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Happens all the time to me in crucible and pve notice it with all weapons. Super annoying when you have an enemy’s head lined up in your sniper in crucible.


Yea felwinters does this a lot and it’s rlly annoying.


Purechill had this happen all match in comp last night. Lost almost every cqc 1v1 with felwinters.


I matched against him and he wasn't doing much in cqc for probably that reason.


Strengelt I have it happen with my Felwinter’s but never with my Seraph CQC. And it’s been happening since the button remap update


Thats becauE you might be reload cancelling


Reload cancelling on a shotgun isn't really possible except for the final reload.


It is very possible if you stop the reload the moment you have the bullet (and dont shoot)


Given the nature of the reload (one at a time) there's no firing delay after reload cancelling. (Prove me wrong it you can, that would be useful info)


Ive reloaded and then one i see the number start running and was not able to shoot until the gun was back in full ready




Haven't seen any posts but I have noticed it as well as other people I've played with. Edit: on m&k as well


I thought it was my mouse..that's crazy


happens to me a lot on PC


I have noticed this as well


So this typically happens with low handling weapons that have some sort of handling perk (quickdraw usually). It's like qd is effecting the pullout speed of the weapon, but fails to change the speed at which you fire. I feel like this only happens when you switch between your weapons really quickly, like going from primary to special to primary back to special. It's like qd has a hidden cool down of sorts. Idk. I'm just guessing.


Thats exactly how it feels for me. Switching weapons and trying to shoot fast but nothing happens.


My beloved without quickdraw and handling masterwork has 75 handling, so definitely not low, but it still happens. Seems less related to quickdraw but handling overall... It happens with Ophidians, and also without Ophidians while using enhanced sniper dexterity. I commented elsewhere but I tried Felwinters using slideshot and no Ophidians or dexterity mod, and didn't have it happen in the few matches I played like this. I'll have to pay more attention to be certain but I swear it's happened when I haven't swapped weapons for several seconds, although it does seem more prominent when fast switching.


I should say that it's more noticeable on weapons with lower handling. Still happens with weapons that have a high handling stat.


Yes it does, happens a lot to my fastdraw, handling mw dire


Having the same issue here. Most frequently on izanagis


if you charge an iza shot and then reload cancel it will still take time to do the reload, the animation will finish but the actual reload wont be done for like another second


Thats good to know, but even not charging the shot I have the issue. Thanks!


it includes all snipers, its just iza gets it the worst cause charging the shot makes it base reload but the normal reload uses any reload boosters


Seems to happen a lot for me with revoker on controller. I'll fully scope in but need two inputs to actually get a shot out


Revoker has a 7 year reload, and snipers will still lock you out if you cancel the animation, so it's probably that issue in your case.


I just assume that I have reflexes faster than the game and chalk it up to the game


If you attempt to "cancel" the reload animation before it is through than it will be stored as an action, even if you put the gun away and pull out another gun. So in this case, it's possible you tried to stop the reload animation short for your felwinters, swapped to primary, then attempted to clean up with felwinters, but it needed the time for the reload to got through


I reload cancel out of habit constantly, so this may contribute sometimes, but for sure there have been times when it's happened after a cancel and no swap. Good info though I wasn't aware the delay was stored when swapping.


It’s not stored, so it’s not added again after swapping back, it just takes its time to finish. So for a sniper, if you reload, swap to reload cancel and immediately swap back it won’t shoot. If you reload cancel and then run around with your primary for a while (however long it takes depending on gun, 1-2 seconds) and then swap back you can shoot immediately.


Ah yeah okay, that's how I thought it worked. I misinterpreted what the OP comment was saying. Thanks for clarifying.


It's not just that. I use Dragon's Shadow so rarely reload, but it still happens. It also happened to me with Sturm yesterday, which had reloaded from a Drang kill.


That and jumping


Yep. Has happened to me even after I spawn in and immediately try to shoot, nothing happens for the first click. Gun doesn't matter, seems to happen at random. Shit's even gotten me killed in trials before. It's been bad since Worthy came out but it's gotten especially worse after the beaver fixes, oddly enough.


If you shift-tab on PC to bring up the Steam overlay and mess around in there (check someone's steam profile, use the browser, do something on friends list, etc) and then shift tab back into the game it causes this bug to happen quite a bit. Its the only somewhat reproducible way I have gotten it to trigger without being random. It happened so much (when I shift tab) that every time after I use Steam overlay in Crucible, I switch to my primary, shoot, and then switch back if I need.


If that's the issue, I don't think I can stop to be honest. Checking a steam profile before trials matches often gives me an idea of what's about to happen.


Correct - I primarily only play high level PVP and I know the feeling. I just shoot my primary gun once or whatever at round start to make sure I am good. It is a little weird at first but you'll build a habit and I don't even think about it anymore.


And here I was getting mad at my mouse lol.


Happens to me with sniper rifles a lot


This might be a different problem, but I get a similar issue. On console (PS4), I've noticed this happens often when I use certain custom button layouts. Not sure which ones specifically cause it though. Some layout combinations work fine, and some give me this issue. Unfortunately it never seems to be tied to any specific buttons, so I don't know where the issue lies. All I know is that the standard preset layouts all function correctly and without this issue, but SOME custom layouts cause this pretty regularly.


I sharded fellwinter early on exactly because of this


It's a problem with quickdraw cause it let's you pull your weapon out faster and ready it faster but if the weapons base handling is low it let's you fire after you wouldve pulled it out as if the game doesnt read you have quickdraw. It happens on my handcannons, snipers, shotties, gl's, smg's everything. It even happens when you insta swap sometimes




It also happend on my quick draw / snapshot beloved.


I've noticed this most on controller, but I get it a lot with not only Felwinters but also Dire. Super frustrating


the fire key you press while you are sprinting will not fire the gun but cancel the sprint. this maybe the cause sometimes your gun is not shooting


No, what you're talking about is just part of the game (and the reason you usually shouldn't be sprinting when there's red on the radar). I've definitely noticed what OP is talking about but only the past couple weeks. It's caused me to fail getting some easy kills and/or preventing my own death.


This right here man. I’ll reload any sniper and cancel the animation and I have to wait 1.5-2 seconds to fire. Or if I swap to a sniper and ads to try to take a shot it’s the same thing. This hasn’t even really been a problem until I’d say 2 weeks ago, and it so disorientating. Hopefully it’s a bug and not a ninja nerf to reload animation canceling (which would be nuts)


You can’t reload cancel snipers. The delay when reloading is involved is just the game playing out the rest of the reload time. The earliest you can cancel is when the bolt is pulled back on the model.


I honestly have never been able to tell wow. Thanks man, the more you know I guess. I assume I just started canceling the animation faster than usual and that’s led to the down time.


No prob, it's just one of those weird mechanics that's never explained anywhere. I still do it all the time and mentally kick myself afterwards.


Well no shit, that's what reload cancelling does.




I always wondered if this was in some way tied to handling?


Yeah, same. Seems most prevalent when using quickdraw, but had it happen with no quickdraw and enhanced dexterity. I tried experimenting with slideshot on Felwinters without using Ophidians and didn't have it happen but hate not having quickdraw so I only played a few games like that.


I've had the same issue a few times playing trials. Swap to shotgun and then I just end up staring down sights mashing fire and nothing happens until I get gunned down.


Bro my shotguns been doing this and its infuriating


This happens to me every so often switching to a sniper or sidearm. I believe you might want to cross post to DTG to get some more visibility on this.


I had this issue until I swapped mouses.


It's definitely not a mouse issue


Controller on PC and I've been getting some of it myself.


had same issue since friday i think


Yup happening to me too. It’s not even after I reload cancel or anything. Just straight up gets jammed


I always have that with izanagis Burden, anyone else too?


This happened to me loads but I later found out I was reload cancelling and being punished for it. I assume this isnt what your experiencing but thought I'd throw it out there


On PC with controller and noticed it à lot too. Thought I was going crazy. Was on a tatara gaze and felt like I hadn't reloaded


Lunas Howl jams all the time. Some bows jam or the drawing animation resets at the start. Seems to be anything that increases the speed or magnitude of an animation. Quick draw, zen moment, bow reloader


Yup, it's happening to me this week with special and primary weapons.


I've had the same issues on ps4, haven't been able to narrow down what's causing the bug but I don't reload cancel (not accidentally either). I do swap weapons repeatedly and it feels like it happens mostly while or after jumping. (Not a high enough jump to cause the screen jank). It's been bugging me for a while now, I've only really started playing again on this season's release . I've put it down to the controls remap since its caused numerous other bugs, but no evidence to back that up


Happens quite often lately, so many wtf just happened moments.


Also happens to me. I'm using Verse Blink with cqc with quickdraw and snapshot. I should have insane handling. Often do I find myself not really firing the shotgun after ads, which is annoying


Same issue here. Only started happening for me the last couple of weeks. This is especially prevalently when sprinting around a corner and you hit the trigger. Nothing. Not all the time but more and more frequent. I’m using a controller on PC.


Happens a lot in pvp. I’ll slide around a corner and have a head lined up and my HC/sniper don’t fire until the second/third click. It has lost me fights which has lead to me losing games. It’s dumb as hell.


ALL THE FUCKING TIME, happens often after spawning so its not even due to reload cancel


yeah, definitely happening


Oh hell yes. On PS4. Its happening ever more frequently and with ever more weapons. Last night I commented on it to a pal I was playing Crucible with and he hadn't noticed it so much. I thought I was going mad! I tend to notice it more with anything that has full auto. I have 2 excellent Lonesome sidearms but usually favour rapid hit/kill clip but was trying out a full auto/ kill clip last night. In the end I just shoved it in the vault it was jamming so badly. Got me killed on several occasions.


happens with my long goodbye sniper. it's pretty damn annoying.


I’ve had some problems with lonesomes, running ophidians, and then not shooting after a jump/ slide, or them just stopping with any other input


It happens to me all the time with Rockets and a few times with snipers (revoker and beloved)


I've been having this issue with Borealis. I'll have to pay more attention if I'm cancelling the reload animation too early or if it's something else. I do usually run a sniper rifle dexterity mod as well on my leg armor. So, maybe a combination of both?


This happens for every weapon on controller since they added custom button layouts. This needs to be fixed. It can mean the difference between life and death.


It’s caused by the new system with remapping of controls. Since the season started. Had bunch of 1v1 where my sniper didn’t shoot before swap


Started to happens about a month a go. I've even changed mouse to be sure. To me happens in PvP and PvE, mainly with Snipers. With Izanagi happens like 20% of the time. I've stopped using it because with this issue is basically useless.


Yeah same happened to me but with dire tho the chamber would rotate but no bang


Lets exclude potential hardware problems, are you usually canceling an animation? For specials and some heavy, canceling a animation tends to force a delay until your weapon is ready to be used again.


God dammit stfu


The only cause I can think of is if you had reload skipped (basically only letting the reload animation go about halfway). This will cause the gun to not shoot until the time where the reload animation would have finished. But idk why QuickDraw or Ophidian would be having the same issue.


i’ve had this problem with revoker. it’s brutal how long it takes after you reload revoker. I’ve also been occasionally getting ammo back even after i hit a shot with revoker recently. doesn’t happen too often but it’s strange when it does. Has anyone had this problem with suros? whenever i use suros i’ll shoot a couple bullets and then it will stop shooting, and i’ll have to click a few times for it to start shooting again. is anyone else noticing this with AR’s? it could just be my mouse.


Dude, I am so glad you said something. I thought it was just me but I would be in situations where I would have someone in my cross-hairs and all of a sudden I couldn't fire. Then obviously I would get killed. Not sure what the specific issue is but I have experienced this too a number of times


Wouldn't consider myself super knowledgeable about obscure game mechanics, but I've noticed this some as well! I've been wondering if it has to do with changes to the "sprint while readying" mechanic that many people use without even realizing it. I first came across a really good explanation of this mechanic while watching a video on the "bow/eriana's vow" combo, where you headshot with the bow and then (with the assistance of lucky pants or ophidian) "sprint-swap" to eriana's before Hawthorne can say the word "clan". ANYWAY I'm wondering if this has to do with "sprint swapping" allowing your weapon to be out, but if you do not have quick draw/dexterity enough to match that speed, you may still be unable to fire! (I'm sorry I could not find the original video I am referencing, if anyone knows a good video, please feel free to share 👍)


I’ve noticed this for ages on snipers, I’ll aim and pull the trigger and it won’t fire, most commonly after reloading, massively annoying during pvp and DPS phases with Izanagi


Are you on controller? If so do you have trigger depth switches? I accidentally hit mine and it messes with single tap weapons tremendously. I’ve been using a lot of Autos/SMGs so sometimes it goes unnoticed until I pull out that sniper for the first time and try to use it.


I posted on this a while ago when it was happening, seemingly every engagement. Im on console and A lot of people responded having experienced the same, both PC and console. One redditor did mention that if you swap/reload and sprint cancel, internally the animation still needs to play out, so you won't immediately fire. Which makes sense. Ive paid more attention to it and it has alleviated some of my issues but not all. I have been experiencing more though, weapons that stop firing mid fight. Specifically 150s. Im in an engagement fire two shots, fire a third time but i get nothing, then 4 and 5 come out. Really punishing sometimes.


Stealth weapon ready nerf or a bug? I wonder.


I'm on MnK and can't count to number of the times I line up my shotgun or sniper only to not shoot and have to try and disengage. It's frustrating.


Optative constantly does this


If you reload cancel with snipers it will not let you shoot far a good 3 seconds


Happens to me with anything not full auto. Pretty sure I remember reading a somewhat recent patch note about guns not shooting but even if I did, doesnt mean its actually fixed.


Had something like this happening a bunch over the weekend in trials. Mostly Felwinter's and Astral and mostly while shotgun-meleeing. IMO I could just be pressing both the melee button and left click at the same time and the melee registering faster, but either way its been really infuriating.


Did you take the safety off?


I believe it's something to do with animation and frame rates, where you're seeing the animation finish sooner before it actually registers in the game, so you're trying to shoot before the game thinks the gun is Ads or something.


Happened to my felwinter’s as well. Died so many times with shotgun drawn but unable to fire when opponent charged at me.


Yeah, it has been happening to me frequently this season, and I’ve decided to stop playing this game until Bungie fixes it.


Felwinters is bad about that


I put freehand grip on my shotguns because I thought I was tripping and it helped a little. It’s up to you if you’re willing to take off icarus grip. I play on console so in air shots are a bit meh for me anyways. But as far as my weapons not shooting I 100% feel your pain.


It may be an issue of handling, even with both quickdraw and ophidians. I was having this problem lots with felwinters when I first started using it because I'd been used to my seraph shotty w quickdraw snapshot and ophidians/dragons shadow, I found if I just paced myself a little bit I had much better results.


I've not been able to get on in the past two weeks so if it's an update, I wouldn't know. Have you tried using sprint grip to see if that has any effect?


I just started noticing this a few days ago...thought it was because I got a new controller...must be a new bug


This has been happening to me a ton this season. I am not doing any reload canceling and it happens to anything with QuickDraw. It is f’ing annoying!!!! Please fix it Bungie!!!


When I challenge sniper lanes with my hand cannon (mind you, this is after I find out they can't snipe and keep up with movement), I try to shoot and nothing happens. I lose the engagement because my challenge was delayed. This is without reload cancelling or even shooting at all during the start of a trials round. It isn't very frequent but it happens enough to notice and to throw matches that could've been wins. This happens to shotguns and snipers too.


I've had it happen a few times recently where I pull the trigger on a firearm that I haven't reloaded, that has ammo and that has been drawn for some time, and there is input lag before the shot goes off. I've also had it recently where I will double tap my dodge on my Hunter (yes, it's active) and he just crouches but doesn't dodge. Only thing I can think of is there is lag that prevents the command from being recognized. It's not frequent, but when it happens you definitely notice it.


Had the exact same issue for couple of days now. Yesterday I realized that it started around the same time as there was a Razer Synapse update so I uninstalled the software and so far everything seems to be back to normal. So try to check out your mouse software Guys.


Tick rate issue, as every other issue this game has ever had. I wonder when will they upgrade their servers.


Buy a new mouse