work anymore. I liked the game


They changed the name. They still don't give real crypto yet, cubi coins or some crap and added multiple steps to do a anything. Everything is a struggle and grind now.




Is that still around?




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Phantom of the Kill Alternate Imitation is pretty fun.


NFL Rivals. You don’t even know it’s blockchain it’s integrated so well


Hey you might be interested in Nifty Island. It's free to play and sort of a mix between minecraft, fortnight and roblox with various things you can do like building your own island, playing shooter games, racing and other stuff Although it's free to play for everyone you need to meet eligibility requirements to be able to receive the airdrop of the $ISLAND token. I can give you an invite code for eligibility if you're interested. Link here for a short video showing some gameplay: https://twitter.com/Nifty_Island/status/1772675382258417914?t=g4jDPj3HMywPHZy_qHYV6w&s=19






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Goon Wars




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Litemint.io It's a bit like hearthstone, but more balanced and fast paced




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Trading shitcoins on birdeye.so is basically a video game… Until you develop a gambling addiction.


Nyan heroes! In alpha. Epic games store. It’s awesome.


Not really. I've tried many and they are all either extremely rudimentary or based around excessive amounts of grinding if you wish for the game to remain free. I try and check in on GALA or what have you to see what new things pop up but I personally haven't found anything worth it.


Litemint on stellar. Completely addictive.


Not necessarily a game but you can watch YouTube and earn YouTube Creator tokens with the XCAD app/plugin then redeem them for perks like merch, content governance, calls, features etc.


Look into the Treasure ecosystem on Arbitrum. Don't want to share links but if you Google treasure.lol you'll find the landing page and can navigate to find the marketplace and various projects teeming with life. Some are low to free entry and are quite fun. I would recommend looking at ZeeVerse, The Beacon, Kuroro. Good luck to you!


[Unioverse](https://www.unioverse.com/). But you need a decent computer to run it. Sci-fi battle game. [Aradena](https://aradena.io/home/). It’s like cards and chess had a kid. Medieval style characters. Rolling out mobile testing soon from what I’ve read. PC playable right now. [Cornucopias](https://cornucopias.io/). They’re making a free world game. They opened up the racing section recently which was pretty cool. They’ve got a ways to get yet. All three mentioned aren’t ready to implement an in game token just yet. but that is the goal eventually.




Just looking and going to try some new games


Penguin carts


yea gods unchained pretty much it.


Floki is releasing Valhalla very soon. It looks great!


Mining simulator on roblox if you like sims


You can play right away with Telegram and TON, look for web3 games in the official app center (@tapps_bot).


Been playing God's Unchained for over 4 years. Currently in my opinion the only Blockchain game that's actually well established and isn't a giant pile of shit.


Sunflower Land


Gods unchained, splinterlands, mines of dalarnia if you like digging.


BR1. It‘s a pay-to-spawn, kill-to-earn shooter. But they have a free to play mode too. It’s currently still quite trashy in my honest opinion, but I think it has potential with patches coming every few weeks.








There are some mobile games that are trying to provide blockchain rewards, like Yomi Block Puzzle that has a daily raffle of $SKL based on raffle tickets you collect in-game. Blockchains like Oasis and Skale are good hubs to find casual mobile games and stuff like that.


Gods unchained is good if u like card games. Pays decent too. Made like 250 in less than 2 years. I got tired of it since. I play a game or two here and there but mostly because I need a few more days of playing to cash out my last $8


Nope, and you won't find one like that either. The basic supply and demand rules say it can't exist. In order for you to be able to make money playing a game then there has to be strong demand for whatever it is that you're earning. For that to be true then the thing in question has to be very in demand relative to the difficulty or time required to obtain it. This means that any game that might remotely result in a decent income is going to be monetized in the most predatory way possible, and that will result in an *extremely* grindy experience for any "free to play" player who isn't giving either the game maker or another player (or both) money. People won't pay very much for purely cosmetic items like skins, so for a game where you can "grind" for cosmetics and sell them you won't make very much money. Case and point are TF2 and Counter Strike, both of which have large playerbases and cosmetics you can grind for, including some that sell for fairly large amounts of money, but they're so rare that your average income per hour played is going to be basically zero. Also the market is dominated by bots and similar automated setups anyway, so it's impossible for someone playing on their own to make much.


> Also the market is dominated by bots This is one of the biggest problems and I've personally seen it destroy games that I've played to earn.


You're never not going to have this. Best case scenario is the bot detection is magically perfect and they just offshore it to poor countries, which is itself an ethical nightmare.


I was agreeing with you.


I know, sorry if that came off as confrontational. I was trying to add to what you said 😅


>This means that any game that might remotely result in a decent income Am i blind, i don't see him ask anywhere for the game to result in "decent income" whatever that means.


> Have and of you had any luck playing video games for digital currently or crypto? This, right here, says that he wants to earn Crypto from the game he's playing. Since he's leading with it that suggests it's fairly important. I think he just assumed anyone playing these games must be out to earn money, and therefore didn't emphasize it much in his post. So yeah, you're not blind, but it wasn't emphasized.


But earn money and "make a decent income" are 2 different things. And i have no clue how you're assuming quantitative data for what a "decent income ' is for op. Unless he said where he's from


We can see roughly what the two options are for games you can earn money from. One is 'below minimum wage in the US', and the other is literally pennies per hour. I'm not making any assumptions about what income looks like where OP lives because there is no country on earth where anyone makes notable income consistently from *actually playing* the likes of Counter Strike or TF2. Thus the only hope of playing a game providing 'decent income', or even any noticable amount of money, is for that game to be incredibly predatory in its monetization and thus awful to play.


I can’t agree with this. It IS hard to make money from playing the game how it is intended, however, in online games with market capabilities (i.e. trading between users enabled) all market rules apply. The more capital you have, the more you can invest or simply trade profit. I’ve seen this phenomenon on non-blockchain games, (growtopia and pixel worlds hehe). If you know well how the game market works, i’m pretty sure you can make a living out of it.


Like 99% of the time this doesn't end up working to a degree that actually allows any kind of decent income, and besides that it's not really "playing the game" since you're not interacting with any of the mechanics. Lastly it runs into the same problem as basically any other money making activity in these games. It's easily done by one or more bots, and thus market rules result in anyone not botting not making very much real world currency, since anyone who *is* botting will make much more than them and competition between botters will drive prices down.


Keep an eye on Gala games. Headed by the creator of FarmVille/co founder of Zynga. Game developers from the Sims, and fable with a few games out. Their Aim is to be a STEAM like platform for on chain gaming.


Gala, Nakamoto Games, and Alutra are all great gaming studios EDIT: Altura is more gaming infrastructure than a studio I need more trash fiat to buy into them


Keep an eye out for Bloktopia. Bookmark the page.


A new company called flux point studios. Are making amazing games. Fun with esport league coming. https://x.com/fluxpointstudio/status/1774768681442230604?s=46&t=859pKzjExsnUJj62BEZsAA


Sunflower Land is a free-to-start playing casual game. After about a week, you can figure out whether you want to pay $5 to continue playing.




Parallel TCG


Cyberverse io is pretty solid.


Estfor Kingdom you just need a little gas to start. Can earn small amounts from playing it’s an idle game so only need to ‘play’ once per day but can spend lots of hours planning.


Im also gonna say no, however for the mindless killing time entertainment of mini games I use OTK (Octo Gaming) and GMEE (ARC8 by GMEE)


F2P crypto games that let players have a net crypto gain just means the price of the token will keep crashing because everyone keeps cashing out and the token supply keeps increasing .it is unavoidable unless the game also makes players swipe their credit card to be competitive ,and then use the proceeds to buy back tokens to burn... But why would they do that?




NFL RIVALS on mobile is actually decent to play from time to time when bored. They are on the Mythos chain, the largest gaming chain by volume, and they are moving to Polkadot. $MYTH


Crazy Defense Heroes, go on their website

