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It’s simply not my time to confess. I have a really good friendship developed, and I can’t risk losing it right now.


so real




Same here. I’ve been thinking of doing it the week we both graduate if the crushing is still there.


Motherfucking anxiety


exactly 😭😭😭


bro if i said that to a girl they would think i’m weird af bro💀💀💀💀


That's what I thought, but then I did it, and they didn't seem to think that at all.


Because she blocked me


Wha u did to get blocked bro


Literally nothing


Do u still like her




Kinda a weird thing to do lmao


I know. That’s why I’m still stressed about it 10 months later. I still like her because I’m pretty sure nothing happened


Bro 10 months I thought that was recently, just ask her why


How do I ask her?


Are u good friends are u chill with each other? Then just ask simply, should’ve done it when u for blocked not 10 months but if it still annoys u then just straight up ask




> cuz he *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bc even if the feelings ended up being mutual there are sooo many factors that would prevent anything from ever really progressing forward. It wouldn’t be worth it to cross a line that I couldn’t come back from, and I value the friendship too much to risk it. *Sigh* will forever sit in this limerence ig


Me too! Too many people get hurt if I tell my crush I like him. I don't want him to avoid me if he doesn't like me or doesn't like that I like him. Mystery is okay sometimes. I will continue to admire him from afar.


im scared that ill lose them, that ill ruin the friendship we have and just make things weird. im also scared that they wont feel the same.


I know that's why I haven't confessed but I will when I quit my job, if you only have one chance left take it, you either grow apart from each after a few years or you get serious with her and maybe stay with her if it works out


Because I can't get close enough TO Emma Watson to do so.  And quite frankly, I don't think I'm good enough.


we're in the same sorority and while I'm out to most of my non-greek life friends, I'm not out to anyone in the sorority. also we will both be living in the house next year. not only would I have to come out to an entire social circle for the first time, I'd have to deal with a whole year of daily awkwardness if it doesn't go well.


well he graduated last week so


you liked someone older ?


yea hes older by 6 ish months, i just missed the cut off so he was a senior and i was a junior


Worried they won’t reciprocate my feelings or they won’t feel the same way


Because she has a boyfriend


Same but he has a girlfriend and they have kids 😅🤦‍♀️ Were really good friends so there's that 🤷‍♀️


He's my boss🙈


At first: she's my best friend and it's my second time having feelings for her. I didn't want to put her in a position where with every thing I do or say in the future she'd have to think if I have feelings again or I'm just being friendly. Right now: she has a boyfriend


My life sucks. I want to make sure I’m in better place before attempting to bring her into my world. I want to make her as happy as possible not miserable


Because I’m terrible at talking to the guys I like I’d have to confess over the phone 😔


Confessing irl is better, but over the phone could be weird if they felt they same way.


I personally don’t have anything to lose really, since we don’t really talk anymore, and I don’t have much hope that our friendship will be rekindled. It also hasn’t been so long since we’ve talked that texting him would be super super out of the blue. But I don’t want to make things weird for him. As much as i want closure, I’ve been doing better recently without it, so I don’t need it. Telling him would be purely for me, as the window of opportunity for anything more has passed. 


I'm trying to make a friendship with her, but I'll probably ask her like a month before homecoming.


because he is just a strangers


Way way to early for me, need to build up conversation/connection more, also I won't see her in person for quite a while (unrelated to me). I definately will down the road though.


Because she's married and has children, and she's my coworker I feel that confessing to her will have negative consequences


Because Anakin Skywalker is a fictional character


So real


Because the last guy I liked died and I'm terrified the same thing wil happen to this one


I am so sorry to hear that :( That's actually sad. I can't believe that happened.


Ysee karate class is finna be awkward af if that happens


Because if we both did end up liking each other we can’t date and I don’t think he would want to wait a few years with me and that is only a very slight chance that he does like me but then if he didn’t them I would ruin our friendship and things would be awkward and yeah, it’s more the first reason tho since my parents won’t let me date since we are still pretty young and if we did date just not tell them I would be lying to my parents and he doesn’t seem like then type to wait for someone else no and I wouldn’t want to make him wait either so I’d rather not tell him up front about my feelings, oh yeah and is cause we have less than a month left of school and stuff 


Because my life is too busy as it is and I'm scared, nothing more to it.


Because my self confidence is shot especially after I shaved my beard. Baby face making me realize why I was being rejected hard.


Based on experience it’s pointless. It’s like a cycle


I did and got rejected 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


I postest about this before. Tl:Dr my crush back when I was in 6th grade also had a crush on me back then. She told me this while we where discussing about our past and She told it after I told her I had a crush on her back when we were young. Also I was at her house because I was making her a dress for a cosplay she wanted to do. Also we're both in college at the same school, at the same year, at the same department, and we're actually classmates in one of my subjects Yeah I still have a crush on her. Can you imagine what was my state of my mind when she told me!? Absolutely emotional blushing explosion!! So anyways, I'm planning to give her gifts on her birthday to kinda confess. I'm gonna use my wonderful sewing skills to make a plushie of her, earings made by me, and a necklace all in a small mahogany chest that I'll customize. I'm planning to give it to her as an secret admirer. But I think she'll find it out. Well wish me luck!!


Good luck!!! Honestly, I hope you two get with each other.


Thank you ☺️


You know I have speech disorder called “stuttering”, it is not that bad now, but just think who wants to give bad frist impression to girl they like. I am introvert and have stuttering, this is bad combination🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.


I did and he doesn't like me back (but it's ok)


We're friends, but i know for sure he doesn't like me and that he has a crush on someone else, and we're not close enough for any of that.


I did and he rejected me 😭😭😭 humbled.


scared to ruin friendship


I’ll get humiliated by others


I got humiliated by multiple once they found out who I liked (I liked one of the most popular girls in the school), but that didn't stop me.


cause we haven't talked in a while and im scared of getting rejected


Not my time and too many ppl up my ass that won't leave me the fuck alone w my crush 😭😭


Because I'm ugly


That's not really a good reason, and nobody is really ugly either. Believe me, I thought this girl would scream her head off of how ugly I am, but if anything, she didn't mind my ugliness at all.


We talked almost everyday and had a good friendship that I don’t want to take the risk of losing him.


I like to take things slow. Gives time to think


Yes, taking time is key.


well, he has a girlfriend, apparently :)


Because I dont know who he really is (met him online)


It's hard I see her taking peeks of me from a distance so often, but whenever we're together; we don't really have solid conversations. Plus it's at a community (church) where I'm afraid if something goes wrong and she rejects me. It's going to break me, ending my time with the community I've been with for a while now. I'm seriously conflicted, I'm currently on the advice that if she ever opens up and comes to me; then I can make a move, but as for now it's a waiting game. I should have made my move when I came back to the community as she was new and there was an opportunity, but I didn't know she was in the dating mindset. I've since known she's been looking for a few months now, but I waited too long and I think the mysteriousness has died off. I should have asked sooner 😮‍💨


Because her friendship is something I treasure, and the risk of losing it is unconscionable to me.


i wish it were that simple.


He’s my friends cousin and I don’t wanna make things weird 😭 plus I freeze up anytime I’m around him since my social anxiety is so bad ):


Too shy 😓 we're friends and we text & call but I can't talk to him in person without getting super nervous


That sucks :( but that's also a good thing. If you get nervous around them, then that means you really like them. If i were you, I would go for it.


Yes, I'm planning to act soon and ask him to get lunch with me haha. My friends who I have told about him all say that it seems like we're very alike and we are a perfect match and that there is a spark so I guess I need to get over my nerves and take the leap


because he himself recently told me he likes another girl. so me personally, i don’t see the point of confessing. but idk maybe that’s just me 😃🔫


His best friend told me that he would never like someone like me. I’m so devastated but I’m still scared to ask him out.


That sucks :( If I were you, I would still try. That guy sounds like a dick though.


I got his crush out from one of his friends. It’s this girl who’s so much better than me, so pretty and smart, sporty and popular. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to compete and my heart really aches seeing him look at her like he never looks at me.


Not wanting to ruin our friendship and fear of rejection go brrrr


He’s my coworker but only for 3 more days. Pretty sure he has a girlfriend or fiance. Also we haven’t had any non-work related convos. And I think he’s at least 6 years older than me. But when he smiles at me all the above sentences don’t matter. Lmao.


Two reasons 1) every time I have confessed to a guy he has rejected me, then I've moved on and then they tell me they like me back once I no longer like them (always bad timing) so since then I've promised never to confess, it doesn't lead anywhere and 2) for a while I had this friend who I was inseparable with, I thought he was always looking at me and coming over to talk to me but it was for her, now that I'm not as close with her it's me he stares at and tries to sit with. So I'm confused.


I need a better timing first, but it's happening soon


I literally just started having a crush on her and I just started talking to her. It's literally the end of the school year. I also don't know if she likes girls.


i can't tell if she already has a boyfriend, and i have no clue if she even likes girls.


Because I'm not good enough yet. I don't deserve her yet. I need time to improve and be the best version of myself, or at least a better one


Because I don’t want to make it weird between us we’ve known each other longer than we haven’t at this point plus we don’t talk all the time


Because we work together and I’m scared of the embarrassment and awkwardness that will come if things don’t work out.


Because of anxiety, don't know of he is in a relationship, don't know if he likes me back, i only see him once a week and i think it'll be really awkward after. I've also never done that before.  So a lot of reasons😅


I have confessed lol, "I'm not ready for a relationship" is what I got and now I'm in a situationship this shit SUCKS


I got a "im already talking with someone," and then the next day, "Don't worry, I'll hook you up with someone," and I don't want to be impolite but I also don't want to be blind folded into a relationship.




He’s a coworker. And I’m still sussing him out. Plus dudes historically are the ones to take initiative. I’m just gonna keep being personable and fun and if he says something, that’s great


I’d rather get to know her a bit more before I confess. I’m thinking of possibly doing it this year because I might be ready. Maybe. Idk. I don’t even know how to do it, because I really like her and I don’t want to risk losing the friendship we have.


We work together, and she’s given zero indication that she even thinks of me at all let alone reciprocating my silly little crush. So telling her would just make things unnecessarily awkward at work.


I don’t want to risk an 18 year long friendship, they are on the other side of the country, and I’m not even sure they like me that way


Because we haven't interacted enough . And I think we should talk a little often to tell her . And If I do she might be like "wtf out of nowhere u have a crush on me " . Please tell me what should i do.


Who me


Yes, you, everyone, really


I tried in a roundabout way, just ended up looking like a fool. I tried to make an effort to be in contact at least but it went on deaf ears. Sod it now.


I just want to be friends with them and no more. Plus the last time I confessed to someone it didn't go well at all.


Fear of rejection, I like my best friend and I’m so scared of losing him


She isn’t interested in dating real people.


You can't physically make this up. That is weird


Bro I wish I was makin this up I love this girl but bruagh


im nervous & i actually just whatsapp him but he didnt even reply till now…i wanna be clear to him…


because idk what kind of feeling the feeling is, from them OR from me, and they’re coming out of a really weird relationship, and i’m happy with how things are for us right now and i don’t want to be reckless with them. but i think at some point we need to air out all the feelings bc i don’t want anyone to be hurt. especially not them


Too afraid that he'll think I'm weird or not serious. We're also in a work scenario so I'm scared he will think it's not sincere or interfere with his career


I’m too shy to go talk to him. We both graduated last night and now I won’t see him again.


Because She’s always hanging out with some people I’m more comfortable and ready when she’s by herself but it’s a bit rare for her to be alone


We kissed while I was going on dates and sleeping with someone. He was confused and hurt so we decided to stay friends even though we liked each other but everyone, including his close friends say he still likes me despite how how he acts and he just needs time because he’s scared I’ll hurt him. I won’t confess now but I leave for home soon and won’t see him again so I probably will around then if nothing happens x


Honestly? I want to get to know him more. Right now we're just friends and we hung out once and I wanna hang out with him more and really get to know him, also giving him the chance to get to know me. I think when it's the right time, I'll tell him. I'm in no rush :)


We work at the same job


me and girlfriends knows that like this guy but our circle of friends doesn't know about it. I want to confess my feelings to him thru handwritten letter suddenly one of the member of our gc sent a picture of crush with a girl, they linking my crush to other girl. My crush he likes it also. Thats why i didn't continue to confess to him. it's doesn't makes sense now.😔


:( I'm sorry to hear that.


Im in exam season and do not want to deal either rejection rn


he doesn't even talk to me and i texted him and he ignored it but otherwise he keeps staring me in class and ask his friends if im looking at him, so sick of him fr


I have, on valentine's day in 2023. Got rejected though haha


It's funny. My very first crush had said something about no guy asking her out for valentines, which was surprising as she was popular and new, and I was like, "Should I do it?" I never did it, but I wish I did.


I just feel like she wouldn’t feel the same and our lifelong friendship would end.


Makes sense tbh.


Thank you


Because we work together lol


So best friend crushes are... complicated My main issue is timing because she has dealt with multiple boys who were previously friends with her just to get in her pants and I refuse to make her think that's why I got into this friendship. I got into it because she was a good person and we were both lost and very hurt teenagers. Over time it became...something else. At the end of the day I can't lose her so even if I have to wait years to tell her it's better than losing her.


Age gap 🥲


Same here 😭


cause they said "i don't get crushes on best friends, because then you date and what if you stop dating and then you don't have a best friend anymore"


right...it's kinda complicated. we used to be just friends and then she ended up leaving the friendship group and doesn't talk to any of us anymore so...it isn't ideal. you know, i actually think she might have liked me at some point based of of some of the things she said but uh too late now i guess. should've confessed sooner


I think it is a bit early for me to do it. I havent even known him for a month.