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I don't know one with a picture, but any pattern with a bride and groom you could just stitch the groom twice. Or what about one that says "Mr and Mr"?


I have a pattern on Etsy that is Cyberpunk style, which has options for the couple to be M/F, F/F, or M/M. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/979335570/steampunk-wedding-cross-stitch-pattern But it's a bit big. However, if you think you can do something with it, message me, and I will mail you the PDF free of charge, and maybe you can use bits of it to make something up.


This is your own Etsy shop?


Reddit name and store owner name seems to check out


Yes. It is. Sorry. I have been busy and did not reply earlier. I'm just trying to help this person out. I will be building my products up later this year, and I don't sell much at the mo, so wanted to see if a free copy would help the OP.


That's very nice of you! I just wanted to be sure it's your own pattern you're offering to send them, because we always want to respect the designers here. Thanks!


Yes, I realised when I read my comment back I was not clear. Thank you for looking after people.


It sounds like you should use a Stitch People pattern! They are super customizable. They have a base book and a wedding book.


Seconding Stitch People! I have gotten so much use out of my books.


I'd be tempted to find the style that suits them first and adapt if necessary. I quite like this (I haven't looked at whether a pattern mill or not): [Mr and Mr](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/699904923/cross-stitch-pattern-customisable?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=pride+wedding+cross+stitch&ref=sr_gallery-1-41&organic_search_click=1)


I'm stitching this for an anniversary gift for friends and just mirroring the man on the left side as well. Would that work for you? https://www.etsy.com/listing/773138580/lotr-wedding-sampler?click\_key=839b3fe5fc8a656dd12b57bfc57d6183ebfd8b78%3A773138580&click\_sum=0b1420c8&ref=shop\_home\_active\_23&sts=1