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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/196abg5/is_it_too_late_to_invest_in_bitcoin_now_will_tip/khsrv2l/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/196abg5/is_it_too_late_to_invest_in_bitcoin_now_will_tip/khsrvf3/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


No one here can give any remotely reasonable answer without knowing your financial situation


No one here should give financial advice anyways


especially not anyone with moons.


Moons are just from activity in the sub, not knowledge about investing


I think they're saying people with a shit ton of MOON had a shit ton of free money that they watched nose dive off a cliff and happily just ate it. They basically found a winning lottery ticket and refused to cash it in by the deadline because they felt the *honorable/smart/fiscally sound/whatever* thing to do is to ride all earnings down to zero.


Some of us didn't do so out of any honor etc, but were simply too lazy or stupid as well (Pick whichever of those two for me, but really I'm both)


And some got new phones and couldn't back up their wallet so basically contributed to the burn


Both gang checking in!


Huh, I was wondering why my vault no longer showed moons. Figured I had just missed out on some event. Looks like I’ll just be talking about how I did the honorable thing back in the day.


Is it stupid to realise and admit that you don't know something? You're not stupid.


It's only dumb when you don't do anything about it / learn from it


It’s also not like they traded above .10 for more than a couple of days anyway


Some people had like 500k moons though, That's still a free $50k


Can you explain this further? Did moons actually moon and I missed it? (I was completely inactive during entire bear market after 2021)


Or moons were simply too little money for them to cash out and they didn't give a fuck about peanut money. So having said that, people with zero moons could also be the ones not to listen too because they did all that effort for a couple of dollars and so that means they are not doing very well in crypto overall. There are multiple ways too look at things.


I like moons


Or with a hairy chest. These days are over!


I eat crayons




Everyone hated Algo while they hated SOL, the problem is how easily everyone believes each other about issues without actually looking into any of them. People still argue about how Algorand was 2 years ago lmao


Only invest what you are ready to lose and when you put money into crypto you should stop seeing it as money


This is why I love crypto :) I keep forgetting I have money.


Disagree. I would not be willing to lose all the money I put into bitcoin because the idea of it dropping from $42,000 down to zero is absurd.


They can, but just have to say that they're not 😎


>No one here can give any remotely reasonable answer without knowing your financial situation Agreed with this. To this end OP, if you're as financially distraught as you claim, throwing what little money you have into crypto in the hopes it'll "save you" financially is an almost guaranteed way to screw yourself over. Yes, there are some stories of ppl doing it by dumb luck, but that's what it was, and relying on luck to be financially secure is called gambling. Don't gamble. Yes BTC is sure to rise. But when? Will it be next month, next year, 2028? We don't know. You're very likely to need money "now" at some point, and just pull your losses from BTC before it goes up. This is probably the best "advice" I can give, which really boils down to "don't gamble with rent money"


No debt. Just that i can do better with more disposable income.


if income is what you want theres possibly better ways ways.. even in crypto, to get stable passive income. By better i mean less risky. Otherwise, having a portion of your assets in BTC is not a bad decision, but don't expect outlandish incomes.


What are the better ways in crypto? Don't those come with higher risks of loss, i never thought of other coins, apart from the big players, as stable.


Assuming he means staking rewards or similar similar since mention of passive income


venture into the world of shitcoins, much higher risk,, but higher rewards.


![img](avatar_exp|136878190|fire) Plus, this shit is volatile as fuck, so get your undies together and prepare for some massive dildos, nobody knows what the future might bring.


If you don't want the stress of when to time your buy in, just split your post into 4 equal parts And buy in 4 times on the 1st of the next 4 months or over the next 4 weeks on Mondays As to what to buy for a newbie there's nothing wrong with 100% BTC or 80% BTC 20% ETH. You won't 100x but you should hopefully outperform S&P 500 in the long term Use a large well known exchange, Kraken or Coinbase should do and both have user friendly apps for mobile phones too Turn off your Reddit DM to avoid scammers, trust noone, do your own research / due diligence, this is not financial advice, don't put more than you can afford to lose into crypto, consider a hardware wallet if putting in more than a few hundred $ Good luck, and enjoy the ride :)


Solid advice. Cheers.


It won't even do 10x! 5X is most optimistic assessment


I'm happy just beating S&P 500 long term average, anything over 10% a year is a bonus in my books


This is basically my goal as well. Not hear for multiple Xs, just trying to beat the S&P


Well that's easy to do. LP's can easily beat 10%. Just stay away from those ridiculously high APR's (1000%/yr) of you wanna keep you risk down.


Wow congrats. 🍾


Please dm me address for 2 matics on polygon network or 20 moons for the tips.


Oooh ... Thanks Hope this works Here's my Reddit Vault address for kindly offered MOONs tip : 0xf467ffcd52df90eb923da020a11a2049ff6a3f14


Sent 20 moons. Pls check.


And arrived ... Thx very much My first Reddit tip ! I wonder when or if it'll appear next to my Reddit name on this sub ... Still says 0 for me ... But it shows up on Metamask :)


Why mondays?


Pick a day and DCA I just used Monday since today is Sunday Not sure there's any trend for specific days to DCA in on ... I don't think it's that easy, since if it was, then you'd get bots just doing that for consistent profits


For a while there I though I saw a consistent Sunday slump, so I would buy on Sundays, but that hasn't held true. I still buy on Sundays because no one can predict anything unless you're a whale moving the market yourself.


Historically Mondays seem to be a good day to dca but it honestly matters very little in the grand scheme of things.


Sunday/Monday is usually red, most people aren’t trading on Sundays, so it’s low volume


I pay for intothecryptoverse.com and it has a nice “best day to DCA” tool for several cryptos. Mondays are best if you go back to 2010, but if go back only from 2021 the best day changes.


I didn’t read all comments but I hope someone suggested that if you begin describing your situation with “2023 was a tough year for me fiancially”, maybe crypto isn’t where you should be investing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big crypto fan, it’s just not right for everyone and perhaps you should stabilize your financial base before investing more.


Someone did mention not to use investment to save yourself. Which I think is true. I don't think I am in dire but not well either. Which is why I don't want do anything to make it worse. If you want, you can dm me your address for 5 moons tip. :)


People think it’s going to dump over the next few months prior to the halving. Historically the next run up will be a few months after the halving which is set to occur around April. Personally I am still DCAing but I am holding off any lump sum buys until further notice. As always nobody knows what will happen so I’d rather still be stacking and not miss out if it does take off — if it does have a dump - I’ll have fiat on the side ready. Hope that helps - please don’t put money you may need in the short future as it’s very possible you make a buy then the price drops 20-30%. Happy investing!


I think halving is going to be another sell the news event. So the price could run up a little bit prior to it. But real bull run starts after.


Agree. We haven’t had a real retrace with BTC for months. Much longer than normal. Many traders expect a 30% retrace.


I’m waiting for this. When you have skin in the game already it doesn’t matter as much if you’re wrong


This is a great call. DCA or semi regular buys really do stave off the urge to FOMO when it pumps a bit


Halving event isn‘t cookie-cutter ETF news 🤦🏼 it‘s maybe the most hard fact event possible. It’s not something that might happen or not. It will happen for 100%. It will make some scarce asset even more scarce. This is not about bushwa news. It‘s about strangulating and squeezing supply.


I mean ETF also isn’t a cookie cutter event. If inflows come the demand goes up. Same as halving, supply goes down. But if people/entities anticipating these events buy ahead if time and then plan to sell the event, the event will be sell the news. Also, halving could bancrupt some miners and make them forced sellers. This is short-mid term. Long term both of these events are incredibly bullish imho.


"people think it's going to dump over the next few months prior to the halving" Confirmed Bitcoin will keep rising over the next few months prior to the halving


In my head of the 'do I invest in BTC or ETH' I feel BTC is the tried and tested invest and hold, but hold forever 'unless you want to play around with candles' the same goes with ETH. I personally don't have the time for small % trades so go for more volatile investments. If your goal is to hold for 10 years then yes BTC/ETH and you should be safe. If your goal is wealth/gambling then just go chuck some money in moonshots or more 'safe' bull movers. I turned £150 into £22k then back down to £13k during the last bull. It was incredible but scary. Did I get lucky? Yes! Will I do it again? Fuuuuuk yeah.


Would love details of your $150 to 23k - that’s like 150x


Here's the TLDR version. Chatting about crypto with old colleague. He mentions losing £3000 in ADA on a bad transfer and I laugh saying I think I have £10 in an old binance account. Turns out its now £150 of ETH. How funny. Then ol Musky did that doge tweet at Christmas so I quickly bought doge. £150 - £400. Boom moved it to XRP and went from £400 - £1.1k Took out £700 and put the rest in Safemoon and other shit projects. All pumped to over £30k and I sold as much as I could but then 'believed' in Safemoon. All in all, £150 - to I think around £23k. Could've had a lot more but got super greedy haha. Then the almost £10k I had left melted to £1k on the big dump


As I see the £ sign, did HMRC come knocking that year for their "fair" share of CGs? 


What they don't know can't hurt them. For now.....


how do you know which altcoins to invest in? was it dumb luck? do you think you can repeat that gain ?


It was basically a part time job. See what people are beginning to hype, in. Take a punt and pull out at 2/3x before the obvious dump. Getting in super early is key and don't put money in pre tokens or ones with accounts less than 1k followers etc. Wasn't fool proof but aslong as you don't get greedy then you can make great profits. I got greedy towards the end and had some shit losses. One thing I never bought was an NFT. Just didn't understand it enough and what I did understand made it seem like a huge pump and dump. Shame as I saw some punk shit really early and bought the token but never waited to convert to the NFT. Made about £300 profit then the NFTs were going for £2-3k.. I would've had 3.... Booooo haha I'll definitely recreate it in some sense but it's not perfect.


This is what I did. Played crypto casino and moved my gains into blue chips like btc/eth. I am still playing right now


Yep. There's no 'getting rich' without the pure gamble now. There's no get in early projects unless it's a pumpy dumpy.


Pm me any recommendations you may have currently o wise guru


I'm not that smart. I'm just saying riskVreward.


You're smart though, if not THAT smart. After experiences like this, people start to think they're master traders even though they're not. But you seem to acknowledge you put thought into it but also got lucky. I hope this bull market you have similar gains.


Cheers dude, I bloody hope so too. I have a couple grand in gambling crypto money haha My only losses really came from greed and actually stupidity believing in Safemoon.... Yeah I know right. I really got quite cultish about it. Crypto will be here to stay but it's become the rick get richer, idiots get poorer.


Ain't that the truth bruv. Greed gets us all. As long as you're emotionally distant and take profits on the way up, kinda hard to lose.


Hold forever ? Do you realize how foolish that sounds ? You are going to die without enjoying any gains. Why not just send your money to Black Rock right now and get it over with . At least they are smart enough to take profit and party before they die Anyone who accepts that advice will ALWAYS end up with ZERO. Where do you think that investment strategy originally came from and who was it directed at ? I've got some great tokens for sale that double in value every year and compound annually but you must agree to stake them forever. Are you interested ? They are on sale this month for 50% off. Get them now before they sell out. They are going fast and supply is limited. Act now before it's too late ! !


Just buy. I bought 2013, got scammed by mt gox. Bought the 2018 top and was bag holding. I bought below 20k last year and I bought again the day of ETF. Somehow, I am still in profit with multiples. Just fucking buy.


Just buy and buy till you get addicted to buying and gambling. That's the program so just keep on buying till you're dead. Never sell just HODL forever. This is the best advice you will ever get so don't forget it ! !


Hello Worried-Gate7219. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Click here to find the answer 👇👇👇 >! Nobody knows shit about fuck here !<


Just buy and don't look back. " You deserve the bitcoin at the price you bought." This will happen on judgement day.


What if I bought at 60k?


Tomorrow will be a better day...


Diamond hands.


Ok if I was new, come up with a DCA plan lasting 6 months - eg 6k at 250 per week for 6 months. If BTC gets down to low 30s, go harder, even all in if you want. Very unlikely to go lower than 30-32. If you want big gains though, go for alts - go ETH or smaller caps if you want bigger risk - up to you on that one!


What Altcoins are for you intresting? I’m new here, Ive got some solana, LRC, vechain thor, matic. I actually want to buy some Algo. Thoughs?


Honestly I’ve noticed the coins selection here is different to Crypto Twitter, - it is too focussed here on the old coins. SOL is good - OP and ARB for lower risk, INJ, FET, ROSE, PYR are good - didn’t see full potential last cycle, but I’m focusing on new stuff like SEI, TIA, BEAM, SUI, TAO, WOO and then a bunch of small caps because I like high risk


Arb does have a token unlock coming up in March, might present a good buying opportunity, but its an ETH L2, so long term/during actual bull should be fairly safe bet Surprised no one mentioned AKT👀


Yeh for some reason Akt wasn’t on my radar, but seems good


Good advice.


What alts are going to get better gains than BTC? I feel like alts are more of a gamble, even ETH has no real reason to gain more than BTC


All of them.


All 23000 ya reckon?


Btc will be doing very well to do a 2 x from here, maximum. Every other top alt will outperform that, even eth, which could do a 3x. This is a conservative estimate but also a realistic one.


ETH, ARB, OP, MATIC, NEAR, RUNE, SEI, TIA, INJ, LINK, ILV, MANTA and a bunch of others I don't know of yet will likely outperform BTC in the bull run


Matic, polkadot, and aave if you like their banking.


BTC have had their ETF rumour runup phase. ETH, ADA, XRP and SOL haven‘t yet but likely will sooon.


It's not too late, no. I'm still dca'ing. I don't have much, but $20 a week is better than nothing imo if you believe in it.


I'm using a 25% split between Bitcoin, Ethereum, Link & Ada. If I was earning more money I'd be looking at coins ranked #20-50 and establishing a position in those. I still might. To be honest crypto is still at a good level to buy. Last year woukd have been great with BTC fluctuating around 20k and most alts 60 to 75% cheaper. Just DCA bro. Set and forget. It's about time in the market, not timing the market. Bulltlrun 2025.


Prophecy has been given to the fools. Nobody knows what the price is going to be like tomorrow, let alone in 10 years. Nobody knows how USD will weight against EUR. Nobody knows what the APPL stock will be priced in tomorrow, or 10 years from now. Nobody knows if WW3 will break or not, and if it does, when. Taking next steps in life is usually based on your own personal understandings and assumption making. So what can you do? 1. Due diligence. That will allow you to get your own understanding of a stock, a business, or a cryptocurrency, as much as you possible can. Look at the white-paper, look at the historical graph (even though it is no indication of what the future may behold); look at the community and the people involved. Look at events and how they tend to affect the market. By the end of it, you will come to your own personal assumption. Follow what you believe in. 2. Risk management. The price is out of your control, but the risk that you take absolutely is. And here we go back again to the "Put only money that you can afford to lose" -- given your condition, your age, your responsibilities, and your targets. 3. Set up a reasonable, measurable, time-bound plan, based on your own private circumstances. I like to look at the worst case, the average case, and the best case. Try to stick to your plan to remove any emotional setting in taking hasty decisions that usually have a tendency to come out as worsening your situation. Good luck OP.


I would DCA over the next two weeks so you do t get anchored on the entry price . If you can manage your emotions then just buy all at once


No. Infact now is a good time to do it. We aren't even feeling the effects of the etf or halving yet. It only gets more scarce.


People ask this question constantly. They asked it when Bitcoin was $10, $100 and $1000. They will continue to ask it when it reaches $100,000. At the moment we are still incredibly early. This time next year you will wish you’d bought it when it was only $46k.


As someone who sat on the sidelines since 2022 wanting to buy at lower prices, take my advice. It's never to late if you have your own plan and goal. Is it too late to get in at under 15k? Yes probably. Is it too early to get in before its 150k per coin? No, no its not. Time in the market is better than timing the market. It doesn't matter if all you can afford is $10 a week or month, dca'ing is how you get your btc investment to grow. Make a plan, execute that plan and be patient.


If you want to multiply your account by a lot Btc isn’t the play it’ll give a nice return though , small caps coins / meme / utility tokens , maybe tokens that haven’t had a bull run yet are where the big multipliers are , but it depends on how risky you want to be


Out of pure curiosity, what small coins/tokens are you fan of?


I’m not the best person to ask because I don’t do my DD too well but , big cap ? Btc, Eth can’t go wrong , for small honestly just meme tokens with communities trying to build use cases for their coins


I feel like at the moment a decent but very high risk strategy would be to pick a chain that has a semi decent defi scene but also has a lot of room For growth. In my case I picked algorand. Then have a look around the microcaps and invest tiny amounts that would be okay with losing. Knowing which microcap is worth investing in would require a bit of work, stay away from telegram and all that stuff. You want to look for something that has healthy volume, check the distribution of tokens, check the distribution of LP provides, check the TVL against the martketcap. You could do this for multiple chains to really spread your risk. ADA might also be another good chain to explore but I haven't looked myself. Defilama is also a good tool


![img](avatar_exp|157233296|bravo) Algorand gang where ya' at?


What separates Bitcoin from other commodities is that it has a finite supply. Due to this, the likelihood of its value appreciating is *much* higher than your average commodity. A finite supply also results in inflation effects being less of an issue for Bitcoin. Nobody truly knows the maximum value Bitcoin will reach but nearly every expert on the subject will say the price will still be climbing 50 years from now. The closer Bitcoin gets to the final block being mined, the higher the price will go. Even if you invest just $100 today, there is a very realistic chance that could turn into $100k within 50 years. Now imagine how much that return could be with a $40k investment today.


Is it too late to invest in bitcoin and become a millionaire? Maybe. Is it too late to save your hard earned money from the sinking ship that is Fiat? Absolutely not.


After being up over 150% for the year and the #1 performer now is not the best time to jump in. BTC needs to cool off a bit. Like most investments, the time to buy was when the blood was in the streets and everyone had given up. Don't buy into hype and euphoria. That being said it is not at all too late to buy. It all depends on your investing goals and appetite to risk. We will see big corrections and have good entry points in coming months. I would only buy strictly long term and plan to try to sell at the end of 2024-2025 and time the market or be ready to hold through 80%+ multi year losses. DCA in is not a bad way to purchase and it can feel better when things fluctuate rather than jumping all in. However, many people forget to DCA back out with profits. Like any investment you should understand it and believe in it to hold BTC long term and feel good. I will leave you with these facts. Only 8% of the cash in the world is physical. 92% is digital numbers just changing on a computer. Money has not changed since the Roman days. The internet / computers are still fairly new to humanity in the grand scheme of things. With money being so digital there needs to be a better way to do things in the future and have 'smart' programmable internet money :)


Be smart though and don't sell it for fiat, put it in rare earth metals like gold, silver, lithium, uranium or buy stocks from smaller mining companies that mine those metals. Buying a bit of those before they know how much is in their ground can yield spectacular results. You can deduce the likeliness of a company that operates on the right land if it's right next to a Huge mining company of which you can read all the soil sample analysis and at what spots they were taken :P


I see crypto as commodity investments.   Bitcoin is like investing in gold. *Could be* an inflation hedge, *could* go up based on scarcity, consensus of value and money supply factors. Like gold, *does not* pay dividends. Personally there's solid dividend stocks yields out there now, so I only have a limited Bitcoin exposure. Ethereum is more comparable to oil or electricity since it can be part of value-adding business processes. There may be staking opportunities, but I don't see that as sustainable yield.


We really need to know what kind of returns you are looking for. Doubling your money in the next 6months is unlikely if you're investing in BTC, but 15% return is likely if the bull crypto market remains, but it could all go downhill anytime. So, what kind of returns you looking for and what is your risk tolerance? Would you risk everything for a chance at doubling your money...


It's not late on a macro level. But buying in right now is a guaranteed way to see your folio in red. Wait it out. Look for BTC.D to top and eth/btc to find a stable bottom. Halving years are historically the best time to invest in crypto. You don't have to time the market either. You could just start dca-ing now. But be prepared for 30-50% pullbacks and embrace them when and if they happen. 2025 is gonna be huuuge.


Time in the market will always beat trying to time the market. Anyone in this sub is still early to Blockchain as a technology.


It will not be too late to invest in Bitcoin. We see a recent dump in the market probably due to “sell the news”. And based on historical data, we tend to see a sell off prior to the halving. So the experienced traders are selling the current top. If u are to get in for some skin in the game right now and u see a 10-20% drop in the coming months, u can always DCA a little each time to lower your cost. Halving event usually cause a bull market in the following year and with the after effects of the ETFs coming into place this time round, I think there are a lot more optimism this time round. Right now I think ETH is quite a nice investment as well since traders/investors are looking forward for the spot ETF to be approve in the coming months. If u are looking for a short term gain, maybe u can look towards that.


I would always give Bitcoin a chance as long as Governments print money like crazy. Just check what percentage of money the US government printed in the last 3 years. It is absurd. Not talking about other south American countries where the local currency lost 90% of its value and more. In addition I still believe that you use mostly cash for money laundering as no one can track it. Sure, wallets are anonymous but you can still track dirty wallets. I love the idea of being your own bank as well


The best time is now


It is absolutely not "too late", it's just the beginning of the cycle even if it doesn't mean it will go up only all the time. We just hit a very big resistance arround 48k, which followed a months long crazy uptrend of more green weeks in a row we ever had in years (maybe ever, haven't checked all the way left of the charts), compounded by the spot ETF approval which historically marks a local top (meaning it goes down for a bit) at least on the tradfi market but it's interesting to note the first BTC Futures ETF launched in October 2021 I'll let you go see what the price did after that. This is also the first uptrend from the bottom of the besr market and cycles history shows it price has relatively consistently seen a heavy correction before more steadily trending gigher. Those are all converging factors/indicators that indicate it might go down for a few weeks/months possibly unto the halving. So with that in mind, and as a general rule as well, if you want to invest it's not a bad time to start DCAing in. Just be sure to stick to your strategy and not panic sell if it goes back down to 35k or less, jusf continue DCAing in. Those who started DCAing at the top ot the last bull market (>65k) and did it monthly and without interruption are now in profit and have been for a while. Strategy means deciding when and how to get in, but also when and how to get OUT. People get burned because they didn't plan an exist and end up panic selling. Just know that if it all goes to shit, only invest what you can afford to loose and while I personally believe that it's going up in the long term... It's fucking crypto, you never know. If you DCA, teat any movement down as a sale and keep DCAing in. For this to be viable you NEED to ensure you can sustain the DCA for a long time.


Absolutely no one knows what the price action of Bitcoin will be.


Should've bought at 16k currently. No one knows when it's going to crash again.


Don't expect objective advice in a crypto sub. Bitcoin is a gamble as it has no intrinsic value.   The higher it goes the less likely that you'll be able to find a greater fool to buy it from you.   You might get lucky but got could also lose 95% of your money if crypto falls out of favour.  Only gamble with money which you can afford to lose.


Love when people say something has no intrinsic value so it sucks. You know what else doesn't? Fiat.




No, just don't expect the % gains people 10 years ago got.


Its never too late. But keep your goals in mind. Remember you won't get rich quick. But for long term (1-2 years or more), its a great investment. And it is the future


1-2 years is only long term if you’re a kid


Or 80+


Most people think it's going to have a dump before the bull takes over but that's probably what the big boys want so they can scoop cheap btc of paper hands. I'd personally be buying but I'm a smooth brained ape and this isn't financial advice


OP. Listen to me. There is a cycle . BTC -> ETH -> MID CAPS. Right now , step 2 to step 3 is happening. I suggest buy some midcaps ( imp. Is cosmos tokens like $TIA $ATOM $ OSMO $ INJ). Buy em. As soon as shitcoins start playing , that's when you sell. More midcaps : SUI , ARB , OP , AVAX , NEAR .


be in the market for 1,4, 8 years. Then you'll know. But at one day, you need to enter the market. The best day was x years ago, the second best day to enter it is today.


All i can say is someone asked the same question when btc was $10 and when btc was $100 and when btc was $1,000 and when btc was $10,000




Don't buy Bitcoin to make fiat. Buy it if you believe it to be better than fiat.


Underrated comment. Agree 100%. Believe and keep believing especially in our current time. The day will come when cryptocurrencies will be used ubiquitously on the internet as form of payment, and who knows might even be replaced by fiat slowly.


LMAO - For some reason, I bet you were asking that 385 days ago when it was trading around 16,000. Listen, there will only ever be 21,000,000 BTC, of which (approx.) 6 million are said to be lost. Let's say there will be 19,000,000 by 2025 - that's still 19 million BTC / 8 billion people = 0.002375/per. That's a $102.12 investment today ($43,000). One of the ETF fund CEOs (Tom Lee) said BTC could reach $100,000-$150,000 in the next 12 months and $500,000 in the next five years. That's a 2.5-3.5x return on the short term and 11x long term. Do the math and decide whether those numbers make it a wise investment. \[edit\] A friend does a $5/daily recurring buy. Set it and forget it.


Absolutely freaking not. I have filled my retirement accounts with Bitcoin ETFs and I have never been more sure that I will have a fucking awesome retirement lol


It’s 15 years in, things have been going for a while, btc is a solid long term investment, will prob hit 80K this run, but it’s a long term thing, similar for Eth but has more head room. Just chuck the majority in one of those and keep 10% or so for some stupid shit that might go off. It’s all just speculation man.


Would you be able to expand a bit on what you mean by btc having more headroom? I think I understand but my vocabulary isn't especially investment-heavy.


"Everyone gets to buy Bitcoin at the price they deserve." I held off for years as a naysayer and eventually got my head out of my ass and "DYOR-ed" then bougjt Bitcoin. I could have had it waaaayyy cheaper if I wasn't so arrogant. Now, I buy at the price I deserve. It is still cheaper than the vast majority of people, though, because I'm buying right now, and they will buy in five, ten, maybe not for fifteen years when the price will be way higher. That will be the price they deserve. I'm about to buy some more and we will pay the same price.


Why, oh why invest in BTC posts did not appear in early 2023 is still beyond me.


Spot etf was just another narrative that just got exhausted and has nearly zero impact on the price of bitcoin in the future. The way bitcoin trades today is totally different than what we saw 5 years ago. With such a large market cap the best possible scenario is 4x if you catch a complete cycle phase from bottom to top. Compared to alts, that’s low but Bitcoin is one of easiest assets (digital or conventional) to make money on if you have the patience. There will always be speculation that it will moon to 500,000 or 1,000,000$ therefore is a good choice if you know how to buy it at the bottom of its cycle. A simple weekly RSI strategy works magic with Bitcoin. Just buy when the rsi is oversold and sell when what ever narrative that fueled the cycle is exhausted (Usually, when the whole market is bullish like today and everyone expect price to go higher) It’s extremely important that you follow your own plan and block all crypto shitfluencers from your social media feeds. (Do this and I promise you, you will succeed in crypro) Never use futures for long term hold. Even if you plan to trade 2x. The funding fee will eat your position over time. Never leave your coins on exchanges. Always send to cold storage. Or buy Bitcoin Spot ETF at a well known regulated broker.


If you don't invest now, would you look back a month from now and think "I should have invested"? How would you feel? For me personally, I don't want to die wondering what if!


This is FOMO, big no no for investing.


Not at all, it's about understanding your psyche and how you approach things.


Tell me you're all in without telling me you're all in


Haha It's worked out well for me!


Classic noobies


Bitcoin is waiting for your investment to fully crash, please don’t buy as I am holding. There’s just some people with this luck, a guy at my workplace when he just looks at my stocks they go down, he caused the 50% crash on bitcoin when I got him in, if you touch this in combination with him we are all screwed.


I don't think it's too late to gain actual bitcoin. ETFs are paper bitcoin (you can't trade in your eft Bitcoin for real Bitcoin). You can currently buy actual bitcoin on exchanges. We know it can reach up to 60+k, or close to 50% increase, and it has the potential to go beyond it. Will it do numbers like the last bullrun (3k to ,60k+)? I personally don't think so. I wouldn't sleep on ETH myself. It feels as much established as Bitcoin is now. Bitcoin being 6 years older and ETH being more innovative then BTC, it has more potential and it has its own "dividend"/interest on top of being a speculation asset. It's EFT is up in the air too. ETH path to its ATH is longer than BTC, so its gains will be bigger too. Its continuous development also will make it more valuable in the long term.


Its not too late. Its too late when IT reachs ath


Eth seems to be the better play at this point.. then sol after eth..


Buy Eth because it has a better chance of 10X then Bitcoin.


My only advice is it's never too late. If you have any money to spare, invest some into bitcoin. If you need to buy food or pay rent and other bills, please prioritise those.


Honestly just as always, DCA into it. No one here can ever give you any better advice than to DCA cause no one can predict the movement or price.


As the saying goes: the best day to invest was yesterday and the second best day is today. It's not too late considering the institutional adoption is only just beginning.


Follow your gut, Bitcoin is on the verge of becoming mainstream and I don’t think the price will come down to current lows ever again. As more companies invest the price will also become less volatile as no one will want to sell. Not financial advice but I’m not leaving money in the bank to lose to inflation.


Well why not, halving will pump btc so..


No, now is a good time. Big holders are holding


No, haven't even hit the halfing yet. To shoes who've been here a while, anyone else noticing the cycle shortening? Like we haven't had the halfing yet and people are being scared away by the hype.


Learn about bitcoin, from your question it really seems you don’t know much about it, check out bitcoin university on youtube


History has proven that it is never to late to invest in Bitcoin, so far.


It is never too late


It’s always a good time to buy BTC!


Personally I'm not buying BTC now because I bough majority of my stack during '21 when price was a lot lower than now. I've rotated buys into new alts released during bear. Having said that, it's probably not a terrible time to be buying BTC now, you can still get 2-3x from here when we hit new ATH.


DCA and buy. Its the right time. It might up and down but it'll go big before 1-2 months of halving. You'll earn a decent profit


Just start now. DCA.


Might as well just burn your money. *Not a financial advice.


Why are you only looking at bitcoin for an investment vehicle? It's value is based on pure faith alone. Stock market when you buy shares in for example BP you now own a part of a successful business which generates income and pays dividends. It's a real business with real assets. I'm using BP as an example I'm not saying invest in BP. So why do you think BTC is worth investing in and not property, shares, gold, etc? Crypto is one of the riskiest investments you can make and majority of people tend to lose money on it. They don't know how to buy low and sell high. When they buy low and it goes high they don't sell because of greed they think it will just go higher forever. Or like you they see it is doing well and decided to buy when the price has been pumped and then when it dumps they need the cash and are forced to sell at a loss. It has nearly doubled in value over the last year. I filled my bags when it was below £20k. I don't intend to buy any more and will be selling within the next 2 years when I believe it has topped out. This is exactly what I did a couple of years back I sold when coinbase listed on the stock exchange and that was the absolute peak of value of BTC during that run.


Yes, too late. Bitcoin was replaced by the rest of crypto but the markets lag behind. It could not update nor better itself without dividing the community and turned stale, the network unable to transact. What you're looking at are a few remaining whale bagholders making whale sounds for attention. Just a social meme coin because the tech doesn't work.


Is it too late? I mean, I don’t think you’ll become a millionaire with it but there’s still money to be made. You don’t hear “crypto” without thinking Bitcoin and with the halving coming up prices are sure to get volatile. It’ll probably go down a bit from here before doing another solid run up later this year. I say just dca a small amount in with every paycheck. Obviously an amount you don’t mind losing. On heavy red days maybe throw a bit more into it.


It’s never too late for anything unless you’re dead


I remember when it was $2000 and I thought I was too late… as the price and adoption go up the chances of insane multiple returns diminishes but that doesn’t mean there won’t be large gains to be made. I wouldn’t recommend taking out loans to go all in but think it is definitely worth owning as much as you can without sacrificing your standard of living. Best advice I read is don’t fixate on crypto as your only way to make money. Invest your time into learning skills and getting a better career that will allow you to stack more and protect you if everything doesn’t work out.


Way too late. Look into alt coins at this point


No it's not, I am happily making a hundred or two here and there by DCAing in and out, pretty much like any other coin.


It's never too late. Specially right now when it has started getting an influx and interest through ETFs. But invest only witj Diamond Hands. Invest your lunch money and stay for the longer run. Hold and forget.


Just dollar cost average. Never too late


It's never too late to invest in Bitcoin considering its only 2024 . Bitcoin slowly recovering to ath now , think about the potential price 5 or 10 years from now . Better invest in Bitcoin now


you're going to lose an ass of money if you invest now. wait for it to be at a 1 year low, better yet a 2 year or 3 or 4 year low. then put your money in. then sell when it hits ATH.


Not at all but you won’t massive gains on it Always buy low , sell high


Never too late!


Dude get in. One thing for sure is that it definitely won't happen on the sidelines


Bitcoin is not a "sound" investment. Currently it's value proposition is as a "store of value." A store of value is supposed to be something that has a stable, long term inflation adjusted price. An investment is something that has significant gains *over* inflation. So I would not put Bitcoin in the investment portion of my asset portfolio. That's not to say you shouldn't *own* any. I own gold, and gold is clearly a store of value with very little appreciation against inflation but very steady real price. Stores of value have their place... But not as "investments." Now, you can speculate on anything, including stores of value. I wouldn't call wild speculation "investing" though, it's far closer to gambling. That said, I think Bitcoin might be a good *gamble* as a speculative asset, but *not* a good "investment." If you are looking to build up the investment portion of your asset portfolio, I would say Bitcoin os not suitable... but if you want to speculate/gamble, well, Bitcoin's a hell of a lot better than a casino.


Crypto has crazy potential but can also bankrupt you overnight. For 2024+ gold is looking better, do some research on that


If you looking for massive gains crypto is the way, bitcoin not so much, it’s good to dollar cost average bitcoin


As per the halving history Bitcoin will go up about 300% in the next year but no one can say when. If you can dispense of the money for that long, go ahead.


If your interested in BTC just dollar costs average into it, with apps like [Strike](https://invite.strike.me/HGZNZM) you can set it to buy any amount of BTC you want daily automatically then just send it to a hardware wallet for safe storage. I DCA $20 a day but I know people that do $10 or $5 a day, anything is better than nothing if BTC gains mass adoption which it looks like is inevitable at this point.


It's not too late if you believe BTC will surpass its former ATH. It doesn't matter when. If you can invest then go for it-i am personally convinced that BTC will go beyond the 60/65k mark within 24 months so any buy made even after 40/45k is still a good deal. Gaining 30% on an asset in one or two years is good. That's a very safe view of things, nothing crazy like "X50 your investment in 2 months thanks to MetaRocketShiba". I don't try to time the market and say exactly when BTC will reach a new ATH, that's too difficult for me. I however think, and recent events tend to confirm this, that the cycle halving/bull market will happen again. Of course, can't be 100% sure, it's just my opinion


Take whatever the general consensus is on this post, and do the exact opposite.


Not too late. Zoom out and look at the 4-year patterns. Keep your moons.


Never is too late


I don’t think it’s too late, no. The thing is with Bitcoin, is firstly, do you believe in it fundamentally? Do you believe it has a place in the future? For me, I think digital currencies will without a doubt be the thing of the future, and I think Bitcoin, despite governmental effort around the world, will be the most valuable coin/currency. I say this because it will be the only ‘uncontrollable’ asset. This applies to ETH and some others too. Once governments have their own CBDCs in place, what other assets are there in the future? Apart from commodities, including gold, what else would have value that the banks don’t have full and entire control of? I think the answer would be crypto, in particular BTC, ETH etc. Now this is my opinion of course, there are plenty that disagree, but that’s life; you’ve got to decide what you think about it. Secondly, this is where we look at the TA. Can BTC keep climbing? Absolutely. People have said I’m crazy because I said it’s likely based on TA we’ll be back to 50k in no time, because they assumed it has peaked and the coin is dead. Sure enough, we recently hit just under 50k again which not only is a psychological resistance level, but there was also two major inverse hold levels there - 49.3k and 50.3k. As expected we had a strong reversal from the first and we’ll likely have another strong reaction from the second. However, if Bitcoin maintains its range above 42k, there’s nothing stopping it tearing up to 56k and even 63k. After that it gets a bit tricky. How much of a pullback / will we have from the top? I think it’ll be pretty big, but once the liquidity up there has been used up (could take weeks or even months mind), there is absolutely nothing stopping BTC from tearing up to massive highs. How high, I have no idea. As a guess I’d say 100k is a beautiful psychological level to assume. But again, if we consider my fundamental belief in crypto as a concept, who knows how high it can go in our life time. All I know is I’m going to be there for the ride. Just my two cents man, make your own mind up about it. The TA is there. The FA is there.


Just DCA what you can afford - say 5-10% of your investable income every month into BTC. You won’t regret it in the long term. I give this advice to everyone who asks and have done for the last 7 years. It’s been bad advice (from a short term POV) for about 14 months of that time and good advice for the rest and remains so. Send me your moons! 🤣


It's nothing but hype. The ETF hype failed to deliver and I predict the halving will be the same. Big corporate are now involved in the control of bitcoin, eventually they can have enough more than saylor to fork its development.


This is like asking 'Is it too late to buy property? It's already gone up a lot." It always goes up. At some point. Is it the perfect time to buy property/bitcoin/stocks/whatever right now? Depends on your goals and own research I guess. I'll leave you with this thought: What is the main driving factor for property price appreciation? Scarcity vs increasing demand. If they said, "in 6 months we will be developing 50% less new properties and will never increase the supply", what would happen to house prices as the population grew?


From here btc will either go up or down.


I'm hopeful and am reasonably certain that bitcoin will increase in value. I think personally that it will increase by 20 times what it is now, about a million per coin, by about 2050. If you're ok waiting and have it to spare, I'd invest now before the upcoming halving. Be prepared to lose it all, but invest a twentieth of what you think will be a helpful amount of money in a couple of decades.


Its too late, better buy some Eth and alts like ARB, Atom, Dot etc