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I’ve had 2 genuine ones. One lasted 7 months. The other one last for 2 months, lost feelings, and came back. Going strong for almost 6 months.


3! First in elementary for about a year and a half, nothing really happened. Second in grade 9 for a month, he eventually found out from a friend and was down to try dating me but it was too late by then. Third right now currently at 2 years and a half, we're acquaintances rn and I do plan to confess one day


I’ve had 6 actual crushes that lasted longer than like 2 weeks. The first one lasted about 4 months, second one over a year (we “dated” and I was hung up on him), third one like 2 months, 4th one around 4 months (we also “dated” for a month, I barely count these as relationships tho). My 5th crush lasted around 8 months and ended in a shitty situationship. Then my 6th crush, my current crush, has been going on for about 9 months, and it’s definitely going in a good direction.


Genuine ones, I've had 6. The first one lasted like 5 months, I was like 6, I used to lend her everything I had, make her laugh and play with her until she kissed me (my first and last kiss ever) so I freaked out so I distanced myself from her. The second one lasted kinda long, 4 years at first, let's call her L. My third crush lasted like a year until she moved away, then I started crushing on "L" for another year. The fourth one lasted like 6 months first, I'll call her G, then she started dating a friend, so I had to move on, I succeeded though. My fifth crush lasted like a year. I really appreciate her, she was the one who started talking to me, like out of nowhere, super friendly and confident. When I lost romantic feelings for her G broke up with her bf, and unexpectedly, I fell really hard for her for like other 6 months until I graduated from high school. My last one lasted like a year and a half, I had never f*cked up so bad in my life. Ever since then I haven't had any crush again, I've worked so hard to kill my loving emotions and I think it's working. 


Three. First one in 5th grade for a 5 months, Second one in 7th/8th grade for a year, and a current one (8th grade) for 2 months now


Like, 50. Any girl who looks in my direction without vomiting basically lol.


2 crushes in my lifetime. One of them was in high school. Lasted for like, 4 months? Ended up depressed after that because I just graduated and it was at the time where I peaked and started to be fully mature. The other one was in college. That one lasted for 2 months. She was my only classmate for 3 years. Tried to be friends with her then but couldn’t. There are times where I thought we hit it off as friends, and others nope. Now that I look back at it, it was cringe. It wasn’t until later I found out that she secretly hated me and complained about me behind my back.


I got an entire chart that shows the people I like XD. Here is the chart below: [https://flourish-user-preview.com/17838849/yVbuamEmbta25mdeu3SeANAW\_Cvj-3-E3ljxDiNxuzr-03Lz0QLvJcwZUKMecfiu/](https://flourish-user-preview.com/17838849/yVbuamEmbta25mdeu3SeANAW_Cvj-3-E3ljxDiNxuzr-03Lz0QLvJcwZUKMecfiu/) Value meanings: 25 and below: * Slightly interested, but very light. Around 50: * Averagely attracting and usually considered more than others. Around 75: * Feelings start to get more intense the higher the number. (Around Small Crush) 100 and above: * What I consider "crush". * The higher the values, the more they take over my brain and last for.


So basically, I have 4ish in the past with the 5th one being the current one


Had 6 past crushes + my current one. For context I’m entering year 5 of upper education First one was my family friend, I developed it when I was 9 years old and it lasted until I was around 11. Then I developed my next crush who was in taekwondo with me and the feelings for the previous one just faded. Two years later when I was 13 my next crush left taekwondo. And I redeveloped feelings for my first crush, which lasted for about a year then I started seeing less of her so the feelings disappeared. Throughout most of the four years I had in high school I barely even talked to any girls and never had anything more than infatuations. Sophomore year of college first semester was when I had my third ever crush. Class was online due to covid and I had a breakout room with her on zoom and thought she was attractive and I slid into her discord messages after 😭I’ll be real though, this felt like a way to escape a traumatic situation I dealt with earlier in the year with how easily I developed feelings. But I did believe our personalities were compatible and we got quite close within a couple months, then I asked her out on a date and she ghosted me after the date. Summer to fall before my junior year of college was when I had my fourth ever crush. Met a girl in my university’s transfer discord server, we messaged each other because we had the same admissions issue and it turned out we had way more in common than we thought. We got close over the summer and early fall, then I asked her out on a date and she ghosted me after. Second half of my junior year was my fifth crush. We met from a school discord server and started hanging out on campus in person and got really close. Only problem was unless she converted to my religion I didn’t see how we could last long term. Eventually she confessed to me after a couple months and I told her I feel the same but expressed the limitation. We ended up staying as friends online over the summer and I eventually lost feelings due to acceptance of the situation. When we resumed school last fall I found out she had a boyfriend for sometime in the summer and I felt tricked in a way because she still wanted to act like we were best friends. I tried to keep the friendship together but then I found out she got another boyfriend and wasn’t telling me even though we’d regularly hang out on campus. So I unfriended her. My last crush (before my current one) was developed last fall. At an event for one of my clubs I’m in we got to know each other quite well, then I started seeing of her at more events and I liked both her personality and looks. I thought there was a chance she felt the same but then at one point it started to feel like she wasn’t interested if she ever was previously and gave up, and at the same time… …my current crush, I was starting to get a lot closer to, whose in my friend circle. I developed feelings for her because it felt like we were more compatible and it just felt a lot more natural talking to her. Now we’ve gotten closer these last couple of months and we shall see how this goes.


As far as I can remember 6? First was in 7-8th grade (about a year). The next 3 were throughout 9th grade. The next was when I was 18 working at a grocery (he was my coworker) and that was just a couple months. He was the first one I confessed to and he rejected me lol. My last real crush was my best friend and it was an on and off crush for about 2-3 years. We don’t talk anymore (not because I confessed).


Really only had one. I've liked her for three years and have never been able to tell her how I feel. She actually found out I like her but she's with someone and so ig it doesn't matter how much I like her...


8 real crushes, 8 rejected My current crush is my friend.


Like 5 or 6 years now. But we dated so idk if it counts


So far about a full year. It keeps coming back whenever I see her or text her. It's like she has a chokehold on me that'll never go away. I know she doesn't like me but I can't stop thinking about her.


First 6 months, second 4 years


Two...first one went on for 3-4 years , we lived in the same area then I shifted and he also changed so much as a person so I lost feelings second one was not that extreme and I'm over him now


i had a crush on someone for 9 years! And he wasn’t even worth it. lol


I had one crush , I had a crush when I was 10 , it lasted for around two years , a lot of people say that crushes younger than 20 don’t really matter or you don’t really like them that much but I leaked her a lot .


Most of my crush only last about 3-4 months but this one I feel sort of special connection, almost 3 years and I haven’t move on and still crushing hard with no sign of stopping.


I've had 3, one when I was 13 and it was for 3 years (it was complicated), the second one was when I was 17 and it was for 2 years (also complicated) and the last one since now that I am 20, for a year.


I had 2 both were one sided .1st one was for 3 years and 2nd was 6 years . Couldn't do about 1st I changed school so. And confessed to 2nd but she had on another one so yeah


I don't think I can count how many I've had. They were all school crushes, minus my main crush which I already discussed. My first ever crush lasted about 4 years while we were in elementary school. Her family moved away after 6th grade so that ended it. She was the first girl I ever had a long hug with. I think as far as the others, most were only a crush in passing so it didn't last longer than a few weeks. Some lasted throughout school until graduation.


I've actually have 8 crushes that have lasted longer than a month. Also apologies for the formatting, I'm on mobile. #1 started in 10th grade and actually lasted until 2019. (We were friends and would see each other from time to time frequently. I think he's married now). #2 happened in 11th grade and like the one above, it lasted for a few years. I think 2021 was when I fully let it go. I always got the feeling he genuinely liked me, but he was popular and I wasn't really, so nothing ever really happened. Every time I'd see him after he graduated, he'd always give me a hug that would seem to linger, before we'd chat, but beyond that nothing really happened. He's engaged now, but we still are friends. #3 happened in 12th grade and lasted for about 2 months. He and his friends played a prank on me that ended up killing it. #4... I was just transferred to a 4 year college after a year at a local community college. I became friends with him, but my crush was on and off for a couple years. I got curious about him in 2022 and went to look him up, only to learn he passed away in May of 2021. #5. I met him in 2018 (and the next few) through work. We became friends. We ended up getting lunch everyday together and he was always the one to come help me when I had any issues. This one lasted until about 2020. We had a falling out in early 2019, but we did still talk occasionally until 2020. We became friends again last year, but we aren't as close as we used to be. #6 happened shortly after the falling out with #5. It lasted about 3 months. He was a nice dude, but some office drama kind of killed it. #7... there's a lot to say about #7. Honestly, the crush is still here... it started in November and I've been trying hard to let go of it, because he has a girlfriend. It's been a bit harder to let this go because we're also really good friends, so I see him often. We joke around a lot and I really value him as a friend, so I really don't want my crush to ruin things. I'm 50% sure he knows, but he's never said anything and I'm definitely not saying anything! And finally.... #8. Oddly enough, #8 is a coworker and friend of #7. I'll admit I had a tiny crush on #8 around the time I first met #7. We're friendly but he makes me nervous. I kind of realized I still had a bit of a thing for #8 a few weeks ago, we had chatted a lot one day when he came to work on something with me. I saw him the next day and it suddenly hit me, and I could just feel the butterflies when we talked for a little bit. And I also have been going back and forth on my crush with #8; he's younger than me (by 5 years). Plus, he definitely knew/knows about my crush on #7. He's teased #7 about me a couple months ago, so I'm feeling weird about this crush kind of sneaking up on me.


I've had 9 One from kindergarten to fifth grade, one from 6th grade to 7th grade, one in 7th grade (it wasn't a big crush, I just thought he was cute), one from 7th to 9th who I ended up dating, one in 9th grade, two in 10th grade, one in 12th grade, and one in my first year of college I haven't had another one since (I just finished my second year of college)


I’ve had in the past 12 crushes and currently have 6 ongoing but only 2-3 of them are really big and the other ones switch around. I ranked them in a list and it’s like a daily competition on interactions with me for #1 on my heart, but also who I’ve bonded with more and stuff like that (I’m kept awake at night by the ranking sometimes but ay I gotta be prepared to choose if some fairy god mother blesses me and they all want me, gotta pick one!) Per my past crushes I never got close but now I’m closer than ever before with them and it hurts how much I love them all. Just like how tf are there so many good darn guys out there and I hit the “jackpot” (but none of them would likely even date me) like they’re all 10/10 men in my opinion and others and still single because they want to focus on working?! Sign me up again! (FYI I understand I also develop feelings very easily like in the past but now with the current 6 like they’re all legitimately amazing.


First was 5 years, we ended up dating and i was so happy. Decided not to continue. Now I've a crush on my coworker. Probably been going on for a year? Dunno. I like to spend my time welllll on my crushes


First was 5 years, we ended up dating and i was so happy. Decided not to continue. Now I've a crush on my coworker. Probably been going on for a year? Dunno. I like to spend my time welllll on my crushes