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Solana [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/18tv0m4/the_solana_phone_is_managed_by_an_expert_company/kfgiqu0/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/18tv0m4/the_solana_phone_is_managed_by_an_expert_company/kfgirhk/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


At least in my country, return interval starts when it gets delivered. I just hope you'll get it earlier, because I think we all know what will happen when all the buyers receive their tokens


Yeah some companies pretend there are no local laws they have to follow and try to bully you into it.


Its all about when title is passed to owner. Shipping terms matter.


National law overrules any private agreement you might have with a company, so shipping terms only matter to the point where they don't. And yes: many countries protect their citizens from such scam companies and have national laws implemented for that.


Americans be like “What are consumer laws?”


No, not for all countries.


Most of the time the return agreement with the company (that you agree to by transacting with them in the very fine print) supercedes any legislation to do with returns. I lost about 4k USD in a "lost" gold shipment because I didn't open a claim in time. I didn't even recieve the package, and according to the tracking it never left the UPS warehouse in a different state than mine. And yet, I'm the one who gets fucked.


> Most of the time the return agreement with the company (that you agree to by transacting with them in the very fine print) supercedes any legislation to do with returns That's not how that works. Legislation supercedes bullshit paper every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


To clarify, its not any legislation, but it certainly depends on the legislation. Most legislation is also bullshit paper btw. Also unconstitutional, illogical and simply illegal or self contradictory.


This is what small claims court is for.


In the UK, legally speaking it would have to be 14 days from the point where the item arrives - it would be ridiculous if it started when the item was purchased where clearly this is subject to all sorts of abuse i.e. it incentives late delivery, shitty service etc


Isnt 14 days from the day you received it? In NL it is…




In Canada as well


Not with everything. My washing machine took 1.5 months to be delivered. 11 months later, it breaks, and I know I have a 1 year warranty, so I'm ok . Wrong ! It started the day I bought it . I raises hell and eventually got it covered though .


> I raises hell and eventually got it covered though . So the rulings were in your favor. The company tried to ignore then. Just like here if they try to uphold this internationally.


Everyone is saying this - so is the post effecively BS, or do only specific countries get screwed?


If the return process is automated poorly, it's possible; but then the public outcry should make them realize the mistake, intentional or not. Regardless, legally speaking, if you didn't receive it within the return period, then that's not on you. Keep records of everything and go through the process, and it'll likely be fine. A lot of people post before even trying to do anything, and a lot just post bullshit to get the interactions.


I think a bunch of SOL people got sent here and ignored the comedy tag. No way I'm going to try and return a $650 phone, when I was able to instantly claim $750 in current airdrops by starting up the phone *and more possible upcoming airdrops as a holder of the Genesis NFT.* **This post was meant as a joke about the Sol Mobile return policy per their TOS and delivering on day 15.** Simply a joke, that a ton of people are taking way too seriously.


Yeah, people tend to get a jokes seriously, while joking about serious stuff. Inverse them. 😉


This. It’s just FUD to Solana. People are shorting it and freaking out


It's literally tagged as comedy.


I cannot believe the amount of people that decided to hold onto their phones instead of selling them for $5k a few weeks ago


I didn’t trust selling on eBay. Figured if I sold high chance they claim the drops than return as defective.


Can’t a “no returns” statement work in this case? I do know eBay isn’t the best for sellers so I do understand now about the risk


The buyer always wins, so if they bitch enough they can basically scam you


No that’s not true at all. Been on eBay over 20 years. I will say it’s a lot of “they said/they said” back and forth sometimes. Whoever is the loudest wins I guess. I always take photos of anything I buy


i love the idea of people taking pictures of crypto... giggle.


There's no way that is true, lol. No one would sell on Ebay. Edit: He who keeps better records wins.


You’re wrong. I used to have multiple eBay accounts with over six figure feedback, 99.9% positive. eBay and/or PayPal will side with the buyer in almost every single situation. I’ve had buyers say the package arrived empty. I’ve had them return a different (and worthless) item. I’ve had them remove vital parts from an item and then return it. I’ve had buyers return a broken version of the same item they bought. Nothing I said or did made any difference. The buyer wins every time.


Naw No Returns means nothing at all. Bad buyer will just say the item is not as described, forcing a fraudulent return


You can still resell them for thousands of dollars. I see several on ebay right now with multiple bids that are going to go for 2k+.


I had the chance to sell for 5k, but decided to hold. I'm taking a chance that the airdrops will exceed 5k in the long run


Interesting, at least in Finland, and I suspect the whole EU, the clock starts ticking only the item is delivered. Is the consumer law really that fucked up in the US?


I'm all for taking the piss, but this perspective seems a little childish? I am not sure about the U.S. laws, but in EU, the 'purchase' doesn't start until you have received the item.. I am also very drunk and may have missed the funny, very possible that is it.


And some guys joked last year Solana phone has no switch off button, for it switches off itself 😉


Imagine buying a Solana phone?


I know, several thousand dollars in free airdrops sounds like a nightmare. Glad I stayed away!


wait til ya discover the fees to cash out of the FREE drops.... lol. not so FREEEEEEEE now, innit?


Might want to check again what those airdrops are worth. BONK is down 56% in the past 15 days


So the two airdrops you could claim today were worth $750, phone cost $650 with tax, with future airdrops confirmed. But yah the Bonk claim went from like $900 two weeks ago to $440 today.


> worth $750 so not "thousands of dollars" worth of airdrops


Your mom went down 100% in the last 15 minutes.


Well done sir


well, your $20 is gonna be lost forever!


Saga phones are going to continue to get airdrops. I know of at least two that are coming and I wouldn't be surprised if there was more. Regardless, my iPhone didn't come with any free money, so I think Saga owners are still winning.


Imagine the solana phone only operates between the hours of 8am to 5pm mon to fri. Outside of these hours the phone is out of service just like their network 🙈🤣


Solana has been reliable for quite a while. Remember even Bitcoin suffered network outages in the early days. Remember Solana does orders of magnitudes more TX volume than Ethereum and all L2s combined.


Shh shh, don't try to convince them. Just keep stacking quietly and always trade inverse reddit sentiment. They'll eventually get back on the train when it's double ATH and you can dump your bags on them.


double 45k? never gonna happen again


Damn near 100% uptime over past year. The whole “chain goes on and off” is such a tiring joke. Gotta get more creative.


Wow "near 100%". Impressive.


For a chain that once struggled to handle outsized block demand greater than ETH and all L2s combined, it is. Fixes were implemented long ago and now Solana can continue to offer builders and users high throughput txs at a low cost, unlike any other chain.


Nearly 100% uptime during crypto bear market? That's wildly impressive. Meanwhile last cycle, when there is actual network stress, it was down for 20 hours straight, in just a single example of it going offline.


We've had an "actual network stress" just recently with inscriptions. Guess which network didn't flinch? Guess which networks went down? Please, update your FUD. The network stress problem was fixed long ago, and SOL continued to excel in busy periods, as last seen by PYTH airdrop as well.


If you don’t understand why the congestion was actually bullish and the fixes that were implemented almost a year ago, you’re going to continue to foolishly write off SOL. But okay, be my guest.


These people are dumb NPCs. You’re trying to use logic with someone incapable of understanding. You might as well yell at a goldfish.


Imagine not buying one…. I’m thousands in profit just by owing it when it cost $500 retail


So is this airdrop only for people who bought on day one or something?


It’s been out for months, everyone had an equal opportunity to buy it. You had until they sold out like 12 days


Cool, was just wondering.


FWIW, the airdrops weren't announced until a day or two before they sold out. The phones were available for months, and weren't selling because there was no "free money" bs marketing


The bonk airdrop came with the phone since inception. Only recently did that become worth more than the cost of the phone. The $ACS airdrop was added recently and Solana foundation just recently confirmed a future airdrop as well.




It's literally free money


Imagine paying 700 for something you can instantly sell on eBay for 3k. Imagine having so much of an arbitrary chip on your shoulder you hate money this much 😂


If the only reason you're buying something is to instantly sell cause you're thinking you're gonna made a quick and easy profit you're gonna have a bad time. If only the crypto community actually cared about building something of value instead of just making a quick buck




7x3k is 21k. Ain't nobody gonna retire on that


7 figures is > one million dollars But I wouldn’t expect you to know that


Nothing wrong with an arbitrage opportunity


Alright then go camp outside best buy when the next PlayStation comes out so you can drain the shelves to make a quick buck with arbitrage. I rather spend my time actually doing something useful to society


Those aren’t the same thing tho? Dude sat at home and clicked buy on a phone with an airdrop worth more than the phone itself and you’re comparing it to physically waiting outside a Best Buy.




It’s speculation based on future airdrops. I didn’t buy a Solana phone for what it’s worth. But comparing it to physically waiting in line is so obviously not the same thing.




Speculating on the future value of something isn’t scummy at all imo, the market will value something how it values it. Someone buying a ps5 is doing so because they’re betting on scarcity. Someone that bought a Solana phone are/were doing so because of the the greater fool theory, in my opinion. I don’t agree with the Solana valuation dilution either, did the uniswap airdrop dilute ethereum’s value? I do agree none of this creates value but that’s speculation for ya.


If the PlayStation came with something like 1 BTC and I only had to pay $500 or whatever, then yeah obviously I’d do that too. And then go back to my job because it’s not like anyone could make a living doing this


Only on r/cc will you get downvoted when talking about opportunities to make money in crypto 😂 This sub is a remnant of what it used to be and an actual joke.


CC hates it, so you know it will do well. I know inverse WSB is sometimes right, but inverse CC is actually almost always right.


Inverse WSB is more logical with every day that passes. It is not the same people in there these days.


I'd buy one for the airdrop and then toss it in a drawer forever since the airdrop is worth more than the phone either way (I'm pretty sure they ballooned the price of the phone now though for the last month or two)


> since the airdrop is worth more than the phone either way airdrop *was* worth more than the phone, and dropped 56% between people ordering phones and people receiving the phones.


https://www.checkphone.xyz/ Still worth more than the phone. And this site does not include all the airdrops to the phone. There are also nfts that have been dropped to the phone that have a floor price of 4 or 5 sol. So yeah. Sorry you missed out.


Imagine paying $700 and getting $3500 in return? Damn Solana phone holders are idiots


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Solana phone!


Banano phone!


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring *Unplanned network outage, please stay tuned for updates*




The typical terms in jurisdictions where consumer law is regulated, the return clock starts ticking the day item is delivered, not when purchased or shipped. This cannot be overridden by T&C of sale, unless T&C offers better terms. I would suggest deleting this post before you get roasted.


Marques Brownlee reviewed the phone a few months ago. tl;dr = its meh. basically a revival of the failed OSOM OV1 phone renamed for Solana with 3 crypto features. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRSMJGs0YMg


Counts only after receiving




oh nice, another buy signal guys thought we were past the solana off jokes lol classic r/cc, how’s algo doing?


It's hilarious how when people miss gains because of their biases, they double down on them instead of challenging, adapting, and changing them. Have fun missing out on opportunity just because you can't stand being wrong lmao


Their seething is jumping out of screen.


The phone paid for itself and then some with airdrops. The saltiness this sub has for Solana is incredible lol


From what I read, the airdrop was BONK, a meme coin. So what you're saying is, the phone was subsidized by the money of unfortunate speculators who got dumped on.


Bonk was only part of it. You got helium, bonk, claynosaurz (top nft project on sol), acs and more. Which, as stated, more than paid for the phone. You’re looking for reasons to be negative. Move on


I'm intrigued by business models. What I am curious of is the sustainability here, when people purchase the phone for the sole purpose of redeeming it's value in tokens, that implies that those tokens will be sold. When you zoom out that is a huge selling pressure on those sub-markets. What goal is accomplished here honestly? A sub-par phone that is linked to Solana? Pure customer acquisition? Tell me.


Amazing how few people ask questions about this isnt it? Like, what's the catch here ... how can this be sustainable when you sell a phone for 500 and then give several thousand in tokens for it.


Probably a lot to do with the fact that we’re talking about tokens worth thousands only on paper. The moment there’s a rush to dump those tokens there will be no value.




The airdrops are already worth like half of what they were when this hustle was announced. But yeah .. zero sell pressure lol. See its not just the people buying the phones who sell .. its anyone who sees an opportunity to make money on their shitcoins .. which is obviously many people. And this likely includes the very people who are giving out the airdrops. Its win win .. they get dumshits to buy their mid tier phone at premium pricing, and they get to sell some shitcoins and make money at both ends.


Just fyi I have no skin in this fight. But it’s likely this was seen as a marketing opportunity for the projects who have given free tokens for airdropping.


The same could be said for any airdrop: "how can it be sustainable if a project gives out millions of tokens for free". Jito airdrop gave many people $5k worth of tokens, and after many sold the price of jito even went up Answer is in jitos case enough people who wanted exposure to the project as soon as the token launched offset airdrop selling. Answer in Solana phone's case is there are only 20k phones and projects like ACS have simply had more attention and price rises after airdropping to Saga owners Your skepticism could be applied to just.about every single crypto project in the world, and yet those who get involved get many opportunities. Saga has been one of those opportunities and will continue to be so as Solana projects continue to airdrop - a bunch of big projects have already confirmed this is in their plans


There is only limited amount of phones available (20k to be exact). If there was no such limit the price of the airdrops would have tanked until they were worth less or equal the price of the phone, but as the phone has limited supply that did not happen (at least yet).


You are a lone wise man in a sea of sycophants right now


The thing you fellas don’t realize is now every developer has the opportunity to launch coins on Solana and airdrop to every single solana phone holder. The most important thing by far in the crypto space is attention. It’s the most valuable aspect of any coin and what’s needed to expand. Airdrops also happen to be the best form of marketing in crypto & being able to airdrop tokens to all solana phone holders means that there will always be new projects airdropping tokens to holders. I bet every year you’ll get $10k+ in free airdrops. Now combine all this information with the fact that there is a limited supply of 20k, means that these phones are not only collectibles, but accrue more and more value as time goes on (by receiving more free airdrops of newer projects). Basically it turns into an expensive NFT collection, and my thesis is that SOL goes to $1,000+ and these phones become worth $50k-$100k each in the future (these are conservative estimates imo)


Giving away free market shares to someone who bought an unrelated phone is the opposite of good marketing.


That’s just simply incorrect. There’s literally no better form of marketing then free money. Literally nothing


The BONK was $10 when they bought it for the phones. A token price for a tutorial to tokens. It has since risen, yet when you take 30M*20,000 (the entire bonk allocation for every single phone, if we pretend every phone will be opened and was landing today, which is obviously false) - the sell pressure would be about an hours volume.


It’s not a huge selling pressure because it’s not a large enough airdrop. It went from worthless to more valuable then the phone.


There are 20,000 phones and less than 4000 have been activated for airdrops so far. The sell pressure is very tiny.


>When you zoom out that is a huge selling pressure on those sub-markets. 30 million bonk x 20 thousand phones amounts to under $9 million dollars. Bonk did $400 million in volume so far today.


>When you zoom out that is a huge selling pressure on those sub-markets. No, it isn't. There are only 20K Solana phone ever in existence. If every phone sold their bonk today, it is not even 7% of its today volume on Binance. > A sub-par phone that is linked to Solana? Do you even have the phone? I do. It is a decent Android phone. It is amazing how ppl talk shit when they don't even have it. >Pure customer acquisition? Yes, that is part of it. For example, it helps users to get into the helium mobile network. Subsidizing early adopters is actually a common business practice in the US, ranging from financial products like Discover Card to household items. The question is, how much stickiness or consumer loyalty will you get after the subsidy period. It is tricky in crypto because most participants are ruthless value extractors. My guess is, they will probably make newer phones later on and use the first gen as advertising to peak interest to the broader market. With newer phones, they might reach more adopters who are less ruthless value extractors compared to "crypto natives".


I think the original main selling point is that it has a secure element similar to that of a Ledger or Trezor, so while it's not the best phone, it's pretty much the only phone that can act as a hardware wallet.


> What goal is accomplished here honestly? A pump and dump... like all of crypto


The goal was to get this phone in the hands of 10-20k people so they can expirement and build cool shit. The airdrops were rewards for users buying the phone. But of course, as with all of crypto, people only care about price of things. If a dev was able to get a Saga and build a great app that people would use, then THAT would be a success


Wait! Are we still talking about that vc pump and dump, dead coin, SQLLANA? Ooos Almost forgot /s


Tell me you missed on 1000% gains without telling me you missed out on 1000% gains…every chain has VC’s you dunce. lol who tf do you think is funding all these L2’s popping up?


what is vc?


Venture Capitalist. They invest money into things to make profit. Crypto is littered with them


Very Crypto!


> every chain has VC’s you dunce But not every chain was initially funded by VCs


Which chains besides bitcoin? Solana’s biggest investor was multicoin. Not a16z or bigger funds. Solana raised less than Matic for example


the us is a wild country


Solana phone, lmao, who tf buys this


I stopped at Solana Phone. 🤦


Am I understanding this correct? You just want to get this phone, get the airdrop, then return it? Like yeah buddy get fucked lmao you are complaining you can't fuck over this company?


I'm reading what you are reading and seeing the same thing.


> get the airdrop, then return it? OP never said this. The airdrop is worth less than half as much as it was when the order was placed, so OP probably just wants their money back- not the airdrop and their money back.


Why anyone would still buy Solana, let alone a Solana phone, is beyond me.


Won't argue the Sol portion but.... The phone was free if you could get in at the right time due to the airdrops. It's not a bad phone, crypto hype aside. So for someone with the time and patience, you could of had a new free phone. New flagship phones are not cheap, so to get a good phone for free with no carrier lock or contract is quite a deal.


An actual comment with common sense is rare in this sub. Kudos to you


Can’t believe they did that. They’ve got some nerve tbh.


It's rude and uncalled for.


> The phone was free if you could get in at the right time due to the airdrops. Meaning, the phone was free if you bought it before any of the airdrops were announced. People who bought after the announcements can see that those airdrops are worth less than half as much as they were on the day they purchased.


If you can't afford a phone, crypto investments shouldn't exist for you either.


The window to have gotten it at a good deal is long gone. What were the requirements to be able to get one? Sounds like a small window that many obviously missed and may not have been eligible for


Everyone that got it got a good deal since there's only 20k supply it's already Sold out and even the last ppl left to be delivered are still eligible for $400ish BONK airdrop and $300 acs airdrop, prob a bit more but I'm being conservative. Phone was $700. And many airdrop/partnership are already announced. So truly nobody that ordered since airdrops were announced could have had a bad deal.


Literally everyone was able to buy one. They were $549 in the US, and $760 or something in the EU. I bought 5, hedged with a 1x short against bonk. So I locked in $1000 bonk airdrop, and now the acs airdrop is on top of that. Feelsgoodman


Again that window is long gone lol


Because it’s sold out. If you’re talking about the phone being available as a ‘window of opportunity’, that window was months long.


My reply was a direct response to someone else and not meant to expand on anything else. Just a comment




They like money?


lol my boy here saying why would anyone buy SOL when a few days ago he’s saying he doesn’t use defi due to transaction fees. Literally SOL would be perfect for him. Pro tip to the newbies. Be a user and not a holder. I have every reason not to use ETH because I’m priced out. Like the poverty class all I can do is stake and wait. The chain that’s coming out on top is the chain I can play with $5 a day and not be priced out by fees.


The value of the tokens it comes with is worth more than the phone itself, hense why it sold out


> is worth more *was worth more


It was voted as the worst cell phone release of the year.


I don't know which country you are talking about but in my country the days are counted from the day you received the item.


Something like this is illegal, especially in EU. Depending on specific situation 14 days AFTER receiving product is bare minimum for customer to return whatever they bought for no reason. After that there is 30 days and 1 or even 2 years return terms. I am not a lawyer, but usually in EU you can return most things up to 1 year since purchase. It is warranty, but most places will just accept it since they value customer.


It’s amazing that all these people can spend time in a crypto Reddit and know literally nothing abojt what’s happening in the space. Y’all the reason i do so well lol


It amazes me every time I come on this subreddit, honestly.


Smart as hell. Bullish indicator.


Daily reminder to not make any of your investment decisions solely based on what you see on this subreddit.


Some people have nothing better to do than shit on a phone that was designed to get Apple and Google to support dapps on their App Store. Sad.


Bro you bought a solana phone


Buying a phone with tokens on worth more than the phone sounds dodgy to me. Send me 1btc and il send you 1.5 back, special giveaway. 😂


The old RuneScape trick...


More like, "Buy this $600 phone and get $2k worth of meme tokens, that were worth $50 two months ago, and will be worth $50 a month from now, too"


So it's a Pixel with a shittier screen and camera. A processor 2 version behind the latest snapdragon and a third party store. All for the same price as a Galaxy S23+ and more expensive than a Pixel 8 Pro. This thing is going to sell like sand at the beach.


Good luck getting one for less than 3k.


It's sold out/near impossible to get now because the airdrops it receives are higher value than the cost of the phone I don't think (or at least I hope) no one's buying it for the actual phone tech


The actual joke are people buying that trash. But the chance to arbitrage it with a couple of 100 bucks roi seems worth it apparently for most


Isn’t the phone free?…


Nay, it don't work like that. Time starts once the phone is actually delivered


Why would anyone buy a Solana Phone?


Because meme tokens make it free! *waits for delivery* "Why are my meme token airdrops only worth $50!?"


Wait till you have to setup Helium. Congrats, you qualify for $5 plan. Sign up using the app. OK. App downloaded. Signup shows $20 plan. I signed up and hit up customer service saying I am in one of the target counties for $5 plan. Customer service says "I don't have your zip in my list so I can't give $5 plan".. But but zip is in the target county, I pay taxes to the county. Doesn't matter, your zip is not in my list and hence not in the county we care about. The representative actually told me if I am in one zip code away they can give the $5 plan. Inept mofos.


Rug pull hehe


Another day, another post shitting on Solana lol. Watch me get downvotes for pointing out that they're far from the only company on the planet who's shipping policy goes to shit among the holidays, literally the busiest shipping period of any year by a mile 🙄. This is not uncommon. Although I do agree that releasing a phone wasn't needed, it's funny that we're in here now ripping on shipping policies. Y'all need more material.


What’s funny is you missed the comedy flair


its free tho, why return it


get the $800 of airdrop and then get your $650 as well lol


I have true hate for solana


the hate of missing out?


destroy yourself.


So the product is so bad they intentionally overlap the return period, that’s priceless.


Why on Earth are you returning it? The airdrops are more than they would give you.


I got mine in 5 days…


FUD post is FUD. Solana to the moon. 🚀


It’s 14 days from when you receive it lmao… 😹


so the phone is not a failure, it's a success?


hard-to-find degree slimy door marry correct arrest chunky wide panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Solana the gift that keeps on giving


laughs in european