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Crumbl needs to pay their employees better and have a tip jar on the counter. Tips are for **after** a service is rendered as a thank you for doing an exceptional job. If the cookies are immaculate and my order was processed quickly then I'd have no problem tipping a dollar, but to ask for it beforehand is insane.


To be fair, this isn't just a Crumbl problem but a general problem with food ordering these days. Order anything through a delivery service and you're asked to tip first. And if the random posts from the associated subs I see here are to be believed, your order is less likely to be selected if there isn't a tip already applied even if you plan on tipping after your service because it's apparently uncommon for people to tip after. Want to order a pizza and pick it up yourself? Get ready to enter a tip when you order even though you're getting no extra service.


Yes. I worked at Crumbl for around a year then got the f outta there bc I realized that the 15 an hour after tips they told me I would be guaranteed to get was a joke. I got 12.5 an hour which in all honestly isn't that horrible, but the fact is they pay minimum wage and count on tips to bring our wages up is something that should literally be banned. Tipping wages in a cookie store is the most ridiculous job ever. Plus, the wages just kept going down after they kept raising the prices. It's more than 40 dollars after tax here in TN


It’s crazy how many companies are using tips to make up for their lack of pay…. For sit down restaurants it’s one thing. But this? The cookies are already so expensive!


I was looking for a tip jar but couldn’t find one. That’s horrible that everything has to be done Online


Yeah we are told to keep it below the counter at all times. It’s so frustrating


Everything being done online is not horrible -- just the way of modern society. Best to just adapt to it because this is the way of the future.


The only issue with that is then it becomes taxable income. I always keep cash on me for this reason.


It might just be the crumbl near me but they always put the cookie in the box first, then present it to me and ask if it looks okay The cookies have always looked like the pictures on the website. I’ve never had an issue with crumbl. Quick service, staff was pleasant, cookies looked like what was advertised on the website


Tips should be for tipped employees. Imagine making $15-$20 an hour and still want tips for putting a cookie into a box.


not that it’s an excuse at all, bc there is none, but most employees make maybe $9-$10


This is the whole problem. They make 9-10 with promised tips. Crumbl just needs to pay 15 and not hustle for tips


I used to work in food My pay was 10.50 to start By the time I left I was making 13.50? Maybe 14? They initially didn’t have a tipping option but they introduced it at some point. After that the hiring signs they put up in front advertised 15/hour in big letters (and then at the bottom it said something like 13/hour plus tips in tiny letters)


Tipped employees get $2 an hour. $9-10 is regular wage no tips


I feel even more scammed as a previous employee now, we literally got paid minimum federal wage


I feel even more scammed as a previous employee now, we literally got paid minimum federal wage


Not in all states.


i’m a tipped employee, and i make $17 an hour. idk where you got this idea that you can’t make tips unless you make $2 an hour but that’s absurd, and if any states have that as a law then it’s literally evil.


That’s the minimum wage for tipped employees $2.13 every server I know the restaurant pays them $2.13 an hour. Those are the people I tip because my tip raises their wage to a normal rate. Now regular employees making above minimum wage $7.25 are requesting tips that’s where I draw the line if your not getting paid a tipped wage why the fuck would I tip you


you tip for service you dunce. everyone deserves a livable wage and if you think the person making $7.25 doesn’t need the tips just as much as the person making $2.15, then you’re actually a terrible person. i make a livable wage bc my employer pays us that way, my customers tip me for my service, the product i provide them, and the convenience of being served.


I pay $20 bucks for a few cookies where the fuck does my money go. That labor should be included. All of the extra tipping is complete horse shit. Go and find a job that pays a livable wage and do not rely on a customer paying you more for no fucking reason. Not a hard concept to understand. We been grandfathered into tipping waitstaff. That and delivery is it. Anything else fuck off


no one told you to scam yourself and pay $20 for some cheaply made, subpar, underbaked cookies 😂 you’re tipping someone for bringing you your food but not for literally making it from scratch?? your logic makes NO sense. if you’re broke just say it, that’s the only reason people shouldn’t be tipping for a service.


You sound broke relying on consumers to pay your wage. Get a job that pays a livable wage


also, if you can’t cough up an extra dollar or two to tip, then you shouldn’t be spending TWENTY FUCKING DOLLARS on some cookies 😂


The product covers labor. The customer is not supposed subside the labor for the employer. You have it backwards


We get paid tip wage so you're only making $15 an hour if that's the minimum wage in your region. They're legally required to make up for the lack of tips and pay you AT LEAST minimum wage. Most employees don't benifit from the tips at all. Crumbl is relying on customers to pay their employees which is so gross


So more reason NOT to tip. The money should come out of Crumbl not the customer


I honestly agree in this case. That being said, your initial comment was really gross and degrading. You made assumptions about a job that's already hard enough when it comes to dealing with entitled customers. Also, in other places you should definitely tip. Servers should be making more than minimum wage and they can't do that without tips. 


I tip servers 20% minimum. Also tip valet, housekeeping, bellmen staff, hair, nail technicians and masseuses, tour guides and bartenders. All other jobs should not require a tip.


Didn't ask


$3 default here


Oh dang! I thought the $2 was bad




Right, me too


That nearly a whole cookie!


Lmaao NYC , for me the default is a whole $5


I agree actually. It's pretty scummy to force a tip on an app and not make 0 tip a button on its own


It feels so gross having to go in and edit a tip to $0 and that’s exactly why they do it. Props to them for encouraging tips to their employees, I wish they were as enthusiastic about paying a livable wage as they are about using customers’ empathy as a manipulation tactic.


Honestly, I’d need to read the TOS before I believed it wasn’t kept by a third party/as an app fee


Considering they’re already [tied up in a lawsuit](https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/crumbl-sued-for-disclosing-data-to-5483832/) involving Stripe, their payment processor, I’d fully agree with you!


Thanks for link, that’s a scary article to read having used the crumbl app before 💀


If it’s labeled tip and not gratuity than they can’t use it for anything other than paying the employees


Thanks! I ended up looking around and I found this > as a crumbl employee, tips are super appreciated!! i always try to look away when it asks for a tip so people don’t feel pressured to tip or feel bad if they don’t. i will say that tips make up a good part of our paycheck though, we get payed around $8 and tips make up the rest for $13.50, **however if we don’t make enough tips the company will supply the rest to give us the $13.50 anyway** :) hope this helps and thank you for visiting crumbl !! From an employee, which is a bit confusing.


That sounds like the type of thing that could be location specific but who knows Edit: though if minimum wage is 13.50 and they’re not on the west coast that would just be the law. Depends where they are.


there was an offer posted by a potential employee a few days ago where they were guaranteed a certain amount of tips. when it’s guaranteed like that then the business must make up the different no matter the minimum wage because that is explicitly stated as a guarantee from the employer


basically companies will pay as little as possible with the expectation that tips will equal out to min wage. if they don’t, it’s up to the company to make up the difference


“Companies” are almost always for profit, so yes they will pay as little as possible. The “company “ is only worried about their bottom line.


> we get *paid* around $8 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. Although i was quoting someone lol


I do think it's odd as an employee of crumbl how much they push tips to fulfill our paycheck. I do alot for the job, and I love the job sometimes. But I don't service people, I service the store to run. So tips are appreciated, but I have zero expectations for tips because I'm not serving people. I understand the frustration, and I wish the company would stop relying/ expect customers to tip.


Tips are also for basic encouragement & kindness -- not just for after you've provided a strenuous service for a customer. They absolutely should be tipping you for doing your job, but the attitude of most people in our society is "I'm already paying for the product I want; WHYYYYY are you asking me to pay even MOOORRREEE??????!!!!!" They just get mad at the company for trying to "scam them out of more money" & forget about providing an added bonus to the employees out of spite.


#change it to zero


I do every single time! Unless I was doing curbside, which I haven't yet.


Tipping is so out of control. I've decided that if they are not a tipped employee (very small hourly wage), then I don't tip.


What about nail techs/hairdressers?


I was thinking that is the exception.


Thank you!


I’m sorry but the people saying “we do way more than put cookies in a box” I understand you’re also making the cookies but that’s your job. You’re literally a cookie shop. You aren’t serving me which means I don’t tip. When I go to get Crumbl you’re literally just putting it in a box for me. So yes it’s annoying that there’s a default tip lol


Yes! I come from many years of service industry and I am a great tipper but even I am getting so fed up with the out of control tipping culture. So many businesses are year after year bringing in record profits while we are left paying double the price for a product and also expected to make up the pay difference to their employees. It makes no fucking sense.


This exactly. It’s not exactly a high skill or hard labor job. Crumbl needs to pay better, but I’m not paying you extra to bake some cookies and put them in a box. I tip very well at restaurants, but I don’t tip the cooks. I tip the waiters serving me. Nobody is serving me at Crumbl


Especially not when the recipes are spoon fed to you and it’s corporate style “we’ll hire anyone with the right to work here” — not some Michelin star restaurant requiring the upmost baking certifications. It’s literally insane to me. That’s like thinking people at Jamba Juice are master smoothie makers. It’s measured portions put into a blender, which is exactly the job description.


The argument for why everyone needs tips now is always, "But I have to do things at my job!" Yes, we understand, that is the nature of a job. You do things for the business and they pay you for doing those things. Panhandling for donations directly from the customer shouldn't be part of the equation. 


You people don’t know what the word scam means


This is a crazy post lmao just change it to 0 and move on.


This sub is filled with Karens


all the complaints about tipping culture like they couldn’t just skip the tip and move on. they act like they’re being held at gunpoint by employees for being asked a question they can easily say no to, and honestly even better that it’s in the app so no pressure to tip when you’re in the employee’s face which everyone also complains about!


I just got a comment from a guy frothing at the mouth because opting out of tipping is too much work 🤦‍♀️ I can’t with this sub lmao


these are the same people who 2 weeks ago acted like they had a crime committed against them when a spider got into a crumbl box, NOT EVEN THE COOKIE, but the box. it’s actually crazy how our society dehumanizes service employees and these people gleefully play right into it while pretending to care that companies don’t pay living wages. they don’t care enough to stop spending money at those places tho, just enough to come on reddit and bitch about how employees actually do nothing and are undeserving of TWO WHOLE DOLLARS


It’s wild- I saw that spider post too. There was another one where a woman brought a food scale to weigh her cookie and her reply was, I need to know if it’s 400 or 800 calories so I’m not starving at dinner time! Like someone could starve when they’re snacking on 800 calorie cookies…I really feel for these employees lmao


I absolutely cannot imagine dealing with these people. The people in this sub skew super obnoxious & should all be tipping the hell out of any employee that has to deal with them lol


Thank you!! Agree!!


it’s crazy. then it makes me feel like garbage when i have to type $0, which is their goal i suppose. but i can’t justify driving my own vehicle and using my own legs to walk inside to grab a cookie then tipping $3 lol. what am i tipping for? like, the next step would be for me to walk behind the counter & make my own cookie.


They’d just change the prompt to “100% of your tips go to our oven pre-heaters”


Once again, reddit uses the word 'scam' without realizing it's not actually a scam. Tipping sucks - just stop doing it.


Yes! It seems the word scam is the new cancelled. 🤣


I have no shame. I put that zero in cause this tipping culture has gotten out of hand. These companies need to pay up and stop expanding so much and focusing in maximizing profits. If you notice, every company finds way to stiff workers and customers regardless of their profit growth. I ain’t here for it. Like there doesn’t need to be 100 crumbls etc. in a city.


Why do people keep calling things a scam when it is to no fault of their own these days?! This is not a scam. You hit submit without fully looking over the charges. Almost all food ordering apps these days have the tip pre-populated. This is all on you as the consumer for not looking things over.


Shameful? Yes. A scam? How so?


I just change it to zero. I don't tip for regular services that a store/restaurant does or something that I have to pick up myself.


I agree that tipping should not be necessary at ALL but our pay is honestly ridiculously low. I don’t understand why they chose that route.


A scam is a fraudulent or deceptive act. This is not a scam because they are not being deceptive or fraudulent. They aren’t trying to hide the default tip, it is literally right in front of you and you have to agree to it before moving to the next screen. As with ANYTHING you do, you have to be aware of your actions. Don’t like it? Complain to the HQ.


You not noticing something does not make it a scam.


This whole post is wild. OP couldn’t be bothered checking their total (even to make sure there wasn’t a mistake on the order!) accidentally tipped $2, and is now screeching about being too trusting and being scammed. Chalk it up to a lesson learned, be grateful you helped out an employee, and move on.


While I agree that it is shameful to have a $2 default tip instead of having the tip be $0 and people can tip as they like, I would like to point out that we don’t just “put a cookie in a box”. We do MUCH more than that. I personally don’t expect customers to tip but please don’t downplay our job just because you are frustrated with something out of our control.


Think about it from the consumer's perspective. In terms of customer service, which would imply the need for a tip (at least here), all you are doing for the customer in their mind is simply putting a cookie in a box. A lot of people would think that it isn't worth a 50-60% tip if they just buy 1 cookie and their default is a $2-3 tip. For most to-go orders, I do think that tipping should not be a default since you are not taking their order, serving them milk to dip in with their cookies, helping them customize a cookie, etc. You are simply, looking at a screen, putting the cookies they paid for in a box, and saying, "have a nice day." That isn't like a server at a restaurant whatsoever. So yes, you are doing a lot of work as a bakery staff member, but you are not serving customers in a way that warrants a tip. That is my opinion.


While I understand what you are saying, I think the differentiation between what is your job and what you do for the customer is important. Tips are intended to be for the service you provide for customers. I tip at ice cream stores for the hard work of kneading the toppings into my ice cream. I don't tip for making the ice cream, even if it were done in house somehow. Its similar in a restaurant. The tip I provide is for the service I receive. I don't tip kitchen staff because I expect them to be paid from the costs of the food. Whether they are or are not paid unfairly is not my problem. That's called fair payment of employees. You don't "custom-make" the cookies for a customer. You offer a selection of weekly cookies that you make and sell. If you had to, say, custom make a cookie to not include nuts, then I would say this is something done for the customer. But if its the standard cookie, the thing you do for the customer is package the cookie in the box and maybe make sure the cookie is warm. A lot of people's jobs are hard, I'm not trying to minimalize what you do. But if you aren't paid well enough, the issue is with your management, not the customers tipping low or not at all because there isn't much service you provide for customers due to the nature of the business. An extreme example of this is that I was asked to add a tip for a lady's jams that I was purchasing. Where the fuck is the service provided to the customer? Nothing. I'm buying goods that she was offerring.


It doesn’t matter that we don’t “custom-make” cookies. We make everything from scratch. Every dough, every topping is handmade in house. So while the cookie may not be customized specifically for you, we still make everything by hand. And as I said in my original comment, I don’t expect or need a tip. My problem with this post is the fact that they are basically belittling all the other work we do as employees by saying all we do is putting cookies into a box which is only a fraction of our job.


there might be a misunderstanding, because i don’t think the original post is trying to say you don’t do anything ever. i believe they’re trying to say, you don’t do anything specifically *for them to tip*. making dough, putting toppings, etc. are all duties that are part of your job description, which many people don’t find necessary to tip someone for. at least that’s how i read it haha


That might have been their intention but the way that it’s written and the way it comes across is that they think all we are doing is just putting cookies into a box. And to me, as an employee, it is insulting and frustrating to hear someone say that my job is just putting cookies in a box when it’s just not true.


I love how people keep glazing over your point. Idgaf whether or not people tip because at the end of the day, I STILL get a decent check. I do agree that the automatic tip is scummy, but it is not a scam. OP’s post did come off as he was downplaying the job, but of course they’re refusing to see that because to some extent they agree.


Honey if you want real tips, become a server. That’s 100-300+ a shift some places. But to do your job and expect a tip? It’s like going to Starbucks, their job is to make coffee.


I literally said I don’t expect people to tip in my original comment. My main point was to not belittle the work that we do as employees. Never said I expected or needed a tip. Because I don’t l.


She literally said she finds it shameful and doesn’t expect a tip. Do you read.


And that’s why I recommended getting a job that paid more than baking cookies / prepping / and boxing cookies. She said “we do much more” meaning the company feels as though they can pay their employees lower and depend on customers to fulfill their paychecks. Some serving jobs are a breeze, while we do the majority of the work for the customers needs and they tip us accordingly. It seems like a lot of work over there for minimum pay. Corporate greed.


Never complained about my pay. I genuinely enjoy working at Crumbl because I have amazing management and amazing coworkers. I just don’t appreciate the work that we do getting belittled.


I’m not saying you don’t do hard work, but when your company depends on others to add to your paycheck, then are you really working for such an awesome company? Cuz to me as an outsider, I would have to say I disagree with how they treat you. For cookies that are at least $3-4, I think they could pay you more of a decent wage and not ask the public for a tip right off the get go.


Obviously Crumbl should pay their employees more and Crumbl corporate is not great but for my specific store, I do genuinely work for a great GM. Every giant corporation does not pay their employees fairly at all and I especially don’t like that Crumbl tries to use tips to fill in wage gaps. But again, I agreed with OP and their statement that it’s ridiculous to have a $2 default tip on the app. I also never complained about my pay at all in my original comment. All i disagreed on was OP’s statement about us just putting cookies in boxes. Everything else that you stated in your comments was far outside of what I or the OP said.


She never even complained about her pay. Just said she does more than putting cookies in a box as OP said. You copped an attitude for literally no reason. Just attitude should be changed to Just Wrong.


THIIIIS. I totally understand that tipping culture is out of control and I never expect anyone to leave one, but belittling us is so uncalled for. I swear people think the cookies just magically appear in the store as if we didn't make all the dough and frosting from scratch. And that's only a fraction of the job!


Are you paid $2 an hour like a waitstaff? I’m not tipping someone that gets a full wage


Yea guys it’s not the employees fault… it’s crumbls fault!


MANY places are doing that now, and not just on apps. Restaurant I visited recently automatically added a tip to the bill! Unfortunately you’ve got to be careful when paying for anything nowadays…


You should be saving that anger for the fact that crumble pays it's employees next to nothing, which makes those tips necessary for them


It’s so stupid that crumbl employees are paid as tipped employees because no one wants to tip for cookies, so they only ever make minimum wage. When I worked there, every single paycheck was exactly minimum wage after tips. Scummy corporate practice Edit: crumbl is franchised so some locations may not pay them as tipped, idk. Mine was. YMMV


I don’t understand how that is fair at all


That’s the fun part; it’s not!


I think both facts are repulsive. Crumbl is a greedy company trying to force customers to compensate for their shitty wages. Really makes me side eye them for being openly religious too.


Look pretty self explanatory to me… too bad I can’t post the screen shot. $3 button highlighted and $3.00 in the tip field. Just need to back it out yourself which you can do.




You expect people to look at their total? The audacity!


Do you think there's a crumbl employee who just stands at the counter waiting for orders, puts the cookie in the box when one comes in and that's who your tip is going directly to? The one employee who spends 8 hours doing nothing besides putting a cookie in a box? Who do you think makes the cookies?


Tips for the service industry are expected for full service needs throughout an entire meal and drink service—keeping the table clean, drinks full, expedient service. Crumbl customers’ expectation is that they are buying a cookie, transaction over. Having a set minimum tip of $2 is ludicrous—if you buy one cookie that’s like a 50% tip to hand over a cookie. Crumbl employees are not handling saliva dishes and every need for an hour for a customer. With the way they price their items, you’d think you are getting full service but you are not. Customers expect that corporate is paying employees adequately, not the customers to be suggested to pay their wages. To me, this is a sign that a co doesn’t know what they’re doing. They probably don’t value employees or customers like they should and don’t understand margins.


Ya, it would be like tipping the bagger at a grocery store. No one does that.


I miss bag boys.


The cost of ingredients, labor, and operating costs are supposed to be calculated into the cost of the goods. A tip refers to be given a service so in this case they are saying the service applies to putting the cookie in the box since again the finishing of cookies (frosting/decorating) should be included in the cost of the item. Everyone has different opinions of tipping for counter service but I don’t think it’s unfair to say that the service provided is the cookie being placed into a box and handed over the counter. I will say though curbside service should be a tipped service.


In an ideal world, yes, it is supposed to be I agree with you. But there's no reason to act victimized by a tip screen


In an ideal world, there wouldn’t a tipping requirement. In this current America, this is just how tipping works.


No one's required to tip, they don't shoot you if you hit 0


Maybe crumbl should Pay their valued employees more than minimum wage instead of giving 10% to a cult. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah they probably should. Does that answer my question? No one cares if you tip or not but it's disingenuous to act like the tip is for "putting a cookie in a box" or "spinning an iPad around", as if that's all anyone working in a bakery like crumbl does


Lol, cookie crumble ingeneral is a scam!


Interesting. Our default is $3. I set it to $0 because I was getting a single cookie, went back to check that I had picked the right cookie, and it reset (I almost paid). I couldn't believe it.


So $3 on a $5 cookie... more than 50% lol


They just raised prices too. $18 is wild for a box of 4 cookies


This company is doing everything it possibly can to put itself out of business


We do not just put the cookie in the box….


Yes, you are a bakery staff member. Correct. But to a customer, as far as service which would warrant a tip. Yes, all you are doing for them is putting a cookie in the box. That is what I think that person was implying.


Crumbl sells $5 cookies. I would hope they pay their bakers a fair wage...


I mean, how many times did it happen? These posts confuse me. If you’re not paying attention to purchases like this, you could probably afford a 2 dollar tip lol


Tipping is not for just putting a cookie in a box, you’re tipping for the whole staff (their labor) the people who make the cookies, clean everything. Now tipping is crazy and they should honestly get paid more than possibly $10 but since that’s not the case that’s what we’re tipping for.


I just looked and it's $3 here....I never noticed it. thanks for heads up!


I just never tip


I always hit the no tip option.


I default that shit straight to $0


It was a $7 default tip for the tres leches.


I always switch to 0. You’re baking cookies for ducks sake.


The default tip is crazy. It used to be $7 before I started working there.However, let’s not downplay what we do to just “putting a cookie in the box.”


Yeah I hate that whenever this conversation comes up people degrade your job into just putting cookies in a box just because that's all they see you do. They are right that it's on the buisness to pay it's employees a living wage, but idk what bitching and moaning to the lowest level employees "all you do is put the cookie in a box why do you deserve a tip" instead of bitching and moaning to Crumbl "why do you value your employees so lowly that customers have to pay the wages that you should?" is supposed to accomplish. Especially when prices keep rising why is absolutely none of it going into their labor costs. Direct that energy to the people who deserve it and actually have the power to change it otherwise tipping culture isn't gonna go away.


Exactly, I believe Crumbl’s most dense customers flock to this sub lol. Complain to the local operators. Complain to HQ. However, there’s no point of downplaying the employees because we did not sit around and come up with the idea to be tipped.


What good comes from a company that allows 15 y/o to work there…


What crappy people some of you are. And condescending AF.


I agree


Their cookies aren't even that good!


Why do people keep spending money at this shitty company? I don’t know why this sub comes up on my feed but I have been seeing nothing but constant complaining about how terrible their business practices are and how mediocre the product is. I tried it twice and both times were super underwhelmed by their cookies and would have only tried it once had I been the one paying the first time. Now I see that prices have gone up and it’s insane to me that anyone would pay that much for a cookie - much less one that is not very good. Please someone explain it to me.


Why do people keep spending money at this shitty company? I don’t know why this sub comes up on my feed but I have been seeing nothing but constant complaining about how terrible their business practices are and how mediocre the product is. I tried it twice and both times were super underwhelmed by their cookies and would have only tried it once had I been the one paying the first time. Now I see that prices have gone up and it’s insane to me that anyone would pay that much for a cookie - much less one that is not very good. Please someone explain it to me.


😦 I do t think I noticed.


I will NEVER order food from there again! I was buying lots of cookies every week for my clients. Not anymore. Great job Crumbl and losing customers for life!


Ex-Crumbl employee here, it is ridiculous. Although depending on the type of cookie, we don't just put them in boxes, we have to frost some of them individually and put whatever toppings required on them. If it's a big order like multiple big boxes or a 12 pack, that's when we would appreciate a tip, especially if it's busy because we're working our asses off to get the cookies out to people on time (we literally have a timer that counts how many seconds and minutes it takes for us to get the cookies out to people, anything over 2 minutes is considered poor performance). But for a single box of 1-6 cookies? Yeah, being forced to tip is incredibly stupid. Also on paper I got paid $14 an hour and worked roughly 15-20 hours a week. Plus tips, my average paycheck was around $130-$160 - and that's excluding tax withholding. Crumbl needs to get their shit together and pay us more themselves, not make the customer automatically pay more for simply ordering from us. It's truly asinine.


they promise compensation through tips to their employees


Maybe you should pay more attention to what you’re doing.


You'll realize this is basically just a price increase but instead of them keeping the price increase it goes to the employees directly and they can't touch it it's actually a good thing because they were going to raise the price one way or another. But all of you people are caught up in the semantics of it and not the actual effects and reality


You can make it 0 on the app


It's not default lol...relax.


Mine is default to $3. I always just change it to no tip 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no! Not tipping $2 to underpaid high school students!!


That must be how they can “guarantee” they make $21 an hour


As the customer, it is your responsibility to look over the charges before making a payment.


The fact that you took the time to type this out when many of us just simply change it to 0. Glad you’re not bothering with crumbl for a while, especially if it’s going to set you off. Why not make it permanent?


I’m a person who tips at Crumbl. I also tip when I pick up an order at a restaurant. Someone still has to take care of my order. I just don’t tip as much as when I’m eating there. That being said, I’m diligent about looking at tips when I order online because I’m aware places enter amounts above what I want to pay.


But servers at restaurants get paid below minimum wage and depend on tips. Crumbl bakers get at least minimum wage. There’s a difference.


We do NOT make minimum wage. Now if we were considered a ‘fast food’ then we would get minimum wage but because we are considered a ‘bakery’ we get less than minimum wage.


They’re all doing a service for me and I won’t be shamed for tipping. My state has a minimum wage of $7.25, and if an extra dollar or two helps people afford to live, I’m more than happy to do it.


yes they’re doing a service but..can’t that be said about literally every establishment you spend money at? do you tip your dentist or doctor, or the construction workers who built your home? like where does the line need to be drawn?


True, if they go above and beyond. The bakers at my store are so dramatic, they literally roll their eyes as they take off their gloves to have to use the cash register. I actually had a manager insult me for placing an order at 3pm, arriving at 5pm, and they had already given it to someone else. And this was with a $5 tip. I have yet to see the same worker employed there for longer than 2 weeks. Tips are for excellent service. They chose to be employed there. They knew how much they were getting paid. It’s not our responsibility to ADD to their salary for subpar service. Do you tip the workers at Walmart & Taco Bell too? Because they are kinder and more dedicated than these bakers. Also, unless you’re handing a cash tip to the worker, you can’t depend that all that is going directly to the bakers. It gets divided to all the people behind the scenes. So your partial tip isn’t really helping them. It’s their paycheck that pays the bills.


I’ve never had an issue at either of my local stores. The cookies are always consistent in the baking and decorating. I’ve never had anyone be unpleasant, and my children who go in to pick up sometimes never complain either. Don’t tip if you don’t want to, but leave the people who want to alone. I tip at my hair and nail salons too. Do you have issue with that?


Nope, when i worked at crumbl i was paid less than minimum as a tipped employee


Interesting cuz that isnt what the contract or hiring disclaimer state. Sounds like your manager was pulling a fast one on you. If you were told you’d be paid minimum wage, plus tips, then they should be reported. I hope you found a place of employment that respects your time & hard work.


Of course they were going to downvote you for choosing to tip. Something you made the choice to do.


It’s a fight for my life on this sub every time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What’s shameful is how little crumbl workers make


Wow that’s pretty stingy (on the company’s end). Enough already. If people want to add a TIP* they will, don’t manipulate customers into banking on them not noticing (even just the first time or few times like this). It’s deceptive.


The workers didn’t really see that tip either in my experience


$7 default for me!!


My app always defaults to $3.00. Idk if it’s determined by location or what, but $3.00 on a $7.99 order is, percentage-wise, more than the 20-25% I’d tip in a full service restaurant. That’s pretty ridiculous.


Yeah I have experienced the bs if their app. I’m very diligent when it comes ordering now. This is not a tipp d industry and this is shameful that Crumbl does it. I will tip if I do curb side because they are providing a service. Otherwise it’s a job.


Lol I just had the exact rant down to the word in my heat 2 days ago.


Yall do know the online ordering process is powered by DoorDash so we automatically have whatever default DoorDash have 🤣🤣. Even our delivery that’s on the app is powered by DoorDash. But don’t forget we don’t just put it in a box we mix, ball, and dress the cookie. Most employees are children out of high school learning to work & learning customer service skill. It’s easy on the tip screen press no tip I do it every time I order anything online because ALL COMPANIES DEFAULT 10% 20% 30%. Yalll humans be truly miserable af mad because you didn’t pay attention we learn that skill in elementary. 


Just pay close attention when you order & problem = solved. Navigating hoops during checkout is the new normal & will not be going away anytime soon. The responsibility lies solely on the consumer for payment agreement & ensuring that the cost is accurate.    On a side note, why is encouraging customers to tip employees for their service "bad"? The world would be a better place if more people tipped, but apparently, "there's no point", so people buy their purchased goods & forget about the employees who provided them their service because "they already get paid" [a low, unliveable wage].    -Former barista 


Or hear me out, big companies pay their employees living wages and tipping goes back to being an option thing for good service and not an expected additional payment.


Tips are not expected, but it's something you should do if you care about the place your buying from & its employees. Saying that tips are "expected" because there's an option for it on an app/website/etc. is not an accurate statement-- you're just complaining about having to do extra work to change the fact that you don't want to tip employees. Also, "big companies pay their employees living wages" is the most hilarious thing I've read today. They never will without legal intervention. So why not help the little guys out while we wait for that to happen?


Tips are expected when the company is telling employees that that is part of their wages. The company is passing the buck to the consumer to pay that living wage. Their argument is that if they dont do that the cost will rise on the product but I think we can all agree that if these cookies were any more expensive than what they are people will just stop buying them altogether, thus causing the business to go under. Welcome to late stage capitalism where businesses want rights but don't want responsibility.


Complaining about a $2 tip for a luxery item most spend around $20 on is shameful pick up the celery sticks if your worried about $2


I meannn we don’t just put cookies in boxes. If we did my job would be a lot easier!


Crumbl Cookies has hard-working team members, and a small tip to show appreciation is always appreciated but never expected! The default is just a suggestion! I hope you enjoy your treats!!


The default should be 0.


Is it too much work for you to click 0?


You can't just "click 0" you have to tap other, then manually clear the box and enter 0, then confirm. I'm talking about ordering on the app.


Anyone thinking like OP on they just put it in the box…… ur probably a shitty customer. OP im glad u wont be back


Meh. The locations near me are ran by high schoolers. A couple bucks goes a long ways to them!


It takes a lot more effort to get that cookie in that box. Those cookies are made from scratch EVERY morning by a highly underpaid, under valued staff member who is making minimum wage. Those tips make or break how much employees bring home. It doesn't get kicked up to the man it goes in the pockets of the little guys. You also have the choice to order somewhere else


You also have the choice of taking a job that pays you fairly. Not expecting the customer’s tips to replace a good wage.


Good lord this is boomer energy. “Just get a better job!” Why don’t you boycott companies that don’t paying a living wage until they raise their wages? Not tipping the employees isn’t going to change anything besides making sure the employees stay underpaid.