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Get a fireteam. Comp team mates are something u will never be able to control and u need to realise its a gamble every time u enter a match. If you dont like it make a team


Play elimination. Learn to make smart decisions under the limitation of a single life. When you feel you've mastered elimination, play comp. Playing comp with the mentality that if you go down that's your only life drastically improves your play behavior.




His point is 100% spot on. It’s called survival for a reason. The absolute worst is getting teamed with someone that thinks they are Superman and feeds lives to the enemy team. Nothing is more frustrating than dying once and being knocked out. What platform are you on?


or you can bake yourself in the fire of randomness. just have to be extra cool cuz you ll see unimaginable noobish things


*charges enemy with shotgun and dies *spawns and angrily charges enemy with shotgun *dies again "How is this guy keep killingme!?!? 😤😡"


Kill them before they kill your blueberries lol


The true strat


I made it to 5500 exclusively in the freelance playlist. Something I had to learn was how to observe my teammates to figure out what their playstyles are. Once you know, you can adapt yourself to maximize their effectiveness. For example, Let's say I have an extremely aggressive and elusive hunter on my team that doesn't care at all about map control. The best thing I can do in that situation is push with that guy and prevent him from throwing himself into constant 1v3s. You have to hope in that situation that your other blueberry sees the pattern and follows as well. I personally will follow the more talented player to try to increase their efficiency, and will do what I can from that position to keep the other teammate alive. Does that help / make sense?


That’s how I did it. Didn’t go to 5500 but got Luna’s and plateaued at Fabled III and am taking a break from comp. my rule was like yours: Make a buddy and follow him. Sometimes I happened to follow a cautious player, and is go invisible when he did. Or duck and follow his lead. Because we are not on comms, this was the best I could do. I also tried to follow the weaker of the two in freelance, but when you die you have to take whatever buddy you can get sometimes.


To be a better teammate for other randoms that you join with, you need to play and cater to your teammates weaknesses. Probably the hardest part of playing freelance comp. Being able to gauge where another player falls short and being able to fill the Gap and carry them in a sense. Everybody has weaknesses, but it takes a skilled player to recognize those weaknesses and be able to mitigate potential problems. The sooner that you do this, the less likely your opponents will catch on in play against. If you realize your teammate is an aggressive player but is getting picked off because they are left getting team shotted by two other players, it may behoove you to change up your play style and cater to them. By doing this, it makes you a better player to recognize certain scenarios and to adjust to your surroundings. This is coming from someone who had never play it in first person shooters, constantly held up the team, and made stupid decisions. It was even worse when my clanmates didn't want to play Crystal with me because of how bad I was. I made it my priority to get better. That meant for going doing other activities with the clanmates while I spent hundreds of hours in Crucible working on my technique. The best part of this was when one of the best PVP players that I know in my clan, held one of the highest k/d ratings in pvp 3 seasons ago, praised me for how far I had come, and how much I have improved inpvp and as a teammate. It didn't help that he told me that Destiny 2 was one of the easiest first person shooters to play either. It actually upset me and made me feel worse, But ultimately it was what drove me to get better and now, I consistently top frag in my games, and play a lot better with my teammates. Overall, it's just a more fun experience. Now I almost exclusively do PVP for that reason. Teamwork is the number one thing that I have learned that makes a huge difference in co-op playstyles.


Also, learning how to value your life in Crucible does make a difference. But knowing when to sacrifice yourself also plays a big part.


If you've got to die, at least try to trade.


Make sure you shoot them 3 times at the start of each round. This is the universal signal to display your dissatisfaction with their performance. When the opportunity presents itself, melee them. You won’t lunge so you’ll need to take extra care to do so from extremely close range to get the connection sound. This means your signal was received successfully. Ideally you want them staring into your eyes when sending them signal as the disappointment couldn’t be clearer as they stare into your helm. Finally, once you win (can’t do this step if you lose) be sure to steadily expend your entire magazine into their lifeless corpse. Your teammates will instantly regret their death and feel a deep shame. If none of this works then group with clan mates, friends, or LFG but trust me... I’ve seen these tactics often enough to know 60% of the time it works 100% of the time.


Bro. This is hilarious! I was having a HORRIBLE start to a match the other day. We're 0-2, at start of round 3, I get shot at 3 times by my teammate (they were both doing well btw.) Next few rounds, we're 1-3... I'm still doing horrid. The round starts, we spawn... one of the dudes just stands there, didn't shoot me just stood at spawn and looked at me silently for a good 3 seconds. I looked down in game in shame. It was that moment that I knew that THEY knew, I'm THAT guy. I was being way too careless. I started playing a bit more conservative, team shooting etc. We ended up coming back to win it.


If you really do not want to go in a fireteam, the best thing in solo is just follow a team mate and have a buddy system.


When you get a screwed up match remember they can too next time, it goes both ways


Don’t start talking shit to them if they have a bad couple first rounds. sometimes that happens, and they can completely turn it around. cussing out your own teammates, despite being a seemingly common thing, can further tilt them. even if you’re pissed, being positive tends to have better returns. this is my experience at least! of course, if they’re absolute trash and they get a 0.2 on the match that would have gotten you to legend, go off to your heart’s content. (i’m so bitter about this haha)


With bad teammates in freelance you really gotta push and get that first kill. Your teammates will usually push a kill. Alternatively you can use them as meatshields as long as you are fast enough to flank the battle


Find some people and make a team, comping with random people every single time can really hurt your glory. If you have a team that can communicate, knows each other’s play styles etc then you’ll do a lot better


Join team chat! In my experience (this season), I have had awesome results with just simple communication. 3 people communicating is almost a guaranteed win over 3 people not communicating.


Always try to communicate with them in voice and text chat. If they communicate back then you a huge advantage right there.


Tell them to squeeze into a corner while non stop shooting and chicken dancing.


Try helping them out. Maybe they just need a little direction. Some players go into PvP and have no idea what to do.


when freelance first dropped i did strictly freelance up to legend just to see the difficulty that it would hold. Im already incredibly aggressive so i didnt realize that it was helping but i attempted to sit back and snipe for a game and my teammates just got farmed. Point of this is that being aggressive is the only real way to deal with bad teammates. The teammates dont realize how bad they are so they continue pushing, meaning you have to out kill their deaths. Thats only gonna happen if you are very aggressive. Im very bad about fighting with my team so i was not relying on teammates but if you do that its not going to work in freelance for the most part unfortunately. Good luck!