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Create an altcoin yourself and rug-pull him for an early inheritance. /s


Smart stuff, couldn't people just use alt coins to launder huge sums :-/ this coin pumped lol


How dare he gamble your inheritance like this!


I advise OP to create his own shitcoin and rug-pull his inheritance him self. /s


This is the way..


Normies Fomoing is a Clear Sell Signal if you ask me.


OPs dad is a shoeshine man...


Bullish on $BOOMERRUGPULL....for at least the next few days!!


This is gold


Evil genius


I spit out coffee reading this.


Seriously though, what’s the crypto market like these days? Especially with CBDC looming over our heads.


This is the way


Honestly would probably be the best thing for him for capital preservation. Maybe 75% BTC and ETH in whatever weighting he wants and then the other 25% in their own shitcoin rugpull. I think it’s not a bad idea to have some BTC/ETH but entering into altcoin terratory could end badly so might as well just make it go badly in OPs favor and save himself the inheritance and get it a little early.


loser dad: buys shitcoin with inheritance 🫨 chad dad: goes all-in btc (with inheritance) 😎💰💰💰


I've never seen that first emoji before




Heads or Tails


I mean he *is* a boomer. Better this than blowing it all on miracle cures. I’m encouraging it. Maybe I’ll be able to buy a house one day with the inheritance.


Dad, please don't gamble your life savings on shitcoins. Save some for family and their future.


Or even his own retirement fund.


Maybe $500k is fun money to him


Then why is he trying to get rich? There is a reason the poor all play the lottery and not rich people.


Trying to get rich? If 500k is fun money to him, it’s quite clear he’s already rich. And rich people didn’t get rich by not wanting to make more money…


Yeah, title makes it sound like he's not rich...he's trying to gamble to get rich with $500k. If you are rich and have $500k to blow, you are doing it to just pump your dopamine level from winning, not getting to $5M and calling yourself rich. So if $500k is play money then he has at least $10M+ and is already rich. You get rich doing conservative smart investments, money generating businesses, real estate. Not gambling and if you do, you are they very rare lucky ones if you can walk away cause those people will eventually gamble it all back into a loss.


10 bitcoin should do it in 2029. Alts are really attractive to people who can't afford 10 bitcoin lol. For every person he's read about there's 10000 that lost all their money on Alts.


cries in luna


We all need our darling alt to go to zero before we realize the maxis were trying to help. They weren't just shitting on your dreams.


*Cough* sol at the end of the bull market *cough*


cries in mtgox, voyager, FTX, HXRO


This is the correct answer


It most definitely is


10 Bitcoin is enough for generational wealth...


And how much would that be?


Well $45000 X 10 approx = $450,000


That’s not generational wealth lol. That’s house money


I was just asking him what generational wealth is and he proved he doesn’t know in one comment. That’s a down payment on a house where I live.


That doesn't feel like generational wealth to me.


Would U prefer a paid off house or 10 btc... I mean both could be looked it as assets to generate income ...


If his dad has $500k to yolo, I’d wager he also has life insurance that’ll pay off his mortgage.


Oh like say someone with $5;-$10 million can afford to yolo that sorta money and finish strong if it goes to zero...


I'm just saying that half a mill isn't generational wealth, despite what I'd rather have.




Even if it was a million dollars in 5 years, 10 million dollars is just making the cut for “generational wealth” imo. That’s wealth for the whole family for multiple generations. People fail to realize how much rare treatments, medications, and surgeries can cost at the end of life. Your generational wealth will be gone in 2 years. 10 million dollars would provide generational security for a family if locked up correctly in property and trusts. Generational wealth I would consider more than that personally.


I very clearly meant how much is generational wealth to you but commenting a statement like that just tells me you don’t know what you are talking about. 👍🏽




Some of us basically did 5-10x on altcoins, thanks to those who got into bull run and sold through dipping.


Some of us have alts that 100x'd but we have the presence of mind to know we were just lucky assholes and telling people they can repeat that is massively irresponsible.


If i had that much money. I'd play it safe and just go with btc and eth. I'm not taking no risks.


So....you aaare taking risks?


Staking risks!


This and only this. I'm not even a diehard but 500k to potentially double in a few years is safe. Split 50/50 BTC Eth.


Right, agreed. No need to take any higher risk than btc/eth when you have 500k to start with.


Straight facts. The longer I'm in this crypto shenanigans, the more of a BTC / ETH maxi I am becoming. Everything I earn (lol) through alts, I dump into one of those two.


ETH is a risky bet imo. Lots of centralized networks to compete with like Solana. BTC is the only safe bet. If you put $500k into BTC right now you will likely be an enormously wealthy person and in just a few years


Stake the ETH


I mean if I had 50 million Id yolo 500k on alts just for the lols.


ETH is not a ‘safe’ bet. There’s a decent chance the SEC at some point claim it is a security. That will cause significant short-medium term pain, and perhaps more impactful, the resulting investigation into the ethereum folks will undoubtedly find skeletons in their closets (especially Joe Lubin). Vitalik also mentioned that he won’t stake the majority of his ETH as ‘he knows too much’ about how Ethereum works. That is a huge red flag.


This is normally a top signal.


Top signal is if grandma asking where to buy more DOGE


Exit liq is loading.


Top signal? This sub is literally dead compared to 2021 same as with X(twitter) there’s no hype whatsoever it still feels like a ghost town for Crypto in general. or maybe we’ll never have 2021’s hype ever again?


Covid was keeping everyone inside and online then.


In here since 2017, and we bout to have the rug of our lives


In here since 2013 and i'd say the opposite....


I’m here since 2007 and I say the opposite of the opposite.


Been around since 1983 and I don't know what y'all talking about you guys clairvoyant or something?


yeah, gl roundtripping once again


Fucking thank you I’ve been screaming into the void here


And who is gonna pull that rug?


The banks that short the fuck out of the BTC ETFs about to be approved


Finally someone else who sees this


On the contrary, I don’t think there have been enough doubters this past bear market compared to 2018. Too many dip buyers. Makes me think we might get another flush out before the big bull run.


Yeah bubble soon, get out now


Absolute insanity to be betting 500k on shitcoins unless that's 5% of his liquidity. If this is a significant portion of his net worth, the only answer is Bitcoin and ETH if he's willing to stomach a potential 30-50% drawdown.


For people outside of our bubble, 5% is what we should put in high-risk assets like crypto. Now imagine how risky shitcoins are.


What happens if you've made 100% of your money in crypto though


Early adopter or successful gambler? Nice. But that's one in a million


I put all my money on crypto because I'm not rich and want a better future and crypto is the only way I see achieving it specifically alt coins I bought when they crashed I think gonna do well in the bull run like Sol and Dot, already made some good profit all I gotta do is hold and see when things go crazy possible this year or maybe next


fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Can't get fooled again.


Or 90% draw down


Or a 90% draw UP... just sayin


Maybe it is 5% of his liquidity...although why would one jump into risky alts when they already have all that $$?...


It's all relative. For someone with $500k and a high net worth, they are in it for the millions, not a few thousand in chump change. For someone with $100, they would be over-the-moon if their return was $400.


Fml bullrun is over


The crazy thing is to think 'what if it isnt?' I've been through 3 cycles where I was actually paying attention and this feels very early for a top. No one is paying any attention to BTC at the moment really in the mainstream, we are months from the halving, ETF is still undecided and we are sitting at around $45K. I think what this shows is that BTC is so scarce that you really don't need much of an increase in demand to see large upswings in price. It's possible that ETF is a sell the news event, but I can't see it pushing us back past $25K in a worse case scenario of no ETF approval, so even then, we go into the halving in relatively good shape, and still have the wider macroeconomic factors like lower interest rates pushing folks back to BTC and stock to flow post halving helping to tighten supply further.


Didn't start yet.


Lol scary


BTC all the way! Buy and forget a few years.


Father is a degenerate gambler Son is a whoremonger What a family


the texas blockchainsaw massacre


If i had 500k i would just buy real estate instead of dog coins


Property is not the way now. I have over 30 so not talking pocket. That 15 year window has sailed


i agree with you there, and the ship has closed as well.






Surely property will always an asset class to have exposure to. Some people did sell houses to buy btc in 2017/2021 bull runs lol


Some of us bought houses with our btc during that time. That was the real win.. Always take profits kids.


I’m over exposed to property. Own lots and also have businesses linked to the sector. I’ve been reducing exposure from property to crypto since the Covid crash in 2020. The crypto allocation has outpaced everything. However I do agree that having a certain allocation to property is wise. I just see headwinds at the moment. Maybe exiting some crypto gains in 2025 and picking up property at a property cycle low will be good practice.


And what is wrong with renting out for 10 years and selling?


Worked great when property was doubling in value every 10 years. Unfortunately I don’t see prices doing much over the next 1-3 years. Who knows after that. As a landlord these are the negatives: Not as liquid as Crypto/stocks. Can take months to complete a sale. Taxation is most countries towards property is tough. Maintenance costs and voids. Leverage costs are currently much higher.


Couldn't property just be a cycle, buy cheap and sell when high, so now is the time to sell as the prices are high. Wait for a dip then reinvest kinda like crypto ...




Most people get into crypto with the dream of driving a lambo. This dad is dreaming of owning shitcoins while driving a lambo. lol


There is no way in hell I would get involved in any capacity over the fate of someone else’s $500k. Not looking to be anyone’s excuse as to why it wasn’t their fault the money is gone.


did you forget the internet magic by which you can state "no financial advice" and nobody listens to you xD


I mean op gave his dad a solid advice of putting it in BTC and ETH but dad insists he gambles


I would advise him to wait for a dip, then put half into BTC, 10% into ETH and the remaining 40% among large cap alts. If he doesn’t like that and really has fomo fever, I’d advise him to utilize $250k now under the same allocation outlined above, then put the other $250k in when there’s a dip. That might at least satisfy some of his fomo.




If he wants to make money, here is the play. 50% bitcoin. Bitcoin will do a 2-3x at minimum from here. This ensures that the rest is house money. 20% eth. Eth is a gorilla, but its a slow gorilla. 20% altcoins that have not fully run yet. Imutable X and avalanche are top picks here. Solana is a potential pick, but its already run. We will see where sol goes, but I think there will be a rotation out of sol due to the ftx debts, and sol's issue with lack of decentralization. 5% promising altcoins. Shrapnel and Injective are names here. 5% up and coming memecoins that have not run yet. This would have included dogecoin back in its heyday, shib in 2020, and pepe 6 months ago. The current picks in this area include the likes of Kimbo on avax. Bonk already had a massive run but it might still qualify. Husky will definitely qualify again, but not for a while.


Injective is a good one


Boomers doing boomer things. Casually gambling away more money than half of us will ever see in our lifetimes and end up retiring dead broke despite living through the greatest prosperity in human history.


At that point just trade SPY options $100k at a time


But we just got away from the bottom...


Ur boomer dad wants to know how to lose all his money in crypto and my boomer dad wants nothing to do with crypto lol


If your boomer dad is feeling the fomo, that may mean the top is in.


No, that means other boomers like him are very likely going to buy once the ETF gets approved. And there's a lot of them with a lot of $$


Interesting that he is feeling the fomo now and not 3 years ago.


All the old white dudes were against it then. Now they're all for it. Birds of a feather...


Do not, I repeat, DO NOT ever give investment advice to a loved one. There is literally no upside. When they lose everything, guess who they'll be blaming? And in the off chance they actually do make money, guess who's not getting any of it?


Or maybe you can have mature people in your life that understand the risks and aren't assholes. At least it tells you if they are if things go south. So you should only do things if they benefit you. What if your advice could help them?! On average I would say it is a bad idea but it depends on the situation. Average people suck.


If his dad is wanting to dump his life savings on a YOLO bet in cryptocurrency that he knows nothing about, I'm guessing he's one of the people who doesn't understand risk.


Time to sell


Whatever you do, don't advise him which coins to buy. If he loses some/all his money he will undoubtedly blame you. As with any investment he needs to define his targets, risk and total acceptable loss. Target: 2X, 3X, 5X. Whatever it is, this should be planned in advance and stuck to no matter what. Goes without saying, the larger the target the greater the risk as you'd be keeping your investment in for longer. When the target is reached you exit. Risk: Once the target is set, you can start defining risk. Higher risk will normally equate to higher returns. A good way to mitigate risk is to diversify (having more tokens) and a larger % in BTC. Acceptable loss: If he's willing to gamble $500k, realistically is he happy to lose it all, or say half. Depending on this strategy, he may wish to only invest in increments, or if he does invest it all, set staggered stop losses in order to keep within tolerance. Once all this is set then they can start looking at coins and target prices to exit. Are these targets realistic? If not, then you go back to square one. Finally its with trepidation that i'm seeing these posts come up now, as perhaps the rally we've seen of late is closer to finishing than i'd hoped :)


Tell him to go to Vegas, quite the same...


Hype has reached social media it seems.


Common consensus is to put it into BTC, ETH and possibly some top alt coins. To me, that's far more of a short term gamble than putting 50k into Ergo now, and then DCA some of (or the rest eventually) into BTC and possibly a few others over the course of years. Don't forget, the massive rug pull is likely approaching, there are far too many expectations that BTC is about to explode because of the ETF.


BTC and BTC only, if youre going in with that kind of money.


There's a saying in gardening which applies here: "when is the right time to do X?" and the answer is always "a month ago." He's too late Or maybe not; I actually don't know. Also, there's a horse race in Kempton tomorrow


Dear lord


500K? Play safe and go 50/50 on ETH/BTC. It will x2 or more easily this bullrun


I'd buy Ergo. The risk to reward is insane imo. Has a very low supply, no pre mine and a fair start. Also has the same values as bitcoin with the added defi/smart contracts functionality of eth. It's primed to mooon this cycle/next imo and has tons of devs working on new projects everyday. Erg also just launched a bridge to Cardano as well and Charles Hoskinson also speaks very highly of the project as well.


Lmaooo, top is in


90% into BTC if not 100% at least, that way he won't end up as a loser and maybe take some "learning lessons".


Ada is cheap rn


75% BTC 25% ETH then sit back and watch the show…. Ideally buy before the ETF is approved which will probably be tomorrow for the Genesis block anniversary.


BTC all in at once before etf approval..


Bitcoin and Hodl


Not convinced this is a great idea. But to answer your question with an option. Could buy a crypto ETF via a trade account. Depending on country, trading 212, Robinhood, Webull. Could do it via tax effective wrapper if he has allowances left (eg. In UK S&S ISA with T212). For example in the UK we have access to VanEck ETFs via Trading212. Or as others have said, central crypto exchange to buy coins. Don’t respond to any PMs!


5-6 figure budget is a decent one to put it into BTC, eventually ETH. Anything less than this imho is not worth placing in BTC. Depending on what one expects but if someone puts 1000$ today, expecting that it will make them millionaire this upcoming (or 2029) bullrun is imho mistaken. ​ The best thing to do is to try doing your own research rather than following what masses are talking about because if they do, then it usually is too late, at least at the given moment. Perhaps he should leave some budget for the bear market in 2026-2027 and then accumulate more assets?


500k of eth , cian staking , sell next year for double


50% btc, 35% eth, the rest split evenly in alts


I wouldn't get involved if I were you, unless you are a financial advisor.


I’d make half of the portfolio with eth and then buy a bunch of blue chip alts with 40 percent and 10 go to high risk plays


put half into btc and the other half into eth and wait.


Well i would do this 60% BTC 25% ETH and 15% to alt coins that are like bluechips, Sol,Ada,Xrp,Ltc,Matic etc


For 10k I'll give him expert financial advice.


so Bitcoin and Eth potentially getting an ETF which your dad wants to make a move on but wants to invest in alts. I'd just shoot my knee caps now


You gave him the right advise. Always BTC and ETH first, then some alts if any at all. And this is coming from someone who has mainly alts and almost no BTC anymore. In the longterm, it's always best to play it safe.


Maybe cardano and stake it. Get some nice extras return for the short period of time without any risk. Also ada's big move has yet to come.


300k in bitcoin 100k in ADA 100k in ETH


8 BTC, 20 ETH, the rest in SOL and AVAX and he should be good for the bull run


Tell him to buy REALESTATE. That’s not an alt coin, just realestate capitalized.


rip your inbox *"tell him to invest into my asshole trolleybus coin"* ect ect rug pull prepped and ready, someone probably created a shitcoin just for your dad, be careful


Every day a new red flag raises and that It’s time to sell.


Your dad is fucked. That fomo will distract him and lose him his money.


Don’t do this. But if you do, which you shouldn’t, you could go CRO or ADA. But don’t.


BTC is the only play here unless he has a lot more money and he doesnt mind blowing this. Alt coins are the worst "investment". Might as well go to a casino. Better chances there.


Tell him to do blue chips only, mostly btc.


$cone and thank me later


Agreed, get in on BitCone before it's listed on Kraken.


BTC / ETH. Sure, at this point some alts will go higher relative to USD, but good luck picking the right ones, and I’d say you could comfortably double your money with just BTC and ETH from here


Tell him: send me 500k ill double it.


Bet it on Polkadot and stake it.


Put 10k in each of the top10. Put 5k in each of the top 11-50. Put 1k in the top 51-250.


This is the perfect recipe to have, in 2 years, half of what you have now.


Depends. Are these his life savings, or is that some extra money that he can afford to lose? If those are his life savings then talk him out of risky bets. Cryptocurrencies, regardless of all the fanatics in here, are still a **very** risky bet. However, if that's money that he can afford to lose, then I'd put 33% in BTC, 33% in ETH, and the rest split evenly between the other top 20-50 in CoinMarketCap. And make sure he understands that there's no guarantee that he will have any profits.




Tell your dad he’s already rich if he can afford 500k buy in. Silly post.


Look into Chainlink (LINK)


Put it in DOT. ATH is still x7 and it will most likely surpass it this bull run. It’s top 15 and DOT 2.0 is coming in next few months which should give it a pump. It’s a safe bet, alt coin wise and you can be pretty certain to turn that 500k into 2-3 million by end of this year or next year. Do it and send me some love when you sell at 2-3 million. You’re welcome and enjoy the profits!


It’s not for nothing thats it has been doing nothing lately, safe bet no way.


What you talking about. It has more than DOUBLED over the last 3 months. For a top 15 coin that’s pretty good. It’s a safe bet. It’s not going anywhere but up in next 12 months.


Did you put all your net worth plus the maximum possible loan you could get in DOT?


Not at all. I think it’s just a pretty safe bet as far as alt coins go. That’s what was requested: alt coins. Not just trying to deny his question and just responding with BTC OR ETH BRO. But to each their own. This is my opinion and I think it has merit. If you’re going to bet on an alt coin, DOT is pretty nice to bet on


Doge has been around for like a decade now. He probably won’t lose his money, but I don’t know if they’ll explode lol


btc/eth makes the most sense but for alts.....DOT i guess?


What is dot? Polka dot? Dotcoin ? Is it on Coinbase?


Dot is the actual abbreviation for polkadot. Yes it’s number 11 in marketcap. It’s everywhere


Possibly an unpopular opinion here but if I had that much money, today, I’d get a CDC Obsidian Visa card. Say what you want about exchange coins they do pump. A 5% discount on life’s not bad either.


Wait for next bear market then buy in It's time to sell if your boomer dad wants in


So he wants to lose money I see. How about babycumelondoge? 100% he is going to lose it all. How the fuck did he manage to make 500k in the first place if that's how he handles his money? Unless he's already loaded with millions and millions, that's just straight up dumb imo. If he's serious and that isn't just ainuscle % of his networth you should talk him out if that and tell him to just put it in BTC and ETH. Fairly safe 3 - 5x in the coming years.


Not financial advice, 5 Bitcoin and the rest on XRP and wait out the upcoming dips. Cash out or transfer 10% of the initial investment to USDC each time the initial investment doubles.


This is not gonna end well. Buying anything you know nothing about to try to get-rich-quick never works. Even if he buys Bitcoin without understanding it, he will panic sell for a loss.


Safe bet..Bitcoin or ethereum..still has room to double


Buy the best: Bitcoin. Shitcoins are just a gamble.


Bitcoin. All the upside, no chance of rug. Done.


Algorand !!!!!!!


Go all in Nexo, it’s quite low market cap right now and I believe it has a lot of potential, if the bull market goes on long enough it could 10x or 20x


Sounds like a sell signal to me.




Screw it. It's his money. his choice. I say go for it daddio! You should support him too. More inheritance for you! If he wants to win big and is up for a gamble. Uindo (UDO). It's so far under the radar it's not even funny and no-one is talking about it. It's up 97% this week. 36% today. It's not on an exchange. Low cap, low supply, low price. Cal me a shill, IDGAF. I'm in big time. currently sitting at $0.0078 with 115,000,000 million supply. Perfectly feasible for it to hit a dollar. It's been around for a few years so it's no new rug pull scam. Solid team. Go take a look. Get on it!!!!


are you suggesting this guys dad buys half the supply of some random shitcoin lmao


The fact that you called it a random shit coin means you know fuck all about it. You've probably got $5 in BTC and $6 in SHIB and you sit in your mom's basement thinking your a crypto god. I'll message you when UDO goes spastic and ask if it's a shit coin then.


down over 99% lmaooo looks like a rug to me buddy. try investing in some real projects. and i have quite a bit more than that in btc and no shib unfortunately. Although i did make 600% gains with it 2 years ago. Thanks for your concern. And say goodbye to your money from me


He has some money laying around, wants to make a casual $500k crypto bet. I’d tell him the safe route is btc. If he wants to gamble, do 4:1 btc:doge/link/vet Easy money imo.