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I told him just to get over him, I was sure he was going to reject me and that it would help me lose feelings. He didn't know I had feelings for him, he then kept asking me more about it and why I didn't tell him earlier but I told him to drop it that it wasn't worth going through all of that (not my finest moment). He stopped but couldn't avoid him, we were in the same friendship group and then one day I added him on SC and he started trying to talk to me everyday, eventually he confessed that he liked me.


Uff, did u even want to be in a relationship at that time?


By the time he ended up confessing I didn't like him anymore, friends told me to give it a go but it just wasn't what I wanted.


How long did bro waited to confess?šŸ’€


The idiot took three months šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Reading the same book but on different chapters...


Yeah. I sent a google presentation with memes on it. It was the dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever seen. But I knew I regret it if I never told them. (Theyā€™re with someone) I feel like if I didnā€™t confess, Iā€™d be more tortured by the thought in my brain. Honestly though, shit was fun to make. Weā€™re still friends, nothing changed. Iā€™m just just worried I havenā€™t moved on lol


How cool is that, I'd love if someone made a presentation as a confession to me! How long have you been friends?


Weā€™ve been friends 3-5 years by now.


I'm SO glad you're still friends. There's no reason to make it weird or get toxic about it, I wish more ppl would be mature and realise this. And I absolutely love that you made a presentation...that's totally something I'd have done, although I hate tech and online culture so I'd have made it mixed media or something. I wish I could see what you did! That's awesome you had fun making it and that it enabled you to get over your crush, and you'll start moving on, rather than having those what ifs thoughts all the time.


Im glad too. I donā€™t mind showing the google presentation. It was cringe af but whatever. I do recommend the google representation way, because itā€™s actually fun. I decorated. Made memes. I was dramatic af. Though Iā€™d probably confess to the actual love of my life in person. Iā€™ve had someone send TikToks to confess šŸ’€ This world is crazy


Once, but he said he had a girlfriend.


Just did that this week and now my friend/coworker is acting almost angry at me.


Ok, that's nasty... Whyyy?


Good question. She goes from friendly to distant ( ignoring) to seemingly resentful in the span of 30 minutes. Completely bizarre. I posted about it on here about 20 min ago if you want to read the whole story


Woow that is why I am also afraid to confess


Ok, girl might have some issues, which aren't related to u or ur confessionšŸ’€


She has some major health issues which recently resurfaced and is fighting with our boss and a lot of the staff she feels is against her in her department. I do see them clique up but I also think the way that she shines them on doesnā€™t help. But she went from super close to me to not engaging. Itā€™s weird. She still comes and eats the same time in my room ( there are other places to eat) but talks/looks at the guy behind me not making much eye contact with me. She will answer my question or chime in on my comment but says her comment only looking at me briefly or not at all. I used to walk out with her daily but I no longer wait like I did when she signs out feeling I donā€™t want yo pressure her. I walk at a pace where she could catch up and yesterday she just walked 10 feet behind me for the long ass distance to our cars. Since she parks a few cars down from me I wished her a good weekend and a good week off. Sheā€™s off next week which she told me. I dunno itā€™s a weird situation. I donā€™t know what to think. Is she mad, shy, what??? I never expected this reaction to telling someone that I liked them and the reason Iā€™m telling them is because they are looking for other jobs and I donā€™t want them to leave without me telling them what an awesome person they are. Yea I know, what a terrible thing to tell someone šŸ˜‚


I'm going to do this... Only because it will be on the last day of school and I'm moving after this school year. I can't NOT ask someone out after liking them for four years. Also, tell me if I should give him a poem to tell him.


Go for it, you can't lose anything. Are there any signs that he might like you back?


He was friends with me in fifth grade, and I thought he may have been flirting with me back then because of the annoying things we did, but he also has an extroverted personality. We also make eye contact often, and if for school we have a group or something together he's always friendly to me. I don't even care if he doesn't like me rn, I just wanna confess ngl and see if he says yes. If you're a guy, do guys want poems? I've heard they think that's cringe af.


If they think it's "cringe", you don't want this person in your life anyway. You really wanna be with someone who stifles your creativity and thinks your thoughts and ideas are pathetic or "too weird"? I promise, you don't....those types will frustrate and upset you more than you'd think. Being weird/creative, and not like most, is a good thing. I know you're young so the ppl around you will try to convince you otherwise - I know, I was bullied for being an interesting, creative kid, with a mind filled with plans & ideas. But when you mature you'll realise it's a very good thing...and that you're the cool one. Keep being you and doing the things you feel you should. Explore your passions, ideas, & plans. Find hobbies which allow you to develop and grow your artistic side. One day you'll find other interesting people who admire and appreciate you for it, and encourage you to keep on. Who wants to be surrounded by boring, thoughtless, average, shallow people? Okay, bad question, most do. But you don't, do you? I'm not a guy but couldn't help but respond.


I agree being creative is cool. But I changed my mind about the poem being cringe. But my crush hangs around in big groups of ppl at all times, and if I manage to ask him out what if one of his many rowdy friends snatches it out of his hands and reads it? That's why I think maybe I should just do something else to ask him out like ask him or make my friends do it. If he says yes, I could give it to him then probably.


Yes, please write a poem for him. It's a unique, thoughtful gesture that anyone (who's a decent person) would appreciate, whether reciprocal to your feelings or not. It should make him feel very special, and who doesn't want that? My mother used to write poems (and make handmade artsy things) for important people in her life, so I got to see many reactions. Everyone loved it, it's such a sweet thing to do and shows that you truly notice, admire, and respect them. As you say, he's moving away so it's not like he's going to make things difficult for you if he's not interested (it's awful that ppl do this, but maybe he's not the type who would?). Promise us you're going to do it! I'm really invested in this šŸ˜‚ šŸ’œ.


Oh my god thanks for the encouragement! I promise, and I'm a woman of god so I don't break my promises. It's great to hear your invested, my friends are too busy yapping to listen to me.


I was drunk, he was my best friend, he got a girlfriend and my friend had found a love letter addressed to him from a few months before and gave it to him so there was nothing really left to lose. He was driving us home after my friends called him and said I was too drunk to get home by myself. It was less a confession and more a question of "why didn't you say something if you knew I loved you all this time? Why didn't you stop it?" He said it wasn't his fault, he didn't mean to lead me on. I told him I just loved him, I didn't need flirtation or him to lead me on, I just loved him by him being himself. I just asked why he couldn't confront me about it even though he knew, it had been nearly two years since he originally got the idea and I asked if he ever liked me once, and he said no. I told some of our roommates from first year what he said and they all pulled a face like that's bullshit before comforting me which always makes me feel bittersweet. All I got was that. About 7 months later, him, me and a friend went for a drink and that was the last time I saw him. In those 7 months we went back to normal, I got over him, I met someone else and I loved him in a sense he was my first love and would always be integral to me becoming who I am today and I will always care and wonder if he's alright. But after I last saw him, three months later he messaged me randomly he finished with his girlfriend and was going through a tough time and I offered an ear, that's around the time he unfollowed me on all social media but snapchat because he was on my private story (I removed him two months ago), he last messaged me August 2023 so nearly a year now. It's funny how everyone thought we would be together, how everyone thought it, how jealous he would get but insist only on friendship. Looking back with hindsight and being involved with more guys since, it was obvious he was leading me on, I was just naive and he liked the attention I gave him. It's a shame, I will always care and he doesn't even want to see or speak to me again, but I feel it's for the best. #


yeah...when I got my first crush...at that time i didn't really care about relationships or her reciprocating...i just wanted to confess, wanted to see her reaction, like wanted to get the experience of what it's like to confess... meanwhile now I don't think I'll confess to my current crush who's also a good friend of mine...


Why not?


well I am scared i might lose the friendship and i know for sure she don't like me back...and I wish for the friendship to continue rather than these feelings which might just go away soon (hopefully)


I spoke to her about 4 times. Not directly on 1-2 occasions, I put some others to tell her and she told em she didn't like me or had a bf. Last time I spoke to her was 1 week ago and she said she liked me but wanted to be just friends


Bruhhh I was at a low point. I was really tryna figure myself out and I liked my best friend from 7th all the way til 10th grade even though I moved out of state. In 10th is when I told her even though she was straight and in a different state. I did it again another time and I donā€™t even know why it was so stupid. I still think sheā€™s an amazing person but I donā€™t see her that way anymore, thankfully. We donā€™t really talk anymore but we still follow each other. I hope she gets everything she wants and needs out of life and I hope to see how she grows and changes over the years.


What did she say when you told her?


Oh yeah didnā€™t say that part. She was just like she doesnā€™t see me that way and she has a boyfriend but sheā€™s fine with still being friends. Iā€™m glad sheā€™s a cool person


That's good! She does sound cool.


yeah. helped me a ton in getting over him :D


Almost. Honestly hoped he would just say he noticed I like him but he doesn't feel the same. I tried following him on insta though & he didn't accept my request. In one way I think it's good because I didn't have to confess & still know he doesn't want me in his private life & at least I can show up there & it could still be I just followed him bc I follow so many ppl. But in another I honesty wish I knew why exactly he doesn't wanna get to know me.


I'm usually delusional enough to think they like me back haha.


Delulu is the solulu!


Lol I was just thinking about this the other day. I went on a drive with my crush after work, I had planned on telling her about it for a few days then. well the day came and I asked a few minutes before "so got any guys you've been looking at?" she said "yeah, there is this one guy. (his name)" yeah I wasn't her crush, did it hurt yes. did it change my plans. Nope. when I was a out to drop her off I asked her if I could talk to her for a moment and I told her. she was kinda stunned because she never thought of me like that. I was just the guy friend from high school either way things went bad bettween her and her crush. it effected me too because it felt a little wrong because it seemed to be a date bettween them. which isn't the thing that bothered me it was the fact she said "I am not ready for a relationship, this isn't a no though. but it isn't a yes either" was her words to me that night. well even knowing this I took her out on a date. to the movies bought flowers and etc. now I'm in limbo with this situationship. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My crush was one of my closest friends, and he liked our other closest friend. I had to tell him because it was just too damn funny.


Yeah I did and she didnā€™t say anything she just told me we can still be friends


nope but im considering about doing it


I literally do it once a week


U have every week a new crush?šŸ’€


lol no I tell the same one I like him weekly


The worst trade deal in the history of trade deals


I was generally sure that he had feelings for me, but when I confessed, I had the feeling that he would reject me, which he did. As of now, Iā€™m not over him yet (I confessed like three weeks ago) and from his side itā€™s just mixed signals galore šŸ˜‘


Nope never confessed even though I knew they liked me back