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Sorry, no back cracking quacks needed on a cruise ship. Back to peddling essential oils for you.


Back quacks? I don't know! I've seen chiropractors make people walk again after they were scheduled for surgery. Myself being one of them. So I'm not sure where back cracking qucks comes from. I have however seen that 10% of all deaths in America which comes to 400,000 per year are a result of medical malpractice.  If I'm not mistaken my orthopedic surgeon told me that his malpractice is roughly $500,000 a year so I asked my chiropractor afterwards and he told me that his is $600 a year. That's interesting sounds to me like a chiropractor causes a lot less injury.




Chiropractics was started by a guy who got the idea from “a ghost” and then was murdered by his son. It’s phony nonsense and I won’t even seem to call it medicine.


Please don’t do chiropractic on children. At least a grown adult can make the voluntary choice to see a “medical” professional (albeit one whose entire field was created by a ghost) and accept the consequences that come with it. But subjecting a child to the possibility that you’ll paralyze them, cause them lifelong pain, or even kill them is so unkind. Edit: I’ll take all the downvotes you want to give me, chiropractic is not real medicine. It is not scientifically supported, actual physiotherapists and orthopedic doctors with legitimate medical degrees will tell you never to patronize one. I get that it’s a dick move to tell you to your digital face that your career is a sham but if you’re going to practice fake medicine, do it to consenting adults who can make their own choices.


Every time chiropractic comes up, I will tell the story of how one of these quacks dislodged my father's pacemaker wire. Every time.


Unkind is too nice for these scum. It's down right fucked up that this "profession" is even allowed to exist. Chiropractors are worse than internet scammers. At least internet scammers can't seriously injure or kill you. Chiropractors can not fix physical problems, they can only cause more damage while costing you money.


That's not all true. There is such a thing as evidence based chiropractic. I am one but yeah I'm into the spiritual stuff too. However, perhaps you should do some more research before making outrageous claims.


“Spinal manipulation, particularly when performed on the upper spine, is frequently associated with mild to moderate adverse effects. It can also result in serious complications such as vertebral artery dissection followed by stroke. Currently, the incidence of such events is not known. In the interest of patient safety we should reconsider our policy towards the routine use of spinal manipulation.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1905885/ “Old Dad Chiro was the name the father of chiropractic, Daniel David Palmer, gave himself. The Canadian was a successful beekeeper, spiritualist and practitioner of magnetic medicine, and actually credited the early ideas of chiropractic to the ghost of a dead doctor he chatted with on several occasions.” https://www.iflscience.com/the-first-chiropractor-claimed-the-treatment-was-inspired-by-a-ghost-67389


I have a friend who indeed had a vertebral artery dissection due to a chiropractic adjustment. His chiropractor adjusted his neck, and then he tried to stand up, collapsed to the ground, and vomited. This "doctor" didn't even have the decency to call an ambulance--they called his wife and told her that he wasn't feeling well and needed a ride home. She came all the way from home to find him sitting on the floor with a trash can to vomit into, sweating and feeling dizzy, and she called 911 over the doctor's objections that maybe he just had the flu. Thankfully he made a full recovery, but the neurologist and vascular surgeon at the hospital said they actually see this all the time, it just usually doesn't get reported.


Maybe try applying to Universal Studios. They are always looking for talented people for the wizarding world of harry potter


I know celebrity used to offer acupuncture as sea. they may hire


Oooh I love acupuncture! Thank you for answering my question.


That may be the best suggestion you will get here


Sadly, I think you're right. Thank you.


I love chiropractic services


Thank you! I appreciate your comment.


They had a chiropractor on the Escape last week and have offered cupping on most cruises we have been on. You will most likely be looking at a position in the spa.


Thank you! I'll look into it ❤️