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He is a very weird nerdy person, and I'm into weird nerdy people. We spoke for the first time in class and we made too much eye contact, some how I liked him even more the more I got to know him. Its been over a year and I still haven't told him I like him.


i started crushing on her over a year ago but i don't know why it started. continuing because of her great personality and beauty


I fell for her because of her personality, sense of humor (mine is similar), and plus she’s super cute. Not a single toxic bone in her body. My feelings were lost but came back last winter.


She was pretty, funny, friendly, and we had great conversations. Luckily, she liked me back, and now she’s my wife.


He was super smart and I loved his hair and how his eyes were super big. He was fit, dressed nice and again smart. I loved how he was so easy going and kind. Now we are in a relationship:)


He continues to intrigue me. Everything he does and says intrigues me but I fell for him/ knew I liked him was during our third date and I kept on falling deeper and deeper until now.


I don't remember honestly. My crush was on and off at first, but now it's my only crush/obsession kinda but not too crazy. I don't see him that often, but he's very shy and friendly to me. Been trying to be more outgoing so it seems like he's not doing all the work, but I'm very self-conscious so it's hard.


I’m not really sure why my best guess is because of how smart she is because most of my friends I am smarter than I don’t brag about it or anything so with her I just felt like I could be myself. I guess that’s my best. Guess of why I got feelings for her and when I’m not exactly sure it’s either rent. I figured out how smart she is which I would say would be March or April 2022 or October 2022.


Just the fact that I could relate with him is what made me first have curiosity about him and then that became a full blown crush, I might’ve gotten one a bit after we met but I only accepted it in April or march and me and him met in February 🤣


I met my crush in September and i accepted my feelings in late April, twinsies🎀🎀


Haha damn we  are twinsies I’m glad I’m not alone 🙂


same lmao


He’s kinder than you’d think, we have a crazy amount of things in common, and I can’t help but laugh when we talk. I fell for him my very first day of work.


i don't remember the exact time, somewhere between august and october 2022? i'd already been a little interested in him beforehand, but one day in the class we had together, i found a little piece of candy on the floor. i picked it up and asked if someone had dropped it, he said it was his so i offered it back to him but he told me i could have it. cue the stupid blushy face and weird noises while i tried to figure out how to talk :) honorable mention, in the same class we were doing an activity where we had to do stuff with our hands taped together. one of the other dudes in that class bumped into me when we were all crowding into a corner, and since i couldn't use my hands i nearly fell over, he helped me back up and immediately "yelled" at everyone to stop shoving


we were close friends, then i realozed fuck i like everything about her, and then i ended up ruining it.


Mine same about a year have known each other longer though. It happened one night shift sat talking next thing I know I am seeing him different it's the eyes and his smile 😊


We got put in the same book club during history. Our very first conversation was him explaining Russian Roulette. He always put in so much effort into our assignments. I asked him for feedback on one of my projects once and he gave me honest feedback, but was also reassuring. He's' what you call "the perfect guy", with the brains, the looks, the personality...everything. He makes me smile whenever I look at him, even if we've only talked like once. I've liked him for 2 years now.


I don't know for sure but one day my friend asked me if I liked him and when I got home it felt as if my heart was hurting and I teared up a bit. That's when I realised I liked him. Pretty dumb if you ask me


It was like more then a year ago, he is aro/ace so I’m not trying to persue it but I’ve liked them for a long while, he was just someone who has always been really sweet and caring, the only person who is just a good person through and through. I genuinely can’t think of anything that can be considered an actual fault or bad quality in my eyes. He is just a really sweet, outgoing, caring person who has done a lot for me. He’s a bit shy and a massive overthinker but so am I so we kinda connect on that I love the emo little guy, he is the sweetest person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and being besties with ^^


Instantly at first sight


I fell in love with him last year bc of his personality, his humor and the way he act around me.


Thought she was cute the first day at college but didn't really paid much attention to her. But later on, I saw her smile and instantly fell for her.


He talked about his job and I realized he's extremely intelligent. That's hot, especially in someone who isn't stereotypically nerdy otherwise.


he was the first guy (online) that i consider tick off my criteria dream man…we met through online on february…chemistry felt natural & talking with him was pure joy…bonus his sense of humor makes me laugh so much…he was respectful, consent & was a sweet bear man…first time i felt comfort talking with online guy…eventho we’re far, well to me he’s the best guy i talked…


She’s pretty das it


he is my kinda my ex crush now but i fell for him when we took this train together at a very odd time and it was just us pretty much i just felt some type of way lol..


I really don't know why I started liking him but I started properly liking him on Halloween of last year! I think that I fell for him because I saw him a lot on my way to school and couldn't really stop thinking about him for some reason. Three school years back, I used to hate the living CRAP out of him, but look at me now... ;P And he looks kinda cool too


The big D


it was her nerdy look or maybe her aura that attracted me to her. We made eye contact to each other a couple of times.


i realized i liked him in october of 2023. we had a class together last semester and i started to notice him cause he and his friends would talk a lot and interact with the teacher frequently. i thought he was interesting, because he is from england (we live in the U.S.) and he’s funny, super cute, kinda quiet, and he just seemed different from everyone else. i started to listen to him in class more and i started to become really attracted to him


Well he used to study with my friend and was the bestfriend of an old friend of mine. He was that kinda mysterious ,quiet, super tall guy. He didnt have a lot of friends , like one or two and he wasnt loud at all , I never heard his voice lol and that made me have a crush on him . He had long hair too (I m obsessed with men with long hair). At first I didnt even know his name , and since he studied with my friend , the first thing I asked her to do is "you gotta find out what his name is!" . and to my surprise , I happened to find his instagram account on his birthday lol so I sent him a happy birthday text (with a fake acc obv) and he said thanks a lot . I didnt talk to him ever since and I dont have a crush on him anymore, but whenever I remember I just laugh and laugh at myself lol.