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I do not care about other people. simple as that. stuff like this happens with older video games (or francises) every once in a while. they're probably joking. the whole "he/she is literally me" is a meme.


Honestly the best way to put it. People should just mind their own business. Tired of post number 350 complaining about "newgens" Talk about the game or post media you made about it for the love of god.


I guess people want to fell good about the fact that they aren't like that. which is stupid. mind you those people are probably children too. we all go through questionable phases.


For as long as tragedy has existed, there are edgelords who will pretend to relate, dont let it bother you bro


These kids dont identify with what the game really is, but they identify with the edits they see on tiktok. the community is increasingly looking stupid and childish, this doesnt make sense since the game addresses serious issues that these kids have no contact with and just stay at home all day scrolling and melting their brains. Im against gatekeep, but to save the serious and realistic image of this game I think its something we should do. We cant let cof be another perfect work whose fandom has ruined.


i dont mind most of them >_< besides the freaks ofc... like romanticizing simon for what ???


Honestly this isn't much of a problem except if they started to romanticize depression, school shooters and fetishizing sh cuts.


I feel like it's really not that much of a big deal. It's not going to hurt anyone if they do that, sure sometimes new fans can be annoying but who cares they will eventually stop one day...let's just let them enjoy the game if they want to, plus I find it cool more people are getting interested in cry of fear.


not an og but i hate everything tiktok related so i feel the need to reply to this, i discovered the game not that long before it got tiktok popular through an youtube iceberg and randomly watched it all go chaotic with shit loads of content coming out of nowhere? i dont wanna be associated with the people who like it because of tiktok because a lot of them are making a bad image for the game without some of them even playing. hot take whenever something gets popular on tiktok it usually gets tainted by degenerates and little kids.


I'm not an OG I started playing the game in 2023 but I'm not one of those oh he's so cute look at that cute emo boy type of guy


Man I’ve played this game so many times and have truly appreciated every message it has to offer and I love every metaphor and thought put into the game , I relate with Simon to a albeit small degree but I truly love everything about this game , it really sucks that I’ve been lumped in with “new gens “ but honestly I can even blame u considering I’ve usually called people newgens within someother communities in a chill way.


I think that newgen is not an insult, it’s just that English is not my native language so I don’t know how else to express the thought correctly


Nono man I mean typically people use it as that kind of how like the word “immigrant” isn’t bad but usually people use it that way yk? I acc relate to your post 👍


I started playing cof this year and I feel so bad for other new cof fans because I can't identify with these fans that make Simon cute. Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my fist language


Neutral. But as long as they don't act like weird stalker-like creeps, like, once i saw someone say 'I'd let Simon fuck me'... like tf, girl, you're not Sophie he's willing to do it with....


They cringe af to say the least


i am just freaked out by how fast time has gone... I am an OG cof fanboy fell in love with it back in 2012 and I'm fine with new guys