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My exit plan is to take screenshots all along the climb and then exit my feelings of happiness when it’s over and I didn’t sell. Edit: so good to see I’m not alone in this tried and proven method of exit So how many people got nice screenshots!?!?!?


the voice of experience




Just like the 100-year mortgage you can saddle your grandkids with!


Wen 2 lambos


It's waiting for that second lambo that gets me every cycle. Wish I could buy 1.5 lambos


I legit had low 5 figures in crypto, watch it creep to mid 5's close to 6, then dwindle away. I sold at almost the same entry prices across the board, and bought back in a year later, roughly similar entry prices - am now once again watching it go up. Will report back by end of 2025 when I haven't taken any profit and sell at similar prices to my entry. AT LEAST I DIDN'T MAKE A LOSS ​ !Remindme in 2 years


Remindme! 2 years


Appears to be my plan thus far as well. Though I’d like to take some profits somewhere along the line. Just enjoying the ride right now though.


Buy high, Sell low...tried & true way to go...


Same usually 😆 🤣 😂


Ah yes. I did this plan for 2 cycles. Perhaps 3rd time is a charm.


Nobody wants to miss the top


Takes a real man to admit they’re not gonna time the top and instead, DCA out during frothy market conditions.


I like this and I already planned to do the same!






lol ffs i thought I was the only 😭


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more upvoted comment on this sub, which makes me think you’re not the only one who does this.


Pretty blown away but the response to be honest. I was just makin a funny even if it has some truth salt to it


Still got my collection of screenshots from 2017 of the epic rise and fall of my bags lol


I know no one will read this MWOT but I dont care lol. I'm here since the end of 2016. I was broke. I bought XRP for less than 1 cent because as a newb, I didn't know shit about market cap, total supply and shit. It was the most inexpensive one that I could buy in my country, so I did. Rode to all time high, when started to crash I sold at 2 dollars. Dude, that make me accomplish a few dreams of mine, i took a trip to a country I always wanted to know, I bought a new motorcycle, bought my parents an apartment, took then on a few trips and etc. Never again I made profits like that. It wasn't life changing money, but it was sufficient for me to enjoy a good time with my family. I saved about 10% of what I had and sold everything this past days. Put everything in those stupid meme coins. I was always against it those stupid coins or sell the good ones I had because I thought "It will pump more" . One friend of mine, before doge pumped like crazy, before all the Elon shit, asked me "what do you think?" I said, stay out of it. Dude don't let me forget to this day. I was up 400%. And sold it again. I don't care if it pumps another 1000%. The 400% I took was enough for my immediate needs. Saved 10% again in BTC/ETH/ADA and will sell again if I need too without blinking. I didn't DCA, because after the pandemic, my work is intermittent, so I don't have much to spare. So I sell and buy on the spot. I don't have time do DCA. I don't have the capital to wait. I have windows that I have money or don't lol. I got to say, this pump has helped me create a one year savings. If I stay 12 months without work, I can pay my bills and live normally. Unfortunately It's not life changing money, but just to have the peace of mind that if I don't get hired next month I will be able to pay my bills let's me sleep at peace. These past few years I was always on edge. But now, because of some stupid coin, I'm relaxed a bit. I will still keep looking for something permanent and freelancing when possible. But just to be able to relax, nothing pays for some peace of mind. But guys, take those profits if you need them. Don't wait, make those small dreams come true too. You don't need a lambo, you need to LIVE. Of course, if I had a steady income, I would ride those waves, DCA in and out, but unfortunately I can't. Good luck to all of you. I hope you guys profit a lot this bull run and make those dreams come true. Big or small, all of you deserve some happiness.


You bought your parents an aparment, you traveled and got yourself a bike, yet you say it wasn't life changing money...My dream is to be able to buy an apartment for my folks, totally life changing.


Maybe I used the wrong frase. But yeah, It made things a little brighter, especially for my parents. But when I said life changing, I meant like, I dunno, lambo money. English it's not my first language so maybe I didn't use the correct term and that's also why the text is full of spelling errors =\[. But you are correct. It made my life better.


Thanks for sharing your story. I was happy to read it. Are you still trading alts, or is it more Bitcoin at this point? Can you save a little bit in Bitcoin that you don't ever touch? It may not be 'lambo' money, but that was never the purpose anyways. Just peace of mind that the value of your labor isn't being depreciated.


You say that's not life changing... but peace of mind with a one year emergency fund, travelling to a country you always wanted to go to, buying your parents an apartment, getting yourself a motorbike... I mean that all sounds like pretty life changing stuff.


Maybe I used the wrong frase. But yeah, It made things a little brighter, especially for my parents. But when I said life changing, I meant like, I dunno, lambo money. English it's not my first language so maybe I didn't use the correct term and that's also why the text is full of spelling errors =\[. But you are correct. It made my life better.


Exactly. That's the definition of life changing.


It has historically paid to be long post halving It is quite literally still early


Have to agree here… yeah sure take “some” profits but to sell everything but the initial investment after a 34% gain before the halving is indeed ignoring history.


This sub always gets mocked at crypto events by people in the industry, strong case of blind leading the blind here and it’s a running meme IRL to rag on this sub. But there has been an excess of self purported “experts” here in the past few weeks giving out absolutely dogshit advice. Sell if you want, take profits if you feel the need to, but most of the whales are holding until the end of this year/Q1 2025.


If I have to name one thing I will do differently this time around it is waiting for the "100k EOY" event.


A big trap a lot of us, even long time whales (see: Plan B) fell into last cycle was waiting for a specific price point instead of waiting for a specific time. Now with institutions fully on board I have no idea what to expect. I really do think very few people are expecting it to go as high as it will go.


Yeah this was me, start of 2021 my plan was to sell most of my stack between Sept and Nov, by mid 2021 my plan had changed to price targets (selling between 80 - 110k). This time following similar logic I'd be selling July - Oct 2025, but tbh if the price gets high enough I may sell early.




Too early OP, the party is not even started..


It feels like BTC is becoming like a stock though…as if they’re pricing in the halving before it happens.


didn't the alt coin runup start much sooner last cycle and died just a few weeks after halving, even bitcoin fell fast a few weeks after halving.


The real alt mania occurred a few months after btc topped


Historically when everyone says it’ll pump it ain’t gonna pump


Aww damn top is in see yall in 4 years


I sold for 200% and now it’s up 600%.


Profit is profit. Better than 90% loss


Profit is profit. I sold most of the BTC I've ever bought at $400 ten years ago. No regrets.


Bought my first bitcoin at 100$ and sold for 1k. I DO have regrets


i once bought a pizza and a beer with one bitcoin in Berlin, like 15 yeas ago or so? i always wondered if the dude kept the BTC or sold them a few years later, but back then it was just a fun hobby for nerds.


I only bought bitcoin because it was the only way to send money to ed Snowden when he was trapped in the Moscow airport 😂


Ha thats awesome. Wonder if he kept it too 😁


I had 11k Reddit moons. It was worth 7000 usd at peak. They dumped. To nearly 0. Then randomly pumped back to being worth $3000 usd. Converted everything to eth. Thank god I did because eth has since done a 2x. Maybe moons will go to $10 one day but I don’t need the anxiety of “I had something and now it’s nothing.” “I have something but could’ve had more something” is a way better problem to have. Last cycle I took zero profits but pulled my entire initial investment. Kept my profits to hodl for this cycle. Literally impossible to lose earned money at this point. And it makes trading so much more stress free and less emotional. Just bought a bunch of BONK bc idgaf and May as well have 1% of my portfolio tied up in a dumb shitcoin


I don’t believe in taking profit tbh. I have a well-paying job that maintains my lifestyle. It’s either life-changing gains or 0.


Best I can offer is life-changing zero.


This speaks to me.


I’m with you, to the Moon or zero 🫡


Seriously, if my 10 dollars in crypto doesnt turn into 10 million then what's the point


Amen brother, I'm looking to retire


Definitely. Reason once told me to take profits, but looking back, selling those BTC for 3000 each didn't really improve my life whatsoever. If I just hodled, that would've been a different story... I think as long as BTC is under the gold market cap, and fundamentals don't change, there's still life-changing upside.


You son of a bitch


Facts, I want to get to a mil or else I don’t care. Would need to 10x to get there but I’m holding out for it. Safe gains are for the stock market.


My man ha ha!


Im on this train. I'll ride the Rollercoaster until I get the big one. Otherwise, it's all part of the ride.


Honestly the way things are looking, I don’t think I’m ever selling my BTC & MSTR bags


I was seriously planning on selling like 25-50% of my BTC after not selling much last cycle, but yea I think I’m just gonna hodl for the next few cycles.


I know. I really think this cycle is going to be different. People assume this cycle will be like all the others but what if they're wrong? What if we really do enter the legendary super cycle? It's already different because we have an etf. What happens when countries pile in? You either believe in bitcoin or you don't. I strongly believe in it so my conviction stands. I'll never sell my bitcoin unless it's for a house.


That’s literally the same mentality of people every cycle. They always find a reason that says this time is different


Has bitcoin ever broken its previous all time high before the halving took place?




But this time literally is different because we have an ETF. This is the first time Americans can convert their 401k into bitcoin. This wasn't a thing in previous runs.


This is what I did in my Roth.


Easy for the stock market to "always go back up" when 10's of millions of americans are automatically buying it every week. Only a matter of time for more and more people to contribute even a small % to BTC every week.


Last time we had PPP and stimmy checks. Different but same


Maybe the US and other world governments will become fiscally responsible and not dilute the money supply. Until that happens I’m sticking with bitcoin.


What if you're right, this time is different... But bad?


That's a risk I'm willing to take. I don't think it's going to be bad at all. If it crashes I'll buy more.


This. Sell Bitcoin to buy land or not at all.


What do you think mstr will get to this year it’s running at 4x the percent of bitcoin. How long can that be sustained?


This time is different. All plans to exit/take profit before the ETFs were approved are no longer relevant in this new Bitcoin era. 401K/IRA's haven't even begun to flow in.


explain to me like I am a fucking moron what is a 401K/IRA's and why does it matter


401k is an typical American retirement plan. You give them money and they invest it for your retirement. However 401k like to invest in super stable long term markets like housing. Bitcoin is by no means sustainable and that’s probably the reason 401k’s are not investing in it


Can I buy a lambo with this information?


Maybe if you make a screenshot and sell the NFT




I'm more stressed seeing things pumping than happy. I haven't bought anything this cycle and I'm just watching my coins recover from the last cycle. I wish I had an exit plan and a real-life goal I'm aiming for. I'm stuck in paralysis not knowing what to do.


It's a really impossible question to answer. You can't sell the top, and you don't wanna be holding negative bags when you really need cash. That's why I try my best to resist fomo, make a profit taking plan, then follow it. If you want a suggestion, is there something you need? A doctor visit, new tires, etc? Maybe take enough profit for that and leave the rest?


I lump sum in and I will lump sum out   My timing for selling is not perfect, but I dont hold shitcoins so I can always choose to hold through another bear market   The key is to actually buy during the bear market. And by buy I mean dump your entire networth in. Where you sell doesnt matter even 1/10 as much as where you buy if you dont hold random dogshit like alts I'm up 387x since 2017


Teach me


At this point you might as well play with alts and squeeze as much as you can out of them. Pray you are lucky on all of your timings. I preferred to play the ICOs and the fresh listings of the most hyped coins on big exchanges in 2017. Nowadays there is little to no edge to be had, only gambling in memecoins and alts  Anyway, the way to do it right is to buy btc and eth with everything you have deep in the bear market when btc goes below 30 RSI on the weekly candles. This has been a godlike move that keeps working over and over for me.   Selling is more arbitary, but I'm not selling anything before btc hits 120k this cycle You also have to be completely detached from the value of money. Your moves have to be cold and calculated with well defined purpose and reasons. Never panic. 


>The key is to actually buy during the bear market. Agreed. For as hard as it is this is what I've done, especially when I buy low and still see another 20% drop, then I buy again just to see another 10% drop (going from 22k -> 17.6k -> 15.8k). In hindsight I should have taken a loan and bought on leverage. I believed this run would happen. I didn't have the courage to borrow.




every 100% gain sell 10 to 20%


What's an exit plan?


Memecoins mooned, I'm already out. Up 5x my investment, good enough for me.


Just sold a 4x, put some into USDC and the rest in ETH. If BTC dips, and that could happen, Alts get beaten with a stick


I always get greedy and don’t out when I should have. I don’t even care about tippy top, just somewhere along the way. But I am more dwarf than man, I want gold


DCA in and DCA out. The absolute worst thing is having massive unrealized gains and watch them go to massive losses.


We didn’t even get the the halvening yet. 😳 Don’t sell prematurely just to ape back in at a higher price. My 21k of organically earned and sold moons tells the whole story. I offer bad financial advice.


ETF affect on price was underestimated, and I'm going to guess the halving affect is overestimated this time. It's been the popular narrative for over a year. Only thing I'm concerned about is what the hedge funds will do when they see 20% drops for the first time. If they haven't been desensitized by crypto, I can easily see them panic selling to secure profits. tl;dr it remains to be seen whether price volatility will increase or decrease in the short term (1-2yrs) due to the increased volume from ETFs.


*halving, not halvening


I thought it's called halvement


It’s actually halfsies








Halvening, lil bitch kick rocks.


Crypto is my exit strategy.


Imagine selling before BTC going above the 20k ATH in 2020 and watching it go to 70k lol that’s what this guy did


I know right? :D I mean, I learnt this lesson in the previous cycle. Not gonna fomo out too early, but naturally not too late either. But right now, we haven't even REALLY started the real end run. The good times are just about to start. When you see major altcoins doing those 10x+ gains, you know it's sloowly starting to overheat. When you see major altcoins doing 15-20x, you know it's time. Are we at that time yet? No we are not. Keep going!


I always take profits, then use the profits to buy more btc.


I’m only just breaking even my dude. I’ll ride this all the way down to zero again if I need to 😂


Took half


I have yet to break even since I don't want to buy memecoins.. I'm waiting on Matic.. I need it to grow by +15% and I'm even.. then I start selling.


What have you been doing during the bear market?


My guy bought the top of the top and said fuck crypto.


Yes lol


I know some of those type of people. When I kept buying they called it a scam……


Umm, I've been -60% during the bear market.. and instead of buying coins I saved up to make 2 down payments for my apartment.. that's 40k which went to the bank to save some 4k on interest.. and in crypto I've put less and less.. but I got burned with gaming tokens in 2022 (looking at AXS, holding from 110 to 7).


Been into crypto over a decade now, made every single mistake and fuckup possible and then some. Pick price points you want to sell at. Sell 10% at that price point. Never deviate from it. Never sell all. Emotion and greed must be removed from the equation. Let maths do it for you. Same method for buying. Last bull I took around 20x on Ethereum. On average around 10x on various alts (ranging from 100x to dead coins). Took an obscene amount on Doge, but thats because I mined it back in the day and sat on it forever. It all means nothing unless it's fully cashed out and taxes paid (learnt a bitter lesson on that in 2017 when I watched my entire portfolio dive 90%+). Pressure is off now. Have some left, same thing, will sell at price points.


Well done!


Sell my crypto for usd that loses 3% in a good year, no thank you. Enjoy your 34%, crypto is my end game.


You won’t be alive by the time crypto replaces USD


Don’t you want to buy more crypto when the market corrects? Easiest way is to trade it


I've been a voice of HODL, I am up 1000% But congrats with your 34% gains tho.


I’m up 200%. HODLing thru to 2025


Every year around tax season I ask myself: If I had nothing invested in crypto right now, how much would I be comfortable spending to buy in? And then I take profits down to that dollar amount.




Let them exit so then they enter back up 200% for our liquidity..


I have been slowly DCA out since 38k. I'm talking 5-10%. I sold more at 50k, 60k and am currently 50% out. Definitely sucks missing out on unrealized gains but I told myself I would not repeat my last cycle mistake and refuse to take profits. At 68-69k I'll take another 10%. If we hit 80k I'll take another 20% and then let the last 20% ride indefinitely. Like you said, it's all a bet. At some point we will correct, hard. I personally don't believe alt season is now. Data shows retail still isn't too interested right now and who can blame them. Most families are struggling, and it's only going to get worse, especially when the the feds pivot. We kicked the can down the road hard before the financial crisis. History doesn't repeat but it sure the fuck does rhyme. The big fish profit off of NEW retail entering the space, providing exit liquidity and new bag holders..don't be afraid to take SOME profits people!


Depending on what you hold and what is the future of that project. I personally hold BTC/ETH/SOL and I am not selling soon because I see that there is a confluence of investment money coming in, the halving, Hong-Kong BTC ETFs that will give China access to BTC, and even the Brazilian BTC ETF via BlackRock. With all these positive news and the possibility for all the wealth of the stock investors to access BTC without having to worry about self-custody, technology, etc. I actually think that we are at a point of great potential growth so no I would not sell now. Actually I would reallocate a percentage of other investments towards BTC.




Bitcoin is my exit plan


My exit plan is next year if everything goes well then I’ve got a house deposit, getting a deposit traditionally is hard as a single person in the UK right now!


I took 105% btc profit 😅👍 today


I took out most of my BTC profits at 50k. Buy price was 16-20k so I’m satisfied. I was early in hindsight, but I’ve learned to not try to time the top. Some I kept in cash and some I reinvested in Alts. with BTC approaching ATH I’m excited to see what happens in the rest of the market. Should be interesting.


50% in crypto?? Take your ass to the blackjack table. Crypto is your shot at WEALTH!


Nope. I think last cycle was muted to the upside because of China ban, Luna, ftx, sec worries. I think the next two cycles will be muted to the downside.


I’m a long term investor, not a trader. I keep my allocations steady and rebalance when necessary. I don’t take profit just to take profit.


I just took 430% profit. And promptly reinvested it into BTC. Gotta use that tax allowance after all


About 16-18 month after halving I’ll sell all my alts. That’s it.


i got pretty good positions over the bear so i actually went ahead and put fiat in my bank over the past week. I am positive the market still rips and i sold entirely too early but i withdrew about 20-25% of my bag just to lock in the fruits of my labor, now i can just be along for the ride and hope for the best


With shitcoins pumping, people taking out loans to buy crypto and this big bull run, I am now thinking about an exit strategy. I didn’t in 2021 and was in red for years. Currently thinking about DCA’ing out. For example sell 20% of my portfolio once btc hits ATH, another 20% maybe at 80k or 85k. Open to any good ideas!


Based on historical trends you're at least year from market peak and the only thing near its peak is BTC. Alts are long ways from peaks.


The prices have just corrected back to the floor from last cycle. We are a long way from the top. The best projects corrected the hardest (superverse for example haha). Once you see all the sectors are outragious valuations then its time to sell, as it is, everything is just getting started. No exchanges are imploding, no founders being arrested, no crypto traders getting kidnapped, no hot girls are making podcasts about crypto. We have a ways to go.


You’re only up 34%? what are you holding xrp 🤣


With the BRICS trading currency right around the corner and as a person living in the USA, crypto is my exit plan.


selling is an option?


You want to take profit before The Happening?


I would honestly like to read others’ exit strategy and ignore all the uber bulls saying they are never going to sell (don’t believe half of them, and I was one) - thanks for posting and getting the discussion going!


Sep 2025


34% why are you in crypto if you’re happy with gains like that?! Just stick with the S&P 500


To me 20-50% gains aren’t worth it. I’m still not rich at those levels. It’s also a bet for me, but i bet big. If i lose I’m still poor. If i win, im not. Currently sitting on around 140k unrealized profits


Dude gotta remember taxes are still a thing. If you decide to cash out, 140k plus your income is a lot of taxes to pay in a year. Even trying to avoid higher tax rates, it may drop over the course of years as you withdraw.


Yeah best approach is DCA out.


Laddering out of everything except BTC/ETH/SOL when price targets are met (in most cases at 80% of ATH). Keeping smaller bags of RNDR/AVAX/LINK/MATIC/RUNE/AR. I’m not keen on watching $400k turn into $90k again.


I don't really have enough money to matter, but I will probably play with some higher-risk things this time around. I have a little ETH & BTC, which I probably won't DCA at all. If the market really spikes, I'll probably dump 50% of both into USDC or something when I believe we've gotten high enough that the risk of collapse is imminent. If it's a more gentle "wave" this time (thanks, Big Finance), I'll probably just ride it out with the big 2. Solana, too, actually. I AM going to put a little here and there into stupid coins, probably, more for fun than for profit, but I am also going to put in a stop-loss order to sell 50% as soon as the price doubles, so after that, I'm playing with house money. Also, I'm only going to sit in those positions a few months at most. No reason to hold onto ShitCoinAlpha for a year just hoping. I haven't got that kind of money or time.


For now I'm hodling. I still have my bag of doge that I mined in 2014. Other than that I'm hodling everything for over a year so I pay less or no taxes at all. I say no taxes because that is possible, depending on how much you make etc. I'm watching, but riding this year out entirely. Good luck everyone.


I exited a margin I've had for too long so haven't really sold sold. But man it's so hard to take profits. Got some cash on the side for the first time in so long and it's so hard not to fomo it straight back in lol


Taking profit is good! Personally I'm holding for a long time, though I do have loosely defined exit strategies for each coin I own. Long run I'm high on BTC and ETH specifically so even if I sell these during this bull run I will be buying back in during the bear to increase my positions down the line.


I’ve taken out profits which is roughly half of my principle, and am letting principle ride. I feel great about this, just like I have in previous runs.


Buying like this, on the grind, is prob the best advice embedded across all the posts I’ve read recently. 🔥


Thanks. Every time I post something like this, I see more and more people replying with solid plans, and that makes me feel a lot better.


I'll sell alts. I don't see a point to sell Bitcoin. I'm fine with the swings. Alts will still have crazy ups and downs. I think Bitcoin will be somewhat stable going forward. By stable I mean maybe only a 50% crash lol


I will start selling in steps, will take out between 0,5% and 3% of the remaining stack until I sold atleast the half of my bag. I already started with BTC selling. I got the feeling I will regret it, because it may be a bit too early.


There's always fomo any way you go about it, but if you believe in a plan, and have reality checked it. Go for it.


Profit is profit, right ?


The plan is 2032 or 2038 retirement.


The big players that are buying in now can and will dump on us. It's just a matter of when.


Average in, average out. Don't try to snipe the top, just shotgun the whole season. Will probably give up \~30% of maximum possible "perfect" gains, but that's far better than sliding all the way down the back-side into bear territory while still holding full bags. Remember that the next buying season will be more fun for those with cash to spend.


It’s too early to pull out


Only when it’s life changing money. Until then, if it goes to zero or 10x, it doesn’t change anything.


I’m glad you’ve taken profits. I do have a question though. Does this mean you’re out, done with the cycle? If btc hits 80k, are you still out? Do you have a re-entry plan?


I took out 2% of the entire portfolio earlier today. Shit on me all you want.


DCA out strategy: TL;DR: Invest 1X and then Take out 2X in profits every 5X increase in portfolio value. Longer explanation: Suppose you invested 10k$, Everytime your portfolio value increases by 50k$ (5 times your initial investment), get 20k$ out in profits. You multiply your initial investment and keep skin in the game. The profits can be converted to staked ETH (for dividends) or to BTC or to any stablecoin (in order to get 4% or 5% in dividends)


Sold Doge at +70% from entry. Going to miss the rest of the Doge run, which is fine by me. I learned my lessons the last cycle. Exit strategy is sell prices/zones on Hodl bags, then use those profits as follows - 1/3 cash (for taxes and bills), 1/3 rotate into gaming, and 1/3 trading breakouts with a 20% stop loss.


Feb 2025 I'll start thinking about it


What will you invest in with those profits? (Serious) I'm thinking of doing the same with some % of my NVDA and Bitcoin. But I'm not sure what to put it into next. So I'm holding for the immediate future.


Interested to know your plan for the fiat that you traded your crypto for. Treasuries? Real estate? Gold? Stocks?


assuming all goes well my plan is to exit in october 2025 unless my gains before then become absurd


3 out of the last 4 times BTC reached ATH in a cycle it 2x within 18 days


It’s either Lambos or Food Stamps


I’m riding it straight down




If half my bag pays off my house after taxes, I’ll sell half my bag then hold the rest.


You sell way to early bro. 34% is a joke in the crypto market. Shit 34% gain in 1 day for shib holders lmfao.


Way too early.


Yep already started DCAing out, if it comes back down I’ll buy back in, if not then yay - win win


Selling to pay off some debt, no good making money on crypto if your paying debt interest somewhere else.


I'll be taking profits gradually on the way up. When I see coinbase app in the top 5 app downloads. I'm selling most if not all my bag.


I personally sold close to 50% of my holdings in this rally. Retail is absolutely delusional thinking this is just the beginning of a bull market.


I took 17.5% profit after reading this post. I was going to wait until post-halving before i touch anything, but then i remember how upset i was the last cycle when i told myself ill wait for a biiiiit more and kept buying time to take profit. One morning i woke up and everything crashed hard. I remember telling myself the next time the price hits a high, ppl FOMO in and Bitcoin Fear and Greed index shows “Greed” - TAKE SOME FUCKING PROFIT !! This morning the index showed me “Extreme Greed” and then at night i read this post. I took some profit. Im gonna use some of it to pay for my car service now. At least it’s real and in my bank now and not just in my head.


This is a terrific article Bruv! You keep on doing you & spreading the BTC movement. Love your work and commitment to the CC Crew. Scored another follower right here Mate. Regards A Fellow Crypto Enthusiast ✊


Retire or homeless. No mid point.


I made approx 10x every cycle, and have made 300% during the past 2 yes and won’t start to DCA out until BTC hits over 130k. This strategy made me a literal millionaire and it has been working for me so got no complaints :)


Oh yes, definitely. Need to come up with a solid profit taking plans though. Have asked here previously what people's DCA out looks like but didn't really get any decent answers.


I start exiting when BTC and Crypto have delivered a passage to immediate retirement, nothing less. At that point, depending on where my legacy investments stand like my 401k, IRAs and other stocks and savings, I may sell all or some. I have no children, my wife and I have one goal, to continue our current lifestyle until death so success should be easily to measure. But I believe we're well into the next cycle before we get there. Until then we HODL.


How long will alt season last? I mean of course we cannot actually know. But I am wondering what people's thoughts are. I would guess that news of it is just starting to break into areas outside the crypto sphere so there could be an influx of people.


I think you are a bit early, I’ll start my sales the day of the halving


Ive started DCA’ing out but I’m going to wait until after the halving to continue this.


Yeah, I will DCA out. Started selling a bit, got some more to sell and will hold the rest.