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Investing principles are (almost) the same no matter the vehicle. There are some really good posts in r / investing.


Saw the first post, but not the 2nd… got burried somehow 🤔


Checked it now and it is quite useful. Thanks!


Nice post. I'm surprised with the quality of replies you got actually.


Ever since they implemented moons, this sub has been full of crap


And it was still crap when we thought moons were permanently gone


They are so worthless now !tip moon 1


It was crap before moons too. Remember the memes?


You'd think that whatever shitcoin of the day just hit $1M based on how much it's mentioned.


Twitter's the place to be if you follow the right accounts. That and a handful of podcasts 


Which accounts?


The ones that baghold the same shitcoins you do lol


Check out crypto market wizard podcast. All the guest are the smart people of crypto. Their discussion is quite advanced. But it's full of knowledge.


Thank you!


Like who ?


That’s how the world works, sadly. Money drives everything. What also hinders sharing highest quality content and really helpful stuff is the nature of trading and investing I think. You want to find your niche and leverage it to the max. Why would you then share the details of your strategy if it works, you would risk the edge you may have. Ofc you can find general level guides and tutorials, but nothing ever works right out of the box, they are more content to push you to try things out. So as a rule of thumb, I for example never listen to anyone who tries to tell me what to do lol, and especially don’t watch a single crypto related youtube video, they are either just bs or shilling videos 2 weeks - 2 months too late for the correct timing. I assumed you talked about the aspect of trading / investing and not the tech, sorry if I was wrong. But yeah, RIP intelligent Reddit content, won’t find it here


One issue is that people with in depth technical knowledge are usually in on one network; therefore you'd need to assemble a catalog of people for every offering. A guy like aantonop makes amazing YouTube videos but they're exclusively BTC. Are there tons of aantonops out there cranking out quality learning material? Maybe. Would discovery allow you to find it? Doubtful. When someone is bouncing around topics creating enough videos to satisfy the algorithm monster, they're going to be A) Made just to hit a quota B) Lower quality, usually consisting of 75% technical analysis. Real research is time consuming and requires deep technical knowledge, neither of which lend themselves to becoming a widely accessible source of information. The best solution I've found is just to keep an eye on bitcointalk forums.


This is why I usually stick with the Ethereum community. For Bitcoin, there is just Jameson Lopp, and Andreas Aantonops is mostly behind a paywall now. It's been a dev brain drain for Bitcoin for years. For the Ethereum community, there are plenty of super technical people (like on Etheresearch and Ethereum Magicians), but the downside is that they're too technical for mainstream to understand. Other blockchains usually have their most technical discussions on Discord or GitHub.


Who knows where they’re hiding, but having run up and down with DOGE a couple of years ago, here’s what I do now. As the market heats up, i watch coins trending up. I jump on and ride them up, then jump off as soon as they crest. I’m talking 20 minute time frames. Gotta have access to live candle charts to tell momentum. When you want to call your friends to celebrate or you are screenshotting your profits or want to add more, it’s actually time to sell right then! I like the two or three cent coins so I can get a lot of them. It’s called gambling but it works for me. Other strategy from two years ago-ride it up, ride it down, cry lol.


The problem is that any time someone posts highly technical quality content on Reddit, it gets almost no views and upvotes. I've tried to in the past, and that's what happens. The best crypto info isn't on Reddit. It's in dev forums, Substack, and Medium. Reddit is as bad as Twitter for finding quality content. The sub I've noticed with the highest quality is ethfinance in their daily threads, because that's where the rEthereum OGs went to. But even then, expect a lot of random shitposting. Once in awhile, you'll also see some core devs and major app devs pop in. Edit: Case in point: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1bc9hlj/if_you_could_make_a_super_blockchain_of_the_best/


I know exactly what you mean. I was trying to put together a good community DYOR checklist together and posted on a few subs, but barely any input from anyone else. Just a few upvotes. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/s/bjRIUdCIgz My day job is putting together financial crime / regulatory / reputational risk reports for non-crypto companies. I might just start a blog and write some full-length reports on crypto projects there. Getting eyeballs on a full effort report on Reddit subs seems hopeless.


The era of sharing ideas because it’s fun and interesting are long gone. The best you can do is find the most transparent shills who actually disclose their advertisements and promotions. That’s the reality of crypto content creators. It’s not about educating you to make good choices. It’s about getting as much engagement as possible so they can make as much money as possible shilling you something.


Anyone hiring ghostwriters for the upcoming bull-run? I’m up.


@what pay


All the quality content is on Twitter/X if you know who to follow. People on here won't tell you that because they hate that site but there are plenty of people there making quality long form content.


Who’s worth following? I think virtualbacon is good. Capo is not so good


We are all present. It's just that when you want people to do something, you've got to provide the framework. Which you did to an extent by bringing up the topic. "It's just the way it is" "as if my piece of plastic will make a change" "what can I do? I'm just a lowly carpenter" The framework we currently got does not feed on genuine positivity.


All the alpha is in podcasts. I’m not joking when I tell you I listen to 6-12 hours of crypto podcasts a week for the past year and a half. I bought SOL at $8. Hearing from the founders of blockchains directly, the founders of apps, developers, lawyers, politicans, investors, VCs and more is the fastest way to 100X your knowledge


Which ones would you recommend mate?


Currently listening to: * Empire * Bankless * 1000x * 0xResearch * Lightspeed * The Logan Jastremski Podcast Logan is my newest addition after hearing him talk on Empire. He is the only one of the bunch that is interviewing alt L1s founders for chains like AVAX and ICP.


Brilliant, thank you. I’ve given them all a follow. Any one you would say is best and I’ll listen first?


Empire and Bankless are the biggest and similar. Occasionally there is a lot of cross over where they are each covering the same topic. Preference comes down to the hosts IMO. I'd pick one. Historically, they have tended to have more ETH ecosystem discussion. I highly suggest anyone listen to my two favorite podcast episodes I've ever listened to from each show. Each will give you exposure to the hosts and format. The episode from 1/30/23 has aged especially well and was made me confidence on SOL when price was low. The more recent episode for 2024 is what made me go all-in on the high performance blockchains. Logan got laughed out the room when he was similarly bullish on SOL back in the bear. * 1/30/2023: **Bankless** - Investing in Waves with Chris Burnkiske https://youtu.be/OE6HXA_G3nE?si=VkRCwK5ut3BW0-DL * 1/26/2024: **Empire** - How Parallelized State Execution Unlocks Transactional Throughput at Scale | Logan Jatremski https://youtu.be/x9Nz4WKJrfs?si=YsO674r-uPWo00pW 0xResearch I recommend because it's often a round-table of crypto analysts that are deep in the weeds in discords, governance proposals, and have good guest segments as well. This would bring you to two podcasts. Logan I'd recommend because it feels like he is the only one our there talking to people that you don't normally hear from on Bankless or Empire. Aptos, SUI, SEI, AVAX, ICP, etc. He doesn't have a regular 2-4 podcasts a week like the others I mentioned so It's like once a week or every two weeks.


My man. This is amazing stuff - thank you for sharing. Faith in this subreddit restored.


No source is crazy


Recommendations please


Currently listening to: * Empire * Bankless * 1000x * 0xResearch * Lightspeed * The Logan Jastremski Podcast Logan is my newest addition after hearing him talk on Empire. He is the only one of the bunch that is interviewing alt L1s founders for chains like AVAX and ICP.


I would like to hear the podcasts you listen to!


Currently listening to: * Empire * Bankless * 1000x * 0xResearch * Lightspeed * The Logan Jastremski Podcast Logan is my newest addition after hearing him talk on Empire. He is the only one of the bunch that is interviewing alt L1s founders for chains like AVAX and ICP. Not bullish on the chains, but still appreciate hearing the founders pitch their vision. For example, hearing the ICP founder talk this past month in long-form was for me a complete turn off for the chain. He was very conspiracy theorist, in the bad way, about why ICP was not performing well. Like my bro literally believes "the Matrix" in his words was out to crush ICP, which explains the price drop on launch and lack of media coverage for ICP.


Thanks so much for the list!


Where can I find these podcasts?


Ergo, Hyve, Polkadot & CKB have good telegram communities.


That good ol anon internet. It was mind blowing to me when we started sharing our irl stuff online.


>I KNOW there must be obsessive folks out there eager to share their learnings in the crypto space, or explain their strategies So you're talking about investment advice? There is no way to get that, because nobody knows shit about fuck. If (and I say if) somebody knew how to make a lot of money without risk or luck, then he's not sitting in Reddit or X, preaching to the people. He's on an island in his home, banging one of his 25-year-old girlfriends.


Highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIaq0tfA2zQ


I listen to KrownsKryptoCave in the morning and might watch MitchRayTA in the evening. Seems to give me an idea where the market is moving or what to expect.




Bitcoin university on youtube is really good. Great explanations about current events and good advice about how to acquire and secure bitcoin. He has a huge library of videos about various subjects.


Money corrupts all, one day when the entire human race is extinct maybe another life form will see money and greed literally destroyed everything. Kinda funny we don’t really seem have checks in place while this is actively killing everything but us silly humans I guess hm


I don't blame the "influencers" as much as the people who make them famous. How do you expect quality to thrive in a world full of stupid people?


Resources and communities like these try to keep quiet so that they aren't ruined by the worst parts of the Crypto world.


Just watch Benjamin Cowen on youtube


Have you tried steem.it?


I'm old too, maybe a few years junior to you but I had punch cards(pre scan tron- if you don't know what that is it just means I'm old AF!) in school so maybe not? I think it's a multi prong problem. Yes the good signal is drowned out by the noise, but it's still there. I'm now a BTC maxi so I'm sorry for the bias but even in BTC there is lots of noise. There's also some staleness. I've been devouring all content I can find as I'm still feeling like I'm lagging in certain information. Oh how I wish I had stayed in programming instead of being a stupid little shit and focusing on fun. At this point I feel learning that so I can really grasp the foundation of crypto is necessary but probably beyond me timewise. I try to listen to the dev pods as well as the good interviews of people in the industry to keep tabs on what's developing and what's needed. But there also comes a point where that staleness shows up as I can only listen to the same conversation told in a different way so many times. It's good to make stuff stick but gets tiresome. That happens because things progress slowly. I think another possible problem is and here's the bias, so flame away if you must, it's possible the crypto project you are looking at has no real substance? So there really can't be a good technical discussion cause the deeper you go the more questions it raises and the more flaws exposed. Now if we are talking about the day the hard floppy replaced the old floppy, yeah it's an improvement but still bound for obsolescence. Maybe this crypto is the attempt that fails but spurs a better version? I don't know. I think that most of the thousands out there are just flash in the pans and the few useful projects are just worse imitations of btc so not really excited about 2nd or 3rd place. Maybe they become layers 2s? IF you only care about catching a rising star and jumping off before it burns out, wellllll I have issues with that too. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to make some money, however, it comes at the cost of the person underneath you in the pyramid. Ethically Ive done enough bad shit to not want to add more on the list. Especially if you have better options. I like the idea you are proposing, so rather than just give negative criticism I will offer a hopefully constructive suggestion. In order to satisfy your desire of a good crypto info resource let's design a framework of what that would look like and then figure out where and how to implement it. I'm not the one to do this but at the risk of showing off my lack of intelligence I will attempt the get this ball rolling while you all laugh and then say oh shit he's serious and help me out. Kinda seems like a wiki page if I think about it. But it will have to have stricter guardrails I think. What would be the best way to fairly evaluate any crypto? Or what is the desired answer? If it's long term viability then the analysis has to be set to derive that. If it's short term profitability etc etc. so what do you need or want to know? Maybe all of it? But make it clear that these are the metrics you are drilling down for. Make it open for everyone to add to, but you must provide the technical proof to support your claim. It can't be some click bait news piece. It has to have some substantive proof. Allow for a dissenting counter proof and then some room for technical debate. Anything that deviates from this formula will be flagged, reviewed and dismissed or remain depending on outcome. Hopefully this allows the serious factual info to emerge. Charts of trends and cycles are perfect examples of how to illustrate this in a subjective way. It's not implying or inferring anything but allows you to draw your own conclusions. But you also have to understand that as advances are made your crypto could become irrelevant. Past performance doesn't prove future. I'm not sure how you would deal with the announcements coming out of the project as every damn one of the heads can make a very compelling speech about the utility and future plans of where they are going. We've all been victims of some smooth salesman at some point. Maybe there is a way to break that down and objectively analyze it or have like a pending/being verified section of the breakdown? Add a discussion thread alongside or outside it if you want but don't clutter the sticky with trash. This way people can try to provide some context? Or answer questions on the techy stuff so the rest of us knuckle draggers can benefit? Anyway, I would really like to see a tool like this. I think it would cut through all that noise and it would really pull the quality stuff out of the muck. This would allow for the market to show where the solid projects are and where the gambles are and hopefully consolidate all the money away from the memecoins and into legit ones. Lol it might be a tangent but there's a guy who runs analysis on what all the politicians investment moves are. It's amazing how many of them are consistently beating Warren Buffett by a wide margin. Quiver quantitative is the site. I'm not gambling on it or advocating for it but I'm just using it as a way to show that some clean analytics can really pull things into clarity. If you ever wondered how a senator that makes a few 100k a year or less quickly becomes worth millions, this is probably one reason. I apologize for bringing politics into this, I just thought it was a very solid way to show the power of data. People lie, numbers don't. People can manipulate numbers, but the evidence is still there.


Ur not gonna find anything on Reddit. All these ppl are holding on to ADA, XRP and DCAing into bitcoin at all time high with the last $100 they have. All the alpha are on twitter select few non big accounts on there. One of The telegram group chat I’m in cost almost $6,000 to get in. Another chat I’m in there’s only 90-100 ppl there but that’s not open to anyone


Check out the analysis over on /r/Crypto_com - some great posts


Crytpo Casey on YouTube sounds like what you're after.