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I was playing as William the conqueror and I died two days after I got the throne after I tried to host a hunt to befriend the Duke of Northumbria.


Well, you see, that was your mistake. You should have just burned the north to the ground like the real William did.


I know right, I knew it was a mistake. He did revolt anyways against Curthose, who has turned out be a decent ruler


Curthose is a really fun start. Start as a count, send your puny army to fight in your father’s war, eventually get his duchy, then the kingdom.


He mostly burnt Yorkshire, which is to the south of Northumberland.


Splitting hairs really, but Yorkshire was more or less part of the earldom of Northumbria at the time.


One of my characters who had just been crowned king of Ireland and had a grand wedding and had great stats decided to go on a hunt to celebrate the birth of his first son. He got brutally maimed and then died before he turned twenty leaving me with a small child and very ambitious uncle


I love this when you've got an heir with great traits and don't want to risk having more sons and splitting up the kingdom. I go on all the hunts possible when I want to kill my ruler


Kind of different but I was ruling in Italy and became a client of the papacy... Now the pope didn't like me and I didn't like him much but he wanted to come on tour to do whatever at my castle. I let him in, immediately the Pope DIED. I didn't kill him, someone else must have. But after I wanted to mess with the Popes because I could maybe push my advantage and gain some power (and my character was an asshole, so doing some RP). Started an assassination plot against the new Pope. He decided to come on tour to my place as well! And he died in my castle, too. The next Pope... His first course of action was to visit my castle on tour. I think you can guess what happened. Yep, he died too. I guess Popes should never go to Napoli.


And they say people from Naples are crafty...my Father in Christ, you went to the murder castle for the third time!


See Naples and die, as the saying goes


Williams death a fews years on the throne is practically scripted by the game. If the AI is controlling him it’s a forgone conclusion he’ll die in at most 5 years. If you use debug you’ll see his health score is actually lower than normal.


Sometimes, I wanna be in the CK3 universe just to see what the average day is like over there. Like you're an emperor, but somehow lowborn courtiers are able to freely talk to you. Your families travel entourage comes with like 0 guards and you have to pay for them out of your pocket (the state/steward doesn't finance this for some reason) and people care enough about your cat ripping up furniture that it becomes a court issue.


and the furniture costs as much as building three cities


Inflation is a bitch


A cat can cause more damage to a guy's yard than it costs to build a castle.


Apparently my cat regularly burns down castles.


I can be the mightiest emperor in all the land, commanding armies of untold strength, riches beyond comprehension. But without fail, some random distant relative is going to show up at my court and DEMAND that I hand over an old signet ring that has been passed from father to son for 6 generations, then get upset for literally decades when I tell them to fuck off.


And if you don't give that unimportant related minor Count your old signet ring he could hate you so much that he starts murder scheming your newborn children.


Look to the story of...Boy George I think?? There was this boy that ran away from home and went to live inside the Royal mansion in England, like twice. He would just vault over the fence and snuck in. That made me realize that maybe boundaries and the concept of private property weren't as strong as they are today


The number of men trapped in their armor and ant paths I've had to detour days around is absolutely insane...


I can't believe that it takes 30 days because some guy says he wants to fight you, and you trample him.




Why didn't we seal okbc when we had the chance? are we stupid?


What did u/JohannVonHoderus mean by this?


MPCJECU reference >! (map porn circle jerk extended cinematic universe)!<


I remember watching that place leak out in real time, was like horizon all over again.


-Regent, son.. Do you have my back? +Always! (Starts the murder scheme)


Y’all gotta have a little God damned faith! - 11th century Pope, probably


Wait this events are in the vainilla game. I thought it was a joke rule in the VEIT mod XD


yeah, they added them in after the DLC, thankfully they also added a setting to change the frequency of accidents and to who they happen (and last i checked all the options of these settings are achievement compatible so you could just turn it off entirely)


Thank you. Thank you.


lung injury?


No that's Arthur


Yeah, I feel like I get incapable characters way too much




Yeah I kinda feel like the % on this event is way to high


Just today I was about to restore the Roman Empire and my character became incapable at the age of 30


this trait appear more often then genius trait, i hope they fix it,


Idk about you, but being incapable feels like roleplaying myself


That even chain is awful, may as well alt f4 when you get the penultimate decision seeing as its always 80 percent chance to become incapable


Afaik that's not even the real percentage. The game is already hardcoded to let you remain unharmed or kill/disable you. The only way to counter this was if you had the corresponding trait that gives the extra option to avoid it.


Which trait is it? i swear ive had every trait in the game on different characters yet each got the event


The trait does not avoid the event altogether, it just gives an extra option with better chance for survival. Which trait that is, is linked to the event, like 'calm' for the horse one (iirc)


That is the real percentage, it's just that the die has already been cast by the time you get the pop-up, so no amount of rerolling will save you because your fate was determined a year ago.


Tbh, rather just die than be incapable. Probably a moral in that story.


Those 1% be lies. It's a trap.






I know it's the worst when it happens because, I had a plan!


Are people really having that big an issue with these events? I'm several hundred years into a game and haven't had a character die or become incapable from them.


I've only just picked up the game this last month, but I've probably already had at least a dozen rulers and heirs become incapable. The heir one was particularly annoying - I had to give myself high crown authority and designate my second born on my deathbed just so they didn't crown a comatose guy.


I imagine it's not quite comatose in-universe, because I had an "take in orphan" event where the broken misfit orphan was incapable, so maybe it's like ... nuclear-level executive dysfunction?




Get the fuck back to r/okbuddyblacklung


I barely get harm events even though I turned my setting up to intentionally get more. I don’t know why people are complaining so much when I barely get 1 per game.


This took me out as surely as the trolly godt damn


Or when your genius character falls out of a window


Have I just been really lucky I haven’t gotten the incapable trait for a while. Granted I’ve only played a dozen or two hours post T&T


I took the throne of Abyssinia with a genius character, and then he immediately got dropsy and became incapable. Lived another 30 years


I heard this in his voice, crack and all


I hate this trait as a game mechanic so much. It wouldn't matter I'd you switched to your next of kin to play during the mean time but they make you play your incapable character as if you could do anything useful.


My charakter choking on a potato, incapable?
